Redfern Adventures

About Redfern Adventures

Redfern Adventures organises carefully planned, specialist eco-tours to unusual and exciting destinations where few other travel companies operate.

Redfern Adventures Description

Redfern Adventures organises carefully planned, specialist eco-tours to unusual and exciting destinations where few other travel companies operate. We offer the discerning traveller the opportunity to experience and observe exotic wildlife, unusual cultures and outstanding landscapes in distant corners of the globe.



Deadly Carnivorous Plants!
World's Most Spectacular Plants episode 3 of 14
Some plants kill and eat animals... insects, mice, shrews and even rats!
... Everyone knows the world-famous venus's flytrap (see the separate World's Most Spectacular Plants film about this miracle of nature)... but what are the other deadly carnivorous plants and how can they be grown at home?
Join Stewart McPherson on a journey to discover sticky sundews (Drosera) and butterworts (Pinguicula), hungry pitcher plants (Sarracenia and Nepenthes) and intricate cobra lilies (Darlingtonia). Find out how each group can be grown at home!
This is the third of a series of fourteen "World's Most Spectacular Plants" videos. Visit to see the rest of the series!
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Coming soon!… /worlds-most-specta…/


Available now!… /spectacular-plants…/


Spectacular Plants Episode 1:
This is an ingtro to the World's Most Spectacular Plants webseries, and an overview of the films to come over the subsequent 14 weeks!
... Check out the next film (April 12th): The World's Biggest Flowers!
Visit for more information
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The World's Most Spectacular Plants website is now live:


Dear Redfern Adventures Faceboon Group,
I hope that you are very well.
For over a year, I have been undertaking a project called The World’s Most Spectacular Plants and How to Grow Them.
... This project aims to showcase the planet’s most unbelievable plants and explain how YOU can grow many of them at home.
Over the next 14 weeks, I will be releasing one new film every Friday.
The films are completely free to watch. They explore amazing plant subjects, such as the world’s biggest flowers, deadly carnivorous plants, unbelievable iridescent plants, the world’s smelliest flowers (kids – you can stink out your parents and friends!), the most bizarre fruit, the craziest vegetables etc. etc.
I just launched a new website:
I have been helped by hundreds of very kind people across the globe, and over the last year or so, have filmed stunning plants and dazzling flowers in 30 or so countries during the commercial expeditions which I have run.
I love all wildlife, but this project matters to me for two reasons:
1. It is a counterpart to my Weird and Wonderful Pets project – see It is similarly intended to nurture the next generation of naturalists, scientists and (above all) conservationists.
2. Plants are awesome - yet there is a real stigma attached to them (pun intended!). Why is it, that as an adult male, if I talk about flowers people look at me in a strange way? Yet if I were to talk about football, everyone would love it. If you look a little closer at the botanical world, you will find plants that are mind-blowingly beautiful and have amazing and intricate stories.
In addition to the 14 online films and website, have created two books.
- A junior book designed for children called Spectacular Plants and How to Grow Them (recently sent to 10,000 UK primary schools as part of the Don Hanson Charitable Foundation’s 2019 Hanson Box). Available here:… /spectacular-plants…/
- A book aimed for adult audiences called The World’s Most Spectacular Plants and How to Grow Them. Soon to be released – see:… /worlds-most-specta…/
I really hope you enjoy this project. I would be very grateful if you can share any of the films to help them reach as wide an audience as possible!
Thanks and wishing you a wonderful weekend!
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LAST CALL: join an expedition to remote parts of Borneo in an attempt to re-find some of the least known of all Nepenthes, the limestone endemics N. mapuluensis and N. epiphytica!
If you would like to step into unexplored rainforests, contribute to science and (hopefully) take part in the rediscovery of little-known Nepenthes species, then this is your chance!
The Redfern Team is currently finalising the expedition group and logistics for this trip.
... Email for details.
Or visit:…/lost -nepenthes-adventure/
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SICHUAN: Wildflowers, monastries, stunning landscapes, animals, birds and prayer wheels!
Last couple of places available on a pretty amazing trip to explore stunning Sichuan and nearby parts of China!
From spectacular Alpine wildflower meadows (home to the famed "sea of flowers" and stunning orchids and Mecanopsis poppies), to Tibetan villages, giant pandas and the Terracotta Warriors!
... If you would like to join the 2019 Redfern Sichuan to Shaanxi trip, please email or visit: es/sichuan-shaanxi/
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LAST CALL: for anyone who would like to visit Tibet!
The Redfern team has developed a really incredible itinerary to explore the fascinating culture, history, landscapes, animals, birds and wildflowers of Tibet!
This is a pretty special trip and offers incredible photographic opportunities.
... Email for details or click this link: es/sichuan-tibet/
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A few of the 75 species of carnivorous plants which the 2019 Redfern Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia expedition aims to see!
Join the trip to see this amazingly diverse part of Australia!


The 2019 Redfern Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia Expedition is confirmed!
During this 2 week itinerary, the expedition visits 65 sites to see up to 75 amazing species of carnivorous Drosera, Byblis, Cephalotus and Utricularia.
We will also see a dazzling array of wildflowers, orchids, animals and birds. During the 2018 trip, the expedition group saw kangeroos and emus up close!
... Join this expedition to experience the world's greatest concentration of carnivorous plants, and discover one of the most beautiful corners of Australia!…/carn ivorous-plants-of-w…/
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The 2019 Redfern Komodo Expedition Group also saw the bizarre spider web rice padis near the town of Cancar.
These are apparently the only rice padis in the world build in circular patterns.
I used my drone to get shots from above.


The 2019 Redfern Komodo Expedition Group witnessed hundreds of thousands of fruit bats emerge from "Bat Island" in the Komodo group.
This was a stunning spectacle at sunset, as the bats filled the sky as they flew off in search for fruit to eat.


I flew my drone over this fascinating fishing village (which was build up from coast to coast).


The 2019 Redfern Komodo Expedition group had a final morning relaxing on a stunning coral island.
The waters were filled with many species of starfish, including several of these stunning red ones with spikes (which I put back after taking a photo).


After a couple of mornings observing the dragons, the 2019 Redfern Komodo Expedition group relaxed on Komodo's famous pink beach (the sands contain lots of tiny pieces of red coral, and really do look bring pink!)


It is always a bit eerie walking through the Jurassic Park landscape of the Komodo Islands amongst animals like water buffalo (which are many times bigger than adult humans), knowing these animals are prey for the dragons.

More about Redfern Adventures

Redfern Adventures is located at 61 Lake Drive, BH15 4LR Poole, Dorset
+44 1202 686 585