Pretty Successful Careers

About Pretty Successful Careers

Hi, I'm Helen Pretty (hence the business name! ). Coaching qualifying accountants

I’m a finance careers coach for a reason – because I have the skills, attitude and experience to help qualifying accountants – to qualify and to move UP the careers la



How has your revision gone this weekend?
Are you - A- Overwhelmed with too much to learn? B- Panicking that you can't recall all the formulas?... C- Spending hours writing revision notes!
Here is what you need right now- my secret tips on how to successfully pass your exam! Http://
Let me know because I want to support YOU to get that exam pass! 🤓
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National Siblings Day!
I have an older sister called Claire, who is 21 months older than me, knows exactly what to do to wind me up and nicknames me 'runty'! I'm sure you would love to know the story of how she read my diary to my class when I was 12, or the time when we lived together in our 20's and hated it! But for now, I will just share an embarrassing photo of her and say Thanks for being my sister!
... What can you say about your siblings?! Leave a comment below and let's sharing the sibling love.
#prettysuccessfulcareers #siblingsday
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If this is you, then here is some much needed coaching support!
❓ The motivation to study deserts you? ❓ You're beating yourself up because you're not revising? ❓ Life is getting in the way?
... My blog this week is just for you! ally-getting-qual…/
Enjoy! Let me know what you think. Have a great Tuesday!
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Can I tell you what I ❤️? I LOVE coaching!
The quickest way to get my coaching is to read my blogs and implement all of my secret tips and advice!
Here is the link to all of my blogs 👉
... gs/
Do you want to know ... 📚 How to successfully achieve your goals? 📚 How to give the perfect handshake?! 📚 Find out about my coaching style!?
If there is something you would love me to write about please leave a comment- honestly! I'm here to give you the answer you want! 🤓
#prettysuccessfulcareers #blogs
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You are staring at your screen wishing it wasn't Tuesday?! You have zero motivation to finish that month end report! You spend your days scrolling on Linkedin or Facebook to make the day go quicker!
STOP! I have the solution - right here! l-stuck-in-a-fina…/
... I love my job, but that hasn't always been the case. Whilst I was qualifying it was hard to get the right position and I remember how I was stuck because I 'had' to just get through a few more exams!
I know I don’t need to tell you this – but truly, you don’t HAVE to be stuck or settle for a job that bores you, you don’t completely love or you want more from.
Have a read of the blog and you'll see there are some easy wins, I'd love to hear what you think! (Just send me a DM!).
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👒 🎩 🤠 Today is 'National wear a hat day 2019!' 🤠 👮 🎓
Let's have some fun today!
I challenge you to take a photo in a hat - and post it in the comments! ... Fun little prize for the winner!
#prettysuccessfulcareers #wearahatday
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⭐ Client success shout outs! ⭐
Here's a few of my recent testimonials - from my amazing qualifying accountant clients! I'm so proud to call them my clients and be their Accounting coach!
... Success to me is helping and supporting accountants in any ways they need!
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Does this sound familiar?! - Then my blog will help!
'One of the problems my clients talk about all the time (and it was the same for me) is that you can revise so much in your head - but when it comes to the exam, you can’t type or write the answers out properly. So you don’t make the right points quickly enough, run out of time or just make the wrong point and fail. And the feeling of not writing the correct point in the exam is SO frustrating!'
... Check out my blog this week to read the ways I coach for revision methods that WORK! ising-for-your-ac…/
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YES You can pass your exam! YES you can get that Accounting promotion! YES you will impress your senior managers with that presentation!
If you believe in yourself, then you will believe! ... Keep your head up, put yourself positively first and show the world YOU!
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🏆 It's National skipping day! 🏆
* Are you skipping to your exam centre with your head held high?! (Of course not Helen- I'm petrified!)
You know you should be skipping and super confident - right?!
... 💥 Here is where my super-keen, enthusiastic overloaded, positive cheerleader coaching super powers come out! 💥
I know exactly what to say and what you need to do to find that inner confidence and be an exam passing superhero!
And the best way for you to get them - is to watch me in action! Every day I am live in my free group to bring my coaching live to YOU! Yes you - Miss qualifying accountant who has just booked their resit!
Come and watch me! Click here!
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⭐ New blog ! ⭐
How would it feel to know you're not alone with your exam failures?! - This blog will help!
Do you wish you had had the confidence to tell your manager and colleagues you failed your exam?! Read my new blog to find out how I told them and why I know it's important to your accounting journey as well!
... -exam-failure-nev…/
I would love to help and support you through your exam journey - please get in touch!
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⭐ Client success shout out! ⭐
My 2 favourite coaching tools - A revision plan and enthusiasm!
Sometimes you don't know what you don't know, have you heard that saying before? I talk about writing and using a revision plan allllll the time!
... But you might not know how to write one.
You are in luck - I can write a revision plan with my eyes closed! And I love them!
This week in my free group I am coaching my qualifying accountants on how to write their bespoke plans - DON'T miss out! Because they'll be the ones passing their resits not you! 🤓
#prettysuccessfulcareers #revisionplan
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You know you need a revison plan to successfully pass - right?!
This week in my group I'm coaching on revision plans!
* How to write one that works! ... * How to successfully implement and stick to one properly! * How to add in structure, but also have flexibility when your work day is super crazy busy!
Come and join us - it's free - For qualifying accountants who need support, motivation and coaching!
#prettysuccessfulcareers #revisionplans
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What do you actually do Helen?!
👉 I have a free FB Group - for qualifying accountants (where I give loads of coaching and motivational focus!) - Join up here -
👉 I coach qualifying accountants 1:1 - how to successfully pass their AAT, ACCA or CIMA exams!
... 👉 I coach qualified accountants on how to successfully get the finance job of their dreams!
👉 I send weekly action tips to increase confidence, reduce exams nerves and give you real motivational advice! Sign up here -
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👉 Are you studying ACCA or CIMA? 👉 Do you have a question you wish someone who knew could answer about your exams or job?!
Yes please Helen! Guess what?! I can help YOU!
... I am hosting some free live webinars to help give you some support and advice!
Just register at
See you there!
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⭐ GOOD LUCK to all CIMA sitters sitting MCS (Management Case Study) this week! ⭐
If you are sitting an exam this week my number 1 tip is – to answer 100% of the paper!
Please .. please.. please do not walk out of the exam without answering 100% because you are in control of what the mark is out of.. so focus on making it 50% out of 100% of the paper.. not 48% of 90% of the paper.
... #prettysuccessfulcareers #cima
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⭐ YES YES YES It’s Friday – which means you get an Action Tip Friday! ⭐ What ONE thing can you do this weekend to reduce the revision distractions?!
This week I have been sharing my stories and tips on getting distracted when you should be revising (so look back on my bio if you haven’t seen all the amazing tips).
... So this weekend – I want you to try something new – Here are 3 options – just try ONE of them! 1- Stand up and revise! (Moving your body helps to refocus on the task in hand!) 2- Put your phone on silent and leave it in a different room… every time you stand up to go and check it I want you to stop and list out 3 things that you have just learnt and revised… if you can’t think of 3 then sit back down cos you’ve got revision to do! 3- Split your revision up into HOUR revision slots – for 30 minutes do an exam question, then 5 mins break, then 15 min analysis on what you got right and wrong, then 15 minutes re-reading the study text – and then 5 minutes toilet and phone break. Then start your next revision hour.
Leave a comment below and let me know which Action tip you tried and how you got on!
#prettysuccessfulcareers #actiontip
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More about Pretty Successful Careers

Pretty Successful Careers is located at Pretty Street, Southampton
07855 130066