West Carmarthenshire Physiotherapy And Sports Injury Clinic



A potential link between pollution and autism is being widely reported in the media, with a headline from The Sun claiming there is an 'Exhaust fume link to autism in infants,' and The Daily Telegraph reporting that 'Traffic fumes linked to autism.'
The news is based on a study looking at a possible relationship between the developmental disorder autism and traffic-related air pollution and air quality.
Researchers looked at where mothers lived while they were pregnant and i...n the first year of their children's lives. They then estimated the amount of traffic-related air pollution each child had been exposed to.
They found that children with autism were more likely to have lived in areas with the highest levels of traffic-related air pollution during foetal and early childhood development.
The researchers speculate that substances found in traffic-related air pollution may disrupt the development of the brain and nervous system.
However, despite the interesting findings, the study has limitations and its results should be interpreted with caution.
Importantly, this study cannot prove that exposure to traffic-related air pollution while in the womb or in the first year of life directly causes autism, only that there is an association. Other elements that the researchers did not take into account, such as genetics and environmental factors, may also be at play.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/…/Traffic-fu mes-linked-to-autism…
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“A breakfast of grapefruit and marmalade on toast could be lethal for people taking medication” is the headline in the Daily Mail. The news is based on a review that has highlighted grapefruit-medication interactions that can cause serious side effects.
It is already known that grapefruits contain a group of chemicals, furanocoumarins, which can affect drug metabolism – the amount of time it takes for a drug to be broken down by the body.
... The chemical inhibits an enzyme that breaks down drugs, this can cause more ‘active’ drug to be present in the body than was intended with the given dose. This can then trigger unpleasant, and sometimes serious, side effects.
However, the authors state that there is a general lack of knowledge about this interaction in the healthcare community, despite the fact that an interaction between grapefruit and certain medications was discovered more than 20 years ago.
The number of drugs that could potentially interact with grapefruit to cause serious adverse events has been increasing. The researchers say that there are now 43 types of prescription medication that could cause serious side effects if taken with grapefruit (or grapefruit juice).
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Grapefruit -Doctors-warn-cause-…
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An independent review of the controversial palliative care practice known as the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) has been announced, many newspapers report.
The LCP is intended to allow people with a terminal illness to die with dignity. But there have been a number of high-profile allegations that people have been placed on the LCP without consent or their friend’s or family’s knowledge. Concerns have also been raised about hospitals receiving payments for increasing the number... of patients who are placed on the LCP.
Care minister Norman Lamb is quoted as saying ‘It is clear that everyone wants their loved ones' final hours of life to be as pain free and dignified as possible, and the Liverpool Care Pathway is an important part of achieving this aim.’
‘However, as we have seen, there have been too many cases where patients were put on the pathway without a proper explanation or their families being involved. This is simply unacceptable.’
‘Today I have committed to appoint an independent chair to review how end of life care is working and oversee the reviews into the LCP. This will report back to me in the new year. This review will also consider the value of locally set incentives, and whether they are leading to bad decisions or practice.’
See more


Laugharne RFC had a cracking win on the weekend beating Furnace 41-33. 5 points earned (4 for the win and a try bonus point), and the club was well supported by the Rob McCusker and other players from the Scarlet’s.


Laugharne v Furnace today lets hope the boys can keep their 100% record!
http://www.pitchero.com/clubs/laugharnerf c/


Im not sure that is good reporting when we know that Liverpool need strikers not midfielders!!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Liverpool- want-Isco-Ander-Herr…


Physiotherapy helps with rheumatoid arthritis!
http://www.mirror.co.uk/…/dr-miriam-sto ppard-advice-livnig-…


The CSP in Scotland showed and celebrated the importance of physiotherapy and how it counts, in their conference:
http://www.csp.org.uk/…/csp-scotland-co nference-celebrates-…


NICE recommends that acupuncture can be used in the treatment of headaches. Acupuncture is a service that our clinic provides. For more information please use the link below:
http://www.csp.org.uk/…/acupuncture-win s-backing-first-nati…


One of the most inspiring video you may ever watch!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja9BFx5Mhq o


Could the old phrase “working up and appetite be wrong” there is evidence to suggest that exercise reduces the urge to eat!!
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/ 250232.php


Over the counter pain medication might make you worse!


Another interesting news article on how exercise might help people in Intensive Care recover more quickly:
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/…/…/story -fndo48ca-1226473497485


Something to consider!
https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov .uk/petitions/29399


Laugharne were unlucky at the weekend not to come away from Tycroes with something for all their commitment! It was a good game to watch with was marred by an inept referee who managed to give lineout’s when the ball was still in play and give tries when a player is held up and in touch!!
For the full report please use the link below:
http://carmarthenphysio.org.uk/cgi-bin/eb b/blog2/index.php


On sunday the 30th of september 2012 the GORLLEWIN GWYLLT Family Day is taking place in Pendine. Please use the link below for more details:
http://www.gorllewingwyllt.com/family-day .html

More about West Carmarthenshire Physiotherapy And Sports Injury Clinic

West Carmarthenshire Physiotherapy And Sports Injury Clinic is located at Kingston House, King Street, SA33 4QE Carmarthen
07971 346362