
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00



The drivers that deliver our shopping every week are really friendly, polite and helpful. Definitely recommend the online shopping.


Members of the cafe staff were lovely & happy to serve you !! There was no wait on the food ! �food was hot & fresh . The restaurant was clean& tidy . We enjoyed our visit today!!


I visited store today to make the most of the 25% TU clothing offer. I wanted to redeem some of my Nectar points, but as this is not my usual store I couldn't do it at the checkout. 3 very helpful, happy and professional colleagues (in turn), gave me advice, contacted Nectar, and processed my purchases, the customer service couldn't have been better Well done Sainsbury's �


Friendly and helpful staff. The lift was broken and I couldn't get my pram upstairs to the cafe but one of the staff helped me up & gave me their number to be helped down after I had finished. I really appreciated the help.


The actual store is always good value for money and the store staff are always polite, friendly and helpful. However, the cafe is another story. There is usually only one person taking orders at the till positions (there are two till positions but, only one is ever used). This week I waited 20 mins to get my order taken and then 30 mins for it to arrive at my table. For the second week in a row each of the two sausages were baldly burnt on one of their sides. (They are always well done to slightly burnt on one side, but, for the last two weeks they have been really burnt). After my complaint about them being burnt when they were served to me last week my brunch sausages were served to me this week with the burnt sides facing down, so that the burnt sides were not visible until I turned them over. They also had run out of their fish and chips and lasagne by 2.00ish which is when I went there. So I am afraid I won't be be eating there anymore! �


Why are your fuel prices not dropping ?

Fuel apparently has dropped in price by 5p per litre but you seem to be ignoring this - ??

I would like answers across pinhole, and alphington, been driving to Taunton which is 7p per litre cheaper.

Why is there such a difference and why does no one seem to care about this???

I care about my wallet and being ripped off !!

Welcome to come back to me about this


Went to have lunch in the cafe, under-staffed, very slow, long queues, and food was overdone and very poor!!!


Went for a cup of coffee at 7.30am, cafe sign said open at 7am but it doesn't until 8am. Disappointed!


Long queue at cafe.. wonderful staff though. Also the current advertising on TV 28/1/2016 re dancing is so stupid and loud.. when that add comes on I change channels... Come on Saintsbury's you can do better than that!!!


Decided to pop into your cafe today to get my son and I some lunch as we'd eaten here before and had enjoyed it, only to be absolutely appalled at the treatment I was given by two members of your staff in the cafe. I have specific dietry requirements and found it difficult to choose something off the menu. The lady making the hot drinks was very rude to me on several occasions. And a memeber of staff waiting in the queue behind us also saw fit to make some rude remarks and raise her voice at me. They could both see my 3yr old and I were getting quite worked up by now, I already suffer with anxiety and have mobility problems so standing for a length of time dealing with this was causing enough pain as it was without the input from others. I was thankful when my friend turnt up to meet us for lunch and took over.......

I cant thank the young lad Harry enough that served me even though you could clearly see he felt under pressure by your other members of staff he was working with.

Its such a shame because the store itself is great store to shop at.....


To the 3 ladies that didn't accept my ID and wasted my time, I saved a few quid at tescos and got value for money on my beers, thanks for the entertaining evening �big up Tesco Digby, after all... Every little helps.


Terrible experience.. Take you money for car wash and then stop you using it and money not refunded back to my card.. Was told it's instant to go back. Instant to take it, not instant to give it back.. Won't be using your store again ever!


Popped in for lunch today what an appalling service! After waiting in the cue for 20 minutes we got told it would there is a 1 hour wait for food..... It apparently even takes an hour to warm up a panini � the cafe was not even half full of customers! Will not be returning...


Literally had the worse experience In Sainsbury’s Alphington today and so many mums will be able to relate, left feeling humiliated, deflated, upset and anxious! �

I as many mums thought after picking my VERY active 3 year old son up from nursery today I’ll kill two birds with one stone and combine the weekly food shop with the drive home as I can’t possibly make beans and cornflakes go any further! so after bribing the 3 year old with the promise of sausage rolls and yoghurts on our trip I went in determined to be in and out within 30 minutes! Of course this never happened as within seconds my 3 year old is running round the shop as he refuses to be restrained in the Seat and screams angry threats of ‘not being my best friend and how he is going to punch the whole shop’ at the top of his voice!! And if he stands in the actual trolly I have battered brown bananas and flat bread!

Anyway as you can imagine a weekly food shop after a full days work with a 3 year old Terrorising the place was beyond stressful, playing games of hide and seek whilst your grabbing things from isles you probably don’t even need Just quick enough so you don’t lose your child or run the risk of him getting ubducted and being branded the worse parent in the world! As well as running after him im abandoning my trolley before he rips the free toys off of every magazine that is just low enough to be within childs reach and us stressed mums agree to buy them as a last ditch attempt for the child to be good and behave for 30 seconds Just so we can feel like we are gaining a tiny bit of control back!

I finally reach the till, which at this point feels like the finish line of the London Marathon to start unloading my shopping. What I would have loved to hear at this point from the man who was serving would have been ‘would you like a hand packing today? after all he had has witnessed a lot of my ordeal.

Not only would I have jumped at the chance of help on this occasion but I probably would have kissed him! However I didn’t even get a ‘ hello!’

I continue loading my food as quick as I possibly can not to inconvenience anyone, the conveyer belt still not moving so I’m squashing this all on top of each other and of course in the mean time my son is off again only this time he has found the charity box, the one where you put the penny’s in and and it spins round in a circular slide. so he is coming back and forth for penny’s and of course I’m searching my pockets for 1p coins so I can keep him entertained and not hold anyone up. I am at this stage conscious that I am not the only one at the till and there are people waiting.

I’m still Packing even though now I can’t see where my son has gone and stupidly I’m justifying in my head that he will be fine and to hurry up just so that I don’t annoy anyone by taking to long. I’m panicking at this stage so much so that I have to apologise to the man Serving me because I can’t think straight as to the task in hand and I just need to make sure my son is safe and not to far from me.

Of course all is well and he is just playing in the photo booth and my continuous calling of his name that was falling on death ears was completely pointless! I finish my packing and pay my bill without so much as a thank you from the man that served me or any help from the ladies working on the shop floor that we’re just watching me struggle and could have at any stage said ‘ it’s ok I’ll keep an eye on him or ‘it’s ok I can see him, he’s only there!’

I struggled to move my £125 shop to quickly as the trolley was quite full and I was looking for my son at the same time, only to be rammed in the back of my feet by the the lady behind me!

When I turned round to see what had Just happened the lady said ‘ excuse me, excuse me!’

I in complete disbelief replied ‘ I believe the word that your looking for is sorry!!

What came out of her mouth at this point has literally still shocked me now I am in complete disbelief that people like this exist, she said...

‘ I did say excuse me a couple of times but you were just taking to long and I wanted to get this hurried up!’

I as an early pregnant, very hormonal women do not know still to this point how I did not scream blue Murder and hurl myself at her but I very calmly and somewhat emotionally said

‘ can you not see I’m struggling here, I AM LITERALLY DOING THE BEST THAT I CAN! you should be ashamed of your self and sorry’

To which she replied, well I’m not! ��

Thank you to the man on the next till packing his shopping who said to the lady that it absolutely should have been sorry that she was saying to me and how it was obviously very unlucky that I had picked till number 13 and had her behind me today!

I don’t believe that women is a mother or has ever looked after small children and I can only imagine that was why 80% of her shopping was made up of cat food!

Is this really what things have come to, where we see mothers struggling and rather then just try and help we watch and Judge.

I know that If I was ever watching a mum struggle like that, if I was that man serving, that mum or those ladies on the shop floor watching her call her child that was out of sight but I could see him, that I would lend a hand, because it’s tough and tiring and challenging being a mum and we absolutely do not deserve to be scrutinised or frowned upon or made to feel like we are doing a terrible job.

Today I lost a little bit of faith in humanity!


Just bought 6 bottles of wine, 25% off sounded a good deal, missed the small print stating each bottle had to cost £5 or over. One of my bottles cost £4.85, luckily I checked my receipt, NO discount!!! Sad times ahead at Customer Service, as they have to refund ALL the shopping instead of simply swopping 1 bottle of wine!! Fed up with small print. Disappointed in you Sainsbury's.


I would like to know why we have been sold recently a 7 month old out of date carton of papaya and mango breakfast juice which smells and looks disgusting and makes me wonder how many more out of date cartons are currently being stocked to sell!


I shop here all the time, but since you’ve supposedly upgraded the self service checkouts. They’re ALWAYS going wrong and causing delays! Staff are slow to help as well. Really disappointed with the store now!


Been trying all day to contact them about travel money I was to collect today, but Im snowed in . they are too busy to speak to me and too busy to phone back it seems, I left my ph no hours ago. The options on the auto message when you phone do not give you the option to speak to a human. i did get one guy on a different number who said he didnt actually work in the store but gave me a no for the travel bureau..who have not got back . Are they really really too busy ???


As my nephew is still small we asked the staff to put his jar of food in bottle warmer....3 times later(around 30 minutes later) it was still not hot enough and he didn't eat it. When it comes to our food...two of the meals arrived and when they did we were THEN informed that they didn't have a pie(which we ordered) and that they would check downstairs,if not would we want to order anything else. The 1st fish and chips arrived, cold and you could tell that it had been sat awhile.

Overall completely disgusted with the service we received today!!!!

Will not be using this Sainsburys again for anything!!!!

More about Sainsbury'S

Sainsbury'S is located at Alphington Road, EX2 8NH Exeter, Devon
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00