Live More - Health & Happiness

About Live More - Health & Happiness

We are a personal training company that delivers results with a holistic approach.
We get our clients in shape while focusing on getting them healthier and happier, combining personal training with mindcoaching and mindfulness.



This is a before and after with a difference.
Megan is one of our amazing clients. She came to us as she was struggling to lose body fat and gain confidence since moving away from Cornwall back to London.
She has had such an inspiring journey not only physically but most importantly her mindset now shines with positivity.
... Megan has started mind coaching sessions with me and the results are truly wonderful.
She has found her confidence and inner strength and feels like sheโ€™s becoming herself again.
I get so many people coming to me wanting to feel happy in themselves again by aiming to lose body fat, however, having done this for so long now I have realised that no matter how much physical change a person goes through, if they arenโ€™t looking within themselves at the events that got them to this point in the first place, then no matter how amazing they look on the outside, they will never truly feel like they are reaching their goals.
If you have been struggling with fat loss and canโ€™t seem to find a way to feel happy and confident in yourself then please reach out to me.
I will help you along every step of your journey until you can achieve inner peace and know how to truly appreciate yourself ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’•
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**Girly post alert!**
Do you ever get in the gym with the best intentions, feeling positive, ready to smash it and FAIL! ๐Ÿ™ˆ
Yep! That happens to us all at times, no the gainz fairy didnโ€™t come and rob you of years of hard work over night!
... There are many factors but one of the ones a lot of girls donโ€™t think about is their time of the month. A couple of days before you will notice your co ordination goes to shit, you walk around like a new born giraffe!
You forget things, you are as hungry as a bear coming out of hibernation and you are weak as fuck! ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜ฉ This is all perfectly normal girls, please donโ€™t be hard on yourselves, your body is preparing for an epic change so give yourself a bit of slack and just do your best on those days.
It will pass and youโ€™ll be out lifting all the boys in the gym again before you can scream 1 more rep!!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’•
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Good morning!
Having a goal set is a sure way to help you reach your next step forward.
This may be the smallest goal to some but to others it will be huge!
... It doesnโ€™t have to be a physical goal, it can be a goal to keep you on the path to changing your mindset or helping to change someone elseโ€™s to help make their life better.
The point is, without having an idea of where we want to go, we can be swimming around in the dark for a very long time.
Tell me your goals and the steps you are taking to achieve then ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’•
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I saw a post today about a boy who was stabbed outside his college.
The report was that the boy luckily did not have any life threatening or life changing injuries... Iโ€™m sorry but this boy will most likely have life changing injuries...maybe not physically, but emotionally inside.
His path is now forever changed, his life redirected down a darker highway... so please, before you just assume someone is ok as theyโ€™re still breathing, take a moment to think about the inner eff...ect, the effect you will rarely see.
Reach out and ask them about their day and support them by actually listening and interacting with them and showing them you really do care ๐Ÿ’•
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*Attention Personal Trainers*
Are you looking for a professional private gym to rent?
We are looking to hire out our studio located just off the A12 (RM3 0AQ).
... If youโ€™d like more information please drop me a message ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
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Training myth No.7...
"Lifting weights makes you manly"!
Men and women produce different amounts of oestrogen and testosterone.
... Men produce 7-8 times more testosterone than women do making it much harder to build muscle so don't panic, you won't be looking like Arnie any time soon!
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Diet myth No.6!
"Eating late at night will make you gain weight"!
Often when people eat late at night it is down to boredom or emotional eating.
... Your overall calorie intake throughout the day is important, if you stick to your calorie goal then it doesn't matter how late you eat.
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Diet myth No.5! "Certain foods help you burn fat"
There is no magic fat burning food!
As we have said previously the biggest factor in fat loss is a healthy calorie deficit ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ


Diet myth No.4!
"If you want to lose weight eat less"
Technically yes this is true but on the other side of this that many donโ€™t think about is....
... Some people actually aren't eating enough food which is just as bad as over eating when it comes to fat loss.
If you aren't eating enough nourishing foods and giving your body the right amount of calories that it needs then you will hit a plateau very quickly, your energy levels will drop, you won't feel as strong or focussed, you will lose muscle, hair, your skin will suffer, you could damage your thyroid and your body will crash!
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Diet myth No.3! "Gluten Free will help you lose fat"
Cutting out gluten and dairy will not help you lose body fat. If you eat a pack of free from biscuits instead of a pack of normal biscuits you will still be consuming calories which is the main factor in fat loss. Calorie intake is ultimately the thing that you need to control the most.
... Having said that, if you find it hard to digest certain foods then this can cause inflammation which will hinder fat loss and leave you bloated and watery and can cause joint pain and lagging energy levels. If youโ€™re farting when you eat, look at what youโ€™re eating, you may have an intolerance ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ’จ
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Diet myth No.2!
"You have to cut out all junk food"
Thinking of foods as good and bad is an unsustainable way of dieting.
... It can lead to you being way to restrictive and eventually binging on the foods that you have tried so hard to avoid.
It is important to have a balance of nutritionally dense foods with some added fun foods to stop you getting bored.
Too much of anything will lead to unhealthy bad habits so have things in moderation.
How do you track what youโ€™re eating?
Do you incorporate a good amount of all food groups including โ€œtreatsโ€?
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Diet myth No.1!
"You need to cut out Carbs/fat/xyz to lose weight" Cutting out these macronutrients is not a healthy sustainable way of dieting.
... Fats, carbs and protein are all important for your body to function effectively.
Ultimately removing one of these will lower your overall calorie intake which is the thing that will make you lose weight.
Calorie reduction is the key!
Hands up who loves carbs! ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
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How much sleep do you get?! ๐Ÿค”
Sleep is something that is massively underrated. It is essential for helping our bodies repair and de-stress.
It's important to help keep your appetite healthy, lack of sleep can cause us to reach for quick fix sugary foods to give us an instant high, however, we forget that this is only a short term solution before we come crashing down and need more.
... Lack of quality sleep will interfere with your digestion, add towards inflammation and lower your immune system which leaves you vulnerable to illness.
It will also lead to a sleep debt, this needs to be repaid. There was a study where subjects had 4, 6 and 8 hours sleep. Those that got 8 hours felt and performed the best, 4 hours felt terrible with terrible performance and 6 hours performed just as bad as 4 but weren't aware how much of an impact it was having on them physically, they felt OK. This proves how important it is to get at least 7-8 hours in order for your body to function healthily.
It improves your concentration levels and reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes.
Getting around 8 hours of quality sleep a night will help repair your muscles which is essential for growth, and lower cortisol which In turn puts your body in to a happy state where we can burn fat and build muscle in a healthy way.
A few tips to help you sleep at night are: ZMA (zinc, magnesium and b vitamin) Magnesium spray Lavender bath Meditation Not having a television in your room Black out blinds or blindfold to eliminate light Reduce electronic device usage before bed
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Female hormones
Tracking your monthly cycle and getting to know the effect is has on your body is so important. A few days before your period you may experience one or all of the following:
... Hunger levels rise Lacking in energy, feeling sleepy Emotions feel stronger Clumsiness Water retention around your tummy or your whole body
These effects won't last for long, once you get your period they should subside 1-2 days later.
Upping your carb intake on those few days before your period can help to reduce sugar cravings.
Be aware that you may feel weaker while training those few days before, this is perfectly normal so don't beat yourself up if you don't hit any personal bests during this time.
You can gain quite a few pounds in water weight so it is important to remember this is only temporary, it is not fat and it isn't a reason to throw all of your progress out the window in a fuck it attitude!
Two weeks later you may experience pains down one side of your tummy, bloating, wind and painful peeing. This is called ovulation and it can feel more uncomfortable than your periods and is very common in those that aren't on birth control.
Again this is only temporary and lasts a few days so try not to get disheartened if you are feeling a bit fluffier at this time.
Some things that can help are:
DIM (every day, helps prevent female cancers and gets rid of bad oestrogen) Dandelion root (bloating) Raspberry leaf tea Magnesium Ginkgo Vitamin D Evening primrose oil Iron (the week before period)
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Stay hydrated!
Water will help your brain stay focussed, reduce tiredness, keep you full, help you digest your food and keep your skin looking clear and glowing.
Aim for enough water that makes your pee clear or very light yellow, it should never be as dark as your first pee in the morning.
... Your water intake can come from teas and coffees, however, avoid fruit juices and sugary drinks.
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A lot of people experience cramping in some part of their body.
A few clients of ours get it mainly in their feet!
If you suffer from cramps take a look at your water and salt in take ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ Salt is NOT bad for you in moderation, it is actually an essential part of our diet when used sensibly and with the right kind so donโ€™t cut it out!
... Most table salts have only one mineral (sodium), some added iodine and most often some really health-hazardous anti-clumping agent like yellow prussiate of soda.
Many commercial table salts also undergo a bleaching process and contain aluminum derivatives and other bad ingredients known to be highly toxic to human health.
Pink Himalayan sea salt contains over 80 minerals and trace elements, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron, so it does more than just make your food taste better!
Some benefits of Himalayan pink salt are:
1. Relieves migraines 2. Natural digestive aid 3. Thyroid function 4. Better sleep 5. Relieves muscle cramping
Also dehydration can play a part in this so make sure you drink plenty of water and get enough potassium in your diet through foods such as bananas, avocado, salmon, almonds, cashews and pumpkin seeds.
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More about Live More - Health & Happiness

Live More - Health & Happiness is located at 6 The parade, Colchester road, Harold Wood, RM3 0AQ Romford, United Kingdom