Kapow Healthy Living

Monday: 06:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:30
Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 11:00

About Kapow Healthy Living

Let me motivate and train you, I use fun & motivating techniques. I am affordable and flexible to your needs. We are a family friendly gym and all levels are welcome and will be looked after.

Kapow Healthy Living Description

KaPOW Healthy Living is my community of local people all ages, shapes and sizes. Working towards becoming healthier, fitter and stronger. Through personal training, group fitness or active mums classes. I transform bodies, energy and help you become the best version of yourself.

Group classes are friendly & challenging. Every single person can attend there is no need to book a slot or sign up to membership.
I can modify for the beginner or challenge the elite.

KaPOW Healthy Living is the founder of Active Mums / Dads in Newquay. Active mum /dads fitness classes are for the new mum, the mum with toddler or mum whose only to time to train is when their little ones are in school. You are all very welcome. Children can join in, play in the playroom or hang out and watch mum.

What can you expect from group classes
Ō£ö 45 mins exercise
Ō£ö Body exercises
Ō£ö Kettlebells
Ō£ö Functional exercises
Ō£ö Flexibility stretches
Ō£ö Different and varied every class
Ō£ö HIIT Training
Ō£ö Tabata Training
Ō£ö Bootcamp Training



There is simply no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success. Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." ­¤Æ¬­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤żĖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Æ¬­¤Å ŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤żĖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Æ¬­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗Ō ĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤żĖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ @lucierosedonlan smashing todayŌĆÖs personal training session and always gives ­¤Æ» percent. After 3 years as her trainer I have seen this young ladyŌĆÖs body and mind absorb information, grow fitter faster and stronger and she purposefully lives each day with enthusiasm and positive vibes- she puts into action everything we have asked her and her results are absolutely staggering... her full feature is coming soon ­¤Öī
#personaltrainer #trainingday #workout #workoutmotivation #hiit #favourite #instagram #fitnessmodel #hardwork #paysoff #newquay #cornwall #gymlife #inspiredaily


ItŌĆÖs with a sad heart ŌØŻ and big hopes for these girls as they both move on to new pastures....itŌĆÖs been amazing to train with you, mentor you and I know the PT clients / members and kids will miss you both so much - Your hard work and commitment to the KaPOW community will never be forgotten-I know we will still see you and train / throw down together but not in a regular KaPOW trainer capacity-as you now go to do your own fitness business and pathways. Best of luck @fit__training, @kfitnessnewquay thank you for all you have done ­¤ÆĢ ­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ ­¤żĖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ ­¤Æ¬ #dontbestrangers #newchapters #moveforwards #legends #bestofluckgirls


Training days - building knowledge to share with our amazing members and personal training clients must be tried and tested. Last year I signed up after summer to get better at CrossFit gymnastics but I have gained that and sooo much more -the valuable knowledge I have gained and continue to use from @simonnieland programming has changed everything for me in my training and performance and as I now filter it through my PT clients/ members and coaches the progress is sooo moti...vational and inspiring well done everybody who making new gains and achieving skills they never thought they would achieve ­¤Öī . . . Is it difficult yes but I always check in with ŌĆśis it worth itŌĆÖ and with this stuff - definitely! as patience and persistence always wins over everything else..
@elitewolfapparel ­¤ÖÅ . . #gymnastics #strengthtraining #gymlife #challengeyourself #daily #makeplans #instagram #goals #fitness #motivation #movemore #progress #investing #notperfect #thatsok #personaltrainer #cornwall #syntrainer #syn #syngymnastics
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We are genuinely looking for people who want to change their lifestyles long term. No quick fixes and a non diet approach we will get you on track and support you from beginning to start.
To sign up for this special offer you need to be able to attend the initial nutrition seminar on Sunday 12th May 2019 10am-12pm. This is included in your package that you purchase.
This project is one that I feel very passionate about. I have helped over 150 people from Newquay lose weight/... gain better habits with food and fitness and more importantly keep it off long term. As KaPOW Healthy Living approaches its 3rd year open - I wanted to offer you a chance to join our community of group classes with a special price and with a personal trainer approach. There are now only 7 spaces available.. closing date for registration is the 10th May.
Sign Up Requirements * you can attend the seminar date and time above. * you have checked the timetable on the website and can attend minimum 2 classes a week * You are willing to use an online app to stay accountable to your trainer.
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1 payment = 90 days Join in 5 spaces left ­¤Öī


Amazing support this year girls for our annual INHOUSE competition fundraiser. We will need to cap it at 18 pairs this year. So get booked xx 8 booked in already!!
Once you have confirmed your place via paypal - Can you message me your team name level - Choose either scaled / Rx or say 'not sure'. i can help make that decision once i have your entry.
... Only 2 WODs will be released before competition day. Other are a Surprise but not to fear you will all be able to do the movements / loads and skills
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Required fitness group instructor for all or some of the hours below.
Monday 6am-7am and /or 7am-8am Wednesday 6am Friday 6am-7am and /or 7am-8am... Sunday 8am-9am and /or 9am-10am
Wage ┬Ż8-┬Ż10 negotiable and experienced based
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Fun run ­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ it has toys whose in?


Inspiring Wednesday transformation IŌĆÖm soo proud of you Clare and we super happy to have you and your kids at the gym. You made it simple and followed the guidelines we put in place. The results have blown me away.
To all our lovely ladies and gents Thankyou for letting me share your photos and kind reviews. They honestly make me so proud and happy ­¤Öī


Pull up progress takes time... be patient itŌĆÖs totally worth it ­¤Æ»
@fitt__training was a complete beginner once - this is June 2018 to March 2019. Her dedication and commitment to training, inspiring and helping our amazing members achieve in the gym continues to blow me away. #energyiseverything #functionaltraining #pullups #progress #daily #personaltrainer #healthylifestyle #changinglives #kippingpullups #cornwallcrossfit #crossfitlove #learning #makingprogress #proudofyou #newquay #cornwall #fitfam #gymbuddy #inspiration


It took me a full year to get pull up then a further 5 months to build sets of 3-8 reps then later this year In December I started next level ŌĆśchest to bar ŌĆś pull ups (This is when the bar makes contact with the chest below the clavicle)
IŌĆÖm super proud of my progress and I wanted to share as this page unitEd a lot of us - SO as I move towards 3 years of KaPOW fitness and nutrition being open - I wanted to tell you all
... what gets me more excited is taking all of you with me. We see your progress, your commitment and determination- I wanted to show you it will pay off.
Ō£ģ You will achieve those skills or lift
Ō£ģYou will break your nemesisŌĆÖs with food and fitness and having zero hours left
Ō£ģYou will take yourself to your next level in whatever goal you set yourself
Ō£ģYou will find time again for yourself when they grow a little more
Ō£ģYou will get sleep again and have energy to join in regularly
Ō£ģYou will feel fabulous in those clothes and learn to love yourself
­¤ÆĢjust keep going - join in with us - stay positive and keep learning, listening, watching and believing.
We are here to help you ­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Æ¬­¤żĖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ all of us
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we all start somewhere A years progress #keepgoing squad it pays off


Hey masters 35+ local competition unfortunately IŌĆÖm in Portugal ­¤ćĄ­¤ć╣ ­¤śŁ otherwise I would play let me know if you fancy it.


Competition day @allstarseries1 with my inspiring strong ladies #fitfam @kapowhealthyliving The world needs strong woman - woman who will lead and build others - who will love and be loved - woman who will live bravely- both tender and fierce - woman of indomitable will.
­¤ōĘ @katie_white_photography ­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ @crossfithayle
... #amytenny #crossfit #woman #squadup #dumbellthrusters #ttb #boxovers #community #all #together #quotes #fitnessmotivation #photooftheday #progress @ CrossFit Hayle Ltd
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Sometimes itŌĆÖs the moons fault... #staypositive #mooncycles #supermoon #feelings #emotional #mindfog #beautiful #moons #breath #trusttheprocess #healthylifestyle #knowmore #balanceforbetter #newquay #lifequotes #nataliakuna #nice #learntolove #distractyourself #mindset #goals #eclipse #uk @ Newquay, Cornwall


Slow motion ­¤ÆĢ #snatch Tia my favourite not sure we want to do 80 of them but e tried our best ­¤Öī #crossfitcommunity #competition #progressive #weightlifting #beastmode #sunday #crossfit #happydays


Thursday workouts with Karen are amazing. It's an overall body workout and not only am I getting results with weight loss and body shape changing but my overall fitness has improved greatly which is having a really positive impact on my other activities like netball and running. Cannot recommend highly enough. I'm definitely a dedicated follower.


This lady has me hooked on fitness!! The best class by far I've ever been too!


Sometimes you meet people that change your life hugely for the better... Karen is one of those people, an amazing training with a huge heart and and infectious personality. Her sessions are inspiring, her attitude is infectious, she has a way of pushing you to be the best you can be. Karen's understanding of anatomy means she can tweak exercises easily and correct your form effortlessly. Her sessions are never the same but always engaging, work your whole body and leave you looking forward to the next.

Thanks karen! Xx


My lovely friend, Cathy, brought me along to one of KarenŌĆÖs classes last May. That was it - I was hooked! Karen is welcoming and inspiring. Her workouts are interesting, challenging but achievable. All the other gym members are equally as welcoming and helpful. There is such a variety of classes that you can easily fit a workout into your busy schedule. Since last May I have gone on to achieve loads of things that I had just presumed I would never be able to. Karen, you have opened my mind and truly inspired me in every way - thank you!! Xxx


Karen is warm and kind, and her enthusiasm is infectious; her classes are fun, friendly and accessible. Highly recommend!


Karen is an amazing trainer. I love her enthusiasm, honesty and her enthusiasm is infectious to every class! You are a legend xx


Karen is amazingly motivational, supportive and fun!!!! She works you hard but you walk away looking forward to the next session! I'm only sorry I can't go more often! Highly recommended x


Karen is amazing!! I started with her 3 weeks before a trip to sri lanka asking pretty much to turn my slugish winter body into a summer bikini body! Although i didnt look like model material in the 3 weeks i felt such a change in the short time that i had no worries on the beach 2.5months later ive lost 16inches and still going! Her energy is amazing and keeps you so motivated!! Your a star trainer karen very happy i met u X


Karen is absolutely fab!! All the meal suggestions and fitness regime's are so personal and fitting and she really does care about her clients!

I lost half an inch off my waist in one week with just a few caring tips. I didn't cut back on...ahem, wine - and (because I travel a lot) she's always just a text away and it's so easy to come and go.

If I could give her 10 stars I would X


Kapow is fantastic. ItŌĆÖs such a supportive and positive environment that you canŌĆÖt help but push yourself to try that bit harder. KarenŌĆÖs infectious energy, enthusiasm and knowledge of nutrition/injury rehabilitation (I went with a very weak back) and training principles ensures you are in safe hands whether you are a novice or more experienced at exercising.

Kapow is full of laughter, fun and support. I have made some truly lovely friends, and learnt some unbelievable new skills that I never believed I would be able to achieve. Thank you Karen!


Just walked the kids up the hill to Trenance and realized that I hadn't been out of breath at all! Have been training with Karen since Easter and am feeling so much stronger, healthier and happier! Great fun, challenging classes. Thank you!


Just finished another session with K!!! Highly recommend!!!! Her passion and bubbly personality is infectious! Personal training tailored to suit the individual! 5ŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌŁÉ’ĖÅ!!!


I started Karen's Tuesday and Friday classes last week and came out buzzing!!! She takes time to check your form and encourage you along the way!! Totally recommend her classes ’┐Į’┐Į


I have been to gym classes all over Cornwall, finally I have found Karen. Her energy is contagious, she cares about your form, the studio and kit is awesome and she is so helpful with diet tips. I knew it was going to be tough building up my fitness again after having a baby but with Karen's help I know I can get there... and smash it!


I LOVE everything about KAPOW! Karen is knowledgeable, supportive, funny and quite simply awesome!

I am buzzing (and aching) every time I finish a class here and always look forward to the next one. The major added bonus is being able to bring my children along - more gym time for me :) and they love it too.

Love, love, love!


Flexible and affordable! Fits in well round my long working days!

Thanks Karen for motivating me! Always leave feeling so proud of myself :)


Fantastic first session .... can't wait for tomorrow's class! ’┐Į’┐Į


FAB! This lady is amazing! No matter your shape/size/level of fitness - Karen challenges, motivates and supports you.

Four weeks in and I'm hooked - I've noticed my body is toning up and my energy levels are also up.

The classes are welcoming - walk in through the door - you'll be glad you did.


Beyond awesome. If you're even toying with the idea of trying Karen's sessions.... just DO IT!

More about Kapow Healthy Living

Monday: 06:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:30
Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 11:00