Personalised Learning Dorset

About Personalised Learning Dorset

Personalised Learning Dorset is an Alternate Provision providing packages of support for students out of or not currently engaging in mainstream education



After our first dive into Roald Dahl's 'The Twits' I am left with mixed emotions. Happy the young people sat quietly and listened, yet concerned my colleague is trying to tell me something.....


2 walks in 2 weeks, nearly 6.5 miles covered, young people experiencing the beautiful Dorset outdoors like never before....
Dare we go again next week? I think so!


After a very busy start to the new year we are delighted at Personalised Learning Dorset to be in the position to further grow our service and expand our team.
We are looking to recruit additional staff who are able to deliver 1:1 tutoring for the young people we support.
Please follow the link below for further information. If you think you have the right skills and experience, then we would love to hear from you!
... .uk/vacancies
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Happy new year from all of us at PL Dorset! We are looking forward to an exciting term supporting our local young people and have some important service updates to share.
After a very busy period before Christmas we are set to work with even more young people this term. To further enhance our service and add an additional dimension to the support we offer I am delighted to be able to share that we will be working collaboratively with Aspire Tutoring; a service set up by a b...rilliant ex colleague Shaun Linsley, who will be offering high quality and bespoke tutoring to the young people we work with on a 1:1 basis.
Please follow the link below for further information regarding Shaun and Aspire Tutoring. .uk/meet-the-team
There are further announcements coming so please keep your eyes peeled!
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Burning things and shooting - what a varied week we had!
Our bonfire at Stour Valley was the culmination of several weeks hard work supporting the ranger team clearing vegetation and digging improvements around Kingfisher Barn. Although it was cold and trying to rain it certainly didn't dampen spirits; with the boys managing to hold out for their toasted marshmallows once the fire had died down!
We also had a real treat at Canford School with Karl and Craig teaching the youn...g people how to fire a rifle.
With each of these activities the most valuable skill learnt was being able to listen to instructions, stay safe and behave whilst taking part in some potentially risky activities. The young people were fantastic - a real credit to the project and themselves.
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As part of our mythical creatures topic we were lucky enough to visit Honeymead Farm (near Wimborne) to take some inspiration from real life animals. The young people have left with lots of ideas for their own creations they will be making in their upcoming sessions.
They were also able to feed the animals and put lots of questions to the very helpful staff who were looking after the animals.
A good day out if you have little ones of your own! πŸŽπŸ„πŸ–πŸ™‚


The work continues .....
We have been very busy over the last week - lots of great activities focusing on how people use the environment and natural world in Art, as well as looking at how humans impact on the natural world around them.
As always, top marks to the young people for getting involved and trying new things!


We have had a lovely time last week, with a wide range of activities for our young people to get involved in.
After our trench building on the beach earlier in the week we had a fantastic visit to the Royal Signals Museum at Blandford Camp on Thursday. On arrival we were kindly shown round by the museums Deputy Director Adam Forty, who gave us an excellent insight into WW1 and the history of how communication has developed over the years.
On Friday we were put through our paces by Karl (back to his best and in his natural environment!) at Canford School obstacle course. Everyone got fully involved and were an absolute pleasure to have.


We have had a very interesting week so far learning all about trench warfare.
We spent today at the beach building scale models of our previous trench cross sections. All were scaled to actual dimensions so Barbie and Action Man could benefit from the trenches defensive features.
Looking forward to a trip to the royal signals museum at Blandford Camp tomorrow - the young people we have been working with have been amazing!


We have had a busy first week at PL Dorset, with lots of different activities for our young people to engage with.
I will get better at taking pictures so you can all see what we have been up to.
I must give a special mention to the lovely people at Stour Valley Nature Reserve who kept us busy on Tuesday treating their wood carvings as well as making sure we were fully replenished with hot chocolate and biscuits!


What a thoughtful and powerful article, forwarded by an exceptional and talented youth worker/mentor Dom Weir who I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with for many years.
It really lays bare the gaps in our education system for the most needy of pupils and the risks they face once they are excluded.…/excluded- schoolchildren-groom…


After a really positive meeting with the management committee last week at Horton and Chalbury Village Hall, I am delighted to be able to confirm our base for next year - an absolutely top quality facility in the lovely village of Horton, a mere 25 minutes from Bournemouth in our company minibus.
Please check out the website - my pictures are pre Storm Bronagh, no sunshine in sight! But thanks to magic of photo editing the weather looks less gloomy than it was!

More about Personalised Learning Dorset

07561 776702