The Ultimate Body Club

Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 10:30
Sunday: -

About The Ultimate Body Club

Apply to start YOUR own body transformation today. . .

http://ultimatebodyclub. co. uk /



MEGA work so far from this champion! ๐Ÿ†
Previously played sport to a high level, but over the years has been moving backwards
But 6 weeks into getting back on track, and she's destroyed 7kg and is WELL on the way to getting back to feeling amazing again!
... Loving your work J!
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In his first 6 weeks our man Mick here has wiped out a whopping 16lbs in weight and 6.2% body fat ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Runs his own business, has a young family, and lives outa town, so potentially could have offered up any number of excuses for staying as he was, and not moving forward.
But fast forward 6 weeks though....
... "Fitness levels are better, so much more energy, getting up in the morning no longer a problem, and just generally feeling better 100% overall"
Absolutely bossing it, well on his way to being back in shape, and basically crushing it
Top work fella ๐Ÿ‘
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We all have a choice when we wake up in the morning...
We can use the day as a new opportunity to better ourselves, eat healthier, exercise etc... all of which will get us one step closer to being a healthier, fitter, stronger and more positive person! ๐Ÿ™‚
However, we could also choose to use the day to eat unhealthy, skip training and therefore take a step backwards, towards being more unhealthy, unfit, weaker and in a negative state of mind... โ˜น๏ธ
... Let's make the correct choice! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’ช
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JC here is an absolute warrior
Gets after it every session, trains and plays sport in his own time, and racks up a SERIOUS amount of points on his MyZone too!
MANimal! ๐Ÿบ


Awesome work from our boy Liam


This supermum has wiped out over 8kg and 7% body fat, have started getting super strong, and is able to wear non 'mum clothes' again ๐Ÿ‘
Not only that, she even WON a ยฃ150 clothes shopping voucher from us here at UBC as a well done for being so awesome ๐Ÿ‘


Loving this from Danielle...
Gets after it to the best of her ability every session, asks questions when she's got them, always encouraging people, and is generally bossing it across the board!
Keep dominating it you superโญ๏ธ


If you are PERSISTENT you will get the results you are after, i.e. persistency will get the results in the short-term.
You've just achieved your goal of losing 22 pounds, or 8% body fat, or waking up with unbelievable amounts of energy and confidence... or whatever else your goal might have been!
... What's the next step?
How awful would it feel to then slowly start lose all these results, you've just worked so hard to achieve?!
So, now you must be CONSISTENT in order to keep and enhance those results and reach your next goal of being EVEN fitter, stronger, slimmer, more confident or whatever your goals might be!
Be consistent with your exercise and be consistent with your nutrition! What helps to stay consistent?
Accountability and coaching!
If your life is lacking in that, or you find you always seem to take 1 step forward, 2 steps backward...drop us a DM :-)
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Shout out to our man L here.
Joined up in December ready to start Jan
Had a strong Xmas ๐Ÿ˜
... Then got to work start of Jan
In his first 6 weeks he'd wiped out almost a stone in unwanted man lard
But not only that, is mentally feeling a whole lot more awesome, is getting fitter and stronger each and every week, and is just an absolute GENT.
Nice job bromigo! Keep up the epic work!
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Just 6 weeks in and Cass here has NUKED over 7% body fat and over a stone in unwanted weight!
She's eating better than ever, energy levels on the up, and has made some awesome progress fitness and strength wise too!
Top bombing ๐Ÿ’ฃ


Most people wanting to lose some weight and get into shape have been here before...
Thinking that they neeeeeed to be slogging away on a treadmill, a cross trainer, the stepper...
IF you like this stuff, then awesome - crack on for sure
... But for most people we speak to, they find that stuff SO BORING!
Which is why we do things differently here at UBC
We don't give you the opportunity to get bored, and you ALWAYS leave feeling better than you did when you got here (ok, well sometimes it takes a few mins after!)
Both exercise and nutrition have to be enjoyable if you are to realistically be able to continue doing them long term!
Running on 'the dreadmill' for hours every day, is just as hard to do forever as eating chicken and lettuce breakfast, lunch and dinner! ๐Ÿ˜ด
Keep your training interesting, keep it enjoyable, and you'll keep at it ๐Ÿ’ช
Same goes for your nutrition too!
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Shout out to our man Jamie Crage on being crowned MyZoner of The Week
Savage level of dedication and effort from this absolute champion who gets after it each and every session, always provides some reasonable banter, and generally crushes it in all aspects.
Top work Mr MEPS ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ


Mike here has wiped out over a stone and 6% body fat in his first 6 weeks, and is starting to get a leaner, stronger, more ALPHA lookin physique as a result
A former military man, who'd not done a great deal of training over recent years and needed to get back in shape
Now well on the way to hitting his long term objectives, and crushing the process!
... ๐Ÿ’ช
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What Should Your Body Fat Percentage Be?
We get asked this a fair bit...
The image attached will give you a good idea, and is super easy to understand - so consult that for a pretty solid picture of where you oughta be sitting.
... As a VERY general/rough guide though, from what we see, and from talking to over 2000+ people we've worked with over the years, what we typically find is that...
For most fellas, sitting around mid 'teens' in terms of % is generally somewhere the majority will feel pretty good.
Those wanting/needing to feel/be leaner, 10-14% is often a goal.
If a fella wants their abs on show, they'll typically come out to play anything from 9-13% body fat as a rough idea for you (depends what it's like 'below the blubber')
In terms of females, again, as a GENERAL idea, for most, being around or below 30% is often a good place to sit.
Mid to high 20's is where most will often feel pretty awesome, and can easily sustain it with good lifestyle choices.
Low 20's is often an awesome and sustainable place for many to sit at also if they've never really been too far outa shape.
Then mid to high teens is what you'd probably look at and say 'wow - she's pretty toned'
Here's a SUPER important thing when it comes to body fat percentage though....
Yes there are levels which are deemed healthy and unhealthy, sporty or 'normal'.
I mean, if you're 45+% body fat the chance of you living all that long compared to if you were 30% is slim at best.
Similarly, if you're a guy at 15% body fat, chances of you getting on Love ๐Ÿ’— Island๐ŸŒด are about zero.
But it's also all relative.
A lady who's been around 45-50% body fat for the last 10+ years, is going to feel INCREDIBLY different and a whole lot better, when she dips below 40%, and her long term goal may even be to get to and maintain a level in the mid to high 30's.
That's awesome.
Then a lady who's starting out around 30-35%, for her, to get down to the mid to high 20's is going to be an incredible feeling and great transformation.
Similarly, a lady who's always been low to mid 20's, who wants to get super toned, is going to be pushing toward mid to high teens and feeling mega when she's there.
Same goes for fellas.
If a guy has always been 30+% body fat, then manages to drop to mid to low 20's, he's gonna likely feel like walking round town swinging his shirt around above his head.
For a guy who's always sat around 8-10% body fat, with abs popping, if he wakes up one day after a 6 week bender in Magaluf and is now 14% he's going to spend the next few weeks wearing a t-shirt.
So it's all relative.
The absolute KEY thing, is to work your butt off to get to the best place YOU can get to AND where you can stay, AND where you'll feel happy, be able to do the things you love, feel great from the inside out, and prolong your life
Hope that helps ๐Ÿ’ช
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LOVE this from Debz...
Has smashed her first 6 weeks, dropped well over a stone already, feeling a gazillion times more energetic and generally better...
... Is loving the process too
All without dieting, treadmills, or doing stuff she doesn't like
โœ… Trains 3-4 times a week for 30-45 mins โœ… Makes sensible and sustainable nutrition choices โœ… Asks questions when she has them โœ… Gets after it!
Killing it ๐Ÿ’ช
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Tremendous work from this rockstar mum ๐Ÿ‘
6 weeks in, whole body getting pretty defined now, but most importantly...
FEELING stronger, more confident, and happier from the inside out
... The transformation so far aesthetically is obviously ace...
But it's the other stuff that's most important - becoming stronger, bulletproofing the body, and getting more confident week on week = LIFE changer
Top work you absolute champion ๐Ÿฅ‡ ๐Ÿ˜‰
We're big fans ๐Ÿ’ช
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One of the girls loves her peas ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ


Shout out to our boy Matty Howes here
โ€˜myzoner of the weekโ€™
Dude is crushing our challenge right now, and won himself what looks like to be worlds largest t shirt
... Top work you stud.
Absolute MANimal!
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More about The Ultimate Body Club

The Ultimate Body Club is located at Ultimate Body Club Fitness and Performance Centre, The Unit, Lynch Lane Offices, DT4 9DN Weymouth, Dorset
Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 10:30
Sunday: -