Socialist Party Plymouth

About Socialist Party Plymouth

'No more of the same'.
- No more foreign wars. Get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
- End banker bonuses. Nationalise the banks.
- Total end to privatisation of public services. Stop cuts at Derriford Hospital.
- Support the teachers. No to pension cuts.
- Stop all cuts to jobs and services. The bankers can pay for their crisis.

Are you fed up with the identical policies of Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems? Join The Socialist Party Plymouth Branch.

Socialist Party Plymouth Description

'No more of the same'.
- No more foreign wars. Get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
- End banker bonuses. Nationalise the banks.
- Total end to privatisation of public services. Stop cuts at Derriford Hospital.
- Support the teachers. No to pension cuts.
- Stop all cuts to jobs and services. The bankers can pay for their crisis.

Are you fed up with the identical policies of Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems? Join The Socialist Party Plymouth Branch.



Below is an edited transcript of my contribution to the discussion on building and consolidating the revolutionary party at the 2018 Committee for a Workers' International (CWI) Summer School. Recruitment is not simply the end of the process but the beginning of a new process. We have a need to develop activists but the end goal is to develop cadre, the scaffolding around which the party can build. [ 459 more words ]†¦/recruiting-to-and…/


Below is an edited transcript of my contribution to the discussion on young and precariat workers at the 2018 Committee for a Workers' International (CWI) Summer School. With the spread of neo-liberal policies and privatisations we have seen the replacement of well-paid, secure public sector jobs with low paid, insecure jobs in the private sector. With the collapse of Stalinism as an alternative, albeit bureaucratic and deformed economic model when compared with genuine socialism, we have seen social democratic parties move to the right as an alternative. [ 806 more words ]†¦/organising-young-…/



An article in this week's paper by one of Plymouth's members. Well done Roxy!…/one- million-workers-on-z…


Trump has rushed through a number of divisive and dangerous executive orders scapegoating immigrants and Muslims when it is the very system which Trump and his billionaire friends aim to maintain.
After protests erupted around the world in solidarity with all those currently being persecuted, it is clear that we are ready to oppose Trump's ideas. However, to most effectively oppose these ideas whether put forward by Trump, Le-Pen or Farage we must build an alternative based o...n solidarity, on diversity and on collectivism.
Ryan Aldred, Socialist Party Plymouth Secretary, will be discussing how we can effectively oppose the likes of Trump and Farage whilst putting forward our alternative. Come along, discuss and help build the alternative.
All welcome, including members of other political parties and none.
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Plymouth Secretary Ryan Aldred will be featured on the Victoria Derbyshire programme today on BBC2 at around 10:30.

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Come along to tonight's Socialist Party meeting where comrades will be reporting back from this year's international school which took place in Belgium. There are many different struggles going on across the world and our international organisation is making the most of the opportunities we have to build. Come and find out about our work which stretches from Brazil to Nigeria, from Malaysia to Wales.
The meeting starts at 7pm and is held in the Plymouth Social Club on Tavistock Place.
We hope to see you there!


Come along to tonight's Socialist Party meeting where Tom Nally will be giving an introductory discussion on Marxist Economics. We will also be organising our intervention at the Tolpuddle Martyrs' weekend where Jeremy Corbyn will be speaking.


Britain has voted to leave the European Union and mere hours later David Cameron has resigned. The right wing will try to claim this as a victory for themselves but they can only do so if we allow it.
The Tory party is weak and deeply divided and we need to cut across the likes of Farage by building a movement which rejects austerity and the scapegoating of migrant workers for the problems caused by Capitalism in crisis.
The EU is an institution that enshrines neo-liberalism ...and the Capitalist market, arguments which should have been made by Corbyn who supported Brexit until becoming leader of a hostile Parliamentary Labour Party. Corbyn is ideally placed to build a left-wing programme for Brexit but already the Blairites are blaming Corbyn for the result of the referendum.
The largest turnout for the leave vote has been in traditionally Labour held areas, showing that this result has emanated from an angry and frustrated working class and Corbyn should build upon this and join TUSC, the Socialist Party and a number of Trade Unions in putting forward a left-wing case for Brexit.
In the press, the EU referendum has been conducted by two wings of the Tory Party but the Socialist Party has called for Brexit whilst rejecting arguments based on division and nationalism. We stand with the working class of Europe who have been subjected to EU diktats for austerity. Greek workers emphatically rejected the EU's bailout terms and are still paying the price regardless.
The referendum itself has politicised a great deal of people who have been barraged with myths, spin and half-truths throughout the debate and we call on everyone whether you voted leave or remain to come together to discuss how we can all move forward collectively.
The task now ahead of us is to call for a fresh General Election whilst building a movement to cast the rest of the Tory party into the dustbin of history by putting forward a united working-class programme for Brexit. The Socialist Party will be building a campaign to unite trade unionists, migrant workers and all those hit by austerity to come together and help build this programme. Britain has voted to leave the EU, now to build for a Socialist Europe.
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Socialist Party General Secretary Peter Taaffe on the Daily Politics show earlier today.


Solidarity with Junior Doctors who are currently on their second day of a 48 hour strike action. With determined effort we can see a reversal to the attacks on our NHS if we organise and coordinate strike action to show the Tories that we will not stand for their attacks.
Solidarity with Junior Doctors.

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More about Socialist Party Plymouth

Socialist Party Plymouth is located at Fisherman's Arms, 31 Lambhay Street, PL1 2NN Plymouth