Liz Davis Nutrition

About Liz Davis Nutrition

Hi I'm Liz, a nutritionist and gut health expert. I help busy women heal their gut so they can finally stop worrying, enjoy their food and feel amazing!

Liz Davis Nutrition Description

Personalised nutrition programs for New Mums. Revitalise your mind and body, feel better than ever. www.



🌺Have a great weekend everyone 🌺 . . A lot of people I've spoken to this week have been feeling very tired - I think it's all the stress hormones we're producing, and the general strangeness. .... . Not forgetting trying to 'homeschool' 🀣 whilst 'working from home' at the same time 🀣🀣 . . πŸ¦‹ So if your body is hinting at you to rest, make sure you do πŸ¦‹ . . . #destress #corona #covid19 #homeschooling #workfromhome
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🌸 Think we'll all be having lots of opportunity to practice this over the coming months 🌸 . . 🌸 Keep well everyone 🌸 .... . .
#covid19 #corona #stayathome #immunity #relax
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πŸ‹ Help your immunity by adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to your curries.⁠ .⁠ .⁠ πŸ‹ This will really help your up your vitamin C intake.⁠ .⁠... .⁠ πŸ‹ It also makes your food taste awesome and means you don't need to add so much salt - wins all round πŸ˜‹β  .⁠ .⁠ . ⁠ #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #vitaminc #immunity #corona #covid19
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😷 70% of your immune system is located in your gut. So, now more than ever, it's really vital to look after our gut health as much as we can πŸ€’ . . How? .... . 🌈 Remember to eat a rainbow 🌈 . . πŸ₯£ Eat probiotic foods - sauerkraut, kefir and plain, natural yogurt and kimchi, for example πŸ₯£ . . 🀯 Keep stress minimised - easier said than done I know. I have a video on this so make sure you check it out 🀯 . . If you have gut symptoms that you can't get on top of, or general symptoms throughout the body (they may be related to your gut) then ensure you get tested. DM me for more info. . . 🏈 Keep exercising as much as you can ⚽ . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #SIBO #candida #stress #anxiety #guttesting
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Did you know that 70% of your immune system is located in your gut? . . Therefore it's REALLY important now, more than ever, to ensure our guts are in tip top shape. .... . If you'd like to learn more about how to achieve this, then please click the link in my bio where I have a FREE mini-program to show you how to do just that. . . Liz :) . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #immunity #anxiety #worry #covid19 #corona
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Life at the moment isn’t what we’re used to, and we’re all having to adapt: School staff, health care workers, small business owners, supermarket workers and beleaguered parents are either already, or just about to find themselves, under huge, unprecedented pressure.
Over the coming weeks I’m going to focus on helping you stay as robust and resilient as possible. This will help you to not only fight any viruses that come your way, but effectively manage the added pressure y...ou’re likely to come under.
I hope you find this latest blog useful,
Liz :) nxiety-and-worry/
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πŸ₯£ Are you finding you're inside a lot more these days, working from home and not socialising? . . πŸ₯£ What a perfect time to spoil yourself with some homemade soup! .... . πŸ₯£ It's really simple to make - . . Finely dice an onion and fry it in coconut or olive oil. . Add whichever veg you like (or can get hold of!) . Add some protein such as fish, chicken or red lentils. . Cover with bone broth or vegetable stock. . Simmer until everything is cooked and blend until smooth. . Sprinkle with fresh parsley to boost your immunity :) . πŸ₯£ This will really help you fight any bugs, recover from any bugs and feel less anxious - it'll also taste delicious πŸ˜‹ . . .
#guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #immunity #covid19 #Coronavirus #anxiety
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If you're feeling anxious, overwhelmed and stressed at the moment you're most definitely not alone :-( . . Here's a quick tip to help you - .... . If you replace your normal cuppa or coffee with green tea you'll be really helping yourself to feel LOADS CALMER. . . Why? . . Green tea has very high levels of l-theanine, an amino acid which has been shown to reduce anxiety. . . And it won't make you feel drowsy either, l-theanine has been shown to improve levels of alertness and it still contains caffeine. . . One word of warning though, I'd avoid drinking it on an empty stomach as it's fairly acidic - definitely eat some breakfast first! And I'd still avoid drinking it too late in the day as it does contain caffeine and may keep you awake. . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #anxiety #candida #SIBO #worry #covid19 #coronavirus
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πŸ’› It's OK to not be OK πŸ’› . . Crazy, unprecedented times are here so it's understandable that we may not be feeling that great πŸ˜• There's plenty to worry about and none of us are sure how things will turn out. .... . However, becoming overly anxious or worried may well negatively impact your gut health and immunity. . . So this week I'll be focusing on how you can naturally relieve any feelings of stress and anxiety, and minimise any negative effects stress may have on your health. . . Keep well, . . Liz :) . . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #anxiety #IBS #candida #corona #covid19
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80/20 rule all the way 😊 . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #SIBO #candida


🌿 Did you know that parsley is a really, really potent immune booster? . . 🌿 It's also fabulous for a whole load of digestive related issues, including - .... - Bloating . - Gas . - Constipation . - Indigestion . - Nausea . . 🌿I usually keep a tub of it in the kitchen and use it in sauces, curries and anything with garlic as it helps neutralise the smell! . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #SIBO #candida #corona #coronavirus #immunity
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Are you ready to FINALLY nail your gut symptoms? . . Are you ready to discover the ROOT CAUSE of your digestion problems? .... . If you now now is the right time for you, then click the link in my bio to get FREE access to your gut-healing mini program. . . I can't wait to see you in there, Liz :) . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #candida #SIBO
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You’re frantically washing your hands, not touching your face, or going within two metres of an infected person.
That seems to be the best way to protect ourselves from not only the corona virus, but all the other coughs and colds which are around at the moment.
But is there anything else you can do to keep yourself healthy from the inside?
... There certainly is!
Here are six really simple things you can do to help boost your immunity right away.
Wishing you the best of health,
Liz :)
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β˜€οΈ Vitamin D helps to keep your immune system strong β˜€οΈ . . ☁️ During the months of October through to March, in the northern hemisphere, the lack of sunshine means you're unlikely to be getting enough ☁️ .... . So, if you haven't been lucky enough to be taking frequent foreign holidays this year, and you're not supplementing, you're almost certain to be low in vitamin D. . . Have you started using a vitamin D supplement recently? Have you noticed a difference in the amount of coughs and colds you get over the winter?? . . . #guthealth #bloating #ibs #gut #stomachpain #ibssolution #goodbacteria #indigestion #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #womensguthealth #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionadvice #immunity #corona #coronavirus #naturalhealth #salisburymums #salisburyindies #salisburybusiness #SIBO #candida
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