Velo Sport Cycle Coaching

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Velo Sport Cycle Coaching

If you're serious about cycling, we'll help you get fitter and faster and take your performance to the next level.

Velo Sport Cycle Coaching Description

We'll give you free hints and tips and the option to join one-to-one performance coaching. We'll help you take your performance to the next level in a planned and focused way.



I’ve been aware for some time that I suffer from this. What do you do to beat the winter blues. UKCycleChat


Interesting read.


More Than Just Training: The Coach
It’s that that time of year where athletes have new goals for the season and are looking for a coach to work with. As coaches, we’re all in this business because we want to help others reach their goals and because we are passionate about our sport.
However, coaching is not just about designing an annual training plan or prescribing an individual session. It’s about building successful coach/athlete relationships, and that takes hard wor...k. For such relationships to work requires mutually compatible philosophies and an ability to get inside of the head of the athlete. This way we can work out what you want and more importantly what you need. ‘Want’ and ‘need’ are not the same thing.
Open Communication For most coaches, it takes time to learn to coach someone effectively. It is no different for most athletes, who often need to learn to be coached. Writing plans and prescribing training sessions is only a small part of the coaching process. Then comes getting athletes to provide effective feedback, data analysis, and for us to adapt our plans and sessions almost continually. For the coach-athlete relationship to work, athletes must have the ability, willingness and desire to be coached. When I’m taking on a new client, I always ask, “Why do you want to be coached and what do you think the role of a coach is?” Listen carefully to the answer and also listen to your ‘inner-voice’ to help you make a judgement on whether their beliefs are close enough to yours for the relationship to work.
Caring About the Athlete It’s a people business, so seeing the world from the athlete’s perspective is key. It very quickly becomes apparent if an athlete views coaching as a commodity and is expecting someone else to do the hard work. We must care as much as, but not more than the athlete about their success, otherwise frustration is likely to result. We must also define what that success looks like. Success to me is simply to be able to support a healthy and happy athlete who enjoys their sport. Lots of little process goals along the way give plenty of opportunities for success. Asking, “How are you?” rather than, “How did you get on in the race?” shows you care about them more than their results. Answers will often tell you far more than a Training Stress Score will.
So if you're thinking about coaching, whatever your goals are, just drop me a message and we can have a chat.
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It’s been a big month here at Camp Velo. I’ve been concentrating on climbing using FulGaz.
So far this month I’ve done 14205 metres of elevation. I’ve done it by riding two or three big climbs week and slowly building the elevation, here’s the main climbs....
Selva to Sa Calobra... Col de la Bonnete Mount Hotham Colle de Finestra The Cervina Passo de Stelvio And to finish the training block off a loop including Passo Gardena, Passo Campongo, Passo Pordoi, and Passo Selle. Time for a recovery week now.
So that’s me, it would be great to hear what you’re training for January has been like? UKCycleChat UKTriChat
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For those that follow me on Strava, you’ll know that I’ve been swimming three times per week since November and I can certainly confirm it’s helping with my Aerobic engine. @ukcyclechat


Coping with cold-induced thermogenesis
Let’s start with something slightly counter-intuitive: You might feel like eating less in winter but the cold actually makes your body burn more calories, so not the best idea.
“The cold is a key factor in not only training but in body weight. Cold-induced thermogenesis (CIT) is science-speak for the burning of more calories when exposed to a cold environment,” says Dr Mark Tallon, PhD, UK-based founder of TriathlonLab and someone who ha...s competed in eight Ironman events.
“In humans, this CIT can increase our basic metabolic rate – calorie burning – up to 280%.”
The greater the body fat percentage, the less the body accommodates for the biting cold of a typical northern European winter, Dr Tallon observes, but there will be adjustments for all body types.
“Some athletes will naturally want to eat more, whereas others will be happy with the normal dietary plan,” says Ian Craig, editor of Functional Sports Nutrition magazine and founder of the Centre for Integrative Sports Nutrition. “It is important for athletes to feel what their bodies are asking for and not just relying on numbers.”
Colorado-based Jeff Sankoff, Ironman racer, licensed physician, ex-medical editor at Inside Triathlon and Triathlete magazines and founder of TriDocCoaching, put some numbers on it, suggesting “an increase of 100 calories per hour when exercising in the cold for prolonged periods of time” for a trained athlete.
And if you put on a couple of kilos in this period, well, as Sankoff says, “An increase in body weight by 3-5kg over the off season is not the end of the world for most athletes and should not be feared or admonished.”
“If an athlete can avoid weight gain, even better but after all and life is to be lived and enjoyed!”
So yeah, eat more, not less, of a good balanced diet.
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Coaching works, but don't just take my word for it:)


So true and something I’ve ride with success. UKCycleChat


Interesting stuff. We are like most engines, only as good a fuel we put in.


Do you train in the rain? Are you brave enough to brave the wet? What are your coping mechanisms?? Let us know in the comments below…


What people say about us!


What does our Silver Coaching Plan include? • 4 Week training plan. • Establish goals for the season and current level of fitness. • Training history review. • Overview of training phases.... • Plan edits. • Weekly coach email support • Weekly coach phone support • Training Peaks Account • Weekly review • £95 per month.
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Summer events are now over. How did you go? Do you think you reached your peak? Was something lacking?
Now is not the time to rest. Now is the time to really refine and refocus your training for next years events. Now is the time to ramp it up and make next year – the year you achieve your goals.

More about Velo Sport Cycle Coaching

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -