
About Edwardians

This page is for former pupils



Tom Dudley (KES 2006-08) has been working on building a computer game in his spare time since he was at KES and has just launched a Kickstarter so he can finally release it. If you are interested in computer games you can see a preview at www.vanguardww2.com. Good luck Tom!


Our intrepid group of OEs enjoying their recent trip to Lovaton for a weekend of climbing.


Eight hardy OE golfers took to the links at Hayling Golf Club last Wednesday to compete over 36 holes for the Ray Paull Trophy.
The winner was Alex Self (KES 00-07) who won with a magnificent 40 points, holing a 60 foot putt on the 18th green. He just pipped Howard Hilliker (KES 70-72) to first place, who also scored 40 points, on count back.
The Old Edwardians' golfing Order of Merit was also awarded after this event and was won by Nick Creal (KES 86-91) who performed consistently over the season accumulating 23 points.


At the beginning of September a group of Old Edwardian climbers met up at Lovaton to enjoy the Dartmoor granite. The weather was slightly damp on the Saturday increasing the challenges, but still a number of the group climbed multiple top ropes. A large Saturday night meal recharged everyone's batteries before another long morning on the rock on Sunday.


This year marks 10 years since the class of 2008 left King Edward's and we will be holding a 10 year reunion event here at school on 9th November to which the whole year group will be invited. If you are amongst the Sixth Form leavers of 2008 (or left in the Fifth Year in 2006) and think we may not have your current contact details, please email edwardians@kes.hants.sch.uk so that we can make sure you receive an invite. We hope as many of you as possible will be able to make it.


After 46 events, starting back in September and finishing this week with the declaration of the results for the Swimming Gala and the Lower School Merits, and with many energetically contested events in between, the Allen Grant Shield table is now complete.
LOWER SCHOOL The runner-up in Lower School Cup, with 95 points, is WATTS The winner, with 112 points, is LAKE
... UPPER SCHOOL The runner-up in Upper School Cup, with 37 points, is WATTS The winner, with 39 points, is LAWRENCE
The overall results are as follows:
In third place with 174 points: LAWRENCE In second place, just two points ahead, with 176 points: WATTS
And the winner for the fifth year in succession, but in a much closer contest this year is: LAKE, with 184 points.
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Good Luck to Joe Weatherley who will be playing at the Royal London One Day Cup Final at Lord's at the weekend!


Sunday saw the annual OE v KES 1st XI cricket match take place at Wellington. The OEs batted first and, having just watched England win their game against Panama, it was clear that the adrenaline was still flowing as Dan Damley-Jones got them off to a flying start. With a typically speedy 50 from Gregor McKenzie, the School were set a challenging target of 187 in their 20 overs.
The 1st XI got off to a good start but wickets tumbled and eventually KES finished well short as the OE team showed they had not lost any of their ability during their time at university. The OE team, made up of leavers from across the last 10 years, was organised by Ali Cheyne with Ed Wright being the on-field captain. Thank you both for your efforts as well as to all those who played.


Last night the School hosted a dinner for a large group of Capon Club members at Wellington Sports Ground. The venue proved a bit hit, as many of those present had never visited the Sports Ground. Guests included OEs, former governors and friends of the School who are all supporting the King Edward VI Foundation with donations or legacies so that the School can offer financial support to gifted children from less affluent family backgrounds.


Last Friday evening Lymington Town Sailing Club held a fund raising evening for Hannah Snellgrove OE (Leaver 2008). After university Hannah decided to follow her passion for Laser Sailing attempting to gain selection for the 2012 Olympic GB squad. She missed out on the opportunity at this time but has been coaching to the highest standard on the South Coast and continuing to compete. She has been persuaded by her coach to compete at the Laser World Championship this coming ...year. In order to help Hannah fund this attempt, her local club and friends came together to help with her finances and fundraising evening was a huge success.
However, the room ran out of cash for the final auction; a weekend to watch the EXTREME SAILING SERIES over the weekend of 26-27 August as a Silver VIP. Therefore if you would like to offer a closed bid for this fabulous weekend please email gph@kes.hants.sch.uk by 09.00 Friday 22nd June.
Full details of the funding project and how to donate can be found by following the link below: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/new-laser-r adial-for-hannahs-…. Hannah is also seeking sponsorship for her campaign, and any businesses or individuals interested in finding out more should visit: www.hannahsnellgrovesailing.co.uk
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This week we were delighted to welcome back two former pupils for an informal tour of the School. Brian Meadley (KES 1940-1947) and Jim Anderson (1945-1949) met up again for the first time since they left school and for Brian this was the first time he has returned to KES in 71 years. Jim is more familiar with the Hill Lane site as it is today, having had a daughter and grandson also attend the School.


Alice McNicholas (2010-2017) has been exhibiting her final project at the AUB from her Foundation Studies in fashion, costume and textiles. Her beautiful dress is inspired by the golden age of Hollywood. Alice is now looking forward to her degree course in Design for the Stage at the Central School of Speech and Drama. More of Alice’s work can be seen on her Facebook page here. https://m.facebook.com/costumesbyalice/

More about Edwardians

Edwardians is located at Wilton Road, SO15 5UQ Southampton