Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team

About Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team

Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team. We are a SAR Team with Rope, Search and Mud Rescue Capability.
Accredited by MCA.

Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team Description

This is a page to promote the work done by Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team and to show people what we do and who we are. We deal with Maritime and Coastal emergencies however, due to specialising in Search and Rescue (SAR) we have the versatility to respond to inland incidents as well.

This website does not in anyway represent the views of the MCA / HM Coastguard. all views are that of the individual that posts them. This group is in no way linked or endorsed by the MCA. All text from the MCA site must be referenced and copyrights respected.
* Disclaimer*



We’re supporting the Royal Life Saving Society UK - RLSS UK #DrowningPreventionWeek - look out for information from us and partners all week.
Please share and help us spread the message!
Did you know that 56% of all accidental drownings never intended to be in the water?
... Stay Safe - https://www.rlss.org.uk/summer-water-safe ty
If you see someone in danger in our coastal waters, call 999 and ask for COASTGUARD
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#outonashout No. 050/2019 - 09/06/19 - 1230 - Team tasked (on aircrew request) to assist in an urgent patient transfer, RCH Treliske. Truro.
On scene, team members assisted in the transfer of a male casualty from the aircraft to the Ambulance.


#outonashout No.049/2019 - 08/06/19 - 1110 - Team tasked investigate a DSC (Digital Selective Calling) Distress Alert. Falmouth.
On investigation the alert was found to have come from a kayaker with faulty VHF Radio. He was safe and well and grateful for the response.
As this gentleman did, it's important to carry the correct safety gear while out on the water.
... If you're out and about on the water, in any craft, we advise you get registered with the RYA 'Safetrx' App. It's FREE and is available on both Android and iOS platforms. You don't need to be an RYA member to use it and there's no ongoing charges. This replaces the CG66 system that was in use.
Here's some info on SafeTrx.
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Yesterday (03/06/19) we where invited to take part in a multi agency exercise with Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service - Newquay Community Fire Station - Falmouth Fire Station - Environment Agency - Falmouth Lifeboat
The exercise was hosted by World Fuel Services within Falmouth Docks.
The scenario was that there was a fire on the fuel jetty with multiple persons in the water as a result of an explosion.
... Although primarily a fire exercise to test their foam response to this type of incident, it was a great learning opportunity for us to see how we could fit in to the response.
For us, our primary role in this type of incident is water safety (for us and the fire crews) and water rescue.
We setup a ‘bank side water safety system’ to keep both us and the fire service safe while working on the pontoon.
Working with the Lifeboat and Fire Boat, we where able to respond to the persons in the water, ‘spotting’ the casualties and deploying a Coastguard Rescue Swimmer to recover one further casualty from under the jetty and taking them to the Fireboat for ‘treatment’
We also got the opportunity to take a look around the new Environment Agency ‘Incident Command Unit’ - a great piece of kit with a lot of good technology on board.
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It's #volunteersweek - We thought we'd give a small insight into the last month of volunteering as a Coastguard Rescue Officer, here at Falmouth.
The month of May, for us, was the busiest on record. We completed 29 'activities' comprising of 24 call outs, 2 training sessions, 2 'PR' events, 2 'Local Knowledge' Patrols and an inter-agency planning meeting (We'd normally have done 4 training, but with bank holidays in May, we only did the 2)
All of this added up, means our volu...nteers have given a massive 457 hours (collectively) this last month!
It goes without saying that we couldn't do this with our employers or families support! So a huge thank you to you all!
You all genuinely make a difference.
To name but a few - Falmouth Exeter Plus A&P Falmouth Docks Fourth Element R and G Motors Ltd Kernow Fire & Electrical Services Raze the Roof indoor play, laser tag & party venue @ClearflowLtd Port Pendennis Marina Plus the 'bosses' representing our self employed team members!
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#outonashout No. 048/2019 - 02/06/19 - 1130 - Whist completing a mornings training exercise. The Team where immediately tasked to a report of a person stuck in mud, near Calenick Creek, Newham, Truro.
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service and South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust also responded.
On scene, a gentleman was found stuck in mud up to his knees. The first responding fire crews where able to release the casualty using a reach pole.
... He was checked over by Ambulance Crews and taken home by a family member.
Remember, if you see someone or are stuck in the mud on our coasts, dial 999 and ask for COASTGUARD
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#outonashout No.047/2019 - 28/05/19 - 1713 - Team tasked to a report of two people in the water, 'Gas Works' Car Park, Falmouth.
Devon & Cornwall Police and Falmouth Lifeboat Station also responded.
On scene it was found that the two people had been in the water and were from a small dinghy, they were recovered and taken back to the lifeboat station.
... An Ambulance was requested for one of the casualties who had suffered a head injury.
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#outonashout No. 045 and 46/2019 - 28/05/19 - 2118 - Team tasked to search for a missing person, Falmouth.
Following a report of a missing 84 year old male, Falmouth CRT where tasked to search along with Devon & Cornwall Police, Porthoustock coastguard rescue team, Porthleven Coastguard Team, Falmouth Lifeboat, National Police Air Service, Police Dog Units, Whole time Coastguard Officer S11B, Cornwall Search and Rescue Team
Working with Police, information from family members... and using behavior profiling, our initial search area covered from Penryn Bridge to Pendennis Point to Maenporth Beach.
We where stood down at 0230 with nothing found.
Following new information, we where then re-tasked in the morning of 29/05/19 at 0920 - also tasked to assist where Devon & Cornwall Police, Falmouth Lifeboat, Portscatho Coastguard Rescue Team, Whole time Coastguard Area Commander - AC11, Police Dog Units, Police Drones and later in the day, Coastguard Rescue Helicopter R924
Our new search area from Greenbank to Penryn (both sides of the river was covered.
A member of the public called in a suspected sighting, so units concentrated in that area, following this, another sighting in Penryn was reported and multiple units also responded to this
We're happy to report that this was indeed the gentleman in question.
Along with Police, Coastguard Team members where dispatched to provide immediate care to stabilise the casualty and setup an emergency helicopter landing site at Dracena playing fields (the nearest available site)
Coastguard Rescue Helicopter R924 landed and a Coastguard vehicle transported the Air Crew Paramedic to the casualty.
Following a short stretcher carry, the casualty was loaded into a road Ambulance, accompanied by family members for further care RCHT Treliske
We wish the casualty a speedy recovery and thank the public for their efforts during this search.
On clearing this incident, we where then immediately tasked to incident number 47.......
Photos Credit - Mark Readman
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A very busy week again for the team.
Here's a quick run down so far!
Inc. 41 - 24/05/19 - 0742 - Helicopter Landing Site - Boscawen Park, Truro
... Inc. 42 - 25/05/19 - 1735 - Police Incident - Port Pendennis Marina, Falmouth
Inc. 43 - 28/05/19 - 0847 - Medical Evacuation - Stack Point - Between Swanpool and Maenporth
Inc. 44 - 28/05/19 - 1048 - Cafe Fire - Maenporth Beach
Inc. 45, 46 and 47 will be in the next post.
Many thanks to Falmouth Golf Club for the use of their carts during the medical evacuation. That really made a difference to ours and the Ambulance Services response.
Also our thoughts go out to the owners of 'Lifes a beach' cafe at Maenporth following that devastating fire.
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#outonashout No. 040/2019 - 22/05/19 - 1554 - Team tasked to assist South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust with a casualty, Ferry Boat Beach. Helford River.
On scene a female casualty was already in the care of Ambulance Paramedics and receiving treatment and we were stood down.
We wish the lady a speed recovery.


#outonashout No. 037, 038 and 039/2019 - 21/05/19 - 0736 - Team tasked to a report of a PLB (personal locator beacon) activation, St Clements, Truro.
Falmouth Lifeboat and Coastguard Rescue 924 where also tasked.
On route we where re directed to Sunny Corner, Malpas as a further activation had put the beacon in that area. A search team was deployed and St Agnes Coastguard Search & Rescue Team also tasked to back us up.
... Further information was received and resources where then the directed to the direction of Falmouth Docks.
Team members searched the wharves and the Lifeboat used its direction finding (DF) radar to pin point the frequency.
With nothing found we where stood down and the matter left with Ofcom
We where then sent to job 38 which was to assist the Lifeboat with a vessel taking water, off Trefusis Point. Team members met the casualty vessel at Port Pendennis Marina - all persons and even the dog where wearing a life jacket! This is great news. The leak was from an exhaust manifold and repairs where being arranged.
Job No. 39 - Team tasked along with St Agnes Coastguard Team to establish and emergency HLS, Boscawen Park. Truro.
A casualty was transferred to a waiting Ambulance for further treatment at RCH Treliske
A busy day for us all!
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#outonashout No.036/2019 - 18/05/19 - 1604 - team tasked to an incident near Swanpool, Falmouth.
Devon & Cornwall Police where also tasked.
Water rescue equipment was made ready but not used as the incident was bought to a positive conclusion.


Yesterday (Friday 17th May) we took part in a very successful multi agency (#Coastsafe Partnership) training session - training bar and hotel staff The Greenbank Hotel and The Working Boat important water safety skills and techniques including being able to rescue a casualty from the water using a throw line.
24 Members of staff where trained - and throw lines have been provided for both establishments by the RNLI And #dontdrinkanddrown banners etc provided by the RLSS
A full... write will follow with professional photos but here’s a little taster - we also received a demo of the new Fire Boat stationed at Falmouth.
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service Cornwall Search and Rescue Team Devon & Cornwall Police
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#outonashout No. 034 & 035/2019 - 15/05/19 - 2105 - Team tasked to establish an emergency HLS for Coastguard Rescue 924, inbound from St Mary's, Isles of Scilly.
On scene at Boscawen Park, Truro, we cleared the field and set out a 'desert box' (an ad hoc lit square for the aircraft to land in at night - you can see this in the 1st photo)
The casualty was then transferred to an Ambulance when it had arrived. He was then transported to RCH Treliske for further treatment.
... Once we'd cleared down we where tasked to job No.35.....
..... which was to stay at Malpas as R924 had picked up a further tasking to an ill passenger on a cruise ship north of Newquay.
We waited on scene until that casualty had been assessed and following this, it was decided to transport them direct to Derriford Hospital, Plymouth.
We stood down and where back on station for 0135
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A local Falmouth hotel and bar staff to be trained to save lives if patrons go into the sea
Eager staff from the Working Boat pub and the Greenbank Hotel, in Falmouth are to get lifesaving training from HM Coastguard and Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service – so they can help people in difficulty in the water near their businesses.
With five water-related incidents in less than six months near Stratton Terrace, Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team is targeting training in areas where pe...
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More about Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team

Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team is located at Tinners Walk, TR11 3 Falmouth, Cornwall