Yoga With T

Monday: -
Tuesday: 07:00 - 07:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 07:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Yoga With T

Southampton based, registered Ashtanga and Pre /postnatal yoga teacher RYT200 available for one to one teaching, group classes and corporate sessions.



Hey Lovelies, Just a quick reminder for those of you who are joining us for our yearly Christmas meal.
Time: 5pm Location: Piecaramba! 30A carlton place, southampton,... SO15 2DX Dress code: Whatever the hell you want!
Come hungry, leave happy! Merry Christmas you filthy animals.
T x
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Due to sickness, I have two available spaces in tonight's 17:30 Ashtanga class.Due to sickness, I have two available spaces in tonight's 17:30 Ashtanga class.


Anyone interested in taking some time out for yourself today at 5:30pm with restorative yoga? Suitable for all levels and pregnancy.


Good Evening Gang! Just to say that tomorrow we have 4 available spaces in the 4pm Rocket class and 1 available space in the 5:30pm Ashtanga class.


Hello lovely yogis, just a quick reminder that the studio is shut this week so there are no classes from me today. I am also on holiday for two weeks and my classes will return as normal on September 13th. See you soon!


Feeling the need to relax and truly switch off? Tomorrow is my first restorative yoga class at 5:30-6:45pm. Suitable for everyone, including beginners and pregnant women. Drop me a message to come to class!


Don't forget to book your space in tonight's classes - Rocket at 4pm and Ashtanga at 5:30pm. Don't worry about bringing your mat, we have everything you need right here in our beautiful studio. Just bring yourself and a smile! See you later šŸ˜„


Open for business.
I have been more selfish lately... taking back time for myself, paying attention to my own needs and saying no to things that don't build me up.
... Subsequently, I am now enjoying having the energy for creativity and increased passion to push myself further. Which in turn benefits others - I am a more attentive wife, a more caring friend and a happier teacher!
Give fully and freely but remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup.
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Quick reminder, there is no Monday 9:30am class as the studio is closed for Easter. Thursday classes are on as normal. Hopefully I'll see you soon and enjoy your Easter!


The sky is always blue.
Try to visualise a clear blue sky, radiant with sunshine and free from clouds. This vast expanse can be used to represent the natural state of our minds. Our thoughts and emotions are represented by what moves across this space; the fluffy white playful clouds are our positive emotions and the dark menacing storm clouds are our negative emotions. The colour of the clouds is what reflects our particular mood or thought. The thing is we donā€™t normally or even notice that our minds are filled with those friendly white fluffy clouds because they bring us joy. They are a pleasant distraction. We only tend to notice that are sky is full when it is those heavy dark clouds that have come to play and we are looking to remove them. The other thing that our emotions have in common with clouds is that if you watch them for long enough, you will notice that they move. Both light and dark clouds will change shape, disappear and move at their own pace. No matter how hard you try to blow them to move faster, they will continue to go about their own business.
Remember the last time you left the UK on a plane. It is very likely that the weather was cloudy on the ground but when you left on that plane there was nothing but blue sky above. Even when your mind is filled with the darkest of clouds, that blue sky is waiting on the other side. In the beginning, I thought that meditation was a way to actively create peace within my own mind by removing those dark clouds. Instead, I needed to learn that the blue sky is always there, I just needed to find the courage to sit with those emotions and watch them pass by.
I will leave you with a quote from Buddhist monk, Kelsang Gyatso - ā€œOur mind is like a cloudy sky: in essence clear and pure, but overcast by clouds of delusions. Just as the thickest clouds can disperse, so, too, even the heaviest delusions can be removed from our mind." #meditationmarch
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That dirty "C" word... Clutter.
I can always tell when I am headed towards a melt down because my environment becomes chaotic. Now maybe it is a chicken and egg scenario but I feel so much better when my house is clean and tidy. Waking up to a clear environment, I feel encouraged to use my time wisely and I am less distracted by the things I ā€œshouldā€ be doing. Likewise, coming home to a neat space is its own soothing reward.
... So having my home turned upside down and covered in dust by builders would explain why I have been feeling a little frustrated this past week. The problem is, my usual coping mechanisms for this wonā€™t work because the chaos is needed for change in our house. Simply put, things have got to get worse before they can better. Instead of allowing my inner control freak to give me a hard time about this, I needed to focus on the things I do have control over. This has manifested in me cleaning our bedroom today with my focus being on clearing and cleaning surfaces.
Todayā€™s picture is the result of my morningā€™s work. I have successfully carved out a little space of peace just for me and my meditation.
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The catch 22... If only telling yourself your own worth was enough to magically make you believe your own words. Quite often when you try to tell yourself something positive, there is a nasty little voice reminding you why it ā€œisn't trueā€. When faced with this level of resistance, it can be really hard to want to sit down to take time for yourself. Sometimes you need to take another, less direct, route that is perhaps harder for your unconscious mind to argue with. We know t...he positive changes that #meditation can bring to ourselves but have you stopped to think about how that will benefit the people around you?
Here are three possible examples. - By managing your emotions, you will free up more space in your head for you to be available for my friends. You will be a better listener and more compassionate to their needs. - Through being kind to yourself, you will be able to be more loving towards your partner +/- children. - The #selfawareness that you create in your meditation will give you more control over your emotions. This will allow you to be more patient with your work colleagues and think before you speak.
In the same way it is easier to be kind to others than it is to be kind to ourselves, it is easier to meditate for the benefit others.
In honour of #internationalwomensday I am meditating to be a more loving and patient daughter.
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Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?
This sassy comeback got me pondering... Maybe your mother is fine with your foul mouth but would you talk to her the same way you talk to yourself?
The inside of my head used to be an uncomfortable place to be... Filled with negative self-talk, blame and never feeling good enough. I had a light bulb moment - this was not healthy and it NEEDED to change. Queue lots and lots of hard work. #Self-love #meditation offered me a way to re-...start the conversation on my own terms and gave me permission to cut myself some slack. For this type of meditation to work well, you will need to be able to focus and so this will require a place free from distractions where you can be comfortable and warm. Feel free to choose different #mantras that you find empowering.
Take three deep sighing breaths, letting the the tension leave your body as you exhale. As you become aware of the emotional state of your mind, place one hand over your heart and one hand over your belly. Allow yourself to feel the movement of breath beneath your hands. On each inhale think "I am worthy" and each exhale "I am enough". The inhale brings in strength and the exhale gets rid of unkindness. Notice if any nasty voices pop up and momentarily examine the things they say... But each time, return to those sentences loudly and warmly.
Next time you catch yourself saying something nasty, replace it with something #positive. Because to put it simply, #youareenough.
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Your #monkeymind is going to rip your face off!
Ok, slightly dramatic but it certainly felt like this to me in the beginning when my mind would. Not. Let. Go!!! The harder I tried to find space and peace the harder it pulled me back until I was mentally bloody, bruised and totally miffed with #meditation. Until I learnt the art of distraction. Instead of trying to rip the banana (a.k.a. thought/emotion) out of its claws, I began to gently offer it a trade in the form of focus....
If this resonates with you, try the following: Start by saying to yourself, 'I am only going to sit still for 2 minutes'. Take things really slowly as you move into your practice, after all, you don't want to frighten your monkey! As you shut your eyes, ask yourself 'how am I feeling today?' and then examine the thoughts that arise curiously. From here settle into watching your breath as it comes and goes and follow it as it moves from your nose to belly. Count 1 for your inhale and 2 for your exhale, all the way up to 10. Repeat this process again starting at 1. Your mind will wander, it is inevitable! But when it does, try not to aggressively snatch it back. Instead, smile at the monkey no matter how vicious it is, and gently show it the alternative of watching your breathing.
Repeat this three times and then let go of all counting and the control. Let the mind take you wherever it wants to go. When you're ready, open up your eyes and smile.
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A few fun photos from my Teacher Training course October 2015.


10 days of of valiantly saying I would meditate first thing in the morning and ultimately leaving it until bedtime. 10 days of feeling fidgety, uncomfortable and overwhelmed with the noise in my head. 10 days of catching myself feeling angry and saying unkind things to myself.
Until this morning.... I willingly wanted to sit down and make space for myself. The pattern of meditation came comfortably to me and although my mind still chattered away, I was able to notice much more quickly when my mind wandered away and I returned it to my chosen focus with kindness and curiosity.
Tomorrow is another day and I cannot predict the state my mind will be in. My meditation might even be a complete car crash! And that's ok too. Regardless, I know that I am on the right path and I am enjoying the journey.
P. S tomorrow I will try to explain some of the ways I have learnt to wrangle my mind
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Tahlia is a wonderful yoga teacher who keeps classes fun. X


Tahlia is a fantastic tutor and soul saver! Her classes feed my craving to find the best version of myself. Canā€™t reccomend her classes enough! If there was a session everyday with T...Iā€™d go. Namaste šŸ™šŸ»


Tahlia has an approachable, friendly nature and an infectious personality. Her explanations of Asanas and breathing techniques are fantastic. I really recommend her Rocket and Ashtanga classes!


Started yoga over a year ago after attending one of Tahlia's classes. Even though I was useless (spent much of the class in Child's Pose) Tahlia agreed to take me on for one on one yoga teaching. There is no other teacher I would go to or recommend more highly. Tahlia is an amazing teacher; very encouraging and patient, she also works you hard. She wasn't phased by the fact that I was a total beginner, and by the fact that I had quite an extensive cardiac history which meant I got out of breath quite quickly. She adapts to suit all abilities and her commitment to her clients never falters. She gives 100% and the amount of progress I've made from when I first started to now is just remarkable! I've gained so much confidence and ability in my yoga and much of that I credit to Tahlia's wonderful teaching. Couldn't recommend Yoga With T enough ļæ½ xx


Loved my yoga session with Tahlia! Tahlia is a patient teacher, session was held in a small group, I felt comfortable even though Iā€™m not very flexible and not very experienced. Great, relaxing atmosphere at the end of the session! Definitely going to come back. Thank you Tahlia. X


I have tried yoga on and off for the past 4 years, but never felt like I could really be "good" at it. I'm not naturally flexible, I have a busy schedule and get easily jealous of all those it seems to "come naturally" to. Consequently my yoga experiences came with short bursts of motivation then proceeded to tail off. Tahlia is a teacher who will change your mind set and approach to the art of yoga. Not only is she a patient and passionate yogi, but she brings fun and discipline to her teaching in equal measures. Having someone else focus on your posture, aid guidance to your breathing and show you that you CAN achieve milestones with each practice is inspirational. I have every faith that no one will regret either a class or private session with T. She comes very highly recommended from me! X


First class last night, great and supportive enviroment. I recommend for anyone eaither starting out or progressing there practice.


Excellent classes with a great teacher. As a complete beginner I didn't really know what to expect but Tahlia started out by explaining the basics of yoga to me which I found really beneficial and tailored her one-to-one classes to what i wanted to achieve. I would definitely recommend her classes to anyone wanting to do yoga in a supportive, fun and relaxing environment.


Anyone interested in yoga (from total beginner to experienced) I would strongly recommend Tahliaā€™s classes! Fantastic teacher and lovely environment :)


Absolutely brilliant, I'm struggling with breast cancer and would thoroughly recommend Tahlia for both you body and your mind.


Tahlia is a wonderful yoga teacher who keeps classes fun. X


Tahlia is a fantastic tutor and soul saver! Her classes feed my craving to find the best version of myself. Canā€™t reccomend her classes enough! If there was a session everyday with T...Iā€™d go. Namaste šŸ™šŸ»


Tahlia has an approachable, friendly nature and an infectious personality. Her explanations of Asanas and breathing techniques are fantastic. I really recommend her Rocket and Ashtanga classes!


Started yoga over a year ago after attending one of Tahlia's classes. Even though I was useless (spent much of the class in Child's Pose) Tahlia agreed to take me on for one on one yoga teaching. There is no other teacher I would go to or recommend more highly. Tahlia is an amazing teacher; very encouraging and patient, she also works you hard. She wasn't phased by the fact that I was a total beginner, and by the fact that I had quite an extensive cardiac history which meant I got out of breath quite quickly. She adapts to suit all abilities and her commitment to her clients never falters. She gives 100% and the amount of progress I've made from when I first started to now is just remarkable! I've gained so much confidence and ability in my yoga and much of that I credit to Tahlia's wonderful teaching. Couldn't recommend Yoga With T enough ļæ½ xx


Loved my yoga session with Tahlia! Tahlia is a patient teacher, session was held in a small group, I felt comfortable even though Iā€™m not very flexible and not very experienced. Great, relaxing atmosphere at the end of the session! Definitely going to come back. Thank you Tahlia. X


I have tried yoga on and off for the past 4 years, but never felt like I could really be "good" at it. I'm not naturally flexible, I have a busy schedule and get easily jealous of all those it seems to "come naturally" to. Consequently my yoga experiences came with short bursts of motivation then proceeded to tail off. Tahlia is a teacher who will change your mind set and approach to the art of yoga. Not only is she a patient and passionate yogi, but she brings fun and discipline to her teaching in equal measures. Having someone else focus on your posture, aid guidance to your breathing and show you that you CAN achieve milestones with each practice is inspirational. I have every faith that no one will regret either a class or private session with T. She comes very highly recommended from me! X


First class last night, great and supportive enviroment. I recommend for anyone eaither starting out or progressing there practice.


Excellent classes with a great teacher. As a complete beginner I didn't really know what to expect but Tahlia started out by explaining the basics of yoga to me which I found really beneficial and tailored her one-to-one classes to what i wanted to achieve. I would definitely recommend her classes to anyone wanting to do yoga in a supportive, fun and relaxing environment.


Anyone interested in yoga (from total beginner to experienced) I would strongly recommend Tahliaā€™s classes! Fantastic teacher and lovely environment :)


Absolutely brilliant, I'm struggling with breast cancer and would thoroughly recommend Tahlia for both you body and your mind.

More about Yoga With T

Yoga With T is located at Target Health Group, Lower Ground Floor, 76 Bedford Place, so15 2df Southampton
Monday: -
Tuesday: 07:00 - 07:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 07:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -