Elevate Performance

About Elevate Performance

Elevate Performance provide CrossFit Coaching, Olympic Lifting Coaching and Athlete Programing services.

Elevate Performance Description

Elevate Performance provides the following services from it's base at CrossFit Southampton in Eastleigh.

• 1 on 1 and Small Group Coaching in CrossFit, Olympic Lifting and general Strength and Conditioning.

• Online Workout Programing for Competitive CrossFit, Fitness and Olympic Weightlifting Athletes. This can be personal plans or generic programming periodised around some of the larger competitions.

• Remote Video Coaching

• Nutrition and Supplementation Advice

Whether you are new to training and would like a more personal introduction to CrossFit and /or Olympic Weightlifting, you train regularly and want some specific advice or coaching to move you to that next level, or you are a regional level CrossFit athlete looking for Programming and coaching that is going to support you to succeed, Elevate Performance can assist you in achieving your goals.



Good luck this weekend @kelfriel The completion of over 3000 workouts have got you to the CrossFit Games for the second time in a row. The hard work is done. Now just enjoy it.


2019 Open Prep. Program starts tomorrow. Make this your best open yet and follow our programming for a one off fee of £50 for all programming between now and the start of the open. DM or email: elev8per4mance@gmail.com to get access to the program and make this your best Open yet. Scaled and RX options delivered through Beyond the Whiteboard. Comment or contact us for details. #raiseyourgame #elevateperfomance #crossfitopen2019 #crossfit #strengthandconditioning #onlineprogramming


#raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #onlineprogram #onlinecoach #crossfit #assaultbike #concept2rower #skierg #boxjumps #powerclean #amrap #wod #workout


30/10/18 4 x 4 min AMRAP, rest 2 min between each. 5 Cal Assault Bike, 6 Double Kettlebell Snatch 24/18KG, 10m Double Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge 24/18KG. #kettlebellworkout #onlineprogram #onlinecoach #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #snatch #amrap #workout #wod #crossfit #crossfitgamesmasters #fitness


29/10/18 12 Min AMRAP. 10 GHD Sit-ups, 10 Wall-balls 7/9kg 10ft, 5 Bar Muscle-ups. #elevateperformance #raiseyourgame #crossfit #crossfitgamesmasters #wod #fitness #amrap #muscleup #barmuscleup #wallballs #ghd #onlineprogram #onlinecoach


28/10/18 4 Rounds for time. 30 cal Assault Bike, 8 Alternating Turkish Get-ups 32/24kg, 20 Handstand Pushups. Part of today’s session for @kelfriel and Scotty P was this little beauty. Give it a go and let us know how you get on in the comments. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #onlineprogram #kettlebellworkout #assaultbike #handstandpushups #crossfitgames #crossfitgamesmasters #turkishgetup #fitness #crossfit #metcon #wod


27/10/18 7 Rounds, each for time. 10 Alternating Double Kettlebell Lunge 24/16kg,20m Prowler Push 30KG, 6 Double Kettlebell Snatch 24/16kg, rest 30 sec, 100m Sprint. Rest 2 mins between rounds. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #onlineprogram #kettlebellworkout #crossfitgirls #crossfit #crossfitgames #crossfitgamesmasters #workoutoftheday #wod #prowlerpush #onlinecoaching #assualtfitness


26/10/18 5 Rounds for time, 13 Double KB Deadlift, 10 Double KB Clean, 7 Double KB Push Press, 1 Legless Rope Climb, 60 Double Unders. 32/24kg KB’s #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #kettlebellworkout #kettlebell #wod #roundsfortime #crossfit #crossfitmasters #onlinecoaching #onlineprogram #doubleunders #ropeclimb #crossfitgirls


25/10/18 4 Rounds for time, 40m Prowler Push 20KG, 4 Rope Climbs, 8 Hang Power Snatch 80/60KG #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #crossfitgirls #hangpowersnatch #snatch #crossfit #crossfitgamesmasters #ropeclimb #prowler #prowlerpush #strengthandconditioning


24/10/18 8 Min AMRAP, 20 Double Unders, 6 Chest to bar pull-ups, 3 Thrusters 70/50KG. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #chesttobar #thrusters #wod #crossfit #crossfitgirls #doubleunders #amrap #crossfitmasters #metcon


22/10/18. For Time, 750m Ski Erg, 30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 30/20KG, 500m Ski Erg, 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 30/20KG, 250m Ski Erg. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #skierg #dumbbellworkout #snatch #wod #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitgames #strengthandconditioning #onlinepersonaltrainer #onlinecoach #fitness


21/10/18. Today’s workout comes with a Congratulations to @kelfriel for her awesome performance and win @cyprusthrowdowncosmos this weekend. Well done Kelly. 6 x 4 min AMRAP 8 Double Kettlebell Clean and Press 24/18kg, 10m Handstand Walk, 10 Wall balls 12/9kg 10ft. #cyprusthrowdown #crossfit #elevateperformance #raiseyourgame #onlineprogram #onlinecoach #crossfitgames #crossfitgirls #amrap #fitness #handstandwalk #kettlebellworkout #wallballs #cyprusthrowdown2018 #wod #winner


20/10/18 14 min AMRAP 16 Chest to bar, 8 Alternating Pistols, 16 Cal Ski Erg. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #onlineprogram #crossfitgirls #crossfitgames #crossfitgamesmasters #wod #amrap #pistolsquat #skierg #chesttobar #chesttobarpullups


19/10/18 10 Rounds, each for time with varying rest periods. 10 Cal Assault Bike, 10m Prowler Push, 5 Wall balls 9/7kg 10ft, 10m Prowler Push. Rest periods are as follows 2 mins, 1.5 mins, 1 min, 30 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 1.5 min, 2 min. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #crossfitgirls #strengthandconditioning #assaultbike #wallballs #prowlerpush #crossfitgames #crossfitmasters #onlineprogram #onlinecoaching #roundsfortime


18/10/18. No Clock just get it done with good form. 8 sets of 4 reps Barbell Thruster @80% of 1 RM. After each set perform 9 double kettlebell deadlift, 6 double kettlebell Clean, 3 double kettlebell push press. 24/18KG bells #raiseyourgame #strengthandconditioning #crossfitmasters #crossfit #kettlebellworkout #thrusters #elevateperformance #crossfitgames #crossfitgirls #wod


17/10/18 7 x 3 min AMRAP 2 min rest between each 3 min block. 5 Cal Assault Bike, 1 Rope Climb, 8 Alternating Sandbag over the shoulder throw 40/55KG #crossfitmasters #ropeclimb #crossfitgames #raiseyourgame #strengthandconditioning #crossfit #sandbagworkout #assaultbike


15/10/18 AMRAP 11 mins. 2 Rope Climbs, 3 Muscle ups. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #onlineprogramming #onlineprogram #muscleup #crossfit #crossfitmasters #crossfitgames #ropeclimb


15/10/18. 4 Rounds for time. 5 Thrusters 60/45KG, 10m Front rack walking lunge 60/45KG, 5 Thrusters 60/45KG, 20m Prowler Push 40KG. #raiseyourgame #elevateperformance #onlineprogramming #onlineprogram #thrusters #lungewalk #crossfit #crossfitgames #crossfitgamesmasters #prowler #strengthandconditioning

More about Elevate Performance

Elevate Performance is located at CrossFit Southampton, Unit 3B Barton Park, SO50 6RR Eastleigh