Dknine - Fitfab 30

About Dknine - Fitfab 30

Helping busy over 30's, get fit and enjoy life while doing it



April is almost over and we are seeing some amazing results from our clients this year. Are you looking to get results?
Maybe we are for you. We work with people who are serious about changing, who have tried everything and need something that's just going to work!
We offer:
... ✅ Online workout videos
🥗 Fun, Easy & Quick recipes that the whole family can use
🙌🏼 Coaches 24/7 to hold you accountable to get the results you ask US to help you get
🏋🏻‍♀️ Fun, varied & tailored workouts to suit everyone
Does this sound like something you have been looking for?
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Happy Thursday 🙌
We hope everyone is having a good week.
Summer is approaching and our clients are feeling stronger, fitter and most importantly, happier 💪
... Ready to get started in time for summer?
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Workout Wednesday
Give this a go and let us know how you get on 😊
If you want access to online workouts nutrition support and the FitFab30 community…
... Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Tasty Tuesdays 🍴
Give this healthy recipe a try and let us know how you get on...


So, its bank holiday Monday and I'm sure a few of you have sore heads and bellies full of chocolate.
BUT, that is okay. It is so important that we let go of our diet plans and learn that we can enjoy ourselves from time to time.
This time spent with family or friends is so precious, and after only have one life, you need to live it!
... That said, it is probably time to get back to it. A healthy lifestyle will give you the best possible chance of living a long and healthy life that allows you to have these precious moments with your friends and family.
✅ Cook one of our healthy recipes ✅ Do a workout ✅ Make some more fun plans with loved ones - this will give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated ✅ Don't feel guilty
Or, perhaps you haven't started on your fitness journey yet. Are you looking to get started?
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Happy Easter Everyone 🐣
It's Easter Sunday and you might have treated yourself to an easter egg or two this week
Now perhaps its time to...
... 🔥 Stop Thinking, Start Doing 🔥
It's so easy to overthink everything when it comes to starting something new, we know that!
But, when you put something off for so long, then you look back and think "If only I had just stuck to it, id be at my goal now"
Everyone wants instant results and when they dont get them, they struggle to put the work in, but surely slow results are better than none at all?
You can keep telling yourself that you
💸 Cannot Afford It
⏰ Have No Time
But in fact these are just excuses, we all know that!
Imagine being happy in yourself all year round and being excited to go on holiday and not having that pre-holiday panic about your body 👌
Ready to get started?
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Happy Saturday Guys! 🙌
Give this a go and let us know how you get on 😊
If you want access to online workouts nutrition support and the FitFab30 community…... Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Are you frustrated with constantly procrastinating about feeling happier healthier or fitting back into your old clothes?
I know I hear this every day. Clients who have tried so many different diets and quick fixes! The amount of money they have spent is incredible!
The amount of quick-fix solutions I see on social media at the moment is astounding! Every day I get someone contacting me trying to sell weight loss supplements! No wonder people are confused.
... That is one of the main reasons we decided to start the programme! To educate people on nutrition exercise and mindset! I get people to stop thinking about their lifestyle as a “diet” and instead as a lifestyle change.
They still enjoy their lives! They are not sitting at home eating lettuce leaves! They just change their approach and think long term.
It hasn’t taken you 6 weeks 12 Weeks or 6 months to get out of shape. So how would it take that time to get in shape? You must think long term.
That’s why our approach gets such incredible results. We keep it simple and sustainable. It also helps that we have a team of professionals invested in learning.
Want help? Sick of jumping from diet to diet? Exercise plan to exercise plan? Then ⛔️ stop! Work with a company that truly does care about their clients! We will guide you every step of the way. Invest in YOU…
We provide clients with long term sustainable results! We help you become the best version of yourself.
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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If you want access to online workouts, nutrition support and the FitFab30 community…
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30: ⠀


Tasty Tuesdays 🍴
Give this healthy recipe a try and let us know how you get on 🥜


Sometimes when your healthy eating goes down-hill, its really hard to get back on track
You might have the attitude that you have messed up this week so you may as well start again next week
But actually, although you have slipped up, this one slip up isnt going to impact you progress massively
... If you go on a works night out and treat yourself to a few drinks or some tasty food from the buffet, this is NOT going to ruin your progress, just continue with your healthy eating the next day 😀
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FitFab30 offers:
✅ Online Workout Videos ✅ Sessions filled with Over 30s just like YOU ✅ Fun... ✅ Guaranteed calories burnt
🥗 Nutrition Support
📱Support & Accountability in our FitFab30 Facebook Group
This 45-minute session is the best 45 minutes of our members day. There is no more 'gym dread'. You forget about the kids, the partner, the stressful day, the washing that you forgot to take out of the machine. It is just all about YOU.
Last week we had one of our amazing clients post in our “Members Only Area“ on Facebook:
“You should never underestimate exercise as an antidepressant…today I was ready to give in to the stresses of the past few weeks at work and go home crawl into bed and cry but as soon as I started my exercises all my stresses and worries just vanished. In that hour I didn’t think about work I didn’t think about getting the kids to bed or getting their uniform ready…I thought about me- just me!”
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Here, at FitFab30 our programme is a fun and sociable alternative to your regular exercise. Not only will you improve your fitness but evidence suggests exercise can also improve sleep quality. Alongside this, we offer nutrition advice to encourage a healthy diet, which includes the planning of quick, easy and tasty meals that the whole family will love.
Finally, we have a private Facebook group that our members use to share experiences, results or even photos of their food! ...This support and community aspect encourages you to feel relaxed but also to stay motivated. It provides you with the opportunity to connect and surround yourself with people who give you the opportunity to grow.
If you want access to online workouts, nutrition support and the FitFab30 community…
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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One for the weekend!
Give this a go and let us know how you get on 😊
If you want access to online workouts, nutrition support and the FitFab30 community…
... Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Do you have a bad relationship with food?
The idea that some foods are good and some foods are bad is ridiculous
If you treat yourself to a battered mars bar once a month, this is not going to have an effect on your weight management goals
... That isn't to say it is good for you, it's just that the suggestion this is going to affect your goals is silly
To maintain weight your average woman who is active and exercises very little can eat around the 2000 calories a day
Based on this over 30 days the total calories she can consume without gaining or losing weight would be 60000 calories
That treat we discussed is likely to come in the area of 600 cals. So if she has this once a month this would actually only be 100th of her calorie intake
HOWEVER let’s say she has this 2 times a week
8% of the total calories for the month are now coming from this area that’s a lot of saturated fat and sugar
Is the Mars bar itself bad?
We know consuming this treat once a month will not have an effect on your results
It’s not the food’s fault for being ‘bad’- it’s OUR fault for consuming it too regularly.
This is very important and here’s why…
When you refer to a treat as ‘bad’ for you you have a NEGATIVE relationship with that food
Then every time you eat it you will feel bad maybe get upset and begin on a negative downward spiral
What can we learn from this?
Stop telling yourself not to eat bad food because when you tell yourself you can’t have it
This habit of calling food ‘good for you’ or ‘bad for you’ creates a negative relationship with food
You can treat yourself to almost anything if you eat it in the correct amount and still achieve great goals
IF it fits with your calorie protein fat carb and micronutrients.
We arent saying treat yourself to 4 bottles of wine, we are just saying starving yourselves of these odd treats can increase the risk of you overconsuming these foods
Hope this helps anyone out there understand their relationship with food in a little more detail 😀
If you want access to online workouts, nutrition support and the FitFab30 community…
Sign up to our 30 Day Trial of FitFab30:
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Are you having a tough week? Good news, its Wednesday, we are half way to the weekend!
Sometimes we just have those weeks where it feels like anything that can go wrong, does go wrong
It is important to remember that things never stay the same, life is a series of peaks and troughs, highs and lows
... There will always be something and reminding yourself to see the good, will completely change your outlook on life
Try waking up in the morning and naming 5 things you're grateful for 😁
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Tasty Tuesdays 🍴
Give this healthy recipe a try and let us know how you get on..😀

More about Dknine - Fitfab 30