Barnsley Neonatal Unit

About Barnsley Neonatal Unit

This page is about our Neonatal Unit at Barnsley Hospital. It's to show the public what we have done and are continuing to do for our charity Tiny Hearts x



Only two weeks to nominate your favourite team or individual. ­¤ż×­¤Å╗­¤ÆĢ


Thank you very much ­¤ÆĢ


Good morning everyone! As a unit weŌĆÖre keen to offer all the help and support we can during what can be a difficult time. Maternity services and our Neonatal Unit are focusing on providing support for parents wishing to stop smoking. Please take a look at this survey, thank you!Ō Ć”


You really are amazing. Thank you­¤ÆĢ


WeŌĆÖd love you to vote for us ­¤Æ¢


Wow! This is amazing! Thank you so very much for your wonderful continued support.The neonatal unit really do appreciate every single one of you. ­¤Æ¢­¤ÆÖ­¤ÆĢ­¤ź░­¤ż®­¤śŹ­¤ź│­¤ź│


Thank you ­¤ÆĢ


We really appreciate your support and would love you to nominate us if you think we made a difference. ­¤Æ¢­¤ÆÖ


This is greatly appreciated. A fantastic amount donated. Thanks to all involved xxx


Thank you so much. Xx


If interested click on this link to find out more informationŌĆ”/supŌĆ”/become -a-community-ambassador

User 10158419541297715/ If any of our parents would like to give some feed back too this would be really helpful. Happy to have feed back in message to us or directly to maternity voices. we work closely with our maternity team and would be good to have your thoughts. How could we on the neonatal unit help you to Quit or help you once you have quit in pregnancy.


Thank you for all your continued support. ­¤ÆĢ


Thank you very much ­¤ÆĢ


Wishing you all a very happy new year!
Thank you for all your continued support to our babies and the unit. And Thank you for all our wonderful Christmas gifts and cards for the babies, families and staff. We all really appreciate them.
... ­¤śŖ­¤ź░­¤śś­¤śś­¤śś­¤Æ¢­¤ÆÖ
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Merry Christmas wishes to all our lovely babies, families, friends, staff and colleagues. Hoping you all have a wonderful day ­¤Äģ­¤Å╝­¤Ä䭤Ƣ­¤ÆÖ­¤ź░


Merry Christmas Eve ­¤Äģ­¤Å╝


my little boy is in neonatal at the minute he was born at 29 wks n 1 day I cannot thank the girls enough who's looking after him the staff are fantastic and friendly couldn't have asked for anything better my boy is a wk old and doing very well not only do they care for him they also care for me which is helpful at this time in life thanks girls from bottom of my heart am ever so grateful love Harrison mum dawn x x


William was born at 35+1 weeks due to preeclampsia on the 28th December 2016. All the nurses made sure I knew what all his machines were for and made me feel 100 times better about the fact that he was not coming home with me and didn't try and persuade me to carry on breast feeding when I couldn't cope with it being a pump and not him! William is now 6 months old and is coming on in leaps and bounds! Thank you for everything ’┐Į


When my twin boys were born at 29w5d it was the scariest time of our lives. All of the staff played a crucial part in saving our boys lives and we will be for ever grateful to each and everyone of them. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, you're all amazing! Xx


Our daughter Robyn was born at 33+6 weeks (4lbs8oz) In May 2014 and spent 17 days in Barnsley neonatal unit. We were all well looked after by the lovely staff. Thank you so much.....Robyn is now a happy, healthy, clever and quite tall 3 year old


Our Daughter, Emily-Grace was born at 30 weeks +2 days and weighed 2lb 13oz. We would like to say a massive thank you to all the staff on the neonatal unit not only for the love and care you gave to Emily-Grace but all the support you gave to us as parents and got us through a difficult time. Emily-Grace spent 8 weeks and 4 days on the neonatal unit and during that time we got to know most of the staff and you are all truly amazing and do a fantastic job. Thank you, love Lisa, Mark and Emily-Grace xx ’┐Į xx


My twin girls were born 5wks early and although I hated seeing them so helpless in their incubators I cannot express how grateful I am to each and every person who looked after them. They were only in special care for 10 days but the staff made those ten days more easier to get through, so welcoming and reassuring. Plus they dont mind me phoning at daft hours in the morning just to be told they were ok lol. I owe each and every one a heartfelt thankyou and will be eternally thankful for the service they provided


My son was diagnosed with a collapsed lung when he was 24 hours old and spent 10 days in scbu. The staff were all fantastic, not just with him, but also me and my husband. They helped us to understand what was happening when he was at his worst and when he was on the mend gave us lots of support for breastfeeding. Ernie is nearly 8 months now and is doing really well and we will always be so grateful to everyone in the unit.


My son was born at Jessops (due to previous pregnancy complications) he was born at 28 weeks, spent the first 9 weeks in Jessops before being well enough to move to Barnsley SCBU (our home town) where we was told he would spend another few months before being well enough to go home. Between the staff in SCBU and the community nursing team we were able to get Riley home after just 2 short weeks. The staff were amazing and the 'relaxed' atmosphere was much nicer than the hectic-ness of Jessops. I was made to feel like a mum and not an on-looker.


My son Bradley was born at 35 weeks on 10 April 2013 due to prom, weighing 5.8lb he's now a healthy happy 3 year old. And my daughter Lacey was born at 32 weeks on 26 may 2016 due to placenta previa. Weighing 4lb she's almost 8 month now weighing 15.6lb and doing amazing. Both of them spent time in Barnsley scbu. If it wasn't for the staff at Barnsley, my little darlings wouldn't be here today. Massive thank you to the staff. Xx


My little boy was born in May 2016 at 32 weeks + 6 days. We were only in for 12 days but in that time the staff who looked after my baby did an absolutely fantastic job. They didn't just care for him but they also looked after me and without their help and support I don't know how I would have gotten through that time. A special thank you to all of you, from the bottom of my heart!! ŌØż xx


My little boy was born at 32wks on 6.2.12 due me having pre-eclamsia. When he was just 5days old he devolped septasemia which delayed hes stay in scbu to 4 week..i can not thank the staff enough for all there help n support. Their an amazing team!!


My baby was born 9 week early in scarborough hospital on the 29th of April 2013, she was transferred to barnsley that same evening whilst I fought for my life in scarborough, thankfully and through pure miracle I survived and my daughter allana thrived with the fantastic help of the doctors and nurses up at barnsley neo natal, she was 9 days old when I saw her for the first time after I was stable enough to be transferred home to barnsley hospital. Amazing moment and we will never forget what those hero's did For our daughter. She's now 3 and full of cheek and smiles thriving well with her 3 big Brother's Ōś║’┐Į xxx


Looked after my baby boy for 12 days ’┐Į Special mention to Heather and Hannah who got us through our hard days! We will be forever thankful X


I would like to say a big thank you to all staff on neonatal unit’┐Į my son was born 33+1 weeks, he was with you for 3 weeks he came home yesterday.. you all have done an amazing job looking after him.. thank you again..xxxx


I gave birth at 34+4 days weighing 4lb 15 and he were cared for on the special care unit for 2 and a half weeks. As a first time parent it were quite scary being taken up to ward and seeing him in an incubator on drips when you don't know what was wrong with them. I just want to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help, comfort and care you not only gave to my baby but us as a family. Your all amazing and for that I can't thank you enough aspecially Nat and Sarah who looked after him a few times you made us feel so much at ease whilst he were on the ward and made us feel better leaving him at night. You all have a real passion and love for your jobs which anyone can see thanks again for everything. He's now 8months and was weighed 4 weeks ago at 21.5lb such a cheeky little choppy he is.


I couldn't not thank the staff on this ward enough for everything they did for our beautiful baby Louie. Born at 28 plus 2 and came home 3 and half weeks before his due date thanks to the amazing staff and everything they did for our baby.


Fantastic, my little girl was 8 weeks early, the staff we brilliant. She spent her first Christmas & new year there. She is now five and is brilliant. We are so grateful to them all anf always will be x


Brilliantly cared for twin grandsons born 12 weeks early, couldnŌĆÖt have asked for more. Truly world class treatment.


Amazing staff that care for your baby like they are their own! Our boy was full term but still had to go to scbu for a week! Couldn't have asked for better people to care for our boy! Angels all of them


my little boy is in neonatal at the minute he was born at 29 wks n 1 day I cannot thank the girls enough who's looking after him the staff are fantastic and friendly couldn't have asked for anything better my boy is a wk old and doing very well not only do they care for him they also care for me which is helpful at this time in life thanks girls from bottom of my heart am ever so grateful love Harrison mum dawn x x


William was born at 35+1 weeks due to preeclampsia on the 28th December 2016. All the nurses made sure I knew what all his machines were for and made me feel 100 times better about the fact that he was not coming home with me and didn't try and persuade me to carry on breast feeding when I couldn't cope with it being a pump and not him! William is now 6 months old and is coming on in leaps and bounds! Thank you for everything ’┐Į


When my twin boys were born at 29w5d it was the scariest time of our lives. All of the staff played a crucial part in saving our boys lives and we will be for ever grateful to each and everyone of them. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, you're all amazing! Xx


Our daughter Robyn was born at 33+6 weeks (4lbs8oz) In May 2014 and spent 17 days in Barnsley neonatal unit. We were all well looked after by the lovely staff. Thank you so much.....Robyn is now a happy, healthy, clever and quite tall 3 year old


Our Daughter, Emily-Grace was born at 30 weeks +2 days and weighed 2lb 13oz. We would like to say a massive thank you to all the staff on the neonatal unit not only for the love and care you gave to Emily-Grace but all the support you gave to us as parents and got us through a difficult time. Emily-Grace spent 8 weeks and 4 days on the neonatal unit and during that time we got to know most of the staff and you are all truly amazing and do a fantastic job. Thank you, love Lisa, Mark and Emily-Grace xx ’┐Į xx


My twin girls were born 5wks early and although I hated seeing them so helpless in their incubators I cannot express how grateful I am to each and every person who looked after them. They were only in special care for 10 days but the staff made those ten days more easier to get through, so welcoming and reassuring. Plus they dont mind me phoning at daft hours in the morning just to be told they were ok lol. I owe each and every one a heartfelt thankyou and will be eternally thankful for the service they provided


My son was diagnosed with a collapsed lung when he was 24 hours old and spent 10 days in scbu. The staff were all fantastic, not just with him, but also me and my husband. They helped us to understand what was happening when he was at his worst and when he was on the mend gave us lots of support for breastfeeding. Ernie is nearly 8 months now and is doing really well and we will always be so grateful to everyone in the unit.


My son was born at Jessops (due to previous pregnancy complications) he was born at 28 weeks, spent the first 9 weeks in Jessops before being well enough to move to Barnsley SCBU (our home town) where we was told he would spend another few months before being well enough to go home. Between the staff in SCBU and the community nursing team we were able to get Riley home after just 2 short weeks. The staff were amazing and the 'relaxed' atmosphere was much nicer than the hectic-ness of Jessops. I was made to feel like a mum and not an on-looker.


My son Bradley was born at 35 weeks on 10 April 2013 due to prom, weighing 5.8lb he's now a healthy happy 3 year old. And my daughter Lacey was born at 32 weeks on 26 may 2016 due to placenta previa. Weighing 4lb she's almost 8 month now weighing 15.6lb and doing amazing. Both of them spent time in Barnsley scbu. If it wasn't for the staff at Barnsley, my little darlings wouldn't be here today. Massive thank you to the staff. Xx


My little boy was born in May 2016 at 32 weeks + 6 days. We were only in for 12 days but in that time the staff who looked after my baby did an absolutely fantastic job. They didn't just care for him but they also looked after me and without their help and support I don't know how I would have gotten through that time. A special thank you to all of you, from the bottom of my heart!! ŌØż xx


My little boy was born at 32wks on 6.2.12 due me having pre-eclamsia. When he was just 5days old he devolped septasemia which delayed hes stay in scbu to 4 week..i can not thank the staff enough for all there help n support. Their an amazing team!!


My baby was born 9 week early in scarborough hospital on the 29th of April 2013, she was transferred to barnsley that same evening whilst I fought for my life in scarborough, thankfully and through pure miracle I survived and my daughter allana thrived with the fantastic help of the doctors and nurses up at barnsley neo natal, she was 9 days old when I saw her for the first time after I was stable enough to be transferred home to barnsley hospital. Amazing moment and we will never forget what those hero's did For our daughter. She's now 3 and full of cheek and smiles thriving well with her 3 big Brother's Ōś║’┐Į xxx


Looked after my baby boy for 12 days ’┐Į Special mention to Heather and Hannah who got us through our hard days! We will be forever thankful X


I would like to say a big thank you to all staff on neonatal unit’┐Į my son was born 33+1 weeks, he was with you for 3 weeks he came home yesterday.. you all have done an amazing job looking after him.. thank you again..xxxx


I gave birth at 34+4 days weighing 4lb 15 and he were cared for on the special care unit for 2 and a half weeks. As a first time parent it were quite scary being taken up to ward and seeing him in an incubator on drips when you don't know what was wrong with them. I just want to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help, comfort and care you not only gave to my baby but us as a family. Your all amazing and for that I can't thank you enough aspecially Nat and Sarah who looked after him a few times you made us feel so much at ease whilst he were on the ward and made us feel better leaving him at night. You all have a real passion and love for your jobs which anyone can see thanks again for everything. He's now 8months and was weighed 4 weeks ago at 21.5lb such a cheeky little choppy he is.


I couldn't not thank the staff on this ward enough for everything they did for our beautiful baby Louie. Born at 28 plus 2 and came home 3 and half weeks before his due date thanks to the amazing staff and everything they did for our baby.


Fantastic, my little girl was 8 weeks early, the staff we brilliant. She spent her first Christmas & new year there. She is now five and is brilliant. We are so grateful to them all anf always will be x


Brilliantly cared for twin grandsons born 12 weeks early, couldnŌĆÖt have asked for more. Truly world class treatment.


Amazing staff that care for your baby like they are their own! Our boy was full term but still had to go to scbu for a week! Couldn't have asked for better people to care for our boy! Angels all of them

More about Barnsley Neonatal Unit

Barnsley Neonatal Unit is located at Barnsley Hospital, S752EP Barnsley