Understanding Equus

About Understanding Equus

Debbie Reilly, Freelance Horsemanship and Equine Assisted Learning Coach & Horse Behaviour and Training Consultant. www. understandingequus. co. uk

Understanding Equus Description

Debbie Reilly, Horsemanship & Behaviour Consultant, Coach, Facilitator & Equine assisted learning practitioner, dedicated to helping horses & humans develop trust based relationships, through understanding & communication. www. understandingequus. co. uk



Great news, the ‘Mindful Partners - Developing Heartfelt connections’ program pilot ‘taster' is now - SOLD OUT!
Time to relax and fully appreciate the time with family & friends over the 1/2 term holidays...
Wishing you all a wonderful few days with your 2 & 4 legged friends & family. :)
... #grateful #PACE #TLC for the soul.
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A beautiful example of ‘mirroring’, (our first method of learning,) synchronicity and attunement...
‘Be the change you wish to see in others!’
Wishing you all a wonderful day. X


So many people lose out on the enjoyment and passion of their horses because of confidence issues, and that doesn't need to happen. This is a highly interactive talk which is very much focused on enabling you to become your OWN confidence coach by expanding your knowledge and skills. The talk will give you a simple framework for building your confidence that will make a real difference right away and by the by the end of the session everyone will have their own Confidence Ma...p, and a list of actions they can take to start building their confidence immediately.
This talk is not just for riders: Cathy's simple steps will help anyone to increase their confidence in any walk of life.
Cathy Sirett's background is in coaching and mentoring, brain friendly learning design and delivery in the corporate world, with horses as her passion and main pastime. For the last decade Cathy has coached clients with horses and without, integrating the psychology, knowledge, and skills developed in the corporate world. In 2018 Cathy wrote the book so many people had been asking for: Complete Confidence, How to build the confidence you need to enjoy your life.
Price, including tea & cake: £10.00 Time: 2.30pm - 4.30pm Venue: Black Pig Retreats, Bittles Brook Farm, Motcombe, Shaftesbury. SP7 9NX
There will also be an opportunity for a limited number of people to attend the first pilot taster session for the new ‘Mindful Partners - developing heartfelt connections’ Program in the morning.
A unique opportunity and hands on experience to receive lessons direct from the horses and practice the 4 key attitudes to enable you to create feelings of safety and build strong bonds within your relationships.
We will also be introducing the 3 simple steps to developing heartfelt connections, a quick and simple process that helps us to access the power of nature to nurture compassionate communication, with ourselves and others. Re-wiring the brain to let go of the things that hold us back and empowering us to connect with the wisdom of our hearts and bodies to reach our full potential. Plus an opportunity to learn more about the upcoming workshops and program launch.
All enabling you to become the person your horse truly wants to connect with and follow, whilst getting you into the best headspace and mindset to access and maximise the ‘Complete Confidence’ process...
Time: 10am - 1.30pm Price, including option of lunch: £15 To book your place, or for more information on the morning session, please contact Debbie directly: info@understandingequus.co.uk
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Feeling very excited (and a little nervous) about the development and launch of the new ‘Mindful Partners - developing heartfelt connections’ Program. Empowering horse lovers to become the person their horse truly wants to connect with and follow.
It will be bringing together the lessons I’ve learnt from the ‘Meeting of Minds’ program, the ‘Mindful Partners’ pilot program, 20+ years as a horse training and behaviour consultant, and my experience as an equine assisted learning... coach, into a comprehensive program both on-line and off.
A combination of hands on workshops, clinics, resources and coaching support, exploring some of the latest research and science in equine behaviour, ethology & cognition, attachment and learning theories, neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology, all in an easy to understand format!
Overall we will be providing you with practical solutions, tools and on-going support, designed to enable you to transform your relationships and empower you AND your horse, to overcome any challenges you may face together and realise your full potential...
Save the date for March 23rd for the first pilot taster session at Black Pig Retreats, and more information on the upcoming launch, along with the opportunity to learn from the master of Complete Confidence, Cathy Sirett, coming soon...
#CompleteConfidence #UnderstandingEquus #Findyourtribe #NatureNurturing #CompassionateCommunication #GrowthMindset #HealthWellbeing
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Wow, fabulously interesting and heartwarming day connecting with like-minded professionals yesterday. Exploring trauma, mindfulness, horse-human relationships, mammalian similarities and differences, equine assisted interventions & so much more...
All helping to inform and shape my new upcoming clinics and courses. Then I see this. The title certainly rings true... Saving to read later but please feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
In the meantime, wishing you all a wonderful day.


I was watching a very amusing and engaging video yesterday created by a popular confidence coach who was questioning the ability of horses to ‘smell’ fear. Now don’t get me wrong as this person made some great points that are very true and clearly ‘gets’ the pain of unconfidence, and uses tried and tested techniques to help people overcome their fears.
However, I do feel strongly that ‘pushing through’, ignoring, or suppressing our fears and being incongruent around horses ca...n lead to trouble. There IS such a thing as emotional contagion and it’s not just through the sense of smell! Plus, we also need to remember that through the process of neuroception, we can be picking up on our horses concerns too…
So my advice would be to first and foremost notice what you are feeling and don’t do anything that puts you outside your comfort zone! For more information on how to measure and map your confidence and then explore safe and effective ways to build your confidence, then check out Cathy Sirett’s new book: https://www.facebook.com/CompleteConfiden ce4you/ or contact me to get a copy and find out more.
https://thehorse.com/…/study-horses-can -smell-human-fear-h…/
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Lovely blog, that resonates beautifully for me, thank you Carolyn Jenkinson for the find.
Believing in the importance of attachment and connection to develop feeling of safety first & foremost before delving into the different forms of positive &/ or even negative reinforcement to shape behaviour, choice is a large aspect of my work.
What about you, what questions and paradigm are you working with?


Calling all compassionate horse owners - What is your biggest question that you would like answering? What is your fear, your concern about your horse and your relationship that you would like help with?
I am in the process of designing some new workshops and courses that combine some of the lessons I have learnt over the last 20 years as a horse training and behaviour consultant, along with the knowledge and skills that I have picked up over the past 10+ years as an Equine A...ssisted Learning coach but I need your help.
What are your fears and dreams, your pains and passions? Please help me to bring the content to you that will empower you to fulfil your dreams.
With thanks and huge gratitude, Debbie. :)
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Love this #2waycommunication. Can you make your horse 'smile’ today?
#TLC #UnderstandingEquus
https://thehorse.com/…/study-horses-can -smile-in-their-own…/


I love this simple bank account analogy to explain how to build positive trusting relationships - relevant to all our relationships, be it with horses, dogs, or humans. Remember though, it is not just about external motivators eg. ‘appetitive' motivation (something pleasant that we or the horses want to move towards and seek out.) vs. ‘aversive' motivations (something unpleasant that we want to move away from.)
But also about the mammalian need for attachment and bonding - c...reating feelings of safety and connection that we can ‘pay in’ through. For example, just ‘being’ together & creating a supportive environment for the development of intrinsic motivation through shared exploration, synchronicity and play...
How are you going to pay into to your bank account today? Wishing you all a wonderful day. :)
#UnderstandingEquus #Trust #Relationships
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Beautifully put!! It is not about dominance, leadership or control - It is all about authentic confidence, compassion and connection… Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead. :) x
#UnderstandingEquus #TrustListenConnect #Partnership


A little controversial perhaps, maybe even judgemental, as most people are completely unaware of the unconscious language that they are using to describe their horses but I can certainly resonate with much of this.
It is in fact one of the reasons I ask clients to describe their horses for me in an initial consultation (I also ask them to describe themselves) As it can give me invaluable information on their levels of awareness, understanding and internal working models.
How would you describe your horse? And remember, no judgement here as we are all just a reflection of our own life experiences and learning. :)


Fantastic to see the BHS starting to talk more openly about stress in horses, stereotypical behaviours and the big one ‘learned helplessness’ - Saving to read later but in the meantime, please feel free to discuss or share your thoughts…


Some lovely tips on how to build a stronger bond with your horse - straight from the horses mouth...
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. :) #TrustListenConnect to #UnderstandingEquus


What a gorgeous photo showing the powerful connection and bond that can be formed between horses - very humbling!!
#TLC #TrustListenConnect #EquineEmotions


A lovely reminder that we are all unique - an expression of our unique genetics and life experiences, and that all ‘behaviour is communication’ & ‘behaviour is driven by emotions’...
#UnderstandingEquus helping us to #UnderstandOurselves


Huge kudos and respect - Wishing you all the best in your new ventures Natalie Bucklar.


As many of you know I am currently going through the process of becoming a certified ‘Complete Confidence coach’. However, this is an opportunity not to be missed so if any of you are interested in Cathy’s latest offer then I’d be happy to organise an event for you. I also have a great venue in mind...


Ooh, another interesting study!! This is something I find fascinating having gone from being a full time trainer - taking horses in for training, backing etc. I generally used to work with them 5 days a week, ideally always a minimum of 3 days in a row. However, when I became freelance this was no longer possible...
Since then my knowledge, understanding and work has evolved and the concepts of ‘Relationship first’, ‘Less is More’ & ‘Quality vs. Quantity’ seem to keep coming ...up - and the results, well they clearly demonstrate the power of these.
Perhaps this article will help to dispel some of the myths around the common misconception that we always need to be ‘doing’ something with our horses - always striving and working towards perfection. When instead perhaps we can step back, take the pressure off and relax, trusting in the process…?
#TLC #TrustListenConnect #UnderstrandingEquus
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More about Understanding Equus
