Tapping For Anxiety And Depression

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Tapping For Anxiety And Depression

EFT (Tapping) is an effective method for relieving the feelings of anxiety and depression. Haven't tried it yet? Message me to try it for free.



EVERY decision is an emotional one!
Whether you are looking for your ideal partner or trying to decide whether to start your own business,
From what you want to wear to work today, to how much money you want to make this year
... EVERY decision is an emotional one first and a rational one second (ouch!)
You spend hours thinking, planning and goal-setting
And dismiss your emotions
Then wonder why you're not achieving your potential
Emotions drive behaviour!
So whatever it is that you want, a new partner, a new job, more money, more customers....
Whatever it is.....if you're not achieving it, it's because there is an emotion (or more than one emotion) stopping you.
PM me if you'd like to learn an easy and simple method of releasing emotion so that you can move forward with your goals
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It's human nature to focus on painful events and remember our suffering
Whether it's a death in the family, a redundancy, a relationship dissolving or the betrayal of a "friend"
When things go wrong, it hurts!
... But if all we focus on is the pain we've suffered, we're missing the best bit...the lesson
It's like eating the wrapping of the chocolate bar and missing out the chocolate!
What did you learn about yourself? What new truths were revealed about other people? What new skills did you develop? What did you let go of from the past?
Pain always leaves a gift, you just need to look for it!
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Are you good enough?
Do you worry about whether you have enough qualifications?
Do you find yourself putting off what you want to do because you don't think you know enough?
... What you are really saying is I don't know myself enough
When you understand who you really are, how you are unique, you won't question your value
You'll just just get on and DO it!
What's stopping you from taking that next step?
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Are you good at keeping secrets?
I kept mine for 30 years!
Every night at bedtime I would kiss my partner goodnight and look deeply into his eyes, knowing that there was a piece of me I could never share with him
... Every night I would remind myself that it was my responsibility to keep quiet in order to protect some from harm and others from sadness
But you know what.....it didn't!
Those I thought I was protecting, still got hurt
Those I thought I was keeping happy, still got sad
In fact the only person my secret did affect.....was me!
Eventually after 30 years (yes, I'm a slow learner), I understood.
My secret was not here to punish me, it was a calling for me to dance with life again
At first to SWAY, then to SHUFFLE and eventually to LEAP
To dance for all those people who had been hurt before me, who for whatever reason hadn't been able to hear the music
If this post resonates with you, please share it, our world needs more dancers
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The fuel for your future lies in your past!
It's an easy sentence to write but when you're chest deep in shame, guilt, betrayal and grief it's not an easy sentence to read
This is what I know from 25 years of slogging my way through depression, anxiety, ptsd and abuse (and Kleenex shares can testify to this)
... Grief can dissolve into GRATITUDE Despair can give birth to FAITH Fear can be overcome to leave JOY Betrayal can be released with FORGIVENESS Shame can extinguished with LOVE
The purpose of your descent is your ascent !
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Falling down is inevitable, getting back up again is optional!


A great reminder!


I have been reminded many times this week that at my age many doors have opened but many are in the process of closing...and the realisation that I can choose to close some too
Over the years I have gained much: - the power of "I'm sorry" - the wisdom of when to hug rather than talk... - the joy from hearing "I love you"
but I have lost and am still grieving many things:
- a childhood which never happened - lost hopes and dreams - sadness at not being needed as a parent
With every great freedom comes great loss; your personal freedom is no different
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Are you 50+, with a big vision of the difference you want to make to this world?
Tired of thinking big but playing small?
Ready to put yourself and your dreams first?
... PM me to book your free 30min call and we'll build a plan to make that dream a reality
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Knowing the difference between these two emotions is vital if you want to minimise their damage to your mental health.


Being brave whether it's standing up for yourself, asking to be loved, speaking up in a group or going for that pay rise, is something we learned how to do from our parents, teachers and friends
But so many of us had parents who were fearful, uncertain or hurt and never learned how to be brave themselves
No worries...being brave is a skill that anyone can learn
... Learn how you can be braver by joining me on Wednesday 12th June at 9am UK time for my free Being brave webinar. PM me and i'll send you the link
Use the comments section to let me know how you're struggling with being brave and get your questions answered
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It's graduation season again!
For the graduates going off to work or university it's the start of a whole new chapter of their life
But for those left behind...let's be honest here....the thought of an "empty nest" can be sad, overwhelming and scary
... Research shows that if mothers have other roles they can take on, like going back to work, they cope with being an "empty nest" better.
But if you haven't worked for 15+ years where do you even start?
That's where a coach can help you:
- to identify your skills and values (you have so many as a mother) - to develop a plan, whether you want to go back part-time, full-time or start your own business - by being your loudest cheerleader
PM me if you'd like to know more about surviving the empty nesting process
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Deciding to stand out and be your authentic self rather than fitting in isn't a quick or easy process
Being brave doesn't happen overnight. You don't just wake up one morning, look in the mirror and see Lady Gaga looking back.
Being brave starts with small steps
... Step 1 - notice when you don't do what you want to do
Do you hang back instead of showing off your moves on the dance floor?
Do you wear what will fit in with your friends, rather than that gorgeous sparkly gold number you secretly bought last week?
Do you wait for someone else to ask the question rather than risk putting up your hand in a meeting?
Fitting in started with small steps but we've been doing it for so long we've forgotten what we did as brave children
Take your first brave step today!
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Part of the journey towards a goal, is learning how to handle the disappointments that occur along the way.
And today I've had one of those moments and the feelings of disappointment and frustration felt so overwhelming.
In the past moments like this would have sent me spiraling into depression, which would've lasted days or even weeks.
... Isolating myself, numbing my feelings and where possible distracting myself with several large glasses of wine.
No-one had ever taught me that failing to achieve something didn't make me a failure
No-one had ever taught me that I have inner strengths that I can rely on when the going gets tough
So now instead of shaming myself, I use that resiliency to bounce back by:
- reminding myself it's ok to be a beginner - relaxing my body so that I feel calm again - giving gratitude for the experience because now I know what doesn't work - asking for hugs to reconnect me to those I love
Now I'm ready to try again!
How do you bounce back from disappointment?
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Feeling so inspired, after hearing how someone I recommended EMDR to, has achieved massive personal and relationship breakthroughs in just two years.
By taking small steps consistently she has finally healed a family story, which has been passed down through generations before her, and in the process created a bright future for herself and her children.
#midlifemastery,#loveconquersall,... #healingisinyourhands , #itsnevertoolatetoheal
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More about Tapping For Anxiety And Depression

Tapping For Anxiety And Depression is located at Andover, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -