Jrs Photography

About Jrs Photography

Freelance Professional photographer, Events photography, weddings, sports and Corporate

Jrs Photography Description

JRS Photography

We are based in Wales

Having taught "Information Technology and photography" for a registered charity which I established and ran for more than eleven years, I moved into photography and DTP.

We are a well respected and established freelance photographers with NUJ Press pass and membership of the National Union of Journalists.

Sports, commercial, wedding photographer.



Now I can shoot Hydrogen Alpha with my Esprit 120 scope whilst at events
Not being able to find a focuser I wanted for my Esprit 120, that came off instantly and went on instantly I decided to make one. I did not want one that was permanently engaged with the scope. Also I refuse to spend £200+
I bought another Skywatcher electronic focuser, a piece of 3mm alloy bar and a 2.5” by 6” round bar.
... I won't go into detail as I have taken photographs, what amazed me was the final luck when I attached the vacuum cleaner drive belt it fitted 100% and I had NOT measured at any stage for it to.
The knob attached to the motor has TWO grub screw holes, 3mm which is why the other holes are offset.
I am NOT an engineer as you can see but have enjoyed this. Took a day
The good thing is that the whole unit can easily be swapped over to the other side of the scopes focuser
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Back after a short brake.
The reason I have been away a while is that I have gone back to my first love, Astronomy and bought a few scopes including Ha setup, but I am back into sports again and to supplement my gear I have just purchased six GoPro 4 blacks.
WHY 4s I hear you laugh, well simple,
... 1. NO GoPro after the 4s take the external superb £15 battery packs that allow me to set the cameras up at 4K and record away from location, leaving them on for a full 5 hours un-attended.
2. The latest GoPros offer NOTHING extra that I as a sports photographer need, I am more than happy with 120fps at 1080 when needed.
Also for the price of ONE new GoPro I have THREE version 4 blacks.
If you are looking for a GoPro look NO further than the 4 Black.
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Need to add remote focus to your scope
Here is my Skywatcher remote focusser added to my refractor
When you correctly align the two parts there is no belt movement it stays level and comes off in a second, the unit can stay on the scope
... https://youtu.be/T3loXMvInGI
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Another free mag from JR for all the Astronomers like me out there
https://psv4.userapi.com/…/Free_Astrono my_-_March-April_201…
and another
... https://psv4.userapi.com/…/13339…/Ast ronomy_-_April_2019.pdf
and another
https://psv4.userapi.com/…/ec60115e…/ Astronomy_-_02_2019.pdf
and another
https://psv4.userapi.com/…/ec60115e…/ Astronomy_-_02_2019.pdf
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Another free mag from JR for all the Astronomers like me out there
https://psv4.userapi.com/…/Free_Astrono my_-_March-April_201…
and another
... https://psv4.userapi.com/…/13339…/Ast ronomy_-_April_2019.pdf
and another
https://psv4.userapi.com/…/ec60115e…/ Astronomy_-_02_2019.pdf
and another
https://psv4.userapi.com/…/ec60115e…/ Astronomy_-_02_2019.pdf
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My MAIN hobby, Astronomy
Latest issue if interested, why PAY ??
https://www.astropublishing.com/6FAM2018/ 40/


I have been quiet lately due to early retirement but will be back as a HOBBY rather than working in 2019


https://www.facebook.com/Disabled-Astrono mers-UKWales-Scotland-2047384042188429/< br>


For a Skywatcher Sky Tee 2 mount, attaching a 120mm Triplet and 6" reflecting scope I moved the existing dovetail mount to the side and needed to replace the top one to take a Nikon D810 with 150-600 Sigma sports lens
Fits perfect, holes are just too large but washers fitted them and it is perfect.
... VERY well made.
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https://www.facebook.com/Patrick-Moore-co llectables-779462758892428/

More about Jrs Photography

Jrs Photography is located at Cysgod Y Graig,, SA44 4BD Launceston, Cornwall
01559 364 723