Lightworkers Inc Wands



Wise words.


Little needs saying about this....


This is one of my personal wands. The true and special one. She is quite something. I am now taking wand commissions and posting them anywhere in the world. These are genuine wands made with love and magic. I will search out the tree your wand will be made from using intuition, guidance, shamanism and magic. I will find your wand for you and bring it out from the branch into your hand. I will then give you a little back ground knowledge about the tree with photos. If I know a bit about you or the person you would like it made for it will help make each one truly individual. These wands are few and far between. I have made them for people around the globe and have finally been persuaded to make this more public. They really are MAGIC! x


A brave step but one we are all capable of making!

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