Radionics Uk

About Radionics Uk

Radionic Remedy Makers and copiers

Radionics Uk Description

Make remedies from original Homeopathic, Isopathic, Nosodes, crystal energy, Gems, Flower essences, Colour frequency. etc. etc. etc.
The energy or healing frequency of whatever you put in the input well is transferred electronically to the output well.
Model one makes exact copies of the original source substance. Complex /multiple source remedies can be made this way.
Model two enable straight copies and in addition you can potentise a remedy, and change the potency of an original remedy to make a higher or lower one.
Model three has a slot for the use of radionic rate cards, and Sanjaveeni cards which can be used alone or in addition to other products to make unique remedies for your clients. http://www. accessbarswith. me / #! radionic-remedy-makers /c2l5



Special 25% off all copiers for the rest of January. Message me with the model wanted and your email address for a reduced price invoice. There are now 5 models. 🤗


So badly needed right now, lets start a wave 💕


The very latest Smart medically approved frequency device for chronic pain, migraine, fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety. Many other programmes are available.


Found some lovely oak boxes for the wooden version. with 10% off this month. message me for orders.


10% off for next 5 sales! code for discount - First 5

More about Radionics Uk

Radionics Uk is located at Andover, Hampshire, United Kingdom