Terry Couchman - Politician

About Terry Couchman - Politician

I'm a Local Politician with ambitions to become an MP. Politics of today is going through a Crisis of Confidence. I'm determined to regain that Confidence

Terry Couchman - Politician Description

Democratic Socialist



Hi Folks. The Priestley Grove Facility (that we put a bid in for) is still up for sale. It cannot be 'developed' and there are no takers. It was on sale, even as we were putting in our Bid.
I have asked for a reconsideration of our Bid and have asked for an 'Appeal' on the basis that Wiltshire failed to make available any costings information on which to base a Business Plan
There was no response from Wiltshire Estates whatsoever. No further information, no reconsideration an...d no response to the request for an appeal. They just plowed ahead with the attempt at its sale.
I have been patiently watching and waiting, seeing if we can get an idea of the Sale Price, or Least & Rent that Wiltshire is requiring. There is no forthcoming from Wiltshire or the assigned Estate Agents.
Wiltshire has provided no concrete information of to 'anyone' and the Priestly Grove Center remains Vacant and Unsold.
I am now preparing a Letter to Baroness Jane Scott, complaining about the conduct of her assigned Council Member & the Estates Manager.
I will be preparing a petition and organizing a Campaign to force Wiltshire Council to reconsider making this facility available to the people of Calne as a Community, Music, Arts & Youth Centre.
Calne is one of the few towns in Wiltshire that does not have a free access Community, Arts & Youth Centre. These are 'our' assets & Resources, held 'in trust by' Wiltshire Council.
Right now Wiltshire Council is dropping some of it obligations to maintain the environment and is forcing Towns and Parishes to take on these responsibilities.
They call this an 'Asset Transfer'. Well, we want this Community Asset and a few other 'Assets' (like the Toilets in the Centre of Calne), which the Town Council is happy to be involved in helping to manage.
Our Business Proposals were perfectly valid and viable. The decision not to release the facility for Community Use, funded by Charitable Funds and run by local volunteers is a disgrace.
I will let Wiltshire Council know this in detail and will be persistent until we get some kind of explanation and decision. I intend to start this Campaign from January 1st and ask for volunteers to help organise it,.
I ask the rest of you to be prepared to come on board when we get this Campaign rolling and ask you to let as many of your friends know of our project and ask them to support us also.
Calne Town needs a Community Centre and Youth Facility. We are entitled to one and there is such a facility that Wiltshire is depriving us of.
Regards, Terry Couchman - Town Councilor & Community Hub Coordinator.
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A real Democracy is one where people feel empowered to have a say in their lives. It is not just about 'Voting'. Identify your Representatives and make sure they know what you think and feel about their decisions and competences
Wiltshire Council Members - Write to them, Email them or even Visit them at their Surgeries or at the regular Council Meeting that are notified on the Wiltshire Council Website. https://cms.wiltshire.gov.uk/mgMemberInde x.aspx


A real Democracy is one where people feel empowered to have a say in their lives. It is not just about 'Voting'. Identify your Representatives and make sure they know what you think and feel about their decisions and competences.
Calne Town Councillors. Write to them, Email them or even Visit Them:- You are entitled to come to Council Meeting and can even request to speak to the Meeting of Councillors. http://www.calne.gov.uk/Councillors.aspx< br>


In this Chart you get see government debt 'compared to the size of the economy at the time'. It tells, in stark detail, the story of the Cost of British Empire & 2 World Wars of Empire, which were built on the 'National Debt' and fought to hold onto UK Dominions
You can see how earlier debt was largely paid back during the growth of the Industrial Revolution, but then see the consequences fo 2 World Wars and repayment of debt to the USA (The USA leased-loaned us the equipment... to fight our war).
After WWII, throughout the 1950's, 60's & 70's we see a positive growth in the economy because people are determined to improve their lives after the War. They feel emboldened and deserving of being actively involved in our Democracy (i was there and part of it).
New businesses set up and thrive. Trade Unions get better pay and conditions for workers. , People feel increasingly motivated, and we move towards full & productive employment, with good, secure income, better productivity and more spending power.
People are more involved in politics and willing to make a stand against Government waste & arrogance. Things change for the better all round and the Welfare System & Health & Community services are both affordable and beneficial to productivity.
From 2010, Under Cameron and then the Theresa May, our Government we once more see the consequences of involvement in costly wars and mismanagement of the Economy. They blame the Financial Crash but that was a direct result of Tory (Thatcher) Deregulation of the Banks.
We see the policies of cutback to Welfare, Health & Community Services, Tax Cuts for Corporations, an increased unemployment, insecure employment, lower wages, poor conditions, disillusionment, poor motivation, all resulting in fewer tax receipts; less spending power; and therefore less productivity & less prosperity for the country in general>
Austerity never worked and it is failing abysmally now. Apprenticeships &Training opportunities have reduced, Education has been dumbed down and is now costly. Support of inspired young people to enter the Professions or to become entrepreneurial has disappeared and we have to import our skilled people.
Ordinary people are all suffering from the failure of our Economy and this Governments Policies. Brexit is the final nail in the coffin of the British Economy. And still, a majority of failing business people and those affected by austerity, trust the Tories and vote for them again and again, saying "Labour got us into this",
It is the Con (serve-themselves) of the Century.
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When charted in pounds sterling, the National Debt looks huge. It rises significantly under Margaret Thatcher (1980's & 90's) Levels of under John Major & Tony Blair and steeply rises at the time of the Thatcher & Reagan Induced Financial Crash (their Deregulation of the Banking and Finance Industry). Under the Tory Controlled Governments has since it has skyrocketed


The National Debt (Mostly Government Debts) has accelerated under successive Tory Governments and is still growing. No Tory Government has repaid any of the debt it has created since 1945.
This is the Party that says the Economy is safe in their hands, but the debt is still growing in spite of massive cutbacks in welfare provision and community services.
Wars, Austerity Measure and Tax Changes for the rich is costing us more than welfare provision and has reduced our productivity and trading capability.Brexit is going to cost us even more.

More about Terry Couchman - Politician

Terry Couchman - Politician is located at 16 Carnegie Mews, SN11 0SQ Calne