
About Horses4Homes

Horses4Homes is a not for profit organization that has been developed in response to the rising number of horses needing new forever homes.

Horses4Homes Description

Horses4Homes is committed to helping the equine community to re-home horses more responsibly and by doing so reduce the number of horses in need of rescuing each year. This will alleviate pressure on sanctuaries and re-homing centres allowing them to focus on the horses, ponies and donkeys most in need.

There is absolutely no cost to list a horse on Horses4Homes and each horse listed is available at no sale cost only an application fee of £10 and a re-homing fee of £50 payable by the successful applicant plus a requested donation.

Horses4Homes provides an application process to enable owners to be more informed regarding the homes that are offered. Once a suitable home has been found, verified and inspected by the owner of the horssethe new owner, loanee or sharer is invited to make a donation to the Foundation, as requested by the original horse owner, to demonstrate their commitment and financial capability to care for the new horse. Each Re-home is given a bespoke re-home agreement to outline responsibility and cost.

The aims of the Horses4Homes Foundation are;

To reduce the risks associated with buying, selling and re-homing horses
To educate people on the risks associated with buying, selling and re-homing horses
To raise the standards of internet selling & re-homing horses
To help reduce the number of healthy horses slaughtered in the UK
To capture data of use to the industry
for research purposes
to proactively target high risk groups
To develop a grant fund to invest in the long term improvement of equine welfare & education worldwide

Making a monthly contribution of just a few pounds can help to ensure Horses4Homes continues to provide much needed assistance to horse owners by helping them to find suitable homes for their much loved, vulnerable horses who may otherwise have to be put to sleep.

The grants will support projects which enable equine charities to provide specialist care and veterinary treatment to vulnerable, rescued horses, ponies and donkeys. Without the expert intervention of reputable equine welfare charities these horses would often have to euthanased. With greater funds available to these charities, a greater number of vulnerable horses can be rescued, rehabilitated and re-homed to responsible, knowledgeable homes.

Each grant application made to the charitable Foundation will be carefully screened in order that funds are only given in support of projects which will make the largest impact on improving the quality of life for vulnerable horses, ponies and donkeys. The funds requested will have to be fully justified. Organisations wishing to apply for funds will need to be registered charities which are members of the National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC). The NEWC inspects and approves its membership in accordance with its Code of Practice. www. newc. co. uk

As Horses4Homes is a new venture it is not a legal requirement to register a new charity with the Charity Commission until sufficient funds have been accumulated. Horses4Homes is confident this will not take long, given the strength of the cause and the transparency of how our funds will be spent. Horses4Homes is however registered as a charity with Companies House.

More about Horses4Homes

07494 095754