Millions Missing Southampton

About Millions Missing Southampton

#MillionsMissing is a global campaign for ME health equality.

Join us at Guildhall Square to see why we need increased government funding and recognition for ME.



Many thanks to MillionsMissing Scotland who have produced some bite-sized clips of some of the best quotes from today's #MEdebate. This speech from Stephen Pound, MP for Ealing North is one of my favourites.


Things are hotting up ahead of the #MEdebate on Thursday and this is our chance to make ME visible again. It's not too late to contact your MP and make A LOT of noise on social media. #MEAction has put together some ideas for you on how to do this. #MillionsMissing


If you have contacted your MP and received a reply please could you submit it here, so #MEAction can track the level of interest and support from MPs. Thanks. inster-hall-debate/


New parliamentary briefing details for the debate on ME treatment and research in Westminster Hall on 21 June 2018 to replace the previous version. So pleased we were able to quickly take on board feedback on the original document and produce an updated version in time for the debate.


Have you seen that MEAction are using the photo of the shoes in Southampton to promote their UK fundraiser on Twitter? I've only just noticed! That must mean we definitely had the best display! 👍🤗 /


By investing in advocacy #MEAction are helping to make the government face up to its responsibilities and fund research at a much bigger scale. £55,000 for someone to co-ordinate and campaign for this could reap £millions and lead to a definite plan in the UK to find treatment or a cure for ME. Please donate and help this happen.


Please use this tool to email your MP to ask them to attend the debate on 21 June. It'll only take a moment and the more MPs who are there, the more progress we'll make in terms of funding, awareness and education. Thank you.


Thank you if you donated via PayPal towards putting on the Southampton visibility action or bought a #MillionsMissing t-shirt. I've finished the 'accounts' and we had just under £40 left over after settling all the costs. I've just donated that to the #MEAction fundraiser below. Thank you. x


Hugely excited about having a UK-based organiser for #MEAction to grow a bigger collaborative movement to effect real change in UK. Please donate and share widely so we can get our new person up and running asap and quickly build on all the progress we've made from this year's #MillionsMissing events.


A community journalism organisation would like to investigate care and treatment for people with ME living in Southampton. They want to talk to people who live in the area SO14 to SO19 about their experiences of accessing treatment.
We Make Southampton is run by Claudia Murg who has worked for mainstream TV current affairs and documentaries. 2 years ago she decided to use her skills locally and set up
It's a great opportunity for some investigative journalism to raise awareness about the lack of viable treatment options for ME. So if you fit the criteria, please do get in contact with Claudia or you can message us your details and I'll pass them onto her. Thanks.


Thank you again to everyone who came to Guildhall Square on Saturday. We would love to hear your thoughts on what you liked about it and would like to see repeated next year, plus any constructive feedback on what we could do differently next year. We know we can't please everyone but we'd like to hear your views and to be able to take on board as many as possible. Thanks.




Footage from We Make Southampton who came down yesterday to speak to those who were there. The response from the public walking around the shoes and reading the tags was incredible!

More about Millions Missing Southampton

Millions Missing Southampton is located at SO14 7FP Southampton