Restorative Yoga

About Restorative Yoga

A gentle yoga practise taught by trained dancer and yoga teacher. Weekly classes in North Devon for adults and children.



If you are thinking of joining my Tuesday evening class, next week would be a good time to start! Not only is it the beginning of the next five week block but I am also offering the special 'FRIEND FOR A FIVER'.😊 What does Friend for a Fiver mean? If you and a friend sign up for the next block of classes you AND your friend will get the classes for a fiver each rather than six pounds, meaning the five week course will cost only £25 for each of you rather than £30!! Book is es...sential. Please share with anyone you think may be interested xx
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User ys To tie in with Elmer Day (Saturday 26th May) there will be a Ganesha theme to this weeks children's yoga class at South Molton Library. We will be having a go at the Ganesha Mudra - have a sneak preview ;-)


Just in case you needed any more proof that yoga is good for you . . .;-)


WOW! First children's yoga yesterday afternoon and I'm fully booked! 15 lovely, full of energy children aged between 3 and 10 came along. Each session is a blend of postures and story. Yesterday I told the story The Boat that Flew - the adaptation myself and storyteller Lisa Schneidau are working on as part of Courage Copse Creatives project with Forches Cross Primary School. The story has some great characters perfect for interpreting through yoga, one stands on just one leg with the other tied over his shoulders! Sounds like a yogi already ;-)


During the Easter Hols I ran a taster session for my Children's Yoga class. The classes will be fortnightly held at South Molton Library 4 - 5pm. The first class is this wednesday. I already have 8 children booked but there are still spaces for 4 more if you know of any little people who would like to join us for an hour of fun, postures and story ;-) £12 for a course of three classes. (£6 for additional sibling) Ages 4 - 11.


NEW CLASS STARTING IN BARNSTAPLE! Tuesday 6 - 7pm @ fitin30 Barnstaple, women only gym

More about Restorative Yoga