Sj Kinesiology

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Sj Kinesiology

Kinesiology practitioner and teacher based in Crediton, Devon. Offers personal development sessions, business mentoring, small group work, loves working with children and their families.

Sj Kinesiology Description

Sarah-Jayne Hayden-Binder, KFRP has trained over the last 9 years in touch for health, perceptual bodywork and the professional training way of the tracker. She is a teacher for the School of Creative Kinesiology and Centre Director at Crediton Well Being Centre CIC, a complementary health centre in Crediton, Devon.



Two spaces available for next week- 2.15pm Thursday 6th or 1.30pm Friday 7th. Perfect for getting balance back at the start of the term. I am off on annual retreat the week after, next appointments after that are Thurs 20th.


I have been amazed by this young woman. She has alot to say!!!


And the wheel of the year turns. In Traditional Chinese Medicine each season has a predominant element. We are now in Late Summer...Summer fire has softened into harvest, yet we are not in the Autumn with it's letting go energy. As the farmers harvest the fields and the gardeners preserve their produce, personal development wise it's time to do a stock take. What's been harvested so far this year? How does your inner soil look? Are you embodying your successes and your learnings? It's Earth element time..stomach and spleen..digestion and movement. #kinesiology #5elements


The Supraspinatus is a relatively small muscle of the upper back and is one of the four rotator cuff muscles. We call this muscle 'fig leaves' in the foundation training, as the line of motion is moving the hands into the mid line to 'cover your modesty'. This muscle comes up in a kinesiology session when issues that affect the Central Meridian are creating a lack of balance, such as: overthinking, not understanding a situation or new concept, feeling 'blown about' by life's events, or being at the whim of others. A favourite balancer is to rub, with some pressure, the join between the arms and the torso, especially for those who hunch over a computer or who drive alot. #kinesiology


How are you doing out there in FaceBook land? Here we are 'revving up' for the school term starting. Our lovely dog is having a bit of a job keeping us calm and balanced while myself and my son get pre-new-school nerves. Lots of changes here as my young one will get driven a fairly long way to school and back by taxi. The love of a pet is a wonderful teaching in unconditional love. Jet the wonder dog helps my son to navigate his emotions and his physical edges. And after a tough day he snuggles up with me and therapies my emotions too. Unconditional, and grounded love indeed.


love this... :)


Feeling awestruck today by the progress, insights and healing my clients are on for. Some walk up the road, some travel for several hours. Some are young, some middle aged and some older. All have courage to 'go there". I am so grateful to those that come for the privilege of standing beside you while you walk your trackway. Thankyou.


In order to bring some balance into my life I often prescribed myself regular doses of time in my hammock. When I lie in it my body completely relaxes, held by the soft rainbow coloured cotton threads. I am suspended in open space. I stare up at the blue sky and my eyes relax. This has turned out to be wonderful medicine for my body and my stress levels. The challenge is to relax my mind, not check my phone or think about the next thing I need to do. This is a work in progress. I hope you can find a way to bring relaxation into the end of your week...what's your medicine? Love Sarah-Jayne <3


The Teres Minor is a slim, narrow muscle within the rotator cuff, located in the shoulder. It is involved in the external rotation of the shoulder joint. We call it the 'cross your heart' muscle in the foundation level kinesiology training. This muscle is associated with the Triple Warmer Acupuncture meridian. Issues range from being in continual fight/flight/freeze, feeling too hot/cold, having a balanced ability to be in open enough relationship with others and feeling there is harmony/chaos in life. If you let your arms drop by your side and one of your hands is turned differently this may indicate a weakness in this muscle. #kinesiology


After a weekend under canvas and stars celebrating my youngest turning 13 we are having a slow morning here. The hound is snoring on my lap while I do a little admin.


Seeing more and more aspies in clinic...


Another morning of wonderful #kinesiology sessions #lovemyjob


What a wonderful woman. RIP.


Morning Skype sessions ...


Oh my...great in mainstream publication...


The Psoas muscle in Kinesiology is associated with the Kidney meridian and is involved in both sitting up and kicking to the side, or side stepping. We call it 'Ballet dancers' in the foundation level training. If this muscle can't hold when a Manual Muscle Test is applied in a Kinesiology session we might be looking at issues such as: Are you trying to kick something out of the way or do you need to sit up and take notice of something? Issues with this muscle and meridian are more noticeable if we are deeply tired in body mind or spirit. To help balance the Kidney meridian gently hold the point in the V of the bottom of the foot known in acupuncture as ‘bubbling spring’. Warm foot baths where we rotate the ankles gently are particularly great too. #kinesiology


The wonderful hyoid....


** Coming up this Friday** Feeling a little 'burnt out' this summer holidays? Got so many things you want to do you don't know where to start? Feeling like life is a bit of a circle of chores? This workshop is for you! We will focus on how we can balance our fire element so it doesn't enter a cycle of boom and bust, of flaring then burn out. Places strictly limited- so book now Held at The Centre- in Crediton

More about Sj Kinesiology

Sj Kinesiology is located at 48b high street, ex17 3jt Crediton, Devon
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -