Kinesiology By Alex

Monday: 14:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 11:00 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -



A spot of moonlight bathing and embracing the heightened energy of tonight’s full moon in Taurus.
Yes please. 🙏


An Autumnal stomp through lots of lovely leaves, fresh air and sunshine is the perfect tonic today. Happy Sunday y’all 🍁🍂 #selfcare #selfcaresunday #autumnleaves #autumn #quiettime


Are you in need of a kinesiology balance before we get into the season of crazy diaries, festivities and high expectations?
If so I have the following evening appointments at the Alma Vale Centre left before the end of 2019... WOW feels crazy saying that...
Some day time appointments also available on Mondays and Wednesdays - message me to find out more.💜
... Wednesday 6th Nov - 6pm and 7:15pm Wednesday 27th Nov - 6pm and 7:15pm Wednesday 4th Dec - 6pm and 7:15pm
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Happy All Hallows’ Eve everyone. A bit of naughty and nice -No trick or treating for me instead a baking session this afternoon and a yoga session this evening. But seriously it is amazing what you can make with a #pumpkin This is all gluten free, dairy free and sugar free (I use a dash of @sweetfreedomuk instead of processed sugar) and natural spices. Think I’ll be eating pumpkin for a while. 🤣🎃 Have fun whatever you are up to.


Let's talk about Vitamin D.
I only bring this up cos its come up twice this week in clinic so I thought I'd share some basics.
👉It is known as the 'sunshine vitamin' because it's naturally produced from cholesterol when your skin is exposed to the sun.
... 👉Its primary function is to support cells that maintain bone health and it has a role in the absorption of nutrients like calcium.. but recent research shows it is also beneficial in other areas of health in particular supporting the immune system.
👉Sunshine is the best way to get a Vitamin D top up (30 mins a day as demonstrated in the photo).
👉But as a fat-soluble vitamin its found in foods like oily fish, eggs and some mushrooms and fortified foods such as cereals.
So what's the issue?
This week we entered the period of the year where we have 14 hours of darkness to our 10 hours of light in any one day so we're not likely to get much of a chance to top up our reserves from sunshine.
And... studies have shown that around 45% of any population in the Northern Hemisphere is Vitamin D deficient...
So how do I know if I need Vitamin D?
Blood tests can indicate a deficiency but through kinesiology you can also test vitamins and minerals to see if your body needs the extra support. At the moment I will be looking to test this with most clients but I would go with your gut on this. It's a great supplement just for a few months for all the family.
There's a link in the comments with some useful info about Vitamin D. But if you have any more questions get in touch. 💜
An excuse to go back to sunnier times and getting my vitamin D fix during the summer. Bring on the sunshine!
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How many times a day do you say this?
Why do we say sorry ALOT and always feel the need to apologise for most things.
... How about you change the record... 💜
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It's all about TODAY, yep right now.
What are you waiting for? 💜


Never be afraid of saying how you feel.
Remember the old Chinese proverb... “What the mind suppresses, the body expresses”
Emotion plays such an important part in the state of our overall well-being.
... Allow yourself to feel it, accept it and release it. 💜
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During a kinesiology balance I also do a chakra scan.
'Chakra' is a Sanskrit word that means 'wheel' and are the seven chakras or wheels of energy that work up from the base of our spine to the top of our head.
They are all interconnected and support each other to maintain balance and work closely with the endocrine system.
... A chakra scan will often show over or under activity in one area and it seems at moment there is a lot of activity in the solar plexus area.
I saw three clients last week with super-active solar plexus chakras so asked my friend #MyChakraLife - The Chakra Curious Woman's Guide to Creating Balance for a bit more of an explanation around this - so here it is.
Her website has some fab resources on what you can do to help balance your chakra.
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This is funny... but there is a serious note behind this as well.
Because in a kinesiology session, when we dig into the root cause of what's causing anxiety and stress, lots of my clients tell me that they genuinely feel like this.
... They walk around most of the day feeling like they have to; 💫engage in conversation with other parents at the school gate (twice a day!) 💫speak to clients and colleagues at work 💫socialise with people they don't know, feeling unsure about why they feel like that
And it struck me, sometimes we spend a lot of the day pretending to like people, forcing ourselves to engage, smile and play along...but then feeling bad about it?
How does that sit with you?
I'm genuinely interested?💜
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💜 YES 💜
Also good indicators the other way, when you are feeling like your compass is off - these are good signs to check in with...


While I don't have children that have started school / gone back to school - I have noticed the massive energy shift this week.
This of course is wonderful milestone for many but it brings with it quite a lot of emotion, stress and change.
A kinesiology balance can be a great solution to help you, and / or your kids, get back on track.
... I have appointments available Alma Vale Centre this month at the following times so message me if you want to get booked in.
6pm or 7:15pm - Wednesday 11th 6pm or 7:15pm - Wednesday 18th
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There we are then....
Now who's up for a kinesiology session?
... Message me to book yours 💜
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Today's thought for the day
How can you get your 300 laughs today? 💜


I read this article and thought - Yes! So I had to share.
I am going through a massive shift at the moment and in my own kinesiology session yesterday uncovered that my niggling hip pain for the last 5-6 weeks was infact a weak Psoas muscle.
Chinese medicine says that different muscle energy centres are related to different emotions.
... Psoas (kidney) = Fear
Fear that I am feeling about the outcome of decisions to be made and that my body is holding.
Kinesiology uses muscle testing to identify which muscles are locked and to help release emotion.
If this resonates with you - Message me to find out more. 💜
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Lots of change in the air with this New Moon today.
Feeling out of balance?
I have a 6pm appointment available next Wednesday available ... message me to book in. 💜

More about Kinesiology By Alex

07825 149 697
Monday: 14:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 11:00 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -