Vanessa French Fitness

About Vanessa French Fitness

Online Female Fitness Coach.
Bikini Athlete
V. FIT Online Bootcamp

Vanessa French Fitness Description

Empowering women to reach their fitness goals and lead a healthier and happier lifestyle.
www. v-fit. tv



The photo that changed it all for me...I literally didn’t realise how much I let things get out of hand until I saw this photo of me from a night out. Do you have a photo like this? Or maybe you hate having photos taken? ▪️ The photo on the left was me training hard 15 hours a week but getting my nutrition so very wrong. I was bloated, my body was inflamed from poor food choices and alcohol. My relationship with food was an issue falling into restriction during the week but h...aving mega binges Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sound familiar? ▪️ The photo on the left was taken 6-12 months later. I changed my relationship with food, I trained 6 hours a week instead of a crazy 15! And I felt happier, healthier and had far more energy. ▪️ Since then I have never falling back into my old ways. I love how I feel now and how when I give my body what it wants it pays me back with what I want.
Vanessa x
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It’s a common excuse....I don’t have time to exercise, to prep food, to be mindful, for me. 👊🏻 But in reality you do. Look for those small windows of opportunity, be more organised but more importantly priories you health and your wellbeing. 👊🏻 If you don’t prioritise then someone else will. Your boss, your kids, your partner, the TV, Social media!
... Vanessa x
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Success is owned, it’s leased and the rents due daily.
Cheesy quote I know but it’s true. If you want to see results then doing the work wether that’s eating right, training in the gym or keeping your mindset in check, you need to be doing that work daily.
1 workout won’t make to skinny just like 1 burger won’t make you fat. It’s what you do consistently and overall which is going to make the impact.
... This is me giving my goals daily attention. I haven’t been 100% perfect but my daily efforts and consistency have paid off. I’ve had a couple of days where nutrition went out the window, or I just went back to bed...I’m human.
I’m not done yet either but thought I’d share my progress so far and share this message on a Monday morning to get your head in the right space to see your own results.
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Yes Yes Yes ... This is 💯% accurate!
Most of us enter new fitness regime with high expectations that we WILL eat healthy all the time and we WILL go to the gym everyday. However, this is our downfall because life happens and nobody is perfect.
Once we set the bar so ridiculously high for ourselves we are already setting ourselves up for failure before we have even started.
... Of course your going to miss gym sessions, of course nutrition isn’t always going to be right. We are human, we are emotionally driven, we have other priorities.
The way I see it you should expect mistakes, ooooopsie moment when you break the diet or just sink into the sofa. But the key is don’t then throw the towel in and quit, draw a line under it because tomorrow is a new day.
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I know it’s cliche BUUUUUT ... You should only look back to see how far you have come. 👊🏻 Remember yesterday I wrote about having the body you wanted but on the inside I was miserable. Well this is a photo of me 2 years ago at that exact point. You all see the smile but on the inside I was broken. I won my pro card in this show but still after reaching my goal it didn’t fill the void or bring me long term happiness. 👊🏻 I’m a huge believer in personal development. Sometimes i...t’s necessary to go through hard times, the up and downs of life’s in order for you to course correct, learn from the situation and come out the other side stronger, wiser and a better version of ourselves. 👊🏻 Looking back I’m glad I went through this. It’s taught me so much about myself and how I can help my clients rise from similar situations.
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I love HIIT ❤️
If you’re anything like me then life is busy and sometimes I just don’t have time for long workouts and that’s why I love HIIT.
My easy to follow home workouts tone the whole body and burn fat. The best party is it can do in just 20 mins and there’s no equipment needed.
... Want to get leaner, stronger and fitter then why not join Fit with V.Fit and reach your fitness goals with me in the comfort of your own home.…< br> ✅ Daily 20 min Home Workouts ✅ Suitable for all fitness abilities ✅ Healthy Eating guide ✅ Female only Online Community ✅ Unlimited support from myself ✅ No tie in contract ✅ Real results
All for just £20 a month!
To join November’s Online Bootcamp and get leaner just click this link below to sign up 👇🏻…< br> This link will take you through to PayPal and once you sign up you will be directeed to our Facebook Community and you'll receive an email confirming your membership.
STARTS Monday 5th November
If you would like more information then please comment below.
Vanessa x
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Staying on topic of mental health I thought I’d share my own experience around fat loss and mental health.
Finding your self worth in how you look is something I see women struggle with all the time, the constant battle to be happy and comfortable with your body and actually find true happiness. These are two very different things, you can still have a rocking body and be miserable in life...I’ve been there.
This photo represents a time where life was amazing, I had low lev...el stress in my life and I was a week away from stepping on stage. Similar to how I feel now. BUT I have been on the other side and gotten into great shape whilst struggling with my own mental wellbeing. It was like fighting a up hill battle I was never going to win. I placed all my self worth and happiness into looking a certain way adamant this would be enough to make me happy whilst my actual life was a emotional train wreck.
Achieving a hot body and winning trophies gave me a short term high but it definitely didn’t make me happy. It was then I decided to take a break from the pressures of looking like a bikini athlete and focus on what really mattered. Getting my life back together, getting my body strong, getting the demons out of my head. It took 2 years of working on me before I contemplated stepping back on stage. It’s not something that happens overnight you have to put the work in and do it daily.
You see dieting is stressful in itself wether that’s for your own personal goals or to step on stage. If you have crap going on and life is stressing you out you’re only applying more pressure...eventually somethings got to give and if it doesn’t that’s when your mental health suffers. Your self worth, your identity, your happiness, your confidence, your relationships.
Learn to become more self aware. Know when the time is right to give it 100% and when it’s time to back off and focus on health rather than fat loss.
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Protecting my Mental Wellbeing ... is something I am hot on. It’s also something I encourage my clients to be more aware of.
These days woman are busier than ever. We are juggling many responsibilities such as work, family, finances, with expectations such as being a good friend, how we think we should look, being there for everyone. But this is often at the detriment of our own wellbeing.
Leaving our own needs to the bottom of the priority pile because we have no time, not ...enough money, family comes first, go go go do do do!!! But if we just stop and make tome for us, to eat well, to rest, to exercise you’re going to be a much better mother, wife, friend, employee or boss lady. Those around you will get the mega charged version of you instead of the knackered watered down version.
You owe it to yourself and to those around you.
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Project Badass Shoot
So Sunday was the Project Badass photo shoot and these ladies blew me away, if they were nervous it did show. These badass’s were glowing 💕
For me Project Badass was never just a transformation plan. It’s a lifestyle. It’s about showing women there’s a better way than gimmicky diets or hours of cardio. To build their confidence. To be a community of women that empower each other and I am very proud of every single one of them.
... This isn’t the end of their journey ... every single lady has stayed on for the next 12 weeks to see what else they can achieve.
Massive thank you to Matt Marsh for the beautiful photos and for making this shoot fun for these women.
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If you don’t believe in you then who will?
See it...Believe it...Be it 👊🏻
Clearly see yourself reaching your fitness goals and you will have already won half the battle.


Do the weekends sabotage your progress?
Let me set the scene. You have had a great week and nailed your diet and workouts Monday to Friday and you are feeling so pleased with yourself, you can already feel your trousers feeling loser as your less bloated.
Friday evening means it's the end of another hard long week. You are mentally exhausted, the prospect of cooking isn't appealing so a cheeky take away seems like a great idea, after all you the been really good this week s...
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No Gym...No Problem!
Reach your fitness goals with my Home Workout Program. Combine my easy to follow 20 minute workouts and healthy eating guide to help you smash your fitness goals.
✅ Daily Home Workouts ... ✅ Healthy Eating Guide to follow ✅ Access to our awesome Members Community ✅ Unlimited Online Support from myself and members ✅ HIIT, Bodyweight, Yoga and Resistance workouts
Suitable for all fitness abilities, even beginners.
START'S Monday 5th November
Start your fitness journey with me click the link below :)…< br> For more information or to get started today just click this link here :) -camp/
Vanessa x
P.S Sign up today and receive your FREE 2 week kick start plan as well.
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Can you get results from Home Workouts?
So the short answer is 100% yes!
About 50%-70% of my workouts are done at in my house. It’s a fantastic way to get in shape if you’re nervous about going to the gym or super busy or if your a mum and can’t get out the house!
... For me I love the convenience of being able to just getting it done without the effort of going outside in the cold, driving, parking and all that before the workouts even done.
There are so many different styles of workouts to choose from these days from Bodyweight HIIT to Weight training or Yoga. You can get just as good a workout as if you went to a gym.
Plus this also means there are zero excuses for not getting it done. 👊🏻
If your interested in my home workout plan for just £20 a month then drop me a message and let’s get in shape together at home.

More about Vanessa French Fitness

Vanessa French Fitness is located at Basingstoke