Little Owls Woodland Preschool

Monday: 08:30 - 15:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 15:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 15:00
Friday: 08:30 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Little Owls Woodland Preschool

Little Owls Woodland Pre-School is for 3-5 year olds and is based within a native Bristish woodland and follows the Forest School approach in all our learning, exploration and discovery.

Little Owls Woodland Preschool Description

This is a wonderful opportunity for 3 and 4 year olds to run around the woodland cooking over fires, using tools, building dens, playing in mud, dyeing fabric with berries, learning about the trees, the animals and themselves. Through their play they are learning about the world as well as covering the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.



Summer Holidays 2019 @ Itchen Valley Country Park
We have something for everyone this summer at our #forestschool at Itchen Valley Country Park! Check out all the activities we are running from the leaflet attached.
All booking are made online here:…/forest -school/all-activiti…


It’s been a rainy week at Little Owls, but we have made the most it. Jumping, splashing and transporting water using balancing and gross motor skills. We also enjoyed the mud, digging and shaping it with our hands. We’ve done some construction on the decking, using sensory blocks and coloured bricks to create towers, houses,and much more. The Little Owls have enjoyed lots of stories this week with the children showing great listening and understanding skills. On the fire we’ve had crumpets with homemade butter, which we made by putting double cream in a jar and shaking it. We have also done lots of role-play, wildlife spotting and mark making


WOW, We would like to say a massive CONGRATULATIONS to all of our Little Owls who won 1st prize for Best Pre-School and joint 1st Prize for Best in Carnival in West End Carnival yesterday. We entered as Mr Bloom's Nursery as it tied in with our Forest School approach and caring for our allotment. We are all so proud of you..WELL DONE


Parent and Toddle Forest School @ Itchen Valley Country Park
Come and join us for: stories, crafts, wood working, games, exploring mud kitchen and MORE!
10 - 1130am... ' Only £5
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It’s the first week back after half term and our Little Owls have got straight back into the swing of things. We have spent time in the bell tent, digging, kicking and throwing a ball and drawing. We also took the opportunity to remind our Little Owls about the fire circle rules. Some Foxgloves have popped up around the site so we have had a safety talk about why we should not touch them and that they can make us poorly. Some of the children enjoyed singing and performing o...n the stage, as well as making good use of the woodland instruments. The children were fascinated by our new globe. We talked about different countries and pointed them out. We made cosy dens with books and enjoyed our new beanbags to enjoy stories and relax. For snack we have enjoyed hotdogs cooked on the fire and elderflower cordial.
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Woodland Stories @ Itchen Valley Country Park
Forest school for parent and toddlers TODAY 10 - 1130am!
Wood working, bug hunt, marshmallow toasting and more!... Please book online here:…/forest -school/all-activiti…
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Junior Forest School @ Itchen Valley Country Park
Forest school for parent and child (aged 5 - 11)
TODAY 930am - 1130am
... Wood working, fire lighting, bug hunting and more!
Book online here:…/forest -school/all-activiti…
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Woodland Stories @ Itchen Valley Country Park
Forest school for parent and toddlers TODAY 10 - 1130am!
Please book online here:
...…/forest -school/all-activiti…
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It has been a bright and sunny week at Little Owls. We have been working on our maths skills measuring sticks, comparing heights, matching numerals and counting. On the fire this week we’ve had cake and yummy hotdogs! The Little Owls loved having a new teepee tent up in the woodland with the children taking it in turns to enjoy a good book or to just chill out in the shade. We have even found time to enjoy make more rainbow curtains, play with our new wooden blocks, make a new number line, crafts and lots of role-play.


It’s been a lovely sunny week at Little Owls. We have been doing some work on our allotment watering and checking on our sunflowers, mint and potatoes. The Little Owls also enjoyed looking at the letters of the alphabet which Lisa had painted on the side of a fallen tree. They had fun trying to find letters that are in their names. On the fire we cooked delicious cake, using our Dutch oven. It was enjoyed by all! We also enjoyed lots of climbing, role-play and reading.


It’s a beautiful sunny day for our May Fayre today 11-1. We are set up and ready to go and look forward to welcoming you all soon. There are lots of fabulous prizes, yummy food and fun activities! 😀


Little Owls Fayre today @ Itchen Valley Country Park
11 - 1
Raffle ... Tombola Craft and activities Bacon Butties
See you there! 341110/
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Only 7 more sleeps until our May Fayre....


Today has been a very busy day! We spent the morning going on a bear hunt with our new team member Lisa. Maps were drawn to ensure the children wouldn’t miss the bear in his cave and we then had to run away quickly to avoid being eaten up! We watered the plants in our allotment and made a cake selling stall in the mud kitchen. Some children were busy finding bugs and had the brilliant idea to find our bug book and see if they could find any of them in the book. Card board boxes engaged imagination and were used as cars, dens and beds. On the fire we had nettleade. Some children put on special gloves and were excited to see that the nettles did I not sting them. Also it was exciting to find out that the drink did I not sting either. Have a lovely weekend everyone.


We’ve had a lovely week after the Easter break. The children soon got into the swing of things enjoying the signs of spring, including the apple blossom, birds nesting and bees. On the fire this week we had toasted marshmallows, and the children showed us how patiently they could wait, taking turns and sharing their toasting sticks with each other. We also had scrambled eggs and toast. The Little Owls all had a turn at buttering their toast showing good knife skills. We also enjoyed many other activities,including counting, attempting to write our names, making journey sticks and lots of climbing and jumping.


We’ve had a fun filled week at Little Owls despite the changeable weather. There’s been lots of mark making in various forms and stages, gluing , using pens, crayons and whiteboards. The allotment is coming on nicely, with the children taking great pride in various tasks such as, mixing the compost and soil together, digging and planting some herbs. Some of the children have also been helping to collect bark,pinecones and other natural materials to add to our bug hotels. We’v...e seen lots of imaginative play including, ‘fishing’ and ‘cooking’ the catch of the day, having a puppet show and creating a Treasure Island. We also talked about various sea creatures and used our mark making skills to draw them and learn all about them. Later in the week we had an Easter Egg Hunt then made Easter nests using chocolate and shredded wheat.
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Spring has well and truly sprung at Little Owls. The children have enjoyed spotting lots of signs of spring, including; blue tits gathering nesting materials from our Alpaca wool stations. We even spotted one testing out one of our bird boxes some of our children made last year. We have also been tending to our allotment, transferring soil to fill up our tyre containers, building our little green house , planted some seeds and whittled markers. Some of the Little Owls enjoyed... threading bottle tops to make a Rainbow Curtain, which gave us the opportunity to talk about recycling and reusing. The children showed off their culinary skills, preparing veggies for the chilli. Later in the week we enjoyed cheesy veggie pasta. The children showed great care using the knife, following the instructions well. Some of the children were very interested in our new mirror where we have stuck wooden emotional faces, which the children can copy when looking into the mirror. We also found time to do various other activities, including bug hunts, musical statues and lots of roleplay.
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More about Little Owls Woodland Preschool

Little Owls Woodland Preschool is located at Itchen Valley Country Park, Allington Lane, SO30 3HQ Southampton
07774 336750
Monday: 08:30 - 15:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 15:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 15:00
Friday: 08:30 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -