Lucy Goodwin Kinesiology

Monday: 09:30 - 15:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 15:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 15:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 15:30
Friday: 09:30 - 15:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:30 - 16:30

About Lucy Goodwin Kinesiology

If you are unwell in ANY way, Kinesiology can establish the root cause so that I can get you back to good health. It is a truly amazing therapy.



Some sugar free baking from me today, really nice date and oat bars from Deliciously Ella. Link to her recipe is in the comments although I would say I didn’t bother with the raisins as they’re already sweet enough 😋😋 (I also used buckwheat groats as an alternative to oats) x


Another lovely RejuvaDetox review ❤️


At the risk of over-sharing, I’m hoping it’s useful to know that Kinesiology can help with all sorts of menstrual issues... Several years ago I used to have very irregular periods, usually only about 3 or 4 a year. At the time I thought it was a bonus (let’s face it, no one loves surfing the crimson wave 🤣) but now I realise that actually it was a sign that my body wasn’t as well balanced as it should have been. I have been having regular Kinesiology treatments for some time now and although I’ve never specifically asked to work on my periods, they have naturally righted themselves to a monthly cycle because my body and hormones have been regularly balanced and looked after. They are light and easy to manage and I don’t get PMT either anymore. This is something that I believe is possible for all of us ladies 😁☺️


Did you know that for those who have already completed a RejuvaDetox course I now run a special offer on “top ups” - 4 for the price of 3. Do get in touch if you’d like to book a set 😁😁 *please note these can’t be used as an intense course and need to be spaced at least weekly apart 😉


Chestnut bud is another bach flower that I love to use and is great for “stuckness”, for not moving forward in the way that you want or for those who keep repeating the same mistakes 😁


One of the things that makes RejuvaDetox so unique from other plans is that you only lose toxic fat when you do it. So many other plans to help you shift pounds actually result in you losing a lot of water weight, and not much fat. It is also designed to bust old school thinking that you need to starve yourself to cleanse. You do not! And in fact, on Rejuva, the more you eat, the better it is for you ❤️ Do get in touch if you’d like to book a FREE consultation to have a scan to see how toxic you are. X


Some further motivation for not eating sugar! 😳


Tickets are now available for the fibromyalgia talk. Taking place on Sunday 14th October at 3pm ❤️


I talk about relationships a lot with clients and often advise they read this book. I personally loved it and feel it makes so much sense for why some people find they start to drift apart when the honeymoon phase has passed. Highly recommend x


On the whole my diet is very clean but I must confess that if there is one thing that doesn’t come easy to me, it’s staying away from sugar. I find the longer I go without it the easier it is to avoid but having had a holiday and some ice creams recently and a sugary pudding at my brothers wedding my body is craving it, but my mind doesn’t want me to eat it! So, why am I sharing this?! Firstly I’d like you to realise that none of us is perfect and we are all human and make mi...stakes from time to time 🤭 but secondly I have decided to set myself a challenge and I would love others to join me (or at the very least hold me accountable to it 🤣). ..... My challenge is that I am not going to eat any refined sugar until Christmas (I had already stopped for Rejuva but I want to keep this going even longer) Please wish me luck! And if you want to join in, do comment below so I can help support if you’d like. I will keep you updated of my progress on here ❤️
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I talk about RejuvaDetox and the benefits of cleansing the body, but did you know the Rejuva machine also does a lymphatic drainage program? RejuvaLymph is a powerful treatment which is 12 times more effective than manual lymphatic drainage 😳😁. There are many physical signs of congestion in the Lymphatic System that can benefit significantly by improving lymph circulation, some examples are -
- Water Retention - General muscle aches and pains... - Cellulite and weight problems - Lymphodema - Stretch marks - Circulation problems - Puffiness and swelling
If you think you could benefit from one off a RejuvaLymph treatment, please do PM me 😊
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I found this article absolutely mind blowing about the stats on milk intolerance. Well worth a read. 🤓🤓🤔🤔


Perhaps a really obvious tip but I have definitely noticed I feel more relaxed since keeping a little book by my side to write my things to do in. I always seem to have so much floating about my brain that carrying around something where I can write down all my little jobs has been SO stress relieving. It enables me to essentially forget what I have to do and clear my mind more which is lovely and relaxing. I would definitely recommend to others - for me personally I feel more in control of what I need to do and my brain feels much clearer. Hope this helps 😁


Doing and talking about RejuvaDetox always makes me think about the level of fruit and veg we eat. Most people talk about their 5 a day, although a few years back research showed it should really be 7 and current thinking is that it should actually be more like 10! 😳. Just working through my day of fruit and veg yesterday I had roughly 11 portions thanks to being inspired by my Rejuva eating. 😁 so much goodness does have such a positive impact on how you feel in yourself 😍😍


I find Deliciously Ella to be inspiring in so many ways. I thought this post she has written on her illness might be interesting to share. ❤️


Please comment or PM me if you’d like it x


Do you have a can’t do or can do attitude to getting better? I think this is such an interesting topic and I personally feel that a strong belief that you CAN get well and you WILL get well can have such a major impact on your actual ability to recover. Have a little read of this interesting study below on the “nocebo” effect (basically the opposite of placebo) -
Patients with asthma were divided into two groups. One was given a bronchoconstrictor, which ordinarily makes ast...hma symptoms worse, and told that it was a bronchodilator, which normally improves the symptoms. This placebo suggestion reduced their discomfort by nearly 50%. The second group was given a bronchodilator and told it was a bronchoconstrictor. The nocebo suggestion reduced the drug's effectiveness by nearly 50%.
How incredible is that? There are so many studies out there that show similar results all with different conditions and medications. My question would therefore be - does a belief that you can’t get better actually prevent you from getting better? I see so many people who have been told there is no hope for their IBS or their ME or their fibromyalgia or their eczema etc etc and that they “just have to live with it”.. but what does that do to your mindset?! Does it hold you back from recovery? Maybe so. My personal belief is that there is always hope and having that hope in the first place can be huge in starting you on the path to getting well again xx
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I’ve been asked if I’m planning on a running another talk on fibromyalgia and I am very happy to do so if there’s interest out there. I’d chat about - 1. What it is and why I believe you can get better 2. The treatments I offer and my success rates 3. What you can do to start to help yourselves immediately 4. Evidence from people who’ve been through my treatments and how they’re feeling now... 5. How staying well is about changing your lifestyle permanently and how we help you to do that. If you think this would be of interest to you, please do comment below. Please note that due to limited spaces for these talks and previous issues with “no shows”, I would make a token charge of £10 which would then be deducted from any future treatments if you decided to book. X
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Mid year resolution?
Why is it we feel the need to wait for January to turn over a new leaf? I personally think you can change habits at any time of the year 😁 With the summer hols due to finish soon, September seems like a fantastic time to start thinking about looking after ourselves again 😊🤓. With my unique Rejuva machine, we can strip toxins and toxic fat from your body leaving you feeling and looking amazing! Contact me now to book a FREE consultation to establish how toxic you are and discuss your options. We have lots of different courses available ranging from mini ones of 10 days right up to 4 weeks ☺️


Just wanted to say big thank you for helping my daughter. After years of upset stomachs, mainly after big meals out, she was so ill after a birthday meal that she ended up in bed. We went to see Lucy on recommendation and it turns out that she is wheat intolerant. Two weeks into a wheat free diet she has had no stomach aches and even after a sleep over with friends (and lots of goodies to eat), where she usually ends up feeling ill she was completely fine as she stuck to all gluten-free food. So thank you Lucy, you've made such a difference.


I went to see Lucy after a couple of years battling with ME, fibro, acid reflux and many food intolerances. Best decision I have made. I have tried numerous things but the rejuva machine made such a huge difference in my symptoms. My energy levels and concentration levels are much higher than before, which in turn made me feel more confident and more able to return to doing exercise again. Very lovely friendly group of ladies! made me feel very comfortable xx


I was officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year but has struggled with my health for 2years previous. Fibro is completly dibilitating, I went from an active person to someone who slept the afternoons away. I was constantly exhausted and everyday tasks became a chore. The pain is another part of this horrible disease, I lived in constant pain all over.

I went to a talk in December that lucy had advertised just to see if it could possibly help me. I was so sceptical about the Rejuva detox , if a doctor had no way to help me , how could Lucy, the detox and her special machine help me ? After lots of question asking I decided I had to give it a go. That was one of the best decsions I have ever made�

I completed the four wk Rejuva course last wk. It was tough at times but it is so worth it. I feel like i have my life back. From wk two I had so much more energy and zest for life, and almost no pain.

Lucy and her amazing team really do care , they are so helpful, knowledgeable, always at the end of the phone for support , I could go on and on. I lost 17lbs and 22inches all over. I feel human and it feels great.

I really can't recommend Rejuva enough ��


I have recently finished a 12 session detox, I won’t lie the vegan weeks were tough, but I now the queen of salads and surprised myself with all the different varieties. The sessions on the machine with the team were great, I took my iPad and got through a whole box set! Just having that time for me was a bonus. I didn’t do the sessions to loose weight, I did it to improve my hot flushes, my sluggishness and my mood. All have improved massively and I feel great. I also lost 1st 2lb and 25 which was a great bonus. I would recommend the sessions to everyone. Lucy and her team are fantastic (big shout-out to Zoe and Sharon) x

More about Lucy Goodwin Kinesiology

07971 630 437
Monday: 09:30 - 15:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 15:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 15:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 15:30
Friday: 09:30 - 15:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:30 - 16:30