The Navigators Uk

About The Navigators Uk

The Navigators is a world-wide organisation working in more than 100 countries with the commitment to helping individuals work out their faith in all of life, for the whole of life and from life to life.



New blog post: An Endless Night?
Game of Thrones' epic war has raised profound ideas about death, as has Keanu Reeve's recent viral quote. Pieter van Leeuwen unpacks their messages.
#gameofthrones #blog #navigators


Remember the old days of sketching the gospel with a pen and paper?
Here are eleven diagrams to help you explain the gospel to your friends.
#evangelism #gospelsharingtools #lifeonlife


"I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth." - Job 19:25


If you’re helping someone to know Christ and make him known, Living the Conversation makes an excellent one-to-one resource. Each step begins with Jesus’ approach to mission and ends with a practical exercise.


First century Christians modeled four ways of serving needed for the gospel to advance around the world and across the generations. Likewise, Navigators around the world are helping the gospel take root by serving people according to these "four contributions" — as pioneers, local laborers, local leaders, and mobile alongsiders.
The Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and advances His Kingdom through Life-to-Life discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers. Since its founding in 1933, The Navigators has upheld the mission “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.”


Learning to Live is a classic Navigators resource with six-book series thoroughly exploring 36 topics central to Christian life and doctrine
Each book contains six in-depth studies focusing on a different element of discipleship. The studies are designed for groups whose members are committed to at least an hour of preparation before meeting together – but they can also be used by individuals on their own.
The books can be studied in any order, or in the numbered sequence sug...gested:
Clarifying Your Commitment Guidelines for Growth Considering the Commandments Developing in Discipleship Playing Your Part Moving Towards Maturity
#navigators #discipleship
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"to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever." - Isaiah 56:5


“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it” - Henri Nouwen


Scottish Navigators signed off the year in Stirling, hearing stories of God's work and sharing future vision. We said goodbye to our lovely connect workers including @emmaconnan16, @christy_leaf, @fraseryardley, @eleanor.woody and @indiaprentice. You guys have been great!


20-30's Retreat - 3 Weeks to go!
We'll be gathering for a retreat to rest together and to hear what God want to say to us about work and rest in our current season. If you missed the invite, please click here for the details.


We had a wonderful time at the Scottish Summer School, where over 100 students and grads came from all across Scotland to the 5 day conference in Arbroath. Bill Tell shared how the transformative the gospel is and explored what our restored relationship with the Father looks like, through Christ.
"We'll never be closer to the Father than we are right now. Don't confuse your inattention for distance"


Our Connect workers meet for the final time of the year in Richmond, North Yorkshire. Pray for them, as many of them go into the workplace that they would be salt and light.


Living the Conversation
Discover how to make mission integral to your everyday life whether you’re starting out, already stuck in or training someone else…
"Jesus often revealed truth through stories. People are sharing their lives and telling their stories to friends and strangers all the time. How can we show Jesus in the way we engage with other people’s stories?"
... Available for £2.50 at our online bookshop: ation
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First Encounters - a new booklet from The Navigators UK.
"The most important decision you can ever make is giving your life to God, believing that he is God and trusting in him. If you have done this, wow! Welcome to God’s family! Welcome to the greatest adventure of your life!"
Each of the 12 Bible studies in First Encounters follows a simple structure (a Bible fact, a helpful pointer, a caution and a choice) and features Bible passages, discussion questions and a verse to ...memorise.
Available for £4.00 at our online bookshop:< br> See More


"And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." - Romans 5:5


"Whether it’s the continuing thorn in the flesh or the extraordinary crisis that sometimes occurs, both are intended by God to keep us conscious of our human weakness and our dependence on Him, so that we might experience the sufficiency of His grace and the adequacy of His power.”
- Jerry Bridges


If you’re helping someone to know Christ and make him known, Living the Conversation makes an excellent one-to-one resource. Each step begins with Jesus’ approach to mission and ends with a practical exercise. Available for £2.50 at the Navigators online bookstore.


New release!
What you need to know when you become a Christian in 12 simple studies. For new Christians, those who want to grow in their faith and those who want to help them. These Bible studies cover the basics: How to become a Christian and grow in your relationship with God; how to read and study the Bible; how to pray; how to choose God’s way; how to help others as well.
Each study follows a simple structure: a Bible fact, a helpful pointer, a caution and a choice. Each ...of these sections includes a Bible passage, a few discussion questions and a verse to memorise. You can use this study guide in groups, in pairs or on your own.
‘First Encounters’ has been written by experienced practitioners. Kath Blacklock and Eva Leaf have helped many people grow in their faith. Their insights and wisdom make this a very practical guide. Produced by the Navigators who have over 60 years’ experience of whole-life discipleship in the UK.
Buy now: counters/
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More about The Navigators Uk

The Navigators Uk is located at Turner House, 54 The Avenue, SO17 1XQ Southampton