Jo Pearce Equine Bowen Practitioner

About Jo Pearce Equine Bowen Practitioner

Bowen Therapy is holistic & non-invasive. It works to encourage the release of any tension & pull in the fascia, muscles, tendons & ligaments, allowing re-alignment of the soft tissues & skeleton, encouraging correct functioning of the body as a whole.



Bowen therapy is great for musculoskeletal issues, it also stimulates the lymphatic system, encouraging better circulation and the dumping of toxins. This means that your horse might drink more and wee more during and after a treatment. Ollie has an automatic water feeder. Turns out he likes tea. Not strictly recommended. 🙈


On the look for carrots! I'm a massive fan of carrot stretches and am constantly recommending them to my clients. They are easy to do and are really effective at improving and maintaining the flexibility of your horse. Never do them with a horse that hasn't worked and/ or has cold muscles though, as you will do more damage than good. Rose is just a massive fan of carrots!


Bowen therapy is not just beneficial for horses in work. If your horse, like mine, is on restricted exercise owing to a ligament injury with no turnout, Bowen is proven not only to aid the healing process and keeps their systems ticking over, but also gives them a relaxing treat. Sadly, it will not cure The Mare Stare or stop them lusting over the gelding a few stables down 🙄


They say it takes at least two years to bond with a mare. We’re still working on it a year and a half in ❤️🌹


This is the very relaxed face of a horse, my horse, that has been in and out of work for the last four weeks, with the last 6 days off. She has been getting Bowen treatments, seen a vet twice and will see a physio tomorrow.
How much time off do you give a horse whose back has been made sore both from their brand new saddle that no longer fits and the fill in one you used whilst hers was being adjusted?
As Rose will tell you, as long as it takes.
... Oh and while we’re at it, Rose would probably also advocate not chancing a borrowed saddle, even if you are trying to rehab her through an existing forelimb lameness....
Wise words.
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As we all know, unless you are blessed with x-ray eyes, diagnosing exactly why your horse is not moving correctly, fluidly, or in balance, even accounting for their natural one sidedness, is nigh on impossible. A Bowen treatment covers the entire body, literally from tail to nose, providing the horse with its best opportunity to restore the integrity of its own structures and systems.


Want to see 31 secs of a very happy horse thanking you for the treatment and telling you that he thinks we’re done now? ❤️ Ollie


What a drag. Had to spend another hour with Ollie today and tomorrow and the next day..... ❤️


It's as easy as ABC, as simple as 1,2,3..... ( even when you have a suspected fractured finger that is the same colour as the horse you are treating!!! )
A: Bowen treatment is defined by ‘The Move’ and ‘The Breaks’.
... The Move is made on a specifically selected part of the body. Using their fingers, hands, or elbows, the therapist gently pushes, or pulls the skin in the opposite direction to which they want the fascia, muscle, tendon, or ligament to move. They apply a little pressure and roll over the chosen area. The Breaks happen throughout the treatment. The therapist moves away from the client, leaving the room, or the stable for at least two minutes, sometimes longer, to allow the brain time to process the information received and begin the healing process.
B: owen therapy is a holistic, hands on, non-invasive therapy which encourages the body to heal itself.
C: lients can expect an overall relaxing treatment that promotes general health and wellbeing in addition to the potential resolution of specific issues.
1. should not disregard the ability of Bowen to restore balance and optimal functioning of the fascia, soft tissues and skeleton beneath.
2. treatments often determine whether or not Bowen is something that might work for you. We would recommend three, but most people choose to begin with one.
3. things we therapists will never do, amongst others; diagnose, prescribe, or suggest altering medication, treat specific conditions.
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Had a bit of a play with a Fascial Edge tool today and based on Ollie’s response, I might have to invest in one. Invest being the appropriate word 🙈😳


It’s tough being Rose. Madame, who is very slightly lame, decided to mess around in the field today and is now slightly worse. Here she is preparing herself for her Bowen treatment this afternoon. Good job she likes to make herself comfortable in her stable because that is where she will stay tomorrow 🙄


Madame came off a run across the moor a tiny bit lame yesterday. She gets the rest of the week off. What am I going to do with the time back!!??


I will be in Bideford treating on Weds 31st. Am there for the morning, if you or your horse would like a treatment in the afternoon, please give me a shout ☺️


It can be hard to convey just how critical a role fascia plays in both the human and equine body. Unique as it is, I have heard it described as being like bubble wrap, sheets of cling film and bagged up sausages.
I have some pretty amazing photos of superficial and deep fascia from a three day, whole horse dissection I did with Lotty Merry this year, that makes clear just how influential fascia is to the entire body.
However, I am conscious that not everyone would find that easy to look at, so instead, I am sharing the smart video that Paula Esson made which watches someone peeling an orange!


Mr periwinkle had his first Bowen treatment today he was very relaxed with jo and highly recommend jo's Bowen technique 's was lovely to watch his reactions as normally wary of new people thanks for successful session x


Mr periwinkle had his first Bowen treatment today he was very relaxed with jo and highly recommend jo's Bowen technique 's was lovely to watch his reactions as normally wary of new people thanks for successful session x


Mr periwinkle had his first Bowen treatment today he was very relaxed with jo and highly recommend jo's Bowen technique 's was lovely to watch his reactions as normally wary of new people thanks for successful session x


Mr periwinkle had his first Bowen treatment today he was very relaxed with jo and highly recommend jo's Bowen technique 's was lovely to watch his reactions as normally wary of new people thanks for successful session x

More about Jo Pearce Equine Bowen Practitioner

07768 833780