Relaxed Caesarean

About Relaxed Caesarean

Support for caesarean birth and recovery. Online course coming soon!

Relaxed Caesarean Description

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Wow! The page has sneakily passed 100 likes in the last day and I didn't notice! Thank you all for joining me!


Think hypnobirthing isn't for you if you are having a caesarean birth? Hypnobirthing isn't just for home births or drug-free births, or births in fields of flowers surrounded by unicorns. Hypnobirthing is for every birth. Here is my latest blog post.…/1096… /hypnobirthingcaesarean


Thinking about your recovery from a caesarean before you have it can help to make things easier and more manageable. Here are some of the things I wish I'd been told. Plus there is also a link to receive my free top tips for caesarean recovery PDF. 6/recovery


Wondering how Hypnobirthing can help with caesarean birth preparation? One of my lovely mums shares her experiences over on my Relaxed Birthing blog x




Have you heard about affirmations? Affirmations are simple, powerful, positive statements that you can repeat often. You can either: • Say them out loud • Read them to yourself • Listen to a recording of someone else saying them • Say them in your mind... • Write down and put them in places you will see regularly Affirmations can be great at helping us to change the beliefs that we hold – to change your internal dialogue. If you have fears and concerns about your caesarean birth, or other aspects of pregnancy or recovery, using affirmations can help to dispel these. If you are feeling super positive and confident about your birth then birth affirmations can help to strengthen these feelings even further – how fantastic is that!!
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Thank you to everyone who has popped over to like the page. I'll share more information on the new course very soon but in the meantime the blog is up!
This article looks at recovering from a caesarean birth - and if you sign up the the newsletter from the link in the article or at the top of this page you will receive a PDF with more tips to help recovery. 6/recovery


Have you heard about hypnobirthing but are having your baby by caesarean so think that it isn’t for you? Hypnobirthing isn’t just for straightforward vaginal births. Hypnobirthing is an incredible toolbox of tools that can be incredibly valuable for any pregnancy and birth journey to help you to have a positive experience. Practicing hypnobirthing during pregnancy gives you the benefit of calm, relaxation and the opportunity for prenatal bonding. The breathing techniques can great at helping in periods of stress before birth but also during the caesarean. For example, while you are having your spinal. In addition to this, hypnobirthing can also help with letting go of fears, understanding your birth preferences and helping with recovery.
If you’d like to find out more about how hypnobirthing techniques can help you during your pregnancy, caesarean and recovery get in touch (and look out for a blog post soon)!
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Have a question about having a caesarean birth or want to know what to expect during the recovery? Pop your question below.

More about Relaxed Caesarean

Relaxed Caesarean is located at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
07881 226107