Push Ups & Pizza

About Push Ups & Pizza

I specialise in sustainable fat loss. Enjoy the foods you like, enjoy your training and enjoy your lifestyle even more!



An easy way to eat for health and fat loss.
I am starting to realise that higher levels of fat, obesity etc, is a disease. SOunds obvious but we have become so used to it that it is seen merely as a cosmetic issue and not a health one. We can of course do all necessary to solely lose weight without much attention to our health and by this I mean our physical health. Counting macros is a form of this, eating whatever you like so long as it fits a certain number of carbs, fats ...and proteins but come to think of it, this is reverse engineering. It's like using a hammer to get a screw into some wood (so easy to make a sex pun here, butt fuck it) yes you achieve the same objective but with a lot more effort and to a much lesser degree. We know that obesity is linked to so many deadly diseases and with new research confirming the bloody obvious that you can't be obese and healthy no matter how much running you do, doesn't it make more sense to focus on health and let your body lose the weight that way? When you cut yourself you don't immediately run to the hospital to get a skin graft, you clean it and protect it - giving your body the best chance to heal itself. So if obesity is a disease then give yourself the best chance to heal itself, even if you are overweight and not obese - focus on health!
How to do that - stop looking at your food as how many calories or carbs it is giving you and start looking at what vitamins and minerals it gives you. I have been eating a very high carb diet without ever caring to track calories or macros but focusing on eating foods like fruit, nuts and seeds and have found the weight is shifting without much conceited effort from me. In fact I start the day with roughly 70+g of sugar for breakfast but it all comes from fruit and maybe some greens. Give it a try, start asking what each of your meals is giving you in terms of nutrients and not how many calories or carbs it has, after all how many people do you know that have gotten fat from eating too much fruit and veg?
Be happy and healthy :)
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It's surprising how easy it can be to not consume animal products, lots of things are already vegan by nature. A little planning ahead is all it takes, sometimes not even that like today, got all this in the boots Meal deal. The more of us there are, the easier it becomes. #vegetarian #vegan #crueltyfree #Doritosthough


Being Prepared To Re-evaluate EVERYTHING.
As we grow we learn from experiences and what we are taught and these things create our beliefs and form our perspective of the world. What is the usual way that we learn is we are taught about a certain theory, we put that theory into practice and then form a view based on our personal experiences of that practical application. For example, very few of us drive how we are taught, none of us really drive with our hands at ten-to-two a...
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First Week of Vegetarianism - DONE!
a little over a week done without consuming any animal tissue and I have learned a lot in such a short space of time. First off I want to say that it has been a lot easier than I thought it would, I have had no cravings and really enjoyed the food I've been eating. Now on to a few points of what I have learned from going Veggie:
1) Most people (including myself before hand) are dicks to vegetarians...
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Why I Have Decided To 'Trial' Being A Vegetarian.
Something I thought I would never do, giving up eating animal muscle tissue completely. Alas, here I stand (or sit) writing to you to explain why I am doing just that, or at least trialing it. The main basis for this reason is an ethical one so before I carry on I want to make something very clear:
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These kind of articles, even from the BBC are nothing more than scare mongering. The only thing that makes someone fat is overeating - you CAN NOT gain weight if you aren't eating more than you burn. Even if you drank 12,000 calories worth of oils you wouldn't gain a pound if you burned those 12000 calories. Side note: don't drink 12000 calories of oil....
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-392548 04


It's the start of our new classes tonight, 7-8pm every weeknight! These sessions only cost £5, no contracts and no commitments just pay on the door!
Each sessions aims to improve your strength, flexibility and physical fitness - paired with a good diet and the pounds will just fall off!
There is free parking outside so come on down and don't let Monday be one of those days you wait to be over!
... :)
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Are you really training or just exercising? The answer may stump you...


It is my goal to make Personal Training as simple, accessible and affordable for everyone as I possibly can - If I could do it for free I honestly would.
To do this I won't be tying you in to contracts (who else hates small print?), I won't have any hidden fees and will ALWAYS deliver exactly as I say I will. Honesty is always our number one priority.
... Starting next week (Monday 13th) I will be running Small group Sessions every night from 7-8pm and sessions will cost JUST £5!! and you can pay on the day, Group sizes are no more than 6 so get in contact before they are all booked up! Any Questions or queries then just send us a message!
You literally have no excuses now ;)
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Why Small Group Training?
All of our classes have a limit of 4 people - This means everyone gets enough one to one coaching to ensure they are doing things correctly. This also means that you don't feel 'lost' in a crowd of people and the last thing We'd ever want is for you to feel intimidated - our classes are also separated into men's and women's.
BUT most importantly - it's much more fun! Doing anything in a group of people is more fun so why train alone? You might as we...ll suffer with a smile on your face, as they say there's safety in numbers ;)
Oh and it's a fraction of the cost of PT sessions with all the goodies!!
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"When it comes to nutrition, There is one factor that reigns over all others. It's more important than what foods you eat. More important than how much protein, carbs and fat you eat. Even more important than how many calories you eat"
New blog post up to help you work out what really works for your diet!


To give you the chance to see what we are all about, We are offering this incredible Introductory Offer:
2x 1hr training sessions a week ... Bespoke Nutritional support Exercise Program for time out of the gym
Just £150! And if you don't drop those 7lbs, We'll give you your money back! - and no Gym Fees!
Currently Limited to 5 spaces so get in contact quick!!
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Our New Classes are an excellent and cost effective way to get into the best shape of your life! For more details, send us a message! :)


Welcome to Push ups & Pizza!!
I am excited to introduce a new concept in the world of healthy living! Over the coming days I will be posting about some fantastic offers that will be running as part of this launch as well as some great content to get you moving forward on your fitness Journey!


Hmm. Happy with finally getting this weight up for my 3 sets of 5 but the form could do with a bit of work. If you notice at the bottom of the rep the bar just slides forwards a touch wish is just making work for myself. Not entirely sure why this is although the pain in my left elbow tells me I probably have the Bar A touch too low and this is causing me to sit back a bit too much from the start and therefore have no where to go at the bottom but forward. Will play a bit with bar position and see how it goes. This was second of my three sets at 112.5kg #squats #startingstrength #gainsco

More about Push Ups & Pizza

Push Ups & Pizza is located at peak performance rehab, so14 0pt Southampton