Gadget Store

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Gadget Store

We do repair mobile phones, tablets, ipods, laptops, game consoles and other type of gadgets.



Gadget Store would like to take opportunity to thank all our customers for past over 8 years of trading.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances we had to cease trading. If we would be given an opportunity to relocate we would still be trading. My nasty landlord obtained full payment of the rent, sent valid 6 months notice and then evicted us on basis of unpaid rent. I did have legal right to stay in premises until end of June.
Gadget Store did have lots of happy and... regular customers. We were the only place in Devon that was able to get complicated and difficult repairs done. We were fixing lots of vintage electronics devices as well as the latest gadgets including multimedia systems on latest cars. On many occasions we did fixed devices deemed by other repair places as unrepairable. When did come for advanced and complicated repairs we did not have any competition.
My example clearly shows how big is the power of the money, as more money you have as bigger power you have. Travers Smith from London City executed unlawful eviction. It clearly shows that few people got extra paid for “dirty job”. To start Able Investigations & Enforcement did not comply with duty of care. They were not able to explain on what background they had the right to remove the goods that they haven’t belong to me, lots of my stuff got damaged and missing including some customer belongings.
Second part finished URBN construction - they did know that they are not allowed to touch my good in the store as there was clear notice but they did because they were instructed and paid for it by the landlord. They did managed to destroy almost all my furniture - what ever have not been destroyed it has been stolen by URBN employees.
I was building up my business by hard work for over 8 years, paying taxes and employ people. This brings very important question: Is it really worth it to be hard working and honest? Where all my taxes did go? Why someone who doesn’t live in UK setting up limited company on Isle of Man to avoid pay UK taxes and having more money than me can completely destroy me. Bailiffs funded from taxes that I paid over the years help him with that. Now to fight with unlawful eviction I would need to spend lot of money to take it to court as this what my landlord has done is not a crime! This system is completely sick!
I wish we could still trade but is impossible due this what my landlord has done. I hope there will be justice in court and my nasty landlord will pay for this what he has done.
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It is clear that Mozart Property Limited decided to evict Gadget Store and avoid the statutory compensation that GS would be entitled. Mozart Property Limited obtained the full payment of rent and still chose to evict Gadget Store based on the grounds of the non-payment of a quarterly rent which never was argued by me or asked by landlord.
On 25th of January landlord and his solicitors were informed by my solicitor that without delay I would have to be reinstated in the premi...
Continue Reading


Quick update about what did happen 
 Without any notice whatsoever, Mozart Property Limited purported to forfeit the lease on 15 January 2019. This was done by re-entering the premises. For some reason, a number of goods were removed from the premises, but a number of goods left at the premises. However, a number of goods are missing and a number of goods have been damaged. A number of these items are not Gadget Store property and belong to third parties. The actions on ...the part of Mozart Property Limited have obviously substantially damaged the reputation of Gadget Store business. 
 #Able Investigations & Enforcements from Bristol has been used to remove most of belongings from the store 
 They conducting forfeit on the basis of unpaid rent - when I did ask what is outstanding amount of rent - they were unable to tell. I did tell them I will pay what ever is outstanding they did refused and carry on. I went back home and brought it back proof of payments but they were not interested at all. This did showed that they got strict instruction remove as much as possible whatever happen. 
 As far as I am concerned that bailiffs got “duty of care” - this has failed in pretty much every possible circumstances. So far I was unable to get answer for some of very important questions: 
 * on what grounds they have removed from the store goods that did not belong to me? * why most of the items removed from my store have not been on inventory? * why there were not securely packed? (they did damaged my and customer goods in excess of few thousands pounds) * why the goods were not secured after removing? (part of the goods were stored next to the stairs in communal stairway where lots of other people did have access to) 
 On few attached pictures you can see where Able Investigations & Enforcements did stored some of the goods and how “securely” they did packaged them.
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Short summary:
1) March 2018 - Mozart Property purchasing Arcade
Since Mozart Property was the owner of the building, landlord was in breach of contract form very beginning.
... 2) July 2018 - ECC approve planning permission.
Correct procedures were not followed - full story in July post.
3) November 2018 - all tenants receiving request to leave (it was not valid notice to leave) with instruction where to pay outstanding amount for rent.
Soon after initial conversation with the landlord I had to instruct solicitor to deal it on my behalf with my crazy landlord.
4) December 2018 - landlord solicitors sent me valid 6 months notice.
Landlord solicitors were returning the rent to me and landlord was claiming that I did not pay him the rent. The last payment has been accepted.
5) January 2019 - with no right for forfeit landlord has removed all my goods to storage location in Bristol.
It just make you ask the question: Is it really worth to be honest hard working person? Rich landlord who leave outside UK, sets up limited company in Isle of Man which is outside jurisdiction either UK or EU - there is simple reason behind it. You can find out that Isle of Man is on the list of “tax haven”.
This type of person is “legally” allowed to something like this to small independent business trading in UK and paying taxes for years.
There are some very difficult decisions to make and make me wonder if is it really worth it to put an effort and keep trading when something like this is “allowed” by UK law?
Any kind of support would be much appreciate it.
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Customer repairs ready for collection from tomorrow onwards from
Devon Hemp 2 Market Street Exeter... EX1 1BP
Any questions please either message me or contact on my mobile 07525064232
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Meanwhile few days later after building company started preparation beginning of December out of the blue water started coming through the roof of arcade. It did seems to be strange that on the days there was no rain water was still dipping inside. I have decided to check what is going on and went to the roof to check it and I was surprised what I did discovered. After I did inspected the issue why there is a “swimming pool on the roof” I was shocked as all the drains were blocked with mud. Since I was there (over 8 years) not even single one got blocked and now all of the sudden all of them? Coincidence - please answer this question yourself.
I did attached pictures taken 15.12.2018


Last part corespondence from the landlord


To be continued...


On 6th of November every tenant receive the same letter (with different amount of outstanding rent) from landlord solicitors. Copy of my letter attached. I did not attached second page as there were just details where I should make a payment. On a second photo screen shot from my bank account that I did make a payment on 19. 11. 2018 so before 21st of November deadline indicated in request. For some reason this make my landlord very angry, it did come to the stage I had to involve solicitor.
The next most interesting part of the story follow very soon…


I did set it up Gadget Store on 21/10/2010, since then City Arcade had 2 owners. Everything was going fine until Mozart Property Limited become the owner of the building in 2018. All tenants did received a letter couple of weeks later informing about it - I do believe it was back in April. We try to contact the owner, however there was no communication from the landlord whatsoever. No one from the ten...ant received any information where to pay the rent so for few months no one paid. In past we were getting invoice at the end of each quarter with amount and details where we should pay. Not mentioning the fact that landlord has not provided service charge (cleaning arcade, including toilet, soap, towels, etc) that it was included in the rent. There was no maintenance at all, where there was a problem with leaking roof in 2 units there was no where to report it.
In May 2018 I contacted number on the letter from the new owner to ask for invoice and details for payment as quarter was coming to an end. No one in the office was able to help me, when I did ask for some sort of contact to the landlord I was told “ I can not give it to you without his consent”. Well I decided to put money for the rent to my saving account and wait when I would hear from my landlord.
Mean while ECC did approved planing permission to demolish building and build the students flat. Full story on this here:…/city-arcade -shop-owners-reveal-…
ECC comments regarding this are very strange:
“But the city council has made it clear that it has adhered to set guidelines at every step of the consultation process over the arcade plans. And it has also pointed out that it is not responsible for the planning application, which was devised by a private landlord.”
Until I read this I thought that ECC is responsible for making planing decisions but this seems to prove it I was wrong.
What did happen next…
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By the looks of it principle is pretty much the same everywhere. "Who has got a money got a power"


Gadget Store is temporary closed. Solicitor is already involved to deal with nasty landlord. Full story will follow soon.Gadget Store is temporary closed. Solicitor is already involved to deal with nasty landlord. Full story will follow soon.


Just finiished BMW 5 series F10 model challenge 😎 not even 4 years old car - CIC module died - personally think BMW could do better and they should have it done under warranty instead of quoting ridiculus money to get it replaced! 😯
My friend went through different garages including "BMW specialists" - to start quoted quite a bit, after 2 days said that they can't get it done and it need to visit BMW dealer as there is no other option - sounded interesting for me and decided to try it. Spent quite a bit of time but it was worth it! I love challanges 😍
BRING IT ON! GADGET STORE RULES (at least in Exeter) 😎


Back in time - I can't remember when last time we did have one of these models for repairs.

User…/city-arcade -shop-owners-reveal-…

More about Gadget Store

Gadget Store is located at 11-12 City Arcade, Fore St, EX4 3JE Exeter, Devon
01392 425150
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -