Hypnobirthing Online

About Hypnobirthing Online

Increase your confidence for a better birth: Online Hypnobirthing Course & MP3s, plus home workshops and antenatal doula support in beautiful Cornwall <3

Hypnobirthing Online Description

Increase your confidence for a better birth with hypnotherapist and childbirth educator Alice Kirby: Cornwall classes, Online Hypnobirthing Course & MP3s.



Congratulations Molly & family, and welcome Florence ♡
"I had my beautiful baby girl Florence at 12.54am on Sunday (19/08/18). I was induced with a pessary at Treliske in Cornwall (14 days overdue, decided to induce due to pelvic girdle pain), around 4pm.
By 5.15pm we started counting mild regular contractions. I stood and cuddled my partner through most of these! By 9pm I was monitored and checked at almost 5cm, and I moved upstairs to the new birthing unit a little after 1...0pm, where I planned to have a water birth.
I had been managing contractions with breathing, affirmations in my head (and from my partner), and the use of lavender and some clary sage on a tissue. I was very warm and decided I wasn't ready for the pool and continued to labour actively.
Using my techniques gained from Alice's MP3s and a little gas and air I was able to let my body take over, and my baby was born very calmly in to the world with just a couple of stitches for me!
It was so different to my first very medical labour.. thanks to Alice's MP3s I was calm and level headed throughout, and so was my partner. As a result we have a beautiful serene little baby girl! I will recommend to anyone who listens!"
Words and photo posted with written permission :)
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Hear hear 👏


My happy news... Perhaps I'll bump into some of my hypnobirthing clients on my practice placements! <3


UK parents / expectant parents... What do you think about the digitisation of maternity notes? And are there any online resources you've found useful?
Here's a quick survey from the Better Births team, it would be really helpful to gain your feedback (link in comments).


Wonderfully effective demonstration of contractions, effacement, dilation and then we switch to imagining crowning at the perineum - all with just a balloon and a ping pong ball!


This review is really interesting, as we're all about reducing fear during birth... It's so important during pregnancy to foster confidence, relaxation, mental well-being and good support <3


Well done that mummy!


It's World Breastfeeding Week... Amazing, challenging, nourishing, nurturing, boring, messy old breastfeeding...
My favourite online resource is still 'Kellymom', by lactation consultant Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC... Her guides to growth spurts, cluster feeding and 'fussy' evenings were really illuminating and helped me to trust that my baby knew what she was doing!
This picture seems like just yesterday, but Maya will be 9 in a few months... She breastfed until 3.5yrs <3


Ahoy Cornwall parents :) Link in comments <3


Congratulations Naomi! And welcome baby Flo <3
"Practicing Alice's hypnobirthing techniques helped me to stay positive and relaxed when complications in pregnancy arose and I suddenly had to induced rather than the home birth I had planned. I also believe it helped me to start in early labour while waiting to be induced.
In labour I felt powerful, primal and positive and found the techniques again particularly useful to stay calm and manage pain when I had to go to theatre f...or a retained placenta.
Despite things not going to my original plan, I had a hugely positive and empowering experience. I would definitely recommend Alice's hypnobirthing course. Thank you!"
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Are you / do you know a Cornwall parent with personal experience of diabetes in pregnancy? Read below or please share this post, thank you :)


Congratulations Georgina, and welcome Sophie <3
"I had the most amazing birth, my little Sophie was in a rush to come out.
I probably didn’t do as much “active hypnobirthing study” as I should, however I listened to it to go to sleep every night and I could hear the music in my head during labour, especially the “positive birthing affirmations with Wah”.
... My waters went on Monday afternoon, followed by slowly building tightenings, which thanks to the online course I knew to expect and breathe through - even managed to sleep for a few hours through them!
Then we went to the midwife-led birthing unit and (thanks to the online videos of breathing techniques), I sounded like I was playing a kazoo throughout my labour and it helped wonderfully.
In between each surge I was my normal chatty self, I would then zone out when each surge came. I instinctively knew each phase of my baby's birth and was in tune with my body completely, even my midwife commented on it!
I had my perfect water birth after 2 hours of labour and 5 minutes of breathing my baby out.
Thank you for your fantastic course and daily affirmations! I will miss those!"
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All set for teaching a 1:1 hypnobirthing intensive workshop today at my home :)


My ultimate goal with hypnobirthing isn't about having a natural, drug-free birth - it's about having YOUR best birth and creating positive memories, no matter what...
If you haven't seen this, please watch Gemma's positive hypno-caesarean birth video <3
"Your course and particularly the positive caesarean birth preparation audio helped me to stay calm and enjoy a beautiful birth experience.
... I went into labour spontaneously and reached 6cm before going ahead with the caesarean as baby didn't turn [from breech] during labour.
My husband and the midwives all remarked on how serene and happy I was throughout, despite having very regular and strong contractions and being nervous about the operation.
I have also been successful with breastfeeding and feel this is down to how calm and happy I felt after Jonah's birth. Thank you for your wonderful course"
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Is it time to change your profile picture yet? Use this! Thinking of all of you 40+ week families out there! Keep calm and carry on <3


Baby tries to latch onto mama's nose post c-section, haha <3
"It was an incredible moment when my daughter hugged me for the first time. ‘The medical team were great and were all really surprised that she acted this way. ‘Ágata is now three months old and is doing great, every day is a surprise and I love being a mother"


MC from Glasgow tells us about her 3rd baby's birth... ♡
"I loved your voice, and listened to all your tracks regularly from 34 weeks, especially affirmations. I also went over the theory sections of the website several times.
From the beginning to the end of my labour I listened to you on repeat with my headphones on! It kept me very focused and in my zone, to the point where I panicked at transition when I couldn’t hit repeat on my phone quick enough!
... I had a quick birth. My baby's waters broke on their own at home at midnight. I got up to the hospital to be triaged at 1am (3cm dilated). She was born two hours later, with transition very brief.
I remained upright as long as possible and birthed her leaning over the back of a bed on my knees. It felt very intense and powerful.
I used gas and air for an hour at the end and this was a good distraction coupled with the hypnobirthing track.
She came into the world calmly and without a cry, but bright eyed and alert. I attribute this to the techniques learned and the trust placed in my baby to come when she was ready.
‘Your baby and body know what to do' - and thank goodness for that!’ Thank you!
I’m so proud of her and me"
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Hypnobirthing Online Course inc MP3s £10 / £25: www.hypnobirthing-online.com/hypnobirthin g_online.html
Cornwall / London / Norfolk / anywhere hypnobirthing classes from £150: www.hypnobirthing-online.com/hypnobirthin g.html
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Your program made all the difference for me before, during and after birth. I still listen to the MP3s regularly as they help me tremendously with life. Thank you so very much! You've helped make a huge impact on my life even beyond the birth process and I'm truly grateful


This course helped me to prepare for the birth of my first baby and kept me from becoming anxious about what to expect. I was disappointed to need a caesarean initially due to baby being breech, however the course and particularly the positive caesarean birth preparation audio helped me to stay calm and enjoy a beautiful birth experience in spite of it being not what I had hoped for when I started the course.

I went into labour spontaneously and reached 6cm before going ahead with the caesarean as baby didn't turn during labour. my husband and the midwives all remarked on how serene and happy I was throughout despite having very regular and strong contractions and being nervous about the operation. I have also been successful with breastfeeding and feel this is down to how calm and happy I felt after my baby's birth. Thank you for your wonderful course :)


Practicing Alice's hypnobirthing techniques helped me to stay positive and relaxed when complications in pregnancy arose and I suddenly had to induced rather than the home birth I had planned. I also believe it helped me to start in early labour while waiting to be induced. In labour I felt powerful, primal and positive but found the techniques again particularly useful to stay calm and manage pain when I had to go to theatre for a retained placenta. Despite things not going to my original plan, I had a hugely positive and empowering experience. I would definitely recommend Alice's hypnobirthing course. Thank you!


My doula last year, invaluable support and I would highly recommend to anyone.


I used this instead of a physical class. It worked amazing! My baby is almost 5 months old now and I still use the hynobirthing techniques to sleep sometimes. The techniques here helped me through a natural labor and delivery.


I used Alice's excellent resources to prepare for the birth of my second baby at home and found them really helpful both before and during my labour (I listened to the birthing affirmations throughout labour and found they really helped keep me focused and relaxed). Even though I wasn't able to practice as much as I had wanted (and only came across the course when I was already 34 weeks pregnant), the preparation I was able to do made all the difference, and I was able to have the calm, quick home birth I had hoped for. I've tried a few different hypnobirthing CDs in the past but found that the style and tone of this course to be the best - definitely worth the money, thanks!


I had severe SPD and ended up in a wheelchair in immense pain at the end of my pregnancy. However Alice's techniques allowed me to focus on the pain and gain some control during pregnancy and I had a fast 5hour labour from waters breaking to delivery. I just used gas and air and the Hypnobirthing techniques to focus on the surges. It was a very calm quick labour and I was able to chat in between contractions and refocus when I needed to. The techniques I gained on this course let me have an amazing birth with minimal pain and tearing. Alice is fantastic and so are her resources! I would recommend anyone to do it!


I had a reasonably quick (24 hours altogether) labour and birth at home which I feel was partly due to hypnobirthing. I practised for the last 3 months of pregnancy and although I didn't practise as much as was recommended, it was a huge help dealing with each contraction. I had the affirmations printed out and stuck on the wall and your affirmations tracks playing. I really think it kept me calm and in control throughout labour, so much so the midwife didn't believe I was in established labour until she examined me and I was 7 centimetres! Little Tessa came along only an hour later!

Thank you so much for such a comprehensive course - I have already recommended you to my pregnant friends!


I found Alice's hypnobirthing program to be extremely helpful! I gave birth to a 9lb 1oz baby girl with no medication of any kind! It was not easy, but listening to the affirmations throughout the birth gave me a huge sense of comfort and support. I'm so glad I did it and highly recommend this program!


I cannot recommend highly enough, Alice's support and guidance during our consultation at home and in the weeks leading up to my sons birth was above and beyond what i expected. The MP3's of hypnobirthing were of great quality and more importantly soothing and relaxing. I still use the MP3's with my son to help relax him when he is teething or unwell. I will most certainly be using Hypnobirthing Cornwall for my 2nd child.


Hypnobirthing really helped me to relax during pregnancy. Although I didn’t have the birth I envisaged, the techniques were invaluable for preparing my body and mind for the demands of pregnancy; keeping me calm during the lead up to my c-section and for those challenging first weeks of looking after a new baby. I still use the techniques today!


For my first baby, I wanted a drug-free birth and was able to have one thanks to the techniques I learned and practiced in this hypbobirthing course as well as having a doula. I felt that my birth moved fairly quickly because I was able to just be in the moment and not feel stressed or anxious. I usually have a lot of anxiety and without hypnobirthing and a doula to help me remember the relaxation and breathing techniques, I think the birth would’ve been much longer and harder...however, I was able to deliver my big baby girl, Claire Valerie (9lbs!), in just a few hours with no complications or interventions. I would definitely recommend hypnobirthing to anyone hoping to have a natural and more relaxed birth!


Fantastic information! Alice was incredibly understanding & supportive throughout. Would have been lost without this resource!


Fantastic course, support and content! Would highly recommend Alice and her course!


Alice's online hypnobirthing course is wonderful. I had a bad experience giving birth to my first son; hospital, long labour, epidural, lots of anxiety, panicking etc. This time I chose to try hypnobirthing, I desperately wanted to stay calm and be at home to give birth this time, so I did Alice's online course.

There's loads of info, videos to watch, stories to read and the hypnobirthing mp3s are great. I did give birth at home in around 3 hours from start to finish. I had just 2 paracetamol and played Alice's affirmation tracks out loud all the way through. My spd did make the birth quite painful on my lower back and hips, so I found it hard to breathe through and focus on every contraction but the tracks reminded me to stay calm, I could do this, it would be over soon and my baby would be here. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who's pregnant. It is a wonderful way to prepare for the birth you want and to stay in control and calm. Thank you Alice! X


Alice visited us at home before my first birth and I just used the online service second time round but I was booked in for induction on a Monday morning and Alice took the time, on a Sunday evening, to talk me through my reservations and help me to approach the situation with a really positive attitude. Both my births were quick and uncomplicated. I consider myself very lucky but also believe that hypnobirthing and Alice played a massive part. Well worth the money and more. Thank you Alice x


Alice is fantastic at what she does! If you have any fears, concerns or anxieties about giving birth, I would highly recommended her course. We saw Alice in person twice, but also felt safe in knowing we could always ask her for advice at any time during the pregnancy. Our birth was amazing and although my ultimate fear was ending up in hospital, I'm pleased to say that we got our homebirth, and only had to go so I could be stitched - the hypnobirthing helped keep me so calm through it, including the spinal anaesthetic which was my top fear. As I said - if you want to be as prepared as you can for birth, and want it to be a natural and empowering experience, I would highly recommend Alice!!


Alice I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such an amazing hypnobirthing program. I had my second baby less than 2 weeks ago and as soon as I found out I was pregnant my anxiety levels and fear about labour kept creeping up. My first labour was great, but just going through the 'pain' again terrified me. I bought your program when I was 35 weeks pregnant and I practices it everyday. I committed to it and some days I listened to the mp3 3-4 times. My labour was everything I hoped for. It was quick and it was at home in the water. I can't thank you enough for this amazing/positive experience.


Your program made all the difference for me before, during and after birth. I still listen to the MP3s regularly as they help me tremendously with life. Thank you so very much! You've helped make a huge impact on my life even beyond the birth process and I'm truly grateful


This course helped me to prepare for the birth of my first baby and kept me from becoming anxious about what to expect. I was disappointed to need a caesarean initially due to baby being breech, however the course and particularly the positive caesarean birth preparation audio helped me to stay calm and enjoy a beautiful birth experience in spite of it being not what I had hoped for when I started the course.

I went into labour spontaneously and reached 6cm before going ahead with the caesarean as baby didn't turn during labour. my husband and the midwives all remarked on how serene and happy I was throughout despite having very regular and strong contractions and being nervous about the operation. I have also been successful with breastfeeding and feel this is down to how calm and happy I felt after my baby's birth. Thank you for your wonderful course :)


Practicing Alice's hypnobirthing techniques helped me to stay positive and relaxed when complications in pregnancy arose and I suddenly had to induced rather than the home birth I had planned. I also believe it helped me to start in early labour while waiting to be induced. In labour I felt powerful, primal and positive but found the techniques again particularly useful to stay calm and manage pain when I had to go to theatre for a retained placenta. Despite things not going to my original plan, I had a hugely positive and empowering experience. I would definitely recommend Alice's hypnobirthing course. Thank you!


My doula last year, invaluable support and I would highly recommend to anyone.


I used this instead of a physical class. It worked amazing! My baby is almost 5 months old now and I still use the hynobirthing techniques to sleep sometimes. The techniques here helped me through a natural labor and delivery.


I used Alice's excellent resources to prepare for the birth of my second baby at home and found them really helpful both before and during my labour (I listened to the birthing affirmations throughout labour and found they really helped keep me focused and relaxed). Even though I wasn't able to practice as much as I had wanted (and only came across the course when I was already 34 weeks pregnant), the preparation I was able to do made all the difference, and I was able to have the calm, quick home birth I had hoped for. I've tried a few different hypnobirthing CDs in the past but found that the style and tone of this course to be the best - definitely worth the money, thanks!


I had severe SPD and ended up in a wheelchair in immense pain at the end of my pregnancy. However Alice's techniques allowed me to focus on the pain and gain some control during pregnancy and I had a fast 5hour labour from waters breaking to delivery. I just used gas and air and the Hypnobirthing techniques to focus on the surges. It was a very calm quick labour and I was able to chat in between contractions and refocus when I needed to. The techniques I gained on this course let me have an amazing birth with minimal pain and tearing. Alice is fantastic and so are her resources! I would recommend anyone to do it!


I had a reasonably quick (24 hours altogether) labour and birth at home which I feel was partly due to hypnobirthing. I practised for the last 3 months of pregnancy and although I didn't practise as much as was recommended, it was a huge help dealing with each contraction. I had the affirmations printed out and stuck on the wall and your affirmations tracks playing. I really think it kept me calm and in control throughout labour, so much so the midwife didn't believe I was in established labour until she examined me and I was 7 centimetres! Little Tessa came along only an hour later!

Thank you so much for such a comprehensive course - I have already recommended you to my pregnant friends!


I found Alice's hypnobirthing program to be extremely helpful! I gave birth to a 9lb 1oz baby girl with no medication of any kind! It was not easy, but listening to the affirmations throughout the birth gave me a huge sense of comfort and support. I'm so glad I did it and highly recommend this program!


I cannot recommend highly enough, Alice's support and guidance during our consultation at home and in the weeks leading up to my sons birth was above and beyond what i expected. The MP3's of hypnobirthing were of great quality and more importantly soothing and relaxing. I still use the MP3's with my son to help relax him when he is teething or unwell. I will most certainly be using Hypnobirthing Cornwall for my 2nd child.


Hypnobirthing really helped me to relax during pregnancy. Although I didn’t have the birth I envisaged, the techniques were invaluable for preparing my body and mind for the demands of pregnancy; keeping me calm during the lead up to my c-section and for those challenging first weeks of looking after a new baby. I still use the techniques today!


For my first baby, I wanted a drug-free birth and was able to have one thanks to the techniques I learned and practiced in this hypbobirthing course as well as having a doula. I felt that my birth moved fairly quickly because I was able to just be in the moment and not feel stressed or anxious. I usually have a lot of anxiety and without hypnobirthing and a doula to help me remember the relaxation and breathing techniques, I think the birth would’ve been much longer and harder...however, I was able to deliver my big baby girl, Claire Valerie (9lbs!), in just a few hours with no complications or interventions. I would definitely recommend hypnobirthing to anyone hoping to have a natural and more relaxed birth!


Fantastic information! Alice was incredibly understanding & supportive throughout. Would have been lost without this resource!


Fantastic course, support and content! Would highly recommend Alice and her course!


Alice's online hypnobirthing course is wonderful. I had a bad experience giving birth to my first son; hospital, long labour, epidural, lots of anxiety, panicking etc. This time I chose to try hypnobirthing, I desperately wanted to stay calm and be at home to give birth this time, so I did Alice's online course.

There's loads of info, videos to watch, stories to read and the hypnobirthing mp3s are great. I did give birth at home in around 3 hours from start to finish. I had just 2 paracetamol and played Alice's affirmation tracks out loud all the way through. My spd did make the birth quite painful on my lower back and hips, so I found it hard to breathe through and focus on every contraction but the tracks reminded me to stay calm, I could do this, it would be over soon and my baby would be here. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who's pregnant. It is a wonderful way to prepare for the birth you want and to stay in control and calm. Thank you Alice! X


Alice visited us at home before my first birth and I just used the online service second time round but I was booked in for induction on a Monday morning and Alice took the time, on a Sunday evening, to talk me through my reservations and help me to approach the situation with a really positive attitude. Both my births were quick and uncomplicated. I consider myself very lucky but also believe that hypnobirthing and Alice played a massive part. Well worth the money and more. Thank you Alice x


Alice is fantastic at what she does! If you have any fears, concerns or anxieties about giving birth, I would highly recommended her course. We saw Alice in person twice, but also felt safe in knowing we could always ask her for advice at any time during the pregnancy. Our birth was amazing and although my ultimate fear was ending up in hospital, I'm pleased to say that we got our homebirth, and only had to go so I could be stitched - the hypnobirthing helped keep me so calm through it, including the spinal anaesthetic which was my top fear. As I said - if you want to be as prepared as you can for birth, and want it to be a natural and empowering experience, I would highly recommend Alice!!


Alice I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such an amazing hypnobirthing program. I had my second baby less than 2 weeks ago and as soon as I found out I was pregnant my anxiety levels and fear about labour kept creeping up. My first labour was great, but just going through the 'pain' again terrified me. I bought your program when I was 35 weeks pregnant and I practices it everyday. I committed to it and some days I listened to the mp3 3-4 times. My labour was everything I hoped for. It was quick and it was at home in the water. I can't thank you enough for this amazing/positive experience.

More about Hypnobirthing Online
