
About Escapade

the start up of Escapade Limited. The company that aims to supply Outdoor adventure therapy to young people in Southampton.

Escapade Description

This Summer Escapade Limited is in the process of start up.
The page will update events and business development /process throughout its startup.

Escapade Limited is a company that aims to supply young people in the UK with Outdoor adventure therapy, developing essential life skills such as self-worth, confidence /self-esteem, and social skills.



Sometimes less is more. The very ground you walk on can lead you to a place of adventure. Nature can help us focus on us, all it needs is your time. #therapy #adventure #escapadelimited


Great day on the water had the river to ourselves! #peaceful


Out enjoying the calm water. Escaping is something everyone needs. #escapadelimited #kayaking #watersport #river #swans #adventuretherapy #therapy


This summer we are collecting data for escapade. If you know anyone between the ages of 14-17 who may be interested in taking part please contact us for more information.
Light hearted adventure ... skills for life !


Adventure therapy has been proven to make the same changes in the brain as medication for different mental illnesses. It will be a journey, but you won't be on your own.


Summer 2017....where our Escapade begins


Young people are given a bit of nature on their desk and they are already smiling.


Thankyou to everyone who sponsored Escapade.
We can now move forward and focus on making this happen!.
Watch this space ...


Thankyou to Jazz Nieddu who has sponsored Escapade. It's the last day of fundraising. Thankyou everybody for your support. Can't wait to get started.


Thank you to Paul Hatch for sponsoring £30 to Escapade & getting us even closer to our target. so we can start providing adventure therapy to teenagers in the south of the UK .


Escapade and mental health


Check out our donation Rewards:
For any donations I will post a public thank-you on social media .
Donations of £12 we will state your name in the credits of one of our videos with thanks for sponsorship
... Donations above £30 will be rewarded with a personalised certificate and photo of Escapades first adventure therapy session with thanks for aiding and supporting Escapade, making this achievable.
For corporate donations about £50 your company will be mentioned as a sponsor on our website.
Make your donation: ed
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Time is running out!
Please sponsor Escapade a non profit organisation who aim to support many young people in your community.
Adventure therapy is a natural process we can use to develop young people emotionally and physically.
... Make a difference to tomorrow by sponsoring Escapade today.
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Escapade has raised more than half its target we only need £480 to secure these sponsors. Please help and sponsor us so that we can start supporting young people this summer.
Sponsor link : ed/

More about Escapade

Escapade is located at po156db Fareham