David Lloyd Clubs

Monday: 07:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 20:00
Friday: 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00

About David Lloyd Clubs

Come down to the club and try our high-tech gym, play a game of tennis or have a dip in the pool!

David Lloyd Clubs Description

Come down to the club and try our high-tech gym, play a game of tennis or have a dip in the pool!



We’ve had a busy week here at West End; our Les Mills instructors launched the new releases, our members have loved the new Virtual Les Mills SPRINT classes and our ladies enjoyed the dance and movement class with the lovely Fan Dance!


It’s just landed.... Les Mills Virtual SPRINT at West End.
The 30 minutes you put into a LES MILLS SPRINT workout drives your body to burn calories for hours. You combine bursts of intensity, where you work as hard as possible, with periods of rest that prepare you for the next effort. The payoff? You smash your fitness goals, fast. Check out our new Cycle Timetable.


Great news the indoor pool is now open. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused. DL Southampton West End Management


Sadly we would like to inform that due to unforeseen circumstances our indoor pool is closed. We are experiencing failure in the chlorine dosing system therefore for safety of our members we need it to close it. The Broken part will be replaced tomorrow morning so please keep an eye on our Facebook page as we will update it as soon as the pool is reopen. Please be advised that the outdoor pool and spa are fully functional. Please accept our apologies and many thanks for your understanding. DL Southampton West End Management


Last remaining spaces for both launch days! Book on the App to join your instructor team with these super new challenges and awesome music! (Smoothies and treats too 😉)


Kick start your week. Les Mills GRIT with our Mark. 0630 tomorrow morning.


Bring a friend for free! Book them in at reception on arrival. Book and stay for all 3 classes on Saturday 6 Oct and win a free guest pass! Friday 0940 Body Pump, 1040 Body Combat
Saturday 0930 Body Attack, 1030 Body Jam & Barre! 1130 GRIT.


Save the date! Breast Cancer Awareness Month is October and we will supporting this cause on 19 October. All tracks in our Body Pump classes that day will be by the artist ‘Pink’. Wear pink, donate and enjoy our pink smoothies and treats.


N A T I O N A L F I T N E S S DAY 26.09.18
We are opening our doors tomorrow to all our members friends and family to come and try us for free.
We are also running a row challenge in reception from dusk till dawn. From 8 till8pm keep the rower going and get a free smoothie shot.
... Also book a free coaching session with our gym team.
See More


Book you space now for half term at Southampton WestEnd, A week full of spooktacular fun, call our reception team to book on 02380360360, spaces are limited"


Kick start your habit today.... Call us to see how we can support you on your fitness journey


National Fitness Day is Wednesday 26th September but we are bringing you a whole week of Fitness Fun here at West End.
Watch out for our Member Mini Triathlon, Group Exercise bring a friend for free Class Passes, Sufferfest Cycle Challenge and outdoor Yoga in the sunshine.


Healthy body = Healthy Mind
When we feel down, everything can feel overwhelming. Especially as the summer comes to a close and the dark evenings draw in; is it time to crawl into a hole? In fact, the more stressed out you feel, the more you need to look after yourself – and a workout can be the happiest medicine. Research has shown that exercise is clinically proven to stimulate serotonin, your natural feel-good neurotransmitter.
... Therefore, Group Exercise can help us handle stress, reduce anxiety and is a fantastic mood booster.
You will also build friendships, calm your mind and release tension.
Check out our extensive Group Exercise timetable to find out why our team of instructors are so happy.
See More


Dear Members
Great news the indoor swimming pool is now back OPEN.
Thank you for your patience this morning.
... David Lloyd
See More


Dear Members
We are currently experiencing some maintenance issues with the inside swimming pool so we have had to close it this morning.
The outdoor pool is still working fine and the sun is shining.
... We are trying to fix the issue now and will inform you all when it is open.
David Lloyd
See More


Kick start the new school term with our early morning Group Cycle classes. Monday morning is back on our timetable at 0700 And Wednesday mornings at 0615. Book your bike on the App.


We have these running over the summer. Please book at reception 😀


It's a new week; shout out to members pounding the treadmills in clubs across the country. Remember to switch up your routine to keep things exciting!


🏆 ⚽️ To celebrate England getting through to the Semi Finals tomorrow night, bring a friend or family member to enjoy the facilities with you for free 🏆⚽️


Well I joint David Lloyd about 10 months ago and I have to say I love it .I was a keen swimmer going into Southampton quays 3 times a week .I don't drive and going on the bus and the cost of the swim it worked out cheaper to join David Lloyd and now I go there 4 days a week enjoying lots of different classes .if I had a complaint about something it would be the food to expensive not that good .


The club is really coming along nicely now, can’t wait for the outdoor pool to be finished! �


Love this gym!! and all

The staff are great the club serves great food and great atmosphere.


Just wanted to say a big thanks to Karen @DL kids and her team for doing a great job looking after our children when we go to the gym, and I'm also talking on behalf of my friends. We hear negativity when there is so much positivity, these ladies have worked with children for years and are mums themselves, I trust them fully, they are always friendly, put our kids needs first. They have also organised fun activities recently which our kids have really enjoyed. These ladies don't seem to get enough recognition when they should.


I have been a life member for many years finally a club that is listening to the customers showers have been done . There is a lady cleaning in the gym and is really lovely and polight always says hello . This club has my vote . I highly recommend it . Xx


Fantastic facility. Would highly recommend if thinking of joining


Club improvements are looking good but Birra Moretti tap has been out of order for 6 days now! With no warning sign or indication of when it will be repaired


I’ve been a member here for 4 years, and recently things have become really disappointing. The (majority) of staff are very lovely, but the inconsistency with pool opening times for family swimming is ridiculous. This is apparently due to “staffing issues”.... nevertheless, how is that the member’s problem? When you pay as much as we all do for membership, that kind of thing just isn’t acceptable. Also, the pool bar is NEVER open, which makes me wonder what the point of having it is?? This place has become less family friendly since DL took over.


I go just to swim and do my exercises in water to relieve nerve damage.

This I find is helping me to keep fit .

I don't use the other facilities so I can't really make a judgement.

My main reason to keep swimming is to keep my joint movement free and enjoy outdoor swimming all year round .

I will assess the facilities again after the much needed refurbishments


So disappointed since David Lloyd took over from Virgin! Contract has been changed to a David Lloyd one without me agreeing or resigning anything! Tennis court bookings have been taken away unless I pay more money on top of the extortionate monthly fee or raise my monthly membership to just under £1000 a year?!? Then when we call membership we are told “ok just send a letter to cancel your membership” Have these people never heard of customer service?!?!?


Really disappointed we took 3 of our 5 for swimming lessons this evening to see what groups they would be in only to be told they all require memberships as of Jan 2018 no non members are allowed to have lessons, really frustrating and 3 upset children as I can’t justify £51.50 a month per child for 30 mins swimming each week. Such a shame as the swimming staff are really wonderful and on the trials with our children we were so impressed.


Increasingly frustrated with the lack of customer service from the new team at DL West End. In the run up to the xt competition they have removed all but one rowing machine from the gym floor and still haven't responded to members requests to place simple items such as boxes for step ups and more bar weights within the gym floor area to assist those who are training. I still haven't had a response about this and I queried it 3 weeks ago. Would also like to know why I have had to pay for my entry to the competition when all the literature says club members are free for the novice? Still no satisfactory responses. I suggest DL responds to simple enquiries out of courtesy if nothing else.


I joined this club at the beginning of the year and have been extremely disappointed with the service so far. After a week of joining I asked to be moved to the Port Solent club because I find it a lot easier to get to and would also allow my partner to join me. I’ve highlighted that I would be upgrading my membership to an annual membership (I’m currently on a 3 month membership) and also adding my partner as an extra member. After waiting for over 1.5 weeks I’ve got a reply (after prompting them several times) saying that I will not be allowed to move because I’m still within my “initial” 3 months period. I’ve replied highlighting that I know that there is a level of discretion on this rule and that David Lloyds would be getting a much better deal given that they would gain 2 members for a minimum period of 1 year instead of just one member for 3 months.

I’ve also requested the GM to contact me to discuss the issue further (which is the escalation procedure described on their site). This was two weeks ago and I’m still waiting for a reply!

I used to be a member of the David Lloyd Woking club a few years ago and must admit that this is not the kind of service that I was used to, especially considering that I’m paying £100/month for a single membership.


I joined the original Hampshire Tennis Club the week it opened some twenty something years ago and I have seen owners come and go. This morning I visited the club to book my boys swimming classes for the next term. I was near the front of the queue so was seen early. My youngest son has turned four so now has to be added to my membership. I was frogmarched out of the swimming booking office to the membership office to be met by a woman who clearly didn’t want to be working that early on a Saturday morning. I was told that I had to be upgraded to the David Loyd package from what I was already on. I have already received correspondence informing me that due to refurbishments to the club my membership was going to increase from £132.00 too £143.00 so I was hoping that a David Loyd package would be a little cheaper. I was shocked to discover that my new package was going to cost £180.00 per month!!! I am afraid today the club has lost one of its longest serving members. The take it or leave it attitude of the manager was shocking, if he worked for me and had that attitude with my customers he would be looking for another job. Obviously the company puts profit before customer satisfaction and deserve to fail.


I have just reviewed my original review! Having joined only at the end of August this year and signed a contract for a year, I now find that the tennis programme is changing and coaching that was included in my £78 per month fee is now going to be chargeable. Not only that but we have only been given 3 weeks notice! My contract states any changes will be with 3 months notice!!!! NOT HAPPY!

I have just joined purely for the tennis as I hate the gym and want to enjoy any exercise I do. I have had my Tencap assessment and I want to start playing however as I new member who doesn't know anyone, it does seem hard to find people of a similar rating to meet and play. The coaching groups appear to be full over a week in advance and there appears to be no other routes to meeting people of a similar standard. Perhaps a community page could be set up allowing people to try and set up hit around sessions or games, allowing them to introduce themselves, their rating and try to find similar players. I have to work in the mornings, so perhaps I'm missing the ones who do have the time to meet up but it would be helpful if there were other ways of going about it. Ideas: New members coffee/drink, social media group, notice board with names of players looking for the chance to play........


I feel extremely let down by this club I have been a member for years and was prior to this a member at DL in Southampton - just because we needed to add our son onto the membership now to continue his swimming lessons next term( he had been previously swimming as a non member ) we were told we had to upgrade our package to £185.per month before we add on the swimming lessons - this is an additional £42 onto our monthly fee after the £15 rise that’s been added on because of the refurb!! We have been forced to cancel our membership and I shall be writing to my colleagues in Head Office of DL and expressing my disgust at the customer service we received today. We had to queue at 7.30am In order to continue 2 spaces on the swim programme and were faced with this.

Being a senior Manager in a local NHS organisation I will be advising them not to advertise the NHS discount that DL offer and will encourage them to promote other leisure companies that are better at customer service and accept that existing members of a club they have taken over should not be penalised because they now have a child that needs to be added onto their membership.


Don't try phoning reception as they rarely if ever answer. The David Lloyd app is not working to book my grandson in for a tournament so I was told to do it through reception. It's call or travel over to the club to book in via reception. Looks like I will have to go in person. Poor customer service DL.


Dear DL West End Management

I was hugely disappointed to receive your email yesterday (1st Nov 17) stating how pleased you are to announce the launch of the new DL kid’s timetable.

The email (and revised timetable) indicate that parents of children under 5 years are being penalised both in terms of crèche availability and financially. I’m sure those with over 5 year olds will also be affected. Please correct me if I am wrong or have misunderstood your email, but by implementing these new rules you are:

1 Limiting the number of hours available in crèche for paying child members ie the 3-5 year olds. (In December I will have two of these so one hour of crèche will cost me £10.50 PLUS the monthly membership fee payable for them both) – a pretty large hike on our personal costs.

2 Ensuring that paying child members are also charged for the majority of time that crèche hours are available, aside from the yellow slots on the new timetable –ie 2hrs a day,1hr at the weekend which no-doubt will be booked up as soon as the days and times are released

3 Penalising working parents by taking away most of the evening slot for under fives severely limiting the time my wife, I and any other working parent can spend at your health club. (Personally this will also affect the number of times we purchase an evening meal/ drink in the café too)

4 Stopping children taking snacks into the childcare facilities, potentially leaving younger children upset and refusing them a basic human need if they are hungry during their time under your ‘care’

I know I am not alone in questioning this business decision and having spoken with several other club members about this. It appears that although money has been spent on upgrading the club this has come at a cost to certain members. Knowing how many parents/families pay to use your facilities it amazes me that you are trying to alienate this customer group.

I will send this as an email to the club as well but feel it is important that club members are aware of this change as several other parents who are members have not received the email I did yesterday.

I’d just like to add what an excellent team you employ in the crèche – always smiling and helpful and wonderful with the children. As a club which comes across as family orientated I’d like to see you make more of your wonderful crèche staff and make the facilities more accessible for those who need to use them. Your proposed actions will have the opposite effect for a lot of members.

I look forward to your response.



DL sells itself as being a family friendly club but the service has got worse over recent months- both pools aren’t open from 9am on weekends due to staffing levels, when the lifeguards are there they often stand talking to each other or the swim instructors, and lesson bookings are messed up. Considering the price of the membership and the classes, it’s poor quality and poor service. I’ve also seen DL comments about reviews on social media and to contact the club prior - please be assured this has been done several times but I believe a honest and constructive review is acceptable


Well I joint David Lloyd about 10 months ago and I have to say I love it .I was a keen swimmer going into Southampton quays 3 times a week .I don't drive and going on the bus and the cost of the swim it worked out cheaper to join David Lloyd and now I go there 4 days a week enjoying lots of different classes .if I had a complaint about something it would be the food to expensive not that good .


The club is really coming along nicely now, can’t wait for the outdoor pool to be finished! �


Love this gym!! and all

The staff are great the club serves great food and great atmosphere.


Just wanted to say a big thanks to Karen @DL kids and her team for doing a great job looking after our children when we go to the gym, and I'm also talking on behalf of my friends. We hear negativity when there is so much positivity, these ladies have worked with children for years and are mums themselves, I trust them fully, they are always friendly, put our kids needs first. They have also organised fun activities recently which our kids have really enjoyed. These ladies don't seem to get enough recognition when they should.


I have been a life member for many years finally a club that is listening to the customers showers have been done . There is a lady cleaning in the gym and is really lovely and polight always says hello . This club has my vote . I highly recommend it . Xx


Fantastic facility. Would highly recommend if thinking of joining


Club improvements are looking good but Birra Moretti tap has been out of order for 6 days now! With no warning sign or indication of when it will be repaired


I’ve been a member here for 4 years, and recently things have become really disappointing. The (majority) of staff are very lovely, but the inconsistency with pool opening times for family swimming is ridiculous. This is apparently due to “staffing issues”.... nevertheless, how is that the member’s problem? When you pay as much as we all do for membership, that kind of thing just isn’t acceptable. Also, the pool bar is NEVER open, which makes me wonder what the point of having it is?? This place has become less family friendly since DL took over.


I go just to swim and do my exercises in water to relieve nerve damage.

This I find is helping me to keep fit .

I don't use the other facilities so I can't really make a judgement.

My main reason to keep swimming is to keep my joint movement free and enjoy outdoor swimming all year round .

I will assess the facilities again after the much needed refurbishments


So disappointed since David Lloyd took over from Virgin! Contract has been changed to a David Lloyd one without me agreeing or resigning anything! Tennis court bookings have been taken away unless I pay more money on top of the extortionate monthly fee or raise my monthly membership to just under £1000 a year?!? Then when we call membership we are told “ok just send a letter to cancel your membership” Have these people never heard of customer service?!?!?


Really disappointed we took 3 of our 5 for swimming lessons this evening to see what groups they would be in only to be told they all require memberships as of Jan 2018 no non members are allowed to have lessons, really frustrating and 3 upset children as I can’t justify £51.50 a month per child for 30 mins swimming each week. Such a shame as the swimming staff are really wonderful and on the trials with our children we were so impressed.


Increasingly frustrated with the lack of customer service from the new team at DL West End. In the run up to the xt competition they have removed all but one rowing machine from the gym floor and still haven't responded to members requests to place simple items such as boxes for step ups and more bar weights within the gym floor area to assist those who are training. I still haven't had a response about this and I queried it 3 weeks ago. Would also like to know why I have had to pay for my entry to the competition when all the literature says club members are free for the novice? Still no satisfactory responses. I suggest DL responds to simple enquiries out of courtesy if nothing else.


I joined this club at the beginning of the year and have been extremely disappointed with the service so far. After a week of joining I asked to be moved to the Port Solent club because I find it a lot easier to get to and would also allow my partner to join me. I’ve highlighted that I would be upgrading my membership to an annual membership (I’m currently on a 3 month membership) and also adding my partner as an extra member. After waiting for over 1.5 weeks I’ve got a reply (after prompting them several times) saying that I will not be allowed to move because I’m still within my “initial” 3 months period. I’ve replied highlighting that I know that there is a level of discretion on this rule and that David Lloyds would be getting a much better deal given that they would gain 2 members for a minimum period of 1 year instead of just one member for 3 months.

I’ve also requested the GM to contact me to discuss the issue further (which is the escalation procedure described on their site). This was two weeks ago and I’m still waiting for a reply!

I used to be a member of the David Lloyd Woking club a few years ago and must admit that this is not the kind of service that I was used to, especially considering that I’m paying £100/month for a single membership.


I joined the original Hampshire Tennis Club the week it opened some twenty something years ago and I have seen owners come and go. This morning I visited the club to book my boys swimming classes for the next term. I was near the front of the queue so was seen early. My youngest son has turned four so now has to be added to my membership. I was frogmarched out of the swimming booking office to the membership office to be met by a woman who clearly didn’t want to be working that early on a Saturday morning. I was told that I had to be upgraded to the David Loyd package from what I was already on. I have already received correspondence informing me that due to refurbishments to the club my membership was going to increase from £132.00 too £143.00 so I was hoping that a David Loyd package would be a little cheaper. I was shocked to discover that my new package was going to cost £180.00 per month!!! I am afraid today the club has lost one of its longest serving members. The take it or leave it attitude of the manager was shocking, if he worked for me and had that attitude with my customers he would be looking for another job. Obviously the company puts profit before customer satisfaction and deserve to fail.


I have just reviewed my original review! Having joined only at the end of August this year and signed a contract for a year, I now find that the tennis programme is changing and coaching that was included in my £78 per month fee is now going to be chargeable. Not only that but we have only been given 3 weeks notice! My contract states any changes will be with 3 months notice!!!! NOT HAPPY!

I have just joined purely for the tennis as I hate the gym and want to enjoy any exercise I do. I have had my Tencap assessment and I want to start playing however as I new member who doesn't know anyone, it does seem hard to find people of a similar rating to meet and play. The coaching groups appear to be full over a week in advance and there appears to be no other routes to meeting people of a similar standard. Perhaps a community page could be set up allowing people to try and set up hit around sessions or games, allowing them to introduce themselves, their rating and try to find similar players. I have to work in the mornings, so perhaps I'm missing the ones who do have the time to meet up but it would be helpful if there were other ways of going about it. Ideas: New members coffee/drink, social media group, notice board with names of players looking for the chance to play........


I feel extremely let down by this club I have been a member for years and was prior to this a member at DL in Southampton - just because we needed to add our son onto the membership now to continue his swimming lessons next term( he had been previously swimming as a non member ) we were told we had to upgrade our package to £185.per month before we add on the swimming lessons - this is an additional £42 onto our monthly fee after the £15 rise that’s been added on because of the refurb!! We have been forced to cancel our membership and I shall be writing to my colleagues in Head Office of DL and expressing my disgust at the customer service we received today. We had to queue at 7.30am In order to continue 2 spaces on the swim programme and were faced with this.

Being a senior Manager in a local NHS organisation I will be advising them not to advertise the NHS discount that DL offer and will encourage them to promote other leisure companies that are better at customer service and accept that existing members of a club they have taken over should not be penalised because they now have a child that needs to be added onto their membership.


Don't try phoning reception as they rarely if ever answer. The David Lloyd app is not working to book my grandson in for a tournament so I was told to do it through reception. It's call or travel over to the club to book in via reception. Looks like I will have to go in person. Poor customer service DL.


Dear DL West End Management

I was hugely disappointed to receive your email yesterday (1st Nov 17) stating how pleased you are to announce the launch of the new DL kid’s timetable.

The email (and revised timetable) indicate that parents of children under 5 years are being penalised both in terms of crèche availability and financially. I’m sure those with over 5 year olds will also be affected. Please correct me if I am wrong or have misunderstood your email, but by implementing these new rules you are:

1 Limiting the number of hours available in crèche for paying child members ie the 3-5 year olds. (In December I will have two of these so one hour of crèche will cost me £10.50 PLUS the monthly membership fee payable for them both) – a pretty large hike on our personal costs.

2 Ensuring that paying child members are also charged for the majority of time that crèche hours are available, aside from the yellow slots on the new timetable –ie 2hrs a day,1hr at the weekend which no-doubt will be booked up as soon as the days and times are released

3 Penalising working parents by taking away most of the evening slot for under fives severely limiting the time my wife, I and any other working parent can spend at your health club. (Personally this will also affect the number of times we purchase an evening meal/ drink in the café too)

4 Stopping children taking snacks into the childcare facilities, potentially leaving younger children upset and refusing them a basic human need if they are hungry during their time under your ‘care’

I know I am not alone in questioning this business decision and having spoken with several other club members about this. It appears that although money has been spent on upgrading the club this has come at a cost to certain members. Knowing how many parents/families pay to use your facilities it amazes me that you are trying to alienate this customer group.

I will send this as an email to the club as well but feel it is important that club members are aware of this change as several other parents who are members have not received the email I did yesterday.

I’d just like to add what an excellent team you employ in the crèche – always smiling and helpful and wonderful with the children. As a club which comes across as family orientated I’d like to see you make more of your wonderful crèche staff and make the facilities more accessible for those who need to use them. Your proposed actions will have the opposite effect for a lot of members.

I look forward to your response.



DL sells itself as being a family friendly club but the service has got worse over recent months- both pools aren’t open from 9am on weekends due to staffing levels, when the lifeguards are there they often stand talking to each other or the swim instructors, and lesson bookings are messed up. Considering the price of the membership and the classes, it’s poor quality and poor service. I’ve also seen DL comments about reviews on social media and to contact the club prior - please be assured this has been done several times but I believe a honest and constructive review is acceptable


Well I joint David Lloyd about 10 months ago and I have to say I love it .I was a keen swimmer going into Southampton quays 3 times a week .I don't drive and going on the bus and the cost of the swim it worked out cheaper to join David Lloyd and now I go there 4 days a week enjoying lots of different classes .if I had a complaint about something it would be the food to expensive not that good .


The club is really coming along nicely now, can’t wait for the outdoor pool to be finished! �


Love this gym!! and all

The staff are great the club serves great food and great atmosphere.


Just wanted to say a big thanks to Karen @DL kids and her team for doing a great job looking after our children when we go to the gym, and I'm also talking on behalf of my friends. We hear negativity when there is so much positivity, these ladies have worked with children for years and are mums themselves, I trust them fully, they are always friendly, put our kids needs first. They have also organised fun activities recently which our kids have really enjoyed. These ladies don't seem to get enough recognition when they should.


I have been a life member for many years finally a club that is listening to the customers showers have been done . There is a lady cleaning in the gym and is really lovely and polight always says hello . This club has my vote . I highly recommend it . Xx


Fantastic facility. Would highly recommend if thinking of joining


Club improvements are looking good but Birra Moretti tap has been out of order for 6 days now! With no warning sign or indication of when it will be repaired


I’ve been a member here for 4 years, and recently things have become really disappointing. The (majority) of staff are very lovely, but the inconsistency with pool opening times for family swimming is ridiculous. This is apparently due to “staffing issues”.... nevertheless, how is that the member’s problem? When you pay as much as we all do for membership, that kind of thing just isn’t acceptable. Also, the pool bar is NEVER open, which makes me wonder what the point of having it is?? This place has become less family friendly since DL took over.


I go just to swim and do my exercises in water to relieve nerve damage.

This I find is helping me to keep fit .

I don't use the other facilities so I can't really make a judgement.

My main reason to keep swimming is to keep my joint movement free and enjoy outdoor swimming all year round .

I will assess the facilities again after the much needed refurbishments


So disappointed since David Lloyd took over from Virgin! Contract has been changed to a David Lloyd one without me agreeing or resigning anything! Tennis court bookings have been taken away unless I pay more money on top of the extortionate monthly fee or raise my monthly membership to just under £1000 a year?!? Then when we call membership we are told “ok just send a letter to cancel your membership” Have these people never heard of customer service?!?!?


Really disappointed we took 3 of our 5 for swimming lessons this evening to see what groups they would be in only to be told they all require memberships as of Jan 2018 no non members are allowed to have lessons, really frustrating and 3 upset children as I can’t justify £51.50 a month per child for 30 mins swimming each week. Such a shame as the swimming staff are really wonderful and on the trials with our children we were so impressed.


Increasingly frustrated with the lack of customer service from the new team at DL West End. In the run up to the xt competition they have removed all but one rowing machine from the gym floor and still haven't responded to members requests to place simple items such as boxes for step ups and more bar weights within the gym floor area to assist those who are training. I still haven't had a response about this and I queried it 3 weeks ago. Would also like to know why I have had to pay for my entry to the competition when all the literature says club members are free for the novice? Still no satisfactory responses. I suggest DL responds to simple enquiries out of courtesy if nothing else.


I joined this club at the beginning of the year and have been extremely disappointed with the service so far. After a week of joining I asked to be moved to the Port Solent club because I find it a lot easier to get to and would also allow my partner to join me. I’ve highlighted that I would be upgrading my membership to an annual membership (I’m currently on a 3 month membership) and also adding my partner as an extra member. After waiting for over 1.5 weeks I’ve got a reply (after prompting them several times) saying that I will not be allowed to move because I’m still within my “initial” 3 months period. I’ve replied highlighting that I know that there is a level of discretion on this rule and that David Lloyds would be getting a much better deal given that they would gain 2 members for a minimum period of 1 year instead of just one member for 3 months.

I’ve also requested the GM to contact me to discuss the issue further (which is the escalation procedure described on their site). This was two weeks ago and I’m still waiting for a reply!

I used to be a member of the David Lloyd Woking club a few years ago and must admit that this is not the kind of service that I was used to, especially considering that I’m paying £100/month for a single membership.


I joined the original Hampshire Tennis Club the week it opened some twenty something years ago and I have seen owners come and go. This morning I visited the club to book my boys swimming classes for the next term. I was near the front of the queue so was seen early. My youngest son has turned four so now has to be added to my membership. I was frogmarched out of the swimming booking office to the membership office to be met by a woman who clearly didn’t want to be working that early on a Saturday morning. I was told that I had to be upgraded to the David Loyd package from what I was already on. I have already received correspondence informing me that due to refurbishments to the club my membership was going to increase from £132.00 too £143.00 so I was hoping that a David Loyd package would be a little cheaper. I was shocked to discover that my new package was going to cost £180.00 per month!!! I am afraid today the club has lost one of its longest serving members. The take it or leave it attitude of the manager was shocking, if he worked for me and had that attitude with my customers he would be looking for another job. Obviously the company puts profit before customer satisfaction and deserve to fail.


I have just reviewed my original review! Having joined only at the end of August this year and signed a contract for a year, I now find that the tennis programme is changing and coaching that was included in my £78 per month fee is now going to be chargeable. Not only that but we have only been given 3 weeks notice! My contract states any changes will be with 3 months notice!!!! NOT HAPPY!

I have just joined purely for the tennis as I hate the gym and want to enjoy any exercise I do. I have had my Tencap assessment and I want to start playing however as I new member who doesn't know anyone, it does seem hard to find people of a similar rating to meet and play. The coaching groups appear to be full over a week in advance and there appears to be no other routes to meeting people of a similar standard. Perhaps a community page could be set up allowing people to try and set up hit around sessions or games, allowing them to introduce themselves, their rating and try to find similar players. I have to work in the mornings, so perhaps I'm missing the ones who do have the time to meet up but it would be helpful if there were other ways of going about it. Ideas: New members coffee/drink, social media group, notice board with names of players looking for the chance to play........


I feel extremely let down by this club I have been a member for years and was prior to this a member at DL in Southampton - just because we needed to add our son onto the membership now to continue his swimming lessons next term( he had been previously swimming as a non member ) we were told we had to upgrade our package to £185.per month before we add on the swimming lessons - this is an additional £42 onto our monthly fee after the £15 rise that’s been added on because of the refurb!! We have been forced to cancel our membership and I shall be writing to my colleagues in Head Office of DL and expressing my disgust at the customer service we received today. We had to queue at 7.30am In order to continue 2 spaces on the swim programme and were faced with this.

Being a senior Manager in a local NHS organisation I will be advising them not to advertise the NHS discount that DL offer and will encourage them to promote other leisure companies that are better at customer service and accept that existing members of a club they have taken over should not be penalised because they now have a child that needs to be added onto their membership.


Don't try phoning reception as they rarely if ever answer. The David Lloyd app is not working to book my grandson in for a tournament so I was told to do it through reception. It's call or travel over to the club to book in via reception. Looks like I will have to go in person. Poor customer service DL.


Dear DL West End Management

I was hugely disappointed to receive your email yesterday (1st Nov 17) stating how pleased you are to announce the launch of the new DL kid’s timetable.

The email (and revised timetable) indicate that parents of children under 5 years are being penalised both in terms of crèche availability and financially. I’m sure those with over 5 year olds will also be affected. Please correct me if I am wrong or have misunderstood your email, but by implementing these new rules you are:

1 Limiting the number of hours available in crèche for paying child members ie the 3-5 year olds. (In December I will have two of these so one hour of crèche will cost me £10.50 PLUS the monthly membership fee payable for them both) – a pretty large hike on our personal costs.

2 Ensuring that paying child members are also charged for the majority of time that crèche hours are available, aside from the yellow slots on the new timetable –ie 2hrs a day,1hr at the weekend which no-doubt will be booked up as soon as the days and times are released

3 Penalising working parents by taking away most of the evening slot for under fives severely limiting the time my wife, I and any other working parent can spend at your health club. (Personally this will also affect the number of times we purchase an evening meal/ drink in the café too)

4 Stopping children taking snacks into the childcare facilities, potentially leaving younger children upset and refusing them a basic human need if they are hungry during their time under your ‘care’

I know I am not alone in questioning this business decision and having spoken with several other club members about this. It appears that although money has been spent on upgrading the club this has come at a cost to certain members. Knowing how many parents/families pay to use your facilities it amazes me that you are trying to alienate this customer group.

I will send this as an email to the club as well but feel it is important that club members are aware of this change as several other parents who are members have not received the email I did yesterday.

I’d just like to add what an excellent team you employ in the crèche – always smiling and helpful and wonderful with the children. As a club which comes across as family orientated I’d like to see you make more of your wonderful crèche staff and make the facilities more accessible for those who need to use them. Your proposed actions will have the opposite effect for a lot of members.

I look forward to your response.



DL sells itself as being a family friendly club but the service has got worse over recent months- both pools aren’t open from 9am on weekends due to staffing levels, when the lifeguards are there they often stand talking to each other or the swim instructors, and lesson bookings are messed up. Considering the price of the membership and the classes, it’s poor quality and poor service. I’ve also seen DL comments about reviews on social media and to contact the club prior - please be assured this has been done several times but I believe a honest and constructive review is acceptable


Well I joint David Lloyd about 10 months ago and I have to say I love it .I was a keen swimmer going into Southampton quays 3 times a week .I don't drive and going on the bus and the cost of the swim it worked out cheaper to join David Lloyd and now I go there 4 days a week enjoying lots of different classes .if I had a complaint about something it would be the food to expensive not that good .


The club is really coming along nicely now, can’t wait for the outdoor pool to be finished! �


Love this gym!! and all

The staff are great the club serves great food and great atmosphere.


Just wanted to say a big thanks to Karen @DL kids and her team for doing a great job looking after our children when we go to the gym, and I'm also talking on behalf of my friends. We hear negativity when there is so much positivity, these ladies have worked with children for years and are mums themselves, I trust them fully, they are always friendly, put our kids needs first. They have also organised fun activities recently which our kids have really enjoyed. These ladies don't seem to get enough recognition when they should.


I have been a life member for many years finally a club that is listening to the customers showers have been done . There is a lady cleaning in the gym and is really lovely and polight always says hello . This club has my vote . I highly recommend it . Xx


Fantastic facility. Would highly recommend if thinking of joining


Club improvements are looking good but Birra Moretti tap has been out of order for 6 days now! With no warning sign or indication of when it will be repaired


I’ve been a member here for 4 years, and recently things have become really disappointing. The (majority) of staff are very lovely, but the inconsistency with pool opening times for family swimming is ridiculous. This is apparently due to “staffing issues”.... nevertheless, how is that the member’s problem? When you pay as much as we all do for membership, that kind of thing just isn’t acceptable. Also, the pool bar is NEVER open, which makes me wonder what the point of having it is?? This place has become less family friendly since DL took over.


I go just to swim and do my exercises in water to relieve nerve damage.

This I find is helping me to keep fit .

I don't use the other facilities so I can't really make a judgement.

My main reason to keep swimming is to keep my joint movement free and enjoy outdoor swimming all year round .

I will assess the facilities again after the much needed refurbishments


So disappointed since David Lloyd took over from Virgin! Contract has been changed to a David Lloyd one without me agreeing or resigning anything! Tennis court bookings have been taken away unless I pay more money on top of the extortionate monthly fee or raise my monthly membership to just under £1000 a year?!? Then when we call membership we are told “ok just send a letter to cancel your membership” Have these people never heard of customer service?!?!?


Really disappointed we took 3 of our 5 for swimming lessons this evening to see what groups they would be in only to be told they all require memberships as of Jan 2018 no non members are allowed to have lessons, really frustrating and 3 upset children as I can’t justify £51.50 a month per child for 30 mins swimming each week. Such a shame as the swimming staff are really wonderful and on the trials with our children we were so impressed.


Increasingly frustrated with the lack of customer service from the new team at DL West End. In the run up to the xt competition they have removed all but one rowing machine from the gym floor and still haven't responded to members requests to place simple items such as boxes for step ups and more bar weights within the gym floor area to assist those who are training. I still haven't had a response about this and I queried it 3 weeks ago. Would also like to know why I have had to pay for my entry to the competition when all the literature says club members are free for the novice? Still no satisfactory responses. I suggest DL responds to simple enquiries out of courtesy if nothing else.


I joined this club at the beginning of the year and have been extremely disappointed with the service so far. After a week of joining I asked to be moved to the Port Solent club because I find it a lot easier to get to and would also allow my partner to join me. I’ve highlighted that I would be upgrading my membership to an annual membership (I’m currently on a 3 month membership) and also adding my partner as an extra member. After waiting for over 1.5 weeks I’ve got a reply (after prompting them several times) saying that I will not be allowed to move because I’m still within my “initial” 3 months period. I’ve replied highlighting that I know that there is a level of discretion on this rule and that David Lloyds would be getting a much better deal given that they would gain 2 members for a minimum period of 1 year instead of just one member for 3 months.

I’ve also requested the GM to contact me to discuss the issue further (which is the escalation procedure described on their site). This was two weeks ago and I’m still waiting for a reply!

I used to be a member of the David Lloyd Woking club a few years ago and must admit that this is not the kind of service that I was used to, especially considering that I’m paying £100/month for a single membership.


I joined the original Hampshire Tennis Club the week it opened some twenty something years ago and I have seen owners come and go. This morning I visited the club to book my boys swimming classes for the next term. I was near the front of the queue so was seen early. My youngest son has turned four so now has to be added to my membership. I was frogmarched out of the swimming booking office to the membership office to be met by a woman who clearly didn’t want to be working that early on a Saturday morning. I was told that I had to be upgraded to the David Loyd package from what I was already on. I have already received correspondence informing me that due to refurbishments to the club my membership was going to increase from £132.00 too £143.00 so I was hoping that a David Loyd package would be a little cheaper. I was shocked to discover that my new package was going to cost £180.00 per month!!! I am afraid today the club has lost one of its longest serving members. The take it or leave it attitude of the manager was shocking, if he worked for me and had that attitude with my customers he would be looking for another job. Obviously the company puts profit before customer satisfaction and deserve to fail.


I have just reviewed my original review! Having joined only at the end of August this year and signed a contract for a year, I now find that the tennis programme is changing and coaching that was included in my £78 per month fee is now going to be chargeable. Not only that but we have only been given 3 weeks notice! My contract states any changes will be with 3 months notice!!!! NOT HAPPY!

I have just joined purely for the tennis as I hate the gym and want to enjoy any exercise I do. I have had my Tencap assessment and I want to start playing however as I new member who doesn't know anyone, it does seem hard to find people of a similar rating to meet and play. The coaching groups appear to be full over a week in advance and there appears to be no other routes to meeting people of a similar standard. Perhaps a community page could be set up allowing people to try and set up hit around sessions or games, allowing them to introduce themselves, their rating and try to find similar players. I have to work in the mornings, so perhaps I'm missing the ones who do have the time to meet up but it would be helpful if there were other ways of going about it. Ideas: New members coffee/drink, social media group, notice board with names of players looking for the chance to play........


I feel extremely let down by this club I have been a member for years and was prior to this a member at DL in Southampton - just because we needed to add our son onto the membership now to continue his swimming lessons next term( he had been previously swimming as a non member ) we were told we had to upgrade our package to £185.per month before we add on the swimming lessons - this is an additional £42 onto our monthly fee after the £15 rise that’s been added on because of the refurb!! We have been forced to cancel our membership and I shall be writing to my colleagues in Head Office of DL and expressing my disgust at the customer service we received today. We had to queue at 7.30am In order to continue 2 spaces on the swim programme and were faced with this.

Being a senior Manager in a local NHS organisation I will be advising them not to advertise the NHS discount that DL offer and will encourage them to promote other leisure companies that are better at customer service and accept that existing members of a club they have taken over should not be penalised because they now have a child that needs to be added onto their membership.


Don't try phoning reception as they rarely if ever answer. The David Lloyd app is not working to book my grandson in for a tournament so I was told to do it through reception. It's call or travel over to the club to book in via reception. Looks like I will have to go in person. Poor customer service DL.


Dear DL West End Management

I was hugely disappointed to receive your email yesterday (1st Nov 17) stating how pleased you are to announce the launch of the new DL kid’s timetable.

The email (and revised timetable) indicate that parents of children under 5 years are being penalised both in terms of crèche availability and financially. I’m sure those with over 5 year olds will also be affected. Please correct me if I am wrong or have misunderstood your email, but by implementing these new rules you are:

1 Limiting the number of hours available in crèche for paying child members ie the 3-5 year olds. (In December I will have two of these so one hour of crèche will cost me £10.50 PLUS the monthly membership fee payable for them both) – a pretty large hike on our personal costs.

2 Ensuring that paying child members are also charged for the majority of time that crèche hours are available, aside from the yellow slots on the new timetable –ie 2hrs a day,1hr at the weekend which no-doubt will be booked up as soon as the days and times are released

3 Penalising working parents by taking away most of the evening slot for under fives severely limiting the time my wife, I and any other working parent can spend at your health club. (Personally this will also affect the number of times we purchase an evening meal/ drink in the café too)

4 Stopping children taking snacks into the childcare facilities, potentially leaving younger children upset and refusing them a basic human need if they are hungry during their time under your ‘care’

I know I am not alone in questioning this business decision and having spoken with several other club members about this. It appears that although money has been spent on upgrading the club this has come at a cost to certain members. Knowing how many parents/families pay to use your facilities it amazes me that you are trying to alienate this customer group.

I will send this as an email to the club as well but feel it is important that club members are aware of this change as several other parents who are members have not received the email I did yesterday.

I’d just like to add what an excellent team you employ in the crèche – always smiling and helpful and wonderful with the children. As a club which comes across as family orientated I’d like to see you make more of your wonderful crèche staff and make the facilities more accessible for those who need to use them. Your proposed actions will have the opposite effect for a lot of members.

I look forward to your response.



DL sells itself as being a family friendly club but the service has got worse over recent months- both pools aren’t open from 9am on weekends due to staffing levels, when the lifeguards are there they often stand talking to each other or the swim instructors, and lesson bookings are messed up. Considering the price of the membership and the classes, it’s poor quality and poor service. I’ve also seen DL comments about reviews on social media and to contact the club prior - please be assured this has been done several times but I believe a honest and constructive review is acceptable

More about David Lloyd Clubs

David Lloyd Clubs is located at Botley Road, West End, SO30 3XA Southampton
Monday: 07:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 20:00
Friday: 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00