Okehampton Osteopaths

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Okehampton Osteopaths

Okehampton Osteopaths is a friendly osteopathic healthcare clinic and has been providing qualitative osteopathic treatment for everyone for over 20 years.

Okehampton Osteopaths Description

At Okehampton Osteopaths we are dedicated to giving you the individually tailored quality osteopathic healthcare you need. Based in Okehampton, we support our local communities but also receive patients from all over West- and Northdevon and surrounding areas.

We provide appointments from early until late at an affordable price. Our treatments are always highly individualised, based upon your needs and requirements.

On-street parking outside is available for 1 hour and there are several large car parks within a few minutes walk of the practice.

Our care covers a broad range of conditions. Among many others we can help with back and neck pain, sciatica, shoulder and knee problems, circulatory issues, generalised aches and pains, inability to relax and certain sports injuries.

Please visit our website for more details or call us on 01837 555 16 to have a qualified osteopath advise you on how we can help.



Ten Tors traffic this weekend beware! (When I did it in 1996 it snowed 😂)


Fri 28th! Mill Road closed! this morning in Oke for any patients heading D


Why women should do weights --------------------------------------- Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones more brittle and prone to fracture. Although osteoporosis can effect men and younger people, post-menopausal women are most at risk. One of the best ways to help maintain healthy bones is to exercise regularly – which encourages the bones to absorb calcium and other mineral salts that keep bones strong.
... Weight bearing exercises and weight resisted exercises are best for strengthening bones and muscles and as well as helping to keep bones in good health may also reduce the likelihood of falls as you age. Weight bearing exercises are those where your body is supporting its own weight - dancing, yoga, tennis, Pilates, walking, running, gardening and even housework count – all you are aiming to do is increase your heart rate and make yourself feel a little warmer. You can do it in several short blocks of 15 minute or more but aim for at least a total of 150 minutes per week over at least 5 days per week for the best results. If you’re unused to exercise, start slowly and build up to this target.
Dancing, yoga, tennis, Pilates, walking, running, gardening and even housework count – all you are aiming to do is increase your heart rate and make yourself feel a little warmer. You can do it in several short blocks of 15 minutes or more but aim for at least a total of 150 minutes per week over at least 5 days per week for the best results. If you’re unused to exercise, start slowly and build up to this target.
Don't know where to start? This is where we can help. We can screen you for any health concerns that might affect your ability to exercise, help to resolve and avoid any injuries or pain that might be holding you back and advise you on what exercises might suit your goals best.
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Osteopathic Treatment for Your Child
Your child’s back pain may benefit from osteopathic treatment. Using gentle manual therapy an osteopath will help to resolve any stresses and strains that are affecting their body and relieve their pain. They can also provide lifestyle advice that may help to prevent the problem from coming back.
Contact us on 01837 55516 if you have questions or would like to book free back checks and appointments.


If you are self-employed, taking time off work with musculoskeletal problem can have a devastating effect on you and your family’s financial security, so getting back to work as quickly as possible is essential. That can seem impossible when you’re in pain and unable to complete your usual daily activities, but movement really helps!
Osteopathy may help you return to work sooner. Usually it is possible to appointments within a couple of days and in many cases only a few visits are required to get you back to work. Ring us on 01837 55516 to ask for advice and book appointments.


Children and Healthy Backs - The right bed and pillow
Good quality sleep is vital for both physical and mental development. Make sure that your child has a good sized comfortable bed with a firm mattress and a pillow that supports their head without lifting it too high.


If you are trying to build larger muscles, the most effective method is to use a weight which you can manage to lift 8-10 times before the muscles fatigue, in order to get the desired effect. If you are looking for stronger, leaner muscles, a weight programme based upon 20 repetitions would be more appropriate.


Stretch of the Day: Side Stretch with Ball
If you have a swiss ball at home you can make some stretches stronger. Here's one for your sides :) ----------------------------------------- -------- Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on 01837 55516 to ask questions, make appointments and receive advice.... Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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Stretch of the Day: Child's Pose
Child's pose from yoga is a fabulous relaxing stretch for the lower back to open up the back of the spine. Enjoy a bit of down time! :) ----------------------------------------- -------- Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on 01837 55516 to ask questions, make appoin...tments and receive advice. Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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Children and Healthy Backs - Regular exercise
A sedentary lifestyle is known to contribute to the risk of developing back pain, as well as contributing to obesity. Regular physical activity helps to keep the core muscles that support the spine strong and maintain flexibility, which will help to avoid back pain. Encourage lots of active play, walking, running, swimming, cycling etc to keep your child fit and healthy.
If your child does complain of back pain, it is important to... seek advice from qualified professional, such as an osteopath. We will assess your child and determine if we can help.
Contact us on 01837 55516 for information and to book appointments.
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Stretch of the Day: Double Inner Thigh Stretch
Great for the long muscles on the inside of the thigh and can be relaxing for the back too. A lovely stretchy day to everyone! ----------------------------------------- -------- Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on 01837 55516 to ask questions, make a...ppointments and receive advice. Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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Stretch of the Day: Dynamic Back Twist
Being very public friendly (we're thinking office and bus stops), this standing or sitting twist is fabulous for loosening up tired backs, shoulders and hips throughout the day. Colleagues love it :)
----------------------------------------- --------... Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on 01837 55516 to ask questions, make appointments and receive advice. Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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If you are trying to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise (anything that gets your heart rate up such as running, swimming, dancing or football) is the way to go. In order to be most effective, this should be performed at 60 – 80% of your maximum heart rate, which is a lot less strenuous than you might think (Subtracting your age from 220 will give you your advised maximum heart rate. You can buy a heart rate monitors from most good sports shops or online to monitor this).


Stretch of the Day: Neck and Shoulder Stretch
Who doesn't get tight neck and shoulder muscles? Difficult to stretch, this is one way of helping them out. Have a good rest of this lovely day!
----------------------------------------- --------... Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on 01837 55516 to ask questions, make appointments and receive advice. Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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Chronic Pain
Persistent pain is very common and effects over 14 million people in the UK alone. It often does not respond to conventional medical interventions and needs a different kind of approach, but there are many things that you can do to manage your pain yourself with the support of your osteopath, your family and loved-ones. Keeping active, performing exercises and stretches can help, learning to pace your activities so that you don’t trigger a flare-up of your pain as well as setting goals and priorities are all very important and can help you to maintain a fulfilling lifestyle.
For more information on how to manage your persistent pain, speak to us at Okehampton Osteopaths on 01837 55516 or visit http://www.paintoolkit.org/


Stretch of the Day: Hamstrings Sitting
Also stretching some of your back muscles and glutes, this stretch helps with those short hamstrings after sitting all day. Important also for runners and cyclists! It can be quite strong so go careful on this one :)
----------------------------------------- --------... Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on 01837 55516 to ask questions, make appointments and receive advice. Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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Stretch of the Day: Lunge with Side Stretch
Similar to what we did a couple of weeks ago, this is a good stretch for the front of the hip and thigh, and this particular version also stretches the side muscles! ----------------------------------------- -------- Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on ...01837 55516 to ask questions, make appointments and receive advice. Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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Stretch of the Day: Spine, Hip and Shoulder Twist
Does lots of things in one go but only go as far as you can with this one. Stretches the front of the chest and shoulder, and twists through the spine and hip! Happy twisting :)
----------------------------------------- --------... Welcome to our Stretches of the Day! We will here demonstrate simple and short mobility exercises you can easily perform at home. Make sure your back is in good condition before performing these stretches. Contact us on 01837 55516 to ask questions, make appointments and receive advice. Keep mobile! #OsteopathyWorks
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Children and Healthy Backs - Limit screen time
Looking down to use smart phones, tablets and laptops for an extended period can pull the back and neck into an unnatural posture, resulting in pain. Placing limits on the time spent using devices and encouraging regular breaks may help to avoid problems. If your child has to use a laptop for homework, consider purchasing a support that elevates the screen to a height that allows him or her to sit up straight to look at it.


I spend a lot of time driving with work. Ive had an awkward pain in my back for some time, one treatment and the pain was relieved. Great service.


I have been visiting the clinic for nearly 3 years now and absolutely love it, very highly recommended


I spend a lot of time driving with work. Ive had an awkward pain in my back for some time, one treatment and the pain was relieved. Great service.


I have been visiting the clinic for nearly 3 years now and absolutely love it, very highly recommended


I spend a lot of time driving with work. Ive had an awkward pain in my back for some time, one treatment and the pain was relieved. Great service.


I have been visiting the clinic for nearly 3 years now and absolutely love it, very highly recommended

More about Okehampton Osteopaths

Okehampton Osteopaths is located at Park Row, Ex20 1DP Okehampton
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -