Angela Deeks Sports & Body Massage

About Angela Deeks Sports & Body Massage

Level 4 qualified sports massage therapist.
Offering massage to aid recovery, prevent injury, improve flexibility and reduce stress.

Angela Deeks Sports & Body Massage Description

Level 4 qualified sports massage therapist.
Offering massage to aid recovery, prevent injury, improve flexibility and reduce stress.



More happy, pain free clients receiving their free treatment! Whatever the reason for massage don‚Äôt suffer any longer. Each smile here is on their own journey...they all do regular exercise and have suffered with pain and stiffness. Maintenance massage has helped each one improve their range of movement, reduce pain and tension and continue doing what they love. Whatever your reason get a massage and restore natural balance ūüôĆūüŹĽūüćÉ #massage #sports #sportsmassage #sportsmassagetherapist #muscle #painfree #maintenance #maintenancemassage #rangeofmotion #tension #stiffness #rangeofmovement #northeast #newcastle #newcastleupontyne #happyclient #happytherapist #loyalty #free #repay #restorenaturalbalance


I know there is a lot of you out there ready for your massage! ‚ÄľÔłŹAVAILABILITY THIS WEEK ‚ÄľÔłŹ ūüôĆūüŹĽTuesday; 4:15-5:15 ūüôĆūüŹĽWednesday; 10am-11am or 11:15-12:15 ūüôĆūüŹĽFriday; 4:45-5:45 or 6-7... ūüôĆūüŹĽSaturday; 10:15-11:15 or 11:30-12:30 Annnnnnnd go
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A week on and here‚Äôs my verdict on the Great North Run....will I do it again? Who knows haha but I‚Äôve had time to reflect and yes I had to stop a few times BUT I still did it. My first half marathon! I am proud of myself and everyone else who took part. I‚Äôm not a doesn‚Äôt come easy to me...and i can‚Äôt cope with the love hate relationship BUT all of that being said the GNR is something I‚Äôm glad I‚Äôve experienced. The crowds were amazing! Ice pops and jelly babies helped for sure! Got the t-shirt, medal and blisters to prove all the hard work and training was worth it. Now... what‚Äôs next?ūüėā #greatnorthrun #run #running #weekafter #medal #gnr #newcastle #newcastleupontyne #northumberland #thisgirlcan #hardwork #halfmarathon #firstone #proud #localhero #tynebridge #simplyhealth #achievement #whatsnext


HAPPY SATURDAY! Are you as happy as me today? ūüėĀūüėĀ
Early start with a lot of lovely clients in today...all for different reasons. How do you spend your Saturdays?ūü§ĒūüéČ


It‚Äôs FRIDAY ūüéČūüéČ
What‚Äôs your plans for the weekend? ūüėć
Is there a massage involved? ūüôĆūüŹĽ


We did it! Could not have completed it without him by my side! @mark_deeks youre my hero! Thank you to EVERYONE for all your support and encouragement. When a month has gone by without any training due to health i can‚Äôt believe we did it! Well done to everyone else (all 56k of you!) who took part in this year‚Äôs Great North Run. Some inspirational stories coming out that made me well up! For now I‚Äôm chilling with champagne and never want to do it again...but ask me again in a few days ūüėā first half marathon down. Woohooo!! #greatnorthrun #run #running #wedidit #newcastle #newcastleupontyne #halfmarathon #smashedit #lookatourmedals #champagne #moet #relax #achivement


To my clients (sorry I’ve missed a few!) who are also doing the GNR today...GOOD LUCK! You’ve got can do this! So proud of us all! #run #greatnorthrun #newcastle #newcastleupontyne #gnr #halfmaraton #youvegotthis #goodluck #runninghome #localhero


The night before our first half marathon!! Prep is well on the way, had a massage from mother bear, bubble bath, read a book...tired to chill, sorted out the bag, pinned the numbers on our tops, made flapjack annnnnnd burnt my first attempt at spaghetti ūüėā think it‚Äôs the excitement...or the nerves ha! Thank you everyone for actually nothing to watch my videos. Your support and encouragement has kept me going. Now I‚Äôm off to carb up and watch some rubbish tv! Peace out ‚úĆūüŹĽ #greatnorthrun #gnr #prep #newcastle #geetmintwife #exctied #nervous #terrified #mixedbag #emotions #herbie #springerspaniel #itsalmosthere #newcastleupontyne #haway #localhero #run #halfmaraton


Three days to go ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüėĪ my first ever half marathon. Never thought I‚Äôd see the day I was saying that. I‚Äôm feeling a mixed bag of emotions at the moment. What‚Äôs keeping me going is the reason why I‚Äôm doing this....I‚Äôm running for ‚ÄúOut of Sight Charity‚ÄĚ which is a local North East Charity helping visually impaired and disabled children and their families. They are unsung heroes who don‚Äôt get enough recognition for what they do. Two very special families, who I‚Äôve had the honour... of working with, have gained a lot from this charity and I‚Äôve seen the big smiles on their children‚Äôs faces. That‚Äôs what will get me over this line. If you want to donate checkout our Just Giving Page- #run #running #greatnorthrun #gnr #3days #charity #outofsightcharity #forthechildren #northeast #newcastle #newcastleupontyne #emotionalrollercoaster #wecandothis #icandothis #thisgirlcan #positivevibes
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Look at these lucky clients who have all received their FREE treatment. Each one is on their own journey, whether it has been recovering from injury, helping beat stress, improving flexibility, prevent injuries or just a bit of ‚Äúme time‚ÄĚ each client has been consistent with their treatment and each treatment has been been planned for them, giving them the best. Which is what they deserve. Thank you for trusting me and coming back again and again ūüôĆūüŹĽūüôĆūüŹĽ #massage #massagetherapy #sports #sportsmassage #sportsmassagetherapist #muscle #maintenance #prevention #preventinjury #improvement #injury #stressmanagement #stress #northeast #newcastle #newcastleupontyne #northtyneside #restorenaturalbalance


With 1 week to go I'm giving you an offer you CAN'T refuse ... ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł ŹūüŹÉūüŹĹ From the 3rd-15th September treat yourself to a pre or post GNR massage for ¬£25- Saving you ¬£10‚ĚóÔłŹ ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł ŹūüŹÉūüŹĹ Share with and tag anyone you know taking part and book your appointment today ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł ŹūüŹÉūüŹĹ Quote #GNR in your message or on the booking page to get this offer ūü§ėūüŹĽ
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How am I still not well?! 3weeks now ūüė© Worst run EVER. Emotional break down midway. Stopped twice...couldn‚Äôt even run 3miles ūüė©whatever lurgy Ive caught has totally taken it out of me. How will I do the GNR 10days if I can‚Äôt even run 3miles without stopping? My head hurts my body aches. Never been so frustrated with myself than I am right now. #run #runningirl #gnr #running #greatnorthrun #training #awful #lurgy #everythingaches #muscle #pain #emotional #rollarcoaster #help #notwell #itsbeentoolong


Don‚Äôt forget to book your massage before and after the GNR! Save ¬£10 towards a 1hr appointment and your legs will be thanking you ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹ ľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ô ÄÔłŹ


‚ÄľÔłŹTWO WEEKS TO GO‚ÄľÔłŹ The fear has set in for are you feeling?
With 2 weeks to go don‚Äôt forget I'm giving you an offer you CAN'T refuse ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł ŹūüŹÉūüŹĹ... From the 3rd-15th September treat yourself to a pre or post GNR massage for ¬£25- Saving you ¬£10‚ĚóÔłŹ ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł ŹūüŹÉūüŹĹ Share with and tag anyone you know taking part and book your appointment today ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł ŹūüŹÉūüŹĹ Quote #GNR in your message or on your booking page to get this offer ūü§ėūüŹĽ
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For a lovely mum to be, what a relaxing way to start your weekend ūüôĆūüŹĽūü§įūüŹĽIlze is 28 weeks and excepting a beautiful little girl ūüíĖ#pregnancy #massage #pregancymassage #northeast #massagetherapy #newcastle #northtyneside #relaxation #saturday #weekendvibes #aches #pains #restorenaturalbalance


First run since 2nd August and after having the lurgy for over two weeks I am canny proud I managed to keep going. 3.22miles without stopping. Had mother bear tagging along on the bike to make sure I didn‚Äôt pass out ūüėā everything aches. Breathing is shocking. The fear has set in! #notlongnow #run #running #greatnorthrun #gnr #training #muscle #aches #pains #recovery #breathedeep #northumberland #5k #proud #wishmeluck #howwillidothis


Lesa claimed her free massage with her loyalty card woohoo! ūüćÉLike a few of my clients, Lesa suffers from fibromyalgia and has constant pain and sensitivity is different areas. Every treatment started with a discussion on how she responded to the last one, we would change techniques if we needed to or concentrate more on a slightly different area more so than the previous time. She has been consistent with treatments and seen a lot of progress in her pain. Lesa never gives in ...and has the willingness to try anything. Some days we would work with the lightest of touch and do a lot of myofascial release, and others the pressure was deeper and those pesky knots in her shoulders would get a good going over. ūüćÉThe key is to listen to your client and adapt when and where it is needed. Everyone is different and unique. So their treatment plan should be too. It‚Äôs what makes every session different and gives the best results. You don‚Äôt have to be an avid gym goer or sports fanatic to benefit from massage, ask Lesa...she would agree it‚Äôs been extremely beneficial for her ūüôĆūüŹĽūüôĆūüŹĽ #massage #sportsmassage #muscle #joint #nerve #fybromyalgia #pain #myofascialrelease #stretch #loyalty #maintenance #massagetherapy #treatment #newcastle #northumberland #newcastleupontyne #happyclient #free #painfree #restorenaturalbalance ūüćÉ
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This is what a Sunday is about. @seahamhall the purple duck is also enjoying the nice relaxing Sunday here. Bath with a view after a fabulous hot stone massage. Unreal way to unwind and rejuvenate ūüôĆūüŹĽ wait till you see the room ūüėć #seaham #seahamhall #sunday #unwind #adalovelace #purpleduck #bubbles #bathwithaview #justwhatweneeded


With 3 weeks to go till the Great North Run I'm giving you an offer you CAN'T refuse ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł ŹūüŹÉūüŹĹ
From the 3rd-15th September treat yourself to a pre or post GNR massage for ¬£25- Saving you ¬£10‚ĚóÔłŹ
Share with and tag anyone you know taking part and book your appointment todayūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹĹūüŹÉūüŹľūüŹ ÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ... Quote #GNR in your message to get this offer ūü§ėūüŹĽ
Then if anyone fancies giving me one that would be lovely ūüėāūüėā
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Unreal Angela has magic hands my shoulder feels a million times better.. even if it doesn't hurt next week I'm going back regardless


Superb sports massage today - I feel so much better physically and mentally. ÔŅĹ

Thanks Angela x

Ps. I think you should be ‚Äėon call‚Äô for the cast of cats for the show week!! I‚Äôm going to highly recommend they check in and get sorted ...


So about a couple of months ago I pulled a muscle in my shoulders. I went to Angela to get a massage to get rid of the niggle. I have had 6 massage's so far for various niggles and I always feel much better after. Would totally recommend Angela to get rid of any niggles you have


Paid my first visit to see Angela this week and will certainly be returning. After a very busy period including lots of football and running a half marathon my legs desperately needed a refresh. Angela worked to understand my needs and provided exactly what I was looking for - I felt great afterwards and was back in action the following evening. Alongside all of that, Angela is so warm and personable and was a pleasure to visit. Thanks very much and see you again soon!


Just got back from my first massage with Angela, why did I wait so long??!!! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at the start of the year and have suffered so much with the pain especially my back for years. Angela has helped so much today, I walked out of their feeling so relaxed, no stiffness and with no pain in my back for the first time in weeks! Thank you so much hun xx


I'm doing and MMA fight this Saturday and after 8 weeks of hard training I went to Angela's for a massage yesterday.

Due to some internal sweelin from the heats that I've received in certain areas and a general feeling of tenderness all over my body,

I was hoping that she will sooth the pain and give me some relief from it.

Today, after a day, I have to say that I feel a lot better! Most of the pain has gone, i don't feel so stiff anymore and I have a better range of movement which I'll need in the fight night..

Definitely Angela has helped and I'm really grateful for what she did to me!

She's very analytical with a very professional approach, tries to find the source of the pain and her hands are really magical..!

She will give you exactly what you need and you will leave with an amazing feeling of relaxation afterwards!

I'll definitely go again and I would recommend her to any person in this world and especially athletes..

Well done Angela!! Great work!! ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ



I work for a Theatre service industry company which often involves a lot of heavy lifting. On Monday I did several really heavy jobs but at the end of the day picked up a relatively light item up with a bad technique and ended up totally incapacitated as a result, from a lower back injury.

Two days off sick then a 1 hour targeted session with Angela and I returned to work on Friday where I was able to function normally in the deconstruction of an out door stage platform then the construction of a different similar structure. The benefits of this service can not be overstated !



I have a history of back pain that comes and goes and is in the family. At the start of August, I pulled my back worse than ever before, leaving me struggling to walk for half a week, and then extremely stiff and without the range of movement a man my age should be capable of. With a big weekend on the horizon, I was desperate for some kind of relief. Angela was able to fit my in at a time that was suitable and soon.

She did her magic and I immediately felt much looser, with greater mobility. I wasn't able to rest my back completely as advised, but by a few days later, I felt a hundred times better.

It was an easy, reassuring and personable process and I completely recommend Angela for all your aches and pains. As far as I'm concerned, she's a miracle worker.


I had extremely tight calves off running and they used to cramp up so bad before I was even a mile in.. 2 half an hour sessions with Angela and I can comfortably complete my whole run, pain free! Couldn’t recommend higher.


I did Total Warrior 2017 (10 miles) and my knees and hamstrings were shot by the end of it! I was dubious about getting a sports massage but was convinced of the benefits by friends I train with. I spent an hour with Angela (who kindly fitted me in at short notice) and she was able to sort my legs out. They felt so much better after but still tender as expected. The next day, my legs felt as good as new. No pain. No aches. Nothing! I was back training the next day! The results were incredible. I'd definitely recommend her! I'm going back to have my back sorted! Thanks again Angela! Total miracle worker ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔłŹÔŅĹ!


I contacted Angela very last minute as I felt pain in my back and she kindly made time to see me almost immediately. I left feeling like a new woman, fantastic treatment, I would 100% recommend Angela, she is an absolute pro! Thank you so much! X


I booked in to see Angela after months of recurring neck and shoulder pain. We talked through everything before she began and she understood exactly what I needed. Angela knew just what was needed and I felt so much better after just an hour-I wish I‚Äôd gone sooner! I will be back and highly recommend anyone else to get booked in too! ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ


Had my first visit to Angela today as she managed to squeeze me in after a Sports injury - feeling so much better already and can't wait to go for my next one! She really works her magic xx thank you!


Fantastic massage which really helped to settle some stiffness after following a new training regime. Very professional service and excellent value for money! Will definitely return :)


Fantastic massage that really loosened up my aching back. Angela is also friendly and personable, making the whole experience a blast. I'll definitley be making return visits!


Couldn't recommend this lady enough she has helped me through a shoulder injury with me getting regular massages. I've also has a couple of relaxation massages also. She is professional and also very friendly and helpful I really carnt see myself going anywhere else.


Another painful but excellent session to sort out my whiplash injuries. Cartwheeling home afterwards feeling amazing. Thank you again ÔŅĹ


Angela was very welcoming and I felt at ease straight away. This was my first ever sports massage and will definitely be back after having a problem with my calf and shoulder. I was also given exercises to do and i felt the benefit straight away. Thank you it was fantastic ÔŅĹ


Amazing pregnancy massage today from Angela, so relaxing and just what I needed! Recommend all my pregnant friends to check her out ÔŅĹ


Unreal Angela has magic hands my shoulder feels a million times better.. even if it doesn't hurt next week I'm going back regardless


Superb sports massage today - I feel so much better physically and mentally. ÔŅĹ

Thanks Angela x

Ps. I think you should be ‚Äėon call‚Äô for the cast of cats for the show week!! I‚Äôm going to highly recommend they check in and get sorted ...


So about a couple of months ago I pulled a muscle in my shoulders. I went to Angela to get a massage to get rid of the niggle. I have had 6 massage's so far for various niggles and I always feel much better after. Would totally recommend Angela to get rid of any niggles you have


Paid my first visit to see Angela this week and will certainly be returning. After a very busy period including lots of football and running a half marathon my legs desperately needed a refresh. Angela worked to understand my needs and provided exactly what I was looking for - I felt great afterwards and was back in action the following evening. Alongside all of that, Angela is so warm and personable and was a pleasure to visit. Thanks very much and see you again soon!


Just got back from my first massage with Angela, why did I wait so long??!!! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at the start of the year and have suffered so much with the pain especially my back for years. Angela has helped so much today, I walked out of their feeling so relaxed, no stiffness and with no pain in my back for the first time in weeks! Thank you so much hun xx


I'm doing and MMA fight this Saturday and after 8 weeks of hard training I went to Angela's for a massage yesterday.

Due to some internal sweelin from the heats that I've received in certain areas and a general feeling of tenderness all over my body,

I was hoping that she will sooth the pain and give me some relief from it.

Today, after a day, I have to say that I feel a lot better! Most of the pain has gone, i don't feel so stiff anymore and I have a better range of movement which I'll need in the fight night..

Definitely Angela has helped and I'm really grateful for what she did to me!

She's very analytical with a very professional approach, tries to find the source of the pain and her hands are really magical..!

She will give you exactly what you need and you will leave with an amazing feeling of relaxation afterwards!

I'll definitely go again and I would recommend her to any person in this world and especially athletes..

Well done Angela!! Great work!! ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ



I work for a Theatre service industry company which often involves a lot of heavy lifting. On Monday I did several really heavy jobs but at the end of the day picked up a relatively light item up with a bad technique and ended up totally incapacitated as a result, from a lower back injury.

Two days off sick then a 1 hour targeted session with Angela and I returned to work on Friday where I was able to function normally in the deconstruction of an out door stage platform then the construction of a different similar structure. The benefits of this service can not be overstated !



I have a history of back pain that comes and goes and is in the family. At the start of August, I pulled my back worse than ever before, leaving me struggling to walk for half a week, and then extremely stiff and without the range of movement a man my age should be capable of. With a big weekend on the horizon, I was desperate for some kind of relief. Angela was able to fit my in at a time that was suitable and soon.

She did her magic and I immediately felt much looser, with greater mobility. I wasn't able to rest my back completely as advised, but by a few days later, I felt a hundred times better.

It was an easy, reassuring and personable process and I completely recommend Angela for all your aches and pains. As far as I'm concerned, she's a miracle worker.


I had extremely tight calves off running and they used to cramp up so bad before I was even a mile in.. 2 half an hour sessions with Angela and I can comfortably complete my whole run, pain free! Couldn’t recommend higher.


I did Total Warrior 2017 (10 miles) and my knees and hamstrings were shot by the end of it! I was dubious about getting a sports massage but was convinced of the benefits by friends I train with. I spent an hour with Angela (who kindly fitted me in at short notice) and she was able to sort my legs out. They felt so much better after but still tender as expected. The next day, my legs felt as good as new. No pain. No aches. Nothing! I was back training the next day! The results were incredible. I'd definitely recommend her! I'm going back to have my back sorted! Thanks again Angela! Total miracle worker ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔłŹÔŅĹ!


I contacted Angela very last minute as I felt pain in my back and she kindly made time to see me almost immediately. I left feeling like a new woman, fantastic treatment, I would 100% recommend Angela, she is an absolute pro! Thank you so much! X


I booked in to see Angela after months of recurring neck and shoulder pain. We talked through everything before she began and she understood exactly what I needed. Angela knew just what was needed and I felt so much better after just an hour-I wish I‚Äôd gone sooner! I will be back and highly recommend anyone else to get booked in too! ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ


Had my first visit to Angela today as she managed to squeeze me in after a Sports injury - feeling so much better already and can't wait to go for my next one! She really works her magic xx thank you!


Fantastic massage which really helped to settle some stiffness after following a new training regime. Very professional service and excellent value for money! Will definitely return :)


Fantastic massage that really loosened up my aching back. Angela is also friendly and personable, making the whole experience a blast. I'll definitley be making return visits!


Couldn't recommend this lady enough she has helped me through a shoulder injury with me getting regular massages. I've also has a couple of relaxation massages also. She is professional and also very friendly and helpful I really carnt see myself going anywhere else.


Another painful but excellent session to sort out my whiplash injuries. Cartwheeling home afterwards feeling amazing. Thank you again ÔŅĹ


Angela was very welcoming and I felt at ease straight away. This was my first ever sports massage and will definitely be back after having a problem with my calf and shoulder. I was also given exercises to do and i felt the benefit straight away. Thank you it was fantastic ÔŅĹ


Amazing pregnancy massage today from Angela, so relaxing and just what I needed! Recommend all my pregnant friends to check her out ÔŅĹ


Unreal Angela has magic hands my shoulder feels a million times better.. even if it doesn't hurt next week I'm going back regardless


Superb sports massage today - I feel so much better physically and mentally. ÔŅĹ

Thanks Angela x

Ps. I think you should be ‚Äėon call‚Äô for the cast of cats for the show week!! I‚Äôm going to highly recommend they check in and get sorted ...


So about a couple of months ago I pulled a muscle in my shoulders. I went to Angela to get a massage to get rid of the niggle. I have had 6 massage's so far for various niggles and I always feel much better after. Would totally recommend Angela to get rid of any niggles you have


Paid my first visit to see Angela this week and will certainly be returning. After a very busy period including lots of football and running a half marathon my legs desperately needed a refresh. Angela worked to understand my needs and provided exactly what I was looking for - I felt great afterwards and was back in action the following evening. Alongside all of that, Angela is so warm and personable and was a pleasure to visit. Thanks very much and see you again soon!


Just got back from my first massage with Angela, why did I wait so long??!!! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at the start of the year and have suffered so much with the pain especially my back for years. Angela has helped so much today, I walked out of their feeling so relaxed, no stiffness and with no pain in my back for the first time in weeks! Thank you so much hun xx


I'm doing and MMA fight this Saturday and after 8 weeks of hard training I went to Angela's for a massage yesterday.

Due to some internal sweelin from the heats that I've received in certain areas and a general feeling of tenderness all over my body,

I was hoping that she will sooth the pain and give me some relief from it.

Today, after a day, I have to say that I feel a lot better! Most of the pain has gone, i don't feel so stiff anymore and I have a better range of movement which I'll need in the fight night..

Definitely Angela has helped and I'm really grateful for what she did to me!

She's very analytical with a very professional approach, tries to find the source of the pain and her hands are really magical..!

She will give you exactly what you need and you will leave with an amazing feeling of relaxation afterwards!

I'll definitely go again and I would recommend her to any person in this world and especially athletes..

Well done Angela!! Great work!! ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ



I work for a Theatre service industry company which often involves a lot of heavy lifting. On Monday I did several really heavy jobs but at the end of the day picked up a relatively light item up with a bad technique and ended up totally incapacitated as a result, from a lower back injury.

Two days off sick then a 1 hour targeted session with Angela and I returned to work on Friday where I was able to function normally in the deconstruction of an out door stage platform then the construction of a different similar structure. The benefits of this service can not be overstated !



I have a history of back pain that comes and goes and is in the family. At the start of August, I pulled my back worse than ever before, leaving me struggling to walk for half a week, and then extremely stiff and without the range of movement a man my age should be capable of. With a big weekend on the horizon, I was desperate for some kind of relief. Angela was able to fit my in at a time that was suitable and soon.

She did her magic and I immediately felt much looser, with greater mobility. I wasn't able to rest my back completely as advised, but by a few days later, I felt a hundred times better.

It was an easy, reassuring and personable process and I completely recommend Angela for all your aches and pains. As far as I'm concerned, she's a miracle worker.


I had extremely tight calves off running and they used to cramp up so bad before I was even a mile in.. 2 half an hour sessions with Angela and I can comfortably complete my whole run, pain free! Couldn’t recommend higher.


I did Total Warrior 2017 (10 miles) and my knees and hamstrings were shot by the end of it! I was dubious about getting a sports massage but was convinced of the benefits by friends I train with. I spent an hour with Angela (who kindly fitted me in at short notice) and she was able to sort my legs out. They felt so much better after but still tender as expected. The next day, my legs felt as good as new. No pain. No aches. Nothing! I was back training the next day! The results were incredible. I'd definitely recommend her! I'm going back to have my back sorted! Thanks again Angela! Total miracle worker ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔłŹÔŅĹ!


I contacted Angela very last minute as I felt pain in my back and she kindly made time to see me almost immediately. I left feeling like a new woman, fantastic treatment, I would 100% recommend Angela, she is an absolute pro! Thank you so much! X


I booked in to see Angela after months of recurring neck and shoulder pain. We talked through everything before she began and she understood exactly what I needed. Angela knew just what was needed and I felt so much better after just an hour-I wish I‚Äôd gone sooner! I will be back and highly recommend anyone else to get booked in too! ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ


Had my first visit to Angela today as she managed to squeeze me in after a Sports injury - feeling so much better already and can't wait to go for my next one! She really works her magic xx thank you!


Fantastic massage which really helped to settle some stiffness after following a new training regime. Very professional service and excellent value for money! Will definitely return :)


Fantastic massage that really loosened up my aching back. Angela is also friendly and personable, making the whole experience a blast. I'll definitley be making return visits!


Couldn't recommend this lady enough she has helped me through a shoulder injury with me getting regular massages. I've also has a couple of relaxation massages also. She is professional and also very friendly and helpful I really carnt see myself going anywhere else.


Another painful but excellent session to sort out my whiplash injuries. Cartwheeling home afterwards feeling amazing. Thank you again ÔŅĹ


Angela was very welcoming and I felt at ease straight away. This was my first ever sports massage and will definitely be back after having a problem with my calf and shoulder. I was also given exercises to do and i felt the benefit straight away. Thank you it was fantastic ÔŅĹ


Amazing pregnancy massage today from Angela, so relaxing and just what I needed! Recommend all my pregnant friends to check her out ÔŅĹ

More about Angela Deeks Sports & Body Massage

Angela Deeks Sports & Body Massage is located at 36, Fairfield Avenue, NE24 3HW Blyth