Plympton Osteopathic Clinic

Monday: 08:30 - 18:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 18:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 18:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Plympton Osteopathic Clinic

Mike and his team are friendly and professional Osteopaths offering treatment and advice to patients of all ages in the Plymouth area.

Plympton Osteopathic Clinic Description

Established for 20 years!
Mike and his team of Registered Osteopaths offer friendly, professional care and advice.

We offer safe and effective care for a broad range of conditions. . .
* Back Pain
* Sciatica
* Neck Pain
* Joint pains
* Pain from Arthritis
* Hip and Knee problems
* Shoulder and Arm pain
* Foot and Ankle pain
* Sports Injuries
* Exercise and ergonomic advice

We use a range of hands-on treatment techniques including massage, joint articulation and manipulation, acupuncture and muscle stretching.





😟 Is your pain stressing you out?! Anxiety is worrying about things that MIGHT happen and this graphic captures that idea so well!
Our anxiety levels can rise when we suffer joint or muscle pain - we worry about what it MIGHT be.
... A careful Osteopathic examination and diagnosis can help you to avoid this anxiety. You’ll know what you are dealing with - what osteopathy can do to help - and a plan for what to do at home. Mike
01752 347663 line-plymouth/
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Scoliosis and flat feet 😱 Surely a recipe for pain and immobility? But this is the worlds fastest man! Usain Bolt. Living proof that you shouldn’t get too hung up on posture! The body is amazing at adapting. If you keep mobile and strong it will look after you. Walk to sport...practise yoga... dance in the kitchen! ... Whatever you enjoy...just keep moving!!!
If pain is stopping you moving give us a call! 01752 347663 line-plymouth/
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⏱There are 10,080 minutes in a week. On average we see a patient for 30 of these minutes in a week. To put that in perspective we might see you for 0.002% of the week!
So how can you get the most out of your time with your osteopath?
... 1) Understand that healing can take time. 2) Try and stick to the treatment plan. 3) Do your exercises and take advice.
We want you to get better, it's why we get out of bed and go to work each day!
01752 347663 line-plymouth/
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Last weekend it was Mike and Phil’s turn to attend a TMJ workshop. Here’s our very own Phil volunteering to be assessed! TMJ stands for tempero mandibular joint... better know as the jaw!😉 Incredibly it’s thought that 1 in 4 of us will suffer problems here causing restricted movement and pain around the neck, jaw and face. We offer osteopathic, massage and myofascial treatment approaches at the clinic. ... 📧 Email us with any queries 📞 Call on 01752 347663 ⌨️ Or book online at line-plymouth/
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🤚🏻 I was so pleased to help one of my regular massage clients who had been suffering with long term pain in her fingers from arthritis. After a few treatments she was much more comfortable and was surprised by the improvements.
❓But isn’t the pain from arthritis just something ‘you have to live with.’
... Well no, not necessarily! A lot of the pain associated with arthritis doesn’t come from the joints themselves, but from the muscles around the joints which are working overtime.
Massage and osteopathy can really help with this. Pia
If you need advice call us on 01752 347663 and ask to speak to a therapist.
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Great to see new shops on the Ridgeway!!


Looking forward to using my new skills this week after a great day with the lovely Helen from TMJ Massage Therapies learning myofascial techniques for TMJ (jaw) problems. Shocking to think that a quarter of us suffer with jaw pain! Pia 01752 347663


🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃


Putting Kombucha in my handbag will fix back pain 😂 What did you get?!
If you want better advice... give us a call! 01752 347663... line-plymouth/
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Thanks to those of you who told us about the problem accessing our website via google. We are trying to sort it out now. Technology 😩 😂


When it comes right down to it, our health is one of the most important things we have. Please look after yourselves! and if you are struggling with pain, the team at the clinic really want to help!
01752 347663 line-plymouth/


Do you know anyone who has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis? If so please recommend this book to them if they don’t already have it! It’s written by Terry Wahls MD , an American doctor and MS sufferer herself who reversed her symptoms using a diet based protocol. Food is medicine! otocol/


It seems that Princess Eugenie's decision to reveal her scars from surgery to correct her scoliosis has sparked awareness of this condition. 👏🏻
Scoliosis is a twist in the spine, and most commonly develops in 12-15 yr olds, often for unknown reasons. Normally exercises and manual treatment are enough but if it’s severe, surgery may be considered, particularly if there is a risk of squeezing the heart and lungs. It is important to note that no-one’s spine is entirely straight..., and we all have little sidebends here and there. Usually these cause no problems, but sometimes they can be responsible for backache. I look after a lot of patients with scoliosis as osteopathy can be really helpful. We are very experienced at assessing spinal posture and mobility.
Get in touch if you have been worrying about a curve in your spine or aches and pains. Mike
01752 347663 line-plymouth/
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Kieron’s stretching again!! This one is for the hamstrings. When you don’t have enough flexibility in the legs the back has to work overtime making it much more likely to get injured. 01752 347663


This is Kieron's Dad Laurie!
18 months ago he developed back pain and weakness in his legs, and was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. In a bid to do as much as possible to improve his condition he joined his local gym...
“They wrote me a special programme of exercises and I have been going ever since,” said Laurie.... “On an average visit I use the rowing machine, do squat thrusts, crunches, step ups, and workout with a 5kg ball and ‘the beast’ – a large metal sledge with extra weights!” Laurie has now lost over 9kg, his back and legs are much stronger, and the pain has reduced. Kieron's 77 year old mum Vivien has joined him. Laurie said: “Taking regular exercise is definitely a positive thing to do, especially if one has to combat blood sugar levels rising in diabetes and also cope with bouts of depression. “My motto for all older people is: instead of waiting for the NHS to light the lamp at the end of the tunnel, go down there and light it yourself.”
What a brilliant motto Laurie! (01752) 347663
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We love this post from an osteopathic colleague...
When you make a pizza, the dough requires kneading for as long as it takes. Going harder and using tools doesn't make it happen any faster. ~ It's the same when performing manual therapy to improve tissue health, change takes as long as it takes. Going harder and using tools doesn’t make it happen any faster.... ~ It's not always easy, but it pays to be patient. If you're frustrated, remember that the healthier you are, the faster your body can respond and adapt.
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Lacking the motivation to do your exercises??? Check out @big_z_2020 and I challenge you not to feel more motivated!❗️warning❗️This guy has no legs and the clip might be shocking for some, but I found it inspirational! Mike
(01752) 347663

More about Plympton Osteopathic Clinic

Plympton Osteopathic Clinic is located at 70 Ridgeway, PL7 2AL Plymouth
01752 347663
Monday: 08:30 - 18:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 18:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 18:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -