Gaia'S Enigma

About Gaia'S Enigma

A unique Reiki treatment combining tradition Reiki with Pagan magick!

Gaia'S Enigma Description

For those who don’t know me my name is Xavier and I am a …. Hmmm! Now believe it or not when I was practicing what to say for this opening this is where I got stuck because ‘what am I?’ Well. I’m a Reiki practitioner, a Crystal Therapist, a Witch, a Warlock, a Shaman?, a pagan, a heathen, an Odinist, a Martial artist, an Archer, a Whovian, a bit of geek, a Father and a Husband… The thing is I’m all of these and more … Which leads on to why I’m here!



The principles of Reiki are not as easy as they sound, especially trying to live them every day, but we all need to take time for ourselves, to rest, reflect and recharge. Maybe you can't manage it every day but just try for one, just one day... Just for today....


It's all about balance!! We are all striving for something, all pushing ourselves to do or be more, whether that's for our career, our families or our ambitions. The problem is sometimes we push so hard that we have nothing left to give, we burn out and stagnate! You can't do everything or be there for everyone if you do not make time for yourself! Rest, relax, recharge! Bring back balance to your inner self and your strength shall grow! Reiki can back your oomph! Get back your 'Get up and go' before it gets up and leaves! Bring back your balance!! Peace out!!


Hail and welcome Kindred! For those who don’t know me my name is Xavier and I am a …. Hmmm! Now believe it or not when I was practicing what to say for this opening this is where I got stuck because ‘what am I?’ Well. I’m a Reiki practitioner, a Crystal Therapist, a Witch, a Warlock, a Shaman?, a pagan, a heathen, an Odinist, a Martial artist, an Archer, a Whovian, a bit of geek, a Father… The thing is I’m all of these and more … Which leads on to why I’m here! Now, I origina...lly launched Gaia’s Enigma about 4 years ago purely as a page for what I hoped would become my Reiki business but it wasn’t to be! About a year and a half ago I came off Facebook and social media completely, so Gaias Enigma has just been sitting there in limbo!! But now I feel it’s time to re-launch Gaia’s Enigma because ‘What I am is passionate about all the things that make me ‘ME’! So…. Gaias Enigma is going to be a place to share those passions!! I will be posting videos, articles, discussions, blogs, reviews, all sorts of things! What I am hoping is that Gaia’s Enigma will become a place that not only can you book a healing session, but a place where you can feed your mind, your curiosity, be entertained and educated, have a giggle and join a conversation and follow a journey and much much more! So, Welcome to the New Gaias Enigma! Until we merry meet again…….. Peace Out!!
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Spring is the start of new life, make it a time for a new you!


Bring back balance to your life!


Its time for a new begining, a new way, a new place... Its time to unravel the Enigma!


Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls Children of all ages! Its finally finished and published, a little basic but Hey, gotta start somewhere right!! Blessings!


Trying to build a website for Gaia's Enigma and my brain has just gone 'Err....NO' Real mental block! Brilliant!!!


A unique Reiki treatment combining tradition Reiki with Pagan magick in the comfort of your own home! Comment on post, write on wall, send a message, drop me an email:- or phone/text 07914090707

More about Gaia'S Enigma

Gaia'S Enigma is located at BH15 1QS Poole, Dorset