K & H Falconry

About K & H Falconry

K & H Falconry are located in Andover Hampshire, we are happy to cater for any venue including pest control, please ask for a no obligation quote.



WILLOW my female Red nape shaheen x Lanner,she‚Äôs absolutely stunning,even better when she‚Äôs up in the air. She will most definitely be flown in the shows this year ‚ô•ÔłŹ


A few pest control jobs to do this week,a long couple of weeks of the school Easter holidays has been and gone and another pigeon problem to look at in central London,no rest for the wicked so they say!


It‚Äôs time for all the birds to be put away for the night,he‚Äôs Mighty Migowl having a goodnights preening before shut eye ūü¶Č


Well that was a pretty manic day today,packed the van this morning quite early,headed to the farm and got all the birds out and ready. Flew 2 falcons then off to a 11am local bird visit for a local kids club then back to do the display at the farm. Straight after the display we headed to a local nursing home to do some pest control with shadow and hope the hawks then onto another pest control contract straight after that ūüėīūüėī What made my day was at the end when I was packing birds away at the farm a young lad of about 8 came over to me and said thanks for the bird show he loved it. Makes it really worthwhile ūüėä Whoever you were young man you made my day ūüėäūüėäūüėäūüėä Birds flown in todays show were Flash,Bolt and Loki. ūüėä


So despite the weather still being a little colder than I‚Äôd hoped for,the display for the kids went ahead,Flash the kestrel,shadow the Harris hawk,Bolt the Lanner falcon and this naughty boy Loki the gyr x saker were all flown for the them,we hope they enjoyed the show ūüėäūü¶Öūü¶Öūü¶Öūü¶Ö


MIKEOWLS in heavy moult but hopefully he‚Äôll be done and dusted quickly so we can get him ready for some of the shows this year ūü¶Čūü¶Č This is his home when he‚Äôs not at Finkley Down farm or at the country shows ūü¶Č


Well the display was called off but it did make time for a few pictures of a few of the falcons while sitting on there perches down at the farm this afternoon. ūüėä LOKI,MIG and BABY ‚̧ԳŹ


Its the one and only Biscuits birthday today! ūüéąūüéĀūüéąūüéĀūüéąūüéĀūüéąūüéĀūüéąūüéĀū üéąūüéĀūüéą
He is currently working very hard with Teresa getting ready for flying displays ūüėä
... Mice cakes all round today Happy birthday to anyone else who‚Äôs shares a birthday today ūü•≥ūü•≥ūü•≥ūü•≥‚̧ԳŹ
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Another few good instant flights for ZEUS the buzzard this afternoon. Beginning to win him over ūüí™ūüŹĹūü¶Ö


I‚Äôve been working extremely hard for the last few days to get ZEUS my Male common buzzard up and running,another few days on the creance then it‚Äôs flying free time,always a nervous moment for anyone flying birds but it has to be done! Hopefully you will be seeing him in action at Finkley Down farm this summer and hopefully the shows ahead! Roll on summer ūü¶Ö


Teresa has been working hard with the one and only Biscuit, he will soon be flying in our displays ūüėä Well done Teresa you make a delightful pair! All in all a good day at the farm today,weather was nice and all birds were good as gold. We officially didn‚Äôt have to do a display today but the weather was too nice not too,I‚Äôm sure the people who came to see them loved them ūü¶Čūü¶ÖūüĎĆ


Shaun came and did a small basic course with me not so long ago with the intention of getting his own Harris hawk,it‚Äôs taken him a year of thinking about it before making the jump but now he has his own Harris hawk called ‚ÄúHUGO‚ÄĚ this is him flying free for the first time with the help and tuition from me along the way he‚Äôs finally achieved his goal. No stopping you now Shaun,well done on your achievement and commitment to this little male Harris.


Training falcons is so much easier when you have a helping hand ūüôąūüėāūüė¨


That‚Äôs the Heathrow job done,home time ūüí™ūüŹĹūüĎćūüŹĽ


Heathrow bound ūü¶Ö


WILLOW My female Red nape Shaheen x Lanner falcon is slowly getting there,another of my falcons flown early this morning. ‚̧ԳŹ


Well we are now getting someone in preparation for the shows,Usually the mornings are falcon flying time even before the Farm opens. This is AKOS up in the air this morning. WILLOWS flight to follow....ūüėä


WILLOW - Female Red nape Shaheen x Lanner falcon ‚̧ԳŹ
More preparation in progress ready for the season ahead,WILLOW is now up in the air,first flight of the year after having the winter off. That’s 5 falcons up so far,3 more to go!

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