
About Mca_Ceo

The Official Facebook page for the CEO of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

Mca_Ceo Description

Hello, my name is Alan Massey. I’m the CEO of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. This page is all about the work the MCA carries out and also about what I do.

The Agency's strapline is “Safer Lives, Safer Ships, Cleaner Seas” which really sums up everything we do, in just six words. We keep things safe at sea and on the UK coast.

We have some really great people working for us all around the UK, such as the Coastguards who volunteer to carry out rescues in their local communities, and Coastguards in our operations rooms who coordinate all forms of civil maritime search and rescue, 24 /7 /365.

But the Agency is about so much more than that. For example, we survey and inspect ships and boats to make sure that every time someone goes to sea they will be safe. We also make sure that those who work at sea have the right training and qualifications. We work to prevent and if necessary clean up marine pollution; we deal with wrecks and salvage; we organise detailed hydrographic surveys of UK waters. And - not least - we run the UK Ship register, comprising all of that proud merchant fleet that carries the famous Red Ensign flag around the world's oceans.

All our work is about keeping people safe and secure, so that they can go about their lives at sea or on our beautiful coasts around the UK, and can get back home at the end of the day.

Just a bit about myself: before joining the MCA in 2010 I served for a while in the Royal Navy. Amongst other things, I had the huge privilege of commanding HM Ships Newcastle, Campbeltown, Illustrious and Ark Royal, ending up in charge of all RN personnel and training. When I’m not at work I enjoy sailing, trying to keep fit and endeavouring to learn that tricky fourth guitar chord that will get me a recording contract. No chance - but it's fun all the same.

This page is run by me, and also some of my trusted colleagues who will post on my behalf when I can't get at it. When I post something personally I will put #SAM after it.



I am delighted we have appointed Stephan as our new SOSREP. He brings a wealth of experience from his years in the MCA both from HM Coastguard and the Counter-Pollution branch and I’m sure the maritime world will benefit from his expertise and personal qualities. As we have seen from the serious incidents in UK waters over the last years, the SOSREP has a unique and critical role in rapidly and effectively marshalling the resources of all parties to achieve the best possible outcomes.


I’m pleased to introduce myself as the new CEO for the Maritime & Coastguard Agency and I wanted to take this moment to say an official hello on Facebook.
I’m very proud to be at the helm of this great organisation, who’s reputation in the maritime world is at the very forefront.
For those of you who don’t know me, I graduated in chemical engineering from Cambridge University and began my career with ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) where I spent 15 years carrying out rese...arch.
While there I also worked in technology development, site production management and business restructuring leaderships. Since that time I have worked in many and varied roles, both hands on and at Director level.
I work in Louisiana in the early 90s and led the design and commission of the worlds’ first industrial scale plant making ozone-friendly refrigerants.
After a spell with Tate and Lyle, I moved to Remploy for 4 years as Operations Director assisting 6,000 disabled people work at 80 sites all over the UK.
An interest in the work of public service led me into social housing where I was CEO of three housing organisations and before joining the MCA I was the Chief Operating Officer at a bio-pharmaceutical company.
It’s been encouraging since joining the MCA to meet and hear directly from many staff about their experiences working within the MCA. This has helped me understand and triangulate the direction of my work over the future months. I will continue to reach out to those I have yet to meet and in the coming weeks I hope to share with you my work and progress.
Warm regards, Brian Johnson
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Recognising the dedication of our staff is extremely important to me, and today I had the great pleasure in presenting George Crumpler with his 40 years long service medal bar and clasp.
He joined the Coastguard in 1975 as an Auxiliary and in 1990 became a full time Sector Officer. Now George is the Coastal Operations Area Commander for HM Coastguard from Cardigan to Penmon in Wales.
Throughout his forty years’ with HM Coastguard George’s conduct has been exemplary and he re...mains a committed and enthusiastic Coastguard Officer who up holds the highest traditions of the service.
There are countless people who owe their life to George’s service and he has been closely involved in many high profile search and rescue missions, including the response to the flooding last year across the Aberystwyth area.
I’m very proud to say I work with George and everybody at the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. It is an honour to call them all my colleagues. #SAM
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Well done to everyone for all their hard work.…/hi storic-cannon-case-t…


Last week I visited the RNLI headquarters in Poole with my colleagues in the Coastguard. When I say Coastguard I include of course the Irish Coast Guard and Isle of Man Coastguard as well as UK Coastguard colleagues.
We all work closely together at different times, but we don’t often get the chance to be together in one place. So it was a wonderful opportunity to share knowledge, experience and of course stories of the rescues we’ve all carried out together but from differ...ent perspectives.
I still recall when I first took up this job and I was deeply fascinated when it was explained to me how search and rescue actually works for real. I asked to see the contract between the MCA and our search and rescue partners that sets out exactly what our formal relationship is, and how the operational tasking of assets is conducted and governed. I got blank looks. If no contract, then how about the memorandum of understanding? Same response.
At which point the Chief Coastguard fixed me with a firm gaze and said: ‘Look, someone gets into trouble out at sea. They call for help. We pick it up, and we tell the lifeboats about it. They go out and do the rescue.’
And that is about it – simple, beautiful, and quite, quite unique. Based on marvellous things like professionalism, mutual respect, selflessness, and – maybe above all – trust. You really don’t need much in the way of process and paperwork when people can absolutely rely on each other to get difficult things done, with total focus and a minimum of fuss.
I’d like to thank everyone who was there and of course the RNLI for hosting the event. See you all next year. #SAM
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Liberty,Brotherhood,Equality....and unswerving solidarity from your friends across the Channel. #SAM


The Red Ensign is raised outside the Maritime and Coastguard Agency HQ each day, but for #MerchantNavyDay, Sir Alan read out a message to staff from the Earl of Wessex to seafarers to celebrate and remember those who work at sea.


We’re greatly honoured that HRH The Prince of Wales is formally opening National Maritime Operations Centre, Fareham.


Last weekend I took part in Joint Search and Rescue 2015, a weekend of SAR exercises carried out jointly between HM Coastguard and the Irish Coast Guard, held this year in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland. It’s an annual event, highly valued on both sides of the border as a means of maintaining practical international cooperation at an operational level. There really are no borders when it comes to search and rescue, only boundaries that both countries patrol with equal vigour... and determination.
I also try to make sure at these events I’m one of the people competing, being treated just the same as our volunteers, competing over a series of twelve different scenarios. HM Coastguard held up the finest traditions of professionalism and energy as did our equally dedicated colleagues in the Irish Coast Guard. Both services date back to 1822, and with our shared history and border it’s important that we continue to work together and help each other out when someone is in distress.
I want to thank all those who took part last weekend from both services and particularly SCOO (Senior Coastguard Operations Officer) Gordon Munro and his Ballycastle Coastguard Rescue Team, who did a wonderful job in preparing and running all the events. It was a privilege, and huge fun, to take part – my thanks to everyone involved and to Michelle Hay from the Irish Coast Guard for the photos.
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More about Mca_Ceo

Mca_Ceo is located at Maritime and Coastguard Agency, SO15 1EG Southampton