International Association For Safety And Survival Training

About International Association For Safety And Survival Training

International Association for Safety and Survival training (IASST) is an association of safety and survival training organizations

International Association For Safety And Survival Training Description

International Association for Safety and Survival training (IASST) is an association of safety and survival training organizations



On April 21, 2018 took place the International Meeting of IASST, during which was declared that Ben Pluck will hold a position of the Chief Financial Officer for the next 3 years. The chairman position will hold Dmitrijs Semjonovs for one more year. This year in the meeting participated IASST members from America, Africa, Europe and Asia. During the International meeting also took place the workshop "Frameworks of Safety Instructor", the participants shared their own experience in the field of safety and survival, as well as discussed the future development of IASST
#iasst #safety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Iceland


All preparations for the IASST International Seminar 2018 in Iceland are done! The seminar will happen on 20 April at Grand Hotel. The agenda and list of speakers are available at The Seminar jointly organised by Safety Council and Ministry of Transport and Local Government, Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre, International Association for Safety and Survival Training (IASST). The topic of the Seminar is "Safety on board and Sea survival at extreme con...ditions. Iceland success story". The speakers are representing experts from Safety and Survival field and going to talk about safety on Icelandic fisheries, small boats, training in fire protection.
For more information, the schedule of the event and the delegate’s registration forms, please, visit
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IASST Meeting and Seminar, 20-22 of April, 2018 will be hosted by Iceland by this unique country, with it’s marvellous nature, great culture and remarkable role of pioneers in a field of safety and survival training for fishermen. Iceland was one of the first ones to implement mandatory Safety and Survival trainings for their 9000 fishermen. For now, Iceland Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre ICE-SAR has been organising survival training for 28 years and during thi...s time they were able to achieve the highest level of learning outcomes that lead to real aware of safety culture among fishermen. Iceland track-record in the fight against serious marine accidents proves that the battle against fatal accidents in fishing worldwide can be won and as for now Iceland fishermen are considered to be ones who are the most aware of safety and survival skills. During the IASST international meeting in Reykjavik representatives of Ministry of transport of Iceland and ICE-SAR will share their experience of implementing the safety strategies among fishermen. We are expecting a number of presentations and real on-scene exercises to present delegates the history of developing Safety and Survival training process.
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The 72nd IASST International Meeting and Seminar will be hosted by the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre of ICE-SAR in Iceland from 20th to 22nd April. This time the meeting will take place in a very impressive city – Reykjavik. During the 72nd IASST Meeting, delegates will have a possibility to visit the ICE-SAR Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre. The first day of the International meeting will be dedicated to the international seminar, during which the ...representatives of Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centres and rescue organizations will present the latest achievements in the field of safety on water and survival. IASST meeting and workshop will be hold on the second day, then the delegates will have an opportunity to visit the training vessel Sæbjörg, the school ship which features a fully equipped training facility onboard, and a Coast Guard vessel, after that will be hold the meeting and the workshop. As always there will be the Sunday tour, during which delegates with their partners will have opportunity to explore one the most incredible region of the country with a big historical heritage - Reykjanes Peninsula. For more information, the schedule of the event and the delegate’s registration forms, please, visit #iasst #safety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Iceland
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As it’s been declared in a recent English study the shipping industry is relieving an increased demand for seafarers. The maritime industry longer than a decade has been struggling with a shortfall of officers, thus it is sure that employment prospects for seafarers will remain strong for years from now. This 90 second video features cadets starting their careers at sea. The video highlights the diverse range of opportunities available to young people who enter the sector of maritime industry, so exciting and thrilling. The film was funded by the Maritime Educational Foundation with support from Maersk Denmark shipping company and the Port of Felixstowe. Please share this video.
#iasst #safety #survival #training


The 72nd IASST International Meeting and Seminar will be hosted by the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre of ICE-SAR in Iceland from 20th to 22nd April. This time the meeting will take place in a very impressive city – Reykjavik.
During the 72nd IASST Meeting, delegates will have a possibility to visit the ICE-SAR Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre. The first day of the International meeting will be dedicated to the international seminar, during which the... representatives of Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centres and rescue organizations will present the latest achievements in the field of safety on water and survival. IASST meeting and workshop will be hold on the second day, then the delegates will have an opportunity to visit the training vessel Sæbjörg, the school ship which features a fully equipped training facility onboard, and a Coast Guard vessel, after that will be hold the meeting and the workshop. As always there will be the Sunday tour, during which delegates with their partners will have opportunity to explore one the most incredible region of the country with a big historical heritage - Reykjanes Peninsula. For more information, the schedule of the event and the delegate’s registration forms, please, visit
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The honorary member of IASST professor Mike Tipton has has been awarded an MBE in the 2018 New Year’s Honours list. New Year Honours List for 2018 recognises the achievements and service of extraordinary people across the United Kingdom. Professor Tipton was awarded the honour for services to research and teaching in extreme environmental physiology and research in drowning prevention. More information about Professor Tipton life work on


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! #iasst


The Directors of IASST are pleased to announce Mr Milhar Fuazudeen’ as an Honorary Member of the IASST. Mr Fuazudeen attended the IASST Seminar 29 September - 3 October 2017 hosted by CERONAV Maritime Safety Training Centre at the 71st IASST International Meeting & Seminar held in Bucharest where he was granted this deserved position for his vast contribution to improve the safety of a human element in a maritime industry worldw...ide. Mr Fuazudeen is the Head of Maritime Training and Human Element in IMO’s Maritime Safety Division since January of 2012. He is the Secretary of the Human Element, Training and Watch keeping (HTW) Sub-Committee and was the Secretary of the Human Element Working Group. His present work includes the implementation of the Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers as well as STCW-F Convention, he has been working on the ISM Code and other Human Element-related issues. “Mr Milhars’ contribution to maritime industries’ safety cannot be overemphasised. The work of Mr Fuazudeen is incredible, it’s apparently a honourable merit”, says honorary member of IASST Hilmar Snorrason. During all his professional life Mr Fuazudeen has been spending his energy to create real safety environment for those involved in maritime industry. Mr Fuazudeen has devoted himself to promotion safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment. “Mr Fuazudeen’s vivid and inspiring speeches always concerns the most important questions and inspires on actions forced to the improvement of maritime field’s safety. It’s a privilege to have a person of this calibre among honorary members of IASST,” says IASST chairman Dmitrijs Semjonovs. #iasst #safety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Romania #IMO
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This time the meeting of the International Association for Safety and Survival Training (IASST) was organized by CERONAV, which is the national maritime safety training provider in Romania. The members from all over the world were present at the meeting. Representatives came from such countries as Canada, Iceland, Norway, Ireland, France, Nigeria, Latvia, Finland, Romania, Taiwan and The Netherlands.
The meeting started on Saturday at the residence of CERONAV in Constanta. ...
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The 71st International IASST Meeting and Seminar will be held in Romania and hosted by CERONAV – Romanian Maritime Training Centre from 29th September to 3rd October, 2017. CERONAV – Romanian Maritime Training Centre was established in 1976 and after merging in 2003 with the River Personnel Training Centre in Galatz, became the national body for the training and specialization of maritime, river and port personnel and leading professional trainer of international reputation o...f today. Operating in four premises, three in Constantza (at the black Sea) and one in Galatz (on the Danube river), CERONAV is committed to respond to the training needs of seagoing, river and port personnel, offering high quality program in compliance with STCW Convention and other national and international conventions as well as beyond the range of such requirements through tailor made courses designed to meet specific needs. CERONAV currently organizes about 2 000 training, specialization and qualification classes in 80 different specialties, for approximately 32 000 trainees per year. Read more
CERONAV is IASST member since October 2004. #iasst #safety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Romania #Ceronav
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The 71st International Meeting and Seminar of IASST members is getting closer with every day. This time it will be held in Romania, hosted by CERONAV – Romanian Maritime Training Center from 29th September to 3rd October, 2017. International Meeting and Seminar is an event organized twice a year, every time in a different country of a member of IASST. The goal of the event is to maintain contacts within the industry by introducing national and international maritime organiza...tions: Universities,Colleges and Scientific Institutions, Private and Public Safety Training Schools, as well as Manufacturers of all types of Safety equipment. Participants are invited to present their latest achievements, discuss options of improving the quality of training, and share experience on services in safety and survival training. Still thinking about submitting your registration for 71st IASST International Meeting and Seminar in Romania? Take a look to the delegate’s agenda and seminar program on The key speaker of the 71st IASST International Meeting and Seminar is Mr. Fuazudeen, Head of Maritime Training and Human Element Section, Maritime Safety Division, IMO. See you all in Romania! #iasst #safety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Romania #IMO
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During the 70th IASST International Meeting and Seminar in Batumi the members of the Board approved candidate to the position of Membership Director. IASST is honored to welcome – Henk Spanjer. Henk Spanjer is an aspiring and very motivated professional from the Netherlands. Mr. Spanjer is a lecturer at the Maritime Institute Willem Barentsz (MIWB) in Terschelling, where he reads lectures on various subjects, including safety and survival topics. Before his teaching career, ...Henk Spanjer was a captain on a boat at The Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution (KNRM) in Terschelling. The Membership Director's primary responsibilities are new member acquisition, new member integration and retention of existing members. The IASST is an association of safety and survival training organizations whose mission is: to facilitate the exchange of information on matters relating to safety in the maritime environment and to promote continuous improvement in safety and survival training internationally. IASST has over 150 members from 47 nations that are represented by major training providers of safety and survival training as well as manufacturers of safety and survival equipment for training end education worldwide 🎓🌐. If you have any questions regarding IASST membership please feel free to contact Henk Spanjer by email #iasst #safety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar
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During the 71st International Meeting and Seminar of IASST members we are expecting to have some outstanding presentations. The key speaker of the meeting in Romania is Mr. Milhar Fuazudeen, an IMO's Head of Maritime Training and Human Element, Maritime Safety Division. Mr. Fuazudeen has been a Head of Maritime Training and Human Element Section at IMO since January 2012 and is currently a Secretary of the HTW Sub-Committee. He is responsible for seminars, workshops, and tra...ining courses related to the implementation of STCW Convention, STCW-F, and ISM Code for trainers, examiners, and assessors. His main area of expertise is human element in marine environment. During his presentation, which is titled "Global Training standards", he will share his views on safety culture, effective evaluation and assessment skills, as well as qualification of trainers. Mr. Fuazudeen aims at bringing together maritime administration, shipping companies, training institutes, and seafarers to identify their roles and responsibilities for effective implementation of STCW Convention and STCW Code. More information about International Maritime Organization - IMO and it's objectives you can find at For more information, the schedule of the event and delegate's registration forms, please, visit #iasst #safety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Romania #IMO
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The 71st International Meeting and Seminar of IASST members will be held in Romania, from 29th September to 3rd October, 2017. The meeting in Romania will be hosted by CERONAV – Romanian Maritime Training Center. This year the meeting will take place in two picturesque cities – Constanta and Bucharest. During the 71st International Meeting and Seminar, delegates will have a possibility to visit CERONAV Simulation Centre and Training Field and take part in IASST Safety Seminar and Workshop. As always, spouses of the delegates are also welcome, and are invited to join all sightseeing tours around the cities. For more information, the schedule of the event and the delegate’s registration forms, please, visit #iasst #savety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Romania


We are happy to announce that the 71st International Meeting and Seminar of IASST members will be held in Romania, from 29th September to 3rd October, 2017. The meeting in Romania will be hosted by CERONAV – Romanian Maritime Training Center. This year the meeting will take place in two picturesque cities – Constanta and Bucharest. During the 71st International Meeting and Seminar, delegates will have a possibility to visit CERONAV Simulation Centre and Training Field and take part in IASST Safety Seminar and Workshop. As always, spouses of the delegates are also welcome, and are invited to join all sightseeing tours around the cities. For more information, the schedule of the event and the delegate’s registration forms, please, visit #iasst #savety #survival #training #IASSTmeetingandseminar #Romania


Exciting presentation coming up at the Inland Marine Expo 2017 by long time IASST member Haas McMillan!

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