Revealing Readings

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About Revealing Readings

Revealing Readings is a Tarot reading service.

We offer readings to individuals and Groups to give advice and guidance on anything you wish to ask.

Revealing Readings Description

Hello, I'm Stephen your Tarot Reader and welcome to my page.

Revealing Tarot readings was started to help offer guidance and advise to anyone who is seeking it.

Tarot offers us an insight into our subconscious thoughts and helps us draw out answers to questions we have about our every day lives and struggles.

Offering home visits or party bookings I will read yours or your guests cards to help them discover more about themselves and their lives.
You can ask anything you can think of, the more clear the question the clearer the answers.

Tarot can answer questions and offer guidance on all aspects of your life from work and finance to love and health. It can also be used to give you a more general over view and help you decide where best to put your energy over the year and help avoid wasting your time and energy on meaningless or negative situations.

Tarot readings are very personal and i operate a very strict ethical practice on confidentiality. Your details and readings will never be shared with any other person or organisation where your prior agreement has not been given.

A written summary of your readings will be provided to you via email or can be printed and posted. Most clients like to look back on their readings especially if they have had an overview reading and see where it was accurate and relevant to their lives.



☯️ Weekly Reveal for the week commencing 18th February 2019 ☯️
Hello everyone, it's been a while but we are getting back into the groove lately and back with weekly reveals.
This week ahead I have guidance for those who are feeling a loss emotionally...
... The 5 of cups tells me that those of you who have lost a loved one recently or feel like you have lost a part of yourself through the seperation physically or mentally from those close to you need to stop a moment and give your self some love and care.
I feel like your taking too much blame on yourselves and it's a time to stop doing this and start realising what you gave of yourself and praise yourself for this.
The owl is wise and knows more than we realise, you are the owl and it's time to start accepting your greater wisdom and knowledge which will justify your emotional responses.
The owl sits on a nest of eggs and yes some are hatched and have left the nest but this card reminds us to consider the good still to come and that still remains in our lives. Not all is lost and we still have purpose and love to give, it just requires some patience and thought.
The 2nd card is the 6 of pentacles. This card shows me it's a time to be joyous and celebrate the good in our physical world's. It's ok to have emotional issues but rely on and turn to your friends and family for support. Let these people in and let them help you.
Share and work together to build valuable and loving relationships with these people because those who truely love and accept you will support you no matter what. Your differences are not reasons to keep a distance they are the things to celebrate and share so that we can all learn and grow and better understand each other.
Remember to be comfortable in your real world, your physical world which is your home, career, health and finances because when these are in balance the emotional part is alot brighter and easier to deal with.
If this resonates with you and you want to explore a more personal reading or if you simply have your own questions then why not get InTouch and book a private reading with Steve or Emma.
#revealingreadings #revealingtarot #tarot #loveandsupport #balance #spirituality #weeklyreveal #insight #guidance #love
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🌜 Weekly reveal for week commencing 12th November 2018 πŸŒ›
The card presented from the deck this week is the six of pentacles.
This card symbolises a message that this week you should be focusing on 'giving', don't worry though unlike the cards imagery this does not mean you need to start dealing money out to all your friends and loved ones, it instead symbolises the benefits of sharing your knowledge, talents or even just simply your own time with someone who needs it.
... It is important to remember that in these days of materialistic importance that the only true memories we hold are of those of love and kindness, very few will look back and think about how kind you were to buy them something of a material nature but instead how you gave them a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on or just simply advice.
Spend this week really listening to those around you, at home and work, and reach out to them. The smallest act of kindness goes a long way.
The key message is to listen to someone long enough for them to feel heard, it's a small part of your time which can make a big difference.
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🎴A little update but big news 😁 🎴
I'm very excited and proud to announce that my friend Emma has joined Revealing Readings as a Tarot reader.
Emma has been learning and developing her skills over the last year and has taken to reading the cards so well she has a natural talent. It's been a pleasure to be a part of her journey and watch her grow being a helping guide where needed.
... Emma will be contributing to the page to help us be more active when life is hectic so look out for her weekly reveals and hopefully some live sessions too.
Emma is also available for private 1 on 1 readings able to travel or host.
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Hello lovely followers 😊 here is an opportunity to get a free reading.
In looking for people who want to work with a close friend of mine who is a talented reader but needs more exposure to build on her skills.
If you would be interested please get InTouch either by replying to this post or by messaging my page directly.
... Thank you all
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πŸŽ΄πŸŽ‰August special!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ΄
All 30 minute readings only Β£10 per session for the month of August.
Thats a 3rd off if you book a reading for August 2018!


This weeks πŸŽ₯ live session πŸŽ₯ will be on monday 6th at 7.00pm
Tune into Facebook live and post your questions in the comments to have a 1 card reading.
#Revealingreadings #tarot #live


🎴Weekly Reveal for the week commencing the 6th August 2018 🎴
This week's reveal as I ask the deck to tell me what to put out into the world for the week ahead is the Omen of Death or in standard tarot decks the Death card.
Now before we all launch into panic mode and start googling random symptoms understand that this not literally refering to death.... The death card is telling me that as we look to the week ahead it's a strong period where're the energy of change is atba pe...ak.
We are talking about the need to shed old habits and comfort zones and to go through our very own period of metamorphosis. For those of you this week who are feeling unsettled and can't shift a nagging urge to create big changes In your lives now's the time to listen to your intuition!
If we do not listen to our own natural instincts we become stuck and in some cases moving backwards in our lives. This is some times just fine as we sit in a comfort zone and the worst that can happen is that you remain feeling lost or unacheiving which will just become a cycle meaning nothing changes.
For some however this can be unhealthy especially if the cycles we are stuck in are in actual fact unhealthy actions or behaviours.
Now's the time to break free and create your very own opportunity to advance in your life! Stop making excuses and putting things off... Everything is achievable if your willing to put in the work and earn the rewards your capable of obtaining. Some times we let ourselves fall into the attitude that we are owed something or it is our right to have it but we don't consider that we should be doing something to get there! This is wrong and an unhealthy view or attitude to have.
Everything in this life requires an exchange, a fair trade, wether it's the physical effort and energy we put into something or the time and emotion we commit to something or someone.
If your still feeling that things are not as you want them to be or if this is only now becoming apparent to you then this week is the week to do something about it and make that change to your world and your life.
If this resonates with you and you want to explore what this means to yourself on a deeper level or have another question or desire you wish to explore then get InTouch and book a private one to one reading to explore further.
#tarot #revealingreadings #change #death #weeklyreveal #guidance #tarotcards
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Tonight is tarot night at the wonderful Chi coffee 😊 Pop in for a cuppa and a reading with myself or one of the other lovely readers in tonight.


Going live for a 1 card reading. Pop your question in the comments and i will pull 1 card and give you a speed reading.


Hi all πŸ€—
This weeks πŸŽ₯ live session πŸŽ₯ will be on Wednesday 25th at 7.00pm
Tune into Facebook live and post your questions in the comments to have a 1 card reading.
... #Revealingreadings #tarot #live
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Weekly Reveal - Return to Revealing Readings
Good morning to all you beautiful people and i hope that you are all reaping the best from life at the moment! First off i just want to apologise for my sudden silence on this page, Life has a way of interveening at times and forcing us all to take a big step back, adapt to changes and heal before we are able to carry on and put our all into the things we love.
... I did try to relaunch myself this year but found that i still had so much love and passion for this page that i we had built together and that i had invested in so much, i found that i couldnt put my all into a new page and let this go.
This weeks card, The Heart Awakener, couldnt be more apt personally but also carries a strong and powerful message to everyone as i ask the deck to tell me what to put out there this week. Now is the time to listen to your heart over your head! not always the best option its true but this card suggests that we are in a place at the moment where our intuition is strong and our emotion highly tuned. Its a time to be open to the people, places and experiences that get our hearts racing and trust in these more openly and fully. Get out of that hive youve built around yourself and open back up to the beauty of the things this life offers.
The Heart Awakner tells us to be sure to show gratitude for those people and situtations that give us such love, warmth and joy and to remember that its a great time to receive an amazing bounty for our equal efforts. Its a time of Give and take, work and play and risk and reward! those who are open to giving as much of themselves emotionally, physically and mentally to who or what ever is giving as openly to them will see great rewards and growth right now. As with the card, the sun is shining, life is busy working away in the background as the world around us flourishes and blooms.
Be open to seeing all of this whilst being focused on stregthening those relationships that are forming. Give your all fully and you will receive it equally back. Support each other through the fun and the work, the highs and the lowa and learn to trust in each other as everything begins to fall into place. The honey bee works hard, contributes to a joint effort, forms relationships and social bonds and at the end produces a rich, sweet reward of natural honey, a product that in itself is a great healing agent and a perfect representation of the rewards to come to you, sweet, tasty and carrying healing properties not to mention sticky for those strong bonds!
If you want to explore what this card means to you on a more personal level or have a completely different question or issue your facing at the moment then feel free to contact me about private readings.
#revealingreadings #tarot #weeklyreveal #heartawakener #love #live #equality #intuition #emotion
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Weekly Reveal for the week commencing 11th September 2017.
Hello all πŸ€—
This coming weeks reveal is interesting. I pulled 2 cards for the week ahead and they are both court cards from the same suit providing a powerful message.
... This week is a week for getting in touch with yourself and relearning to love yourself. You've given so much recently to others and probably feel drained and a bit lost as people have come and gone having taken all they can from you.
Recharge this week and spend some time on you and you alone. Be a bit guarded aswell
As the week progresses some one will be in your life looking to take advantage of your caring nature but they will not provide a fair exchange. It's a strong week for intuition and you will feel it in your gut when this person crosses your path, listen to yourself and take heed.
On the point of intuition it's a good week to follow your intuition in general. Take note of what your gut tells you as it's important that you hear it. If something is too good to be true then sadly it probably is. Don't be anyone's fool this week, turn away anything that would take without giving.
#tarot #revealingreadings #selflove #recharge #intuition
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A thought for the week
Thinking of someone I read for recently I felt this message was perfect reflection of what was shared. X


A thought for the week

More about Revealing Readings
