Matt Orton Personal Trainer

About Matt Orton Personal Trainer

Based in The Gym Southampton East. Passionate about all things fitness and nutrition. Content and tips to help inspire you to achieve your goals.



Suns out ☀️Summers coming 😎 Which means boring, regular cardio right?
Make your cardio fun! Do something you enjoy doing. It doesn’t even have to be inside the gym. Get out and get moving.
... What’s your favourite type of cardio?
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Shout out to my clients Jazz, Gemma, Dawn & Mitch for their hard work this month!
Jazz: Weight ⬇️ Waist ⬇️... Hips ⬇️ Legs ⬇️
Gemma: bf % ⬇️ Muscle % ⬆️
Dawn: Weight ⬇️ Arms ⬇️ Hips ⬇️ Legs ⬇️
Mitch: Arms ⬆️ Chest ⬆️ Waist ⬇️
Well done guys!
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Great women’s only weightlifting class the other night. Good turn out, and these girls all worked really hard and did really well! 💪🏻 Women’s only weightlifting, every Monday 8-9 @the_gym_southampton_east
#wcw #womenwholift #strongissexy #gym #fitness #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #personaltrainer #pt #southampton #gymlife


Shout out to my client Dan hard works really paying off as you can see! 💪🏻
Dan had a solid level of gym knowledge and experience before we started, and has really taken it up a level ⬆️👏🏻. Good work mate, keep it up 👍🏼
Before we started (Top right)- Current (bottom right)


Savage finisher to my session today: Battleropes. Really don’t look forward to doing these, cause they’re so taxing, but they’re really good at burning fat and send your heart rate through the roof. Give them a go as a finisher, if you like getting that cold feeling in your chest: . 10 sec waves 3 jumps 10 sec waves... 3 jumps 5 burpees 3 jumps 5 burpees 3 jumps 5 slams 3 jumps 5 slams
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Tried something different today that I haven’t done in a long time: straight leg deadlifts with a snatch grip (Wide grip). This variation can help target your hamstrings and glutes to a greater extent than regular deadlifts!
The key here is to keep your upper body/torso tight and straight- so keep your abs tight and shoulders back. The movement is essentially sticking your ass out whilst keeping everything else straight 😄. So keep pushing your bum out until you feel a “pull”... in your hamstring, then come up and squeeze your bum at the top 🔑.
I kept my legs straight, which really helps me feel the “pull” in my hamstrings, but this movement can also be done with a slight knee bend, which puts less stress through your knees.
Another major 🔑 is to keep the movement slow and controlled, especially on the way down.
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Not a bad day training for me today. Managed to deadlift 230kg without a problem, which was surprising seeing as I haven’t done heavy deadlifts in ages. Also managed to do pull-ups with added weight for the first time ever! This is by far my biggest weakness so was quite happy with that, even if it was only 15kg for a few reps.
But I forgot to video those 😅🙈. So this exercise is called a seal row. It’s an alternate exercise to the bent over barbell row, but limits the amount... of “body bounce” that usually occurs when doing the bent over row. The only bad thing is that the bar kept hitting the underside of the bench, so I decided to hold the movement at the top for that extra squeeze.
It’s good to mix up your exercises every now and again, to help shock your body and keep it stimulated, whilst preventing plateaus. Give it a go and see how you get on.
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Hands up if you like cardio and/or burpees 🙋🏼‍♂️. If you did you’re lying. And not just to me. That doesn’t matter. But you’re lying to yourselves aswell 😉😄. But they need to be done, as they’re a great way of improving your fitness and burning fat 🔥.
Conditioning to finish today’s session: 500m run 20 burpees ... 400m run 15 burpees 300m run 10 burpees.
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#tbt to June ‘16. Training doesn’t have to be boring. Make it fun, do things you enjoy doing or train with a friend. Cause if you don't enjoy it, what’s the point..
Tag your gym buddy.


Great Women’s only weightlifting class last night with these lovely ladies. They all worked hard and did really well, smashing a tough Glute and abs session!🏋🏼‍♀️ #womenwholift


#wcw Lovely bit of EMOM to finish the HIIT class last night! Good job girls 💪🏻


Decided to do a tough conditioning session yesterday because of an over indulgent weekend 🙈😅. ‘‘Twas a sweaty one 💦. Give it a go some time when you fancy burning some calories..
Circuit 1. 4 rounds Back squat X5... Single arm DB snatch X10 each Bulgarian split squat X10 each
Circuit 2. 50 kcal row 40 box jumps 30 walking lunges (each side) 20 clap press ups 10 chin ups 20 single arm KB clean & press (each arm) 30 KB swings (each arm) 40 bodyweight squats 50 sit ups
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How many of y’all made it to the gym the last couple of days because of the snow? Just because you can’t make it to the gym doesn’t mean you can’t do an exercise. With only a set of adjustable dumbbells and a 20kg kettlebell, I did 2 simple but tough workouts out home:
Workout 1: 4 rounds -Jump squats -clap press ups ... -Jump lunges -Renegade rows -Burpees
Workout 2: -Single arm floor press/ single arm kneeling shoulder press (Superset) - Bicep curls/ skull crushers (superset) - Kettlebell clean & press/ kettlebell swings (superset) - Single arm dumbbell snatches (EMOM) - Turkish get ups
Do what you can with what you have. You can always go play in the snow too ⛄️😉
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Went back to uni today to help Jack with his dissertation testing. He is looking into the effect of Fat Gripz on muscle activation, for anterior, medial and posterior deltoid and forearm flexors and extensor muscles during dumbbell shoulder press, lat raise and reverse fly exercises.
Was weird being back there, but a lot less stressful then when I was a student 😄


**ClIent Progress**
Before his period of strength programming, Dan had the goal of improving his strength in the main lifts (Bench, row, shoulder press, deadlifts & squats) in particular his bench press. After 3 months, his strength improved in all the lifts, especially his bench press, which went from 102.5kg to 127.5kg! Awesome Job Dan, well done!


Tricep dips!
Tricep dips are an excellent compound exercise for the upper body. They primarily target your triceps, but also work the shoulders and chest aswell! They can be easily simplified (bench/box dips) or progressed (weighted dips) to suit all abilities.
Key points for tricep dips:
... 1️⃣ Keep shoulders down and back 2️⃣ Keep forearms vertical throughout 3️⃣ Keep elbows tucked in (don’t let them flare out) 4️⃣ Lower body until shoulders are below elbows 5️⃣ Torso lean is needed for balance. The more torso lean there is, the more your chest is targeted
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Really good first session back from holiday yesterday with @hollychurch93. She did really well, smashing a HIIT/Conditioning session involving burpees, ball slams, rowing, tyre flipping and stairs 👀💪🏻. Also, thanks again for the rum 😁🥃


Since October, Rebekah has dropped 2 dress sizes!! She says that she is now so happy with her weight and that she’d never thought she’d be able to say that! She now feels great and has confidence that she’s never had!
Awesome work Rebekah, you’ve consistently worked really hard during all of our PT sessions and classes, and deserve everything that you have achieved thus far.


Matt has helped me from the start of my training journey so far. He's broken down each of the exercises, with correction and description of technique. This way I can train to my fullest without causing any injuries, and maintaining maximum growth!

More about Matt Orton Personal Trainer

Matt Orton Personal Trainer is located at Antelope Park, Bursledon Rd, SO19 8NE Southampton