Home Fitness Training

About Home Fitness Training

Fitness Training done in the comfort of your own home, at a time to suit you



Becoming a group fitness instructor?
A little bit risky as I understand people are being replaced by computers with automated group classes (ran by a computer?) doesn't sound good for anyone starting out, sounds like 1000s of group instructors being made redundant by technology
So what about outdoor group classes?
... As I understand more and more of these seem to be struggling, or certainly not getting the numbers they got a few years ago
I also think running a business from council property (ie - a playing field) is a very risky thing to do, as I understand councils are introducing charges/or licences for instructors to be able to run businesses on playing fields
This has started in some parts of the country but is increasingly being rolled out to other parts of the country and it seems they are annual licences...….(ie 12 months)…...so not ideal between the months of September to April during dark wet nights when class numbers drop.
As I see it, as time goes by and these charges/licences become more widespread you can imagine councils charging more for parks in certain areas, and less for parks in other areas

I would imagine to run a group session in a leafy part of the city would cost far more than it would in other areas
Would people pay a premium to train in these nicer parks? The trainer would have to charge more to cover higher licence costs
Maybe the trainer could run his/her group sessions where the parks are cheaper? But would people be willing to go an train in those areas?
For any young person considering moving into this line of work I wouldn't advise considering becoming a group fitness instructor
Personal Training is the better option in my opinion.
I certainly think 15 years ago (perhaps even 5 years ago) group classes would have created a nice little earner, but I think the ship has well and truly sailed.
I am wanting to write about my thoughts of this job role especially when I am thinking more about offering courses in the future
Personal Training v Group Classes?
Personal Training is the safer bet for anyone starting out in this industry.
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Sarah a mum, age 30 trained 6 days a week for 8 weeks and was strictly counting the calories
Actually I'm lying because she actually only did 3 sessions prior to going on holiday....and she wasn't counting the calories.
but fairs fair, she did lose 21cm in those 3 sessions
... She lost heavily on the legs, bum and the tummy area.
Sarah was perhaps the only person to incorporate maggots and shrimping as part of her training session...very effective fat burning exercises for the tummy
Life by the pool, can't beat it
And I'm sure you all wanted to hear that she trained 6 days per week
Sadly not, it was 3 days....spread over 3 weeks
Well you got to put in some effort if you want to look toned on holiday
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Top nutrition tip from me, no it doesn't involve macro nutrients and my fitness pal.
Let's be honest, it's the weekend so the chances of you being strict with your eating habits is practically zero
So.... tip
... If you have a pizza as your weekend treat then instead of having the supersized pizza (the one that's the size of a lorry wheel)...instead have the medium pizza (the one that's the same size as a large dinner plate)
Simple switches will not only save you money but will go a long way to reducing the amount that you eat.
For those obsessed with protein (building lean muscle) try the BBQ sticky wings (yes I am being silly now)
Enjoy the weekend everyone and don't feel guilty if you over indulge
Thats why you do your weekly fitness session ;)
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Tasty, filling and fast
The lot done in the time it takes pasta to cook


So the cost of fitness is a massive deterrent for many people when it comes to solving their fat problem.
People simply cannot afford fitness. People place a limit onto how much they are prepared to pay to solve their fat problem
But how many of the same people would place a limit on the cost of takeaways?
... A decent pizza and perhaps a side would come in at £18....how many people would say "sorry not paying that"
Cost of boozing, not cheap these days, would you go out on Saturday and give yourself a limit of £25 to spend? (That includes taxis, drinks etc....)
So when it comes to a lifestyle where people pay to become obese there are no spending constraints
But the same people are unhappy when they are obese, caused by very lifestyle that they follow (which has no spending limits)
But suddenly when it comes to solving the problem (obesity) all of a sudden there is now a spending limit?
Perhaps a solution to fat/obesity is to not spend so much leading the very lifestyle that is causing you to become overweight?
And with the money saved you can spend the saved money on fitness? (Gym membership, pt,joining a class)
You would find your fat problems coming to an end very quickly
So top tip for today.. ..... Place a spending limit on the very lifestyle that is causing you to become overweight.
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If your in the gym 2 or 3 times per week and you aren't seeing results then it's very likely that you are doing the wrong type of training.
Don't waste your time
If you want to do something where you seem to get fatter then here is a top tip from me.....go to a coffee shop, eat a big slice of cake and have a sugar filled flavoured coffee (or a cookies and creme frappicino)
... People who drink cookies and cream frappicinos look like they are having a more enjoyable time than people who do workouts,but don't get results
If you training and not getting results then change what you are doing
And you would be surprised how many people message me saying "I'm in the gym 3 times per week and I'm not getting results....or getting fatter"
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Body callipers not needed here,or other fancy measuring equipment
This is photo from customers eye view.....looking down at her tummy area and tape measure illustrates loss seen from this area in 3 sessions
The phrase dropping like a stone is certainly appropriate in this case


Those who are wanting to do extra in addition to personal training (it's a general question from new starters)
Should I buy a cross trainer, running machine, join a budget gym......the answer to the above is no
Buy a skipping rope (or jump rope) instead.. it will cost you around £3 and will save you a fortune in comparison to an expensive piece of fitness equipment
... Full body workout and fast
At least if you get fed up of skipping you can put the skipping rope in the bin
Running machines and cross trainers won't fit in your wheelie bin (However unwanted pieces of fitness like exercise bikes make great clothes horses to dry your clothes....you can't dry wet clothes on a skipping rope)
Top tip.....5 mins skipping on the back garden and if you need to stop just do 10 sit-ups, get back up continue skipping etc.... for 5 mins
2 times per week on top of pt?
SOME MAY BE ASKING.....why not join a budget gym in addition to pt?
+ The skipping rope won't tie you into a financial contract
+ The skipping rope won't send the debt collection boys in if you make an error with payments
Also...this is the big one
If you cannot spend 5 minutes on the back garden skipping then what chance have you got driving to the gym (assuming gym is 25 mins away)
5 minutes with a skipping rope, job done
5 minutes into a 25 minute car journey, you get as far as the end of your housing estate?
You then got another 20 minutes driving in your car to get to gym, then you got to queue for the machines
1 hour in gym, 25 minutes driving home
This means if you leave house to go to gym at 6pm then you'll be back home at 7:50pm......or you could do the skipping and be finished at 6:05pm
So that's my tip, skipping
But if in doubt with regards joints etc.....feel free to chat at next session.
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36cm lost in 3 sessions for Kirsty Poxton age 29
The belly button area has taken a massive loss, this area alone has lost 13cm
Kirsty has also lost 7 pounds in weight
... The tape measure is being held where tummy was when she first started 3 sessions ago (photo)
Kirsty trains with her friend Emma. They both do the martial arts based workout which leaves them pouring with sweat.
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This photo shows how easy it is to get a younger person in shape.
This is 5 weeks (or 6 sessions) from back in the days when group classes used to run, so 6 sessions would have set this class member back £5 per session (or £30)
A person of this age does not need a fancy programme in my opinion or a complicated method in order to get results.
... Nutrition plans, training numerous times per week in a gym? No
Anything that works for 40 and 50 something's will easily work for someone age 18 to 25.
Types of training that work for 25 year olds, are unlikely to work for 50 year olds.
If you are under the age of 25 then you should be expecting to see very fast results, regardless of what type of fitness you are doing.
As mentioned,this is from back in the days of group classes.
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Are you thinking about becoming a personal trainer?
Getting people in shape, new career?
Leg day, tummy day, arm day, full body day etc....it's a full lifestyle change this body transformation lark
... So I would assume you plan to be targeting 20 somethings with plenty of free time?
What about the over 40s.....why not target them?
But what if the over 40s can't train like a 20 something?
Ok....so we are planning to do arm day,tummy day, leg day with a 48 year old.....there is a problem (and it's not financial)
If a 25 year old has to dedicate all this time to a body transformation then a 48 year old doesn't stand a chance if they followed the same body transformation programme.
Here are a few reasons
+ The 48 year old won't respond (or see changes) as quickly as the 25 year old
....simple solution, make the 48 year old work harder....not advisable
+ The 48 year old won't have the physical capabilities of the 25 year old, the older person will have far more limitations
+ The 48 year old is likely to be more susceptible to injury (they will also take far longer to recover if they were to suffer an injury. Injuring your customers needs to be avoided at all cost.
+ The 48 year old is likely to have far greater demands on their time, children, grandchildren, perhaps they have elderly parents?
The 25 year old may well be able to train 5 times per week
If the 25 year old has to do 5 sessions per week,follow a strict eating plan for the body transformation to work, what would the 48 year old need to do to achieve the same outcomes?
If you are thinking "I want to become a personal trainer" then the programme you offer has to work effectively for the over 40s.
Young people with lots of free time to spend at the gym represent a tiny miniscule percentage of the population and it would be madness to go into this industry to target such a small percentage of people.
Surely it would make sense to develop a business around the overwhelming majority of the general population?
Mums,dad's, grandmas,granddad's people with little free time
I believe you cannot be going into this industry as a new starter if you aren't willing to train the vast majority of the population
You wouldn't open a sandwich shop next to a building site and offer a vegan range or healthy shakes? Not when most of those burly building site workers want a bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast....it makes sense to target the majority
5 sessions per week, great for the 25 year old but perhaps not so good for the 48 year old.
The 48 year old will also be wanting results for their money and if you cannot deliver these results for these people, then your career as a personal trainer is likely to be very short term.
Just some of my thoughts for new people who maybe thinking about going into this as a job
Targeting 48 year olds who want results with one training session per week..... Burpees, planks not required
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Here is John age 60 and weighs 22 stone 10 pounds....these are the start photos
In the last 7 days he has lost 13cm and 5 pounds in weight.
This 13cm is good because the men only measure in 3 places (whereas the women measure waist, belly button, lower tummy, hips, left leg and right leg ....6 places.....8 places if women measure bingo wings too)
... So this 13cm is a great start on the 3 points measured
John will be doing the after photo in a few weeks time... this is the start photo.
These photos will show you what everyday people can achieve.
It will be like one of those men's fitness magazine transformations where they successfully get a 25 year old in shape, although this after photo won't be photoshopped (when it arrives)......and John will be training once per week and not up to 5 times per week.
So keep an eye on this wall, there is going to be a visible change in a few weeks time.
And thankyou to John for these photos.
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Pregnancy and Fitness Training.
Best advice. ...concentrate on a safe pregnancy, your baby won't be overly concerned about you having a flabby tummy when it's in your tummy (it probably won't care that you got a flabby tummy even when it's 16 years old)
Having a flatter tummy while pregnant shouldn't be your number 1 priority
... And i would imagine exercises would cause problems.

So hardly worth wasting your time doing anyway
So concentrate on the important thing, giving birth to a healthy baby
A few months after the birth then you can then take steps to regaining your shape.
Perhaps focusing on your self confidence rather than an expanding tummy could be a greater priority?
I won't work with people who are pregnant,a few people have asked
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This is Denise age 53, a grandma and a mum of 5
Session number 5 was completed, and the goal was to be toned for an up and coming holiday. Over 60cm was lost with tummy area taking a big loss.
If you are over the age of 50 and you want to tone your tummy then forget things like sit-ups, plank, Burpees.....these only lead to lots to pain for absolutely no gain
... Exercises that work for the under 25s are unlikely to work for the over 50s.
45 minutes per week of kicking and punching pads is what you need to do if you want a leaner more toned body shape.
MPORTANT.....if you have any doubts about time scales and amount lost, please look at the 1st comment below (in comment section)
It will confirm amount lost and number of session completed
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Becoming a personal trainer, a job you maybe thinking bout?
One thing is certain the job market is certainly changing rapidly and so is our general lives
Getting around is getting more difficult with the increase in traffic, crazy road restrictions and road designs and this is eating more and more into people's free time
... How many have suffered the boredom of driving at 40mph or 50mph on those new smart motorways?
This is one big reason why I feel that Home Personal Training could be the way forward for any would be Personal Trainer
The rush hour now extends up to 6:30pm, possibly 7pm and people are having to leave home earlier in the morning to get to their place of work (oddly to try to beat the morning rush hour)………..so this means that during the week people could be spending 12 or 13 hours a day out of their house
So when are these people supposed to relax?
When are these people supposed to see their family?
Are these people seriously then going to go to a gym 3 times per week in the evening after work, when they probably left the house at 6:30am to go to work (possibly getting out of bed at 5:45am to get ready to go to work)
Why don't these people train at the weekend then? They might socialise, they might want to see their family, they may want to relax
Going to the gym is likely to be a bridge too far in terms to time management
So this is where 45 minutes per week of fitness comes in.
Look at it this way......if a customer joins a gym that's 3 miles away, then it could take 25 minutes to drive there, and then 25 minutes to drive back (that's 50 minutes driving to and from the gym)
If this has to be done 3 times per week then this person has to spend 150 minutes simply driving too and from the gym ( 2 and 1/2 hours driving)
This doesn't factor in getting changed, fiddling with lockers and then,......doing the fitness workout on top of all this. I am simply talking about driving too the gym and back home which is 150 minutes
So where are people going to find this time if they are full time workers?
And what happens when traffic problems get worse, which they will...……..what will things be like in 10 years time, will rush hour still be happening at 8pm?
So, this is where you come in as the Home Personal Trainer
45 minutes per week - the lot done and dusted, end of commitment for the week
That's less time than driving to and from the gym just once per week (50 minutes in a car if your gym is 3 miles away)
Home Personal Training will become the way forward as the months and years go by, so I believe any young person who is considering becoming a personal trainer would be well advised to consider training his/her customers within the comfort of their own home.
There are many other reasons why I believe Home PT is the better option for a would be PT.....but I will go into these reasons another day.
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1stone 5 pounds in weight lost in 6 weeks for customer age 51
50cm lost with tummy and tops of legs taking bulk of loss
Fitness combined with healthy eating (and treats) will get you the results you want.


65cm lost for Justine Haith who is 45 years old.
The belly button area (measured here) has lost 14cm alone. The tape measure is being used to illustrate the 14cm loss from this area.
Justine has been highly consistent with training, hence the results
... If you are wanting to tone (get similar results to Justine) then just follow same methods
If you can commit to one fitness session per week then you can expect to see similar changes.
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This is a simple idea and completed in around 60 seconds (I don't normally put as much honey in.....a big trigger happy today)
Its a good way to get a banana eaten, and foods like this keep those hunger pangs at bay
And if you not forever hungry then you aren't reaching for the biscuit tin
... See what you think.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCE0at6-k r4
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I am going to prepare eating plans, admittedly I struggle with presentation
But it's clear from yesterdays slightly dodgy post that many people suffer from carrying lots of fat (plus) feeling hungry constantly
But if people are over eating and they constantly feel hungry then whats going wrong?
... The quality of the food will be questionable if you aren't cooking from fresh.
If you aren't using fresh ingredients then its highly likely you are eating processed food in the form of ready meals or other super doper high energy food, and this is possibly why you are constantly hungry and carrying lots of fat
Some people were willing to pay £80 for 16 chocolates and this is total madness, it also shows how desperate people are to see a difference if they are willing to let common sense go out of the window just to become slim
But if you are hungry, you seem to be carrying lots of fat (and have low energy levels) then you are likely to be eating poor quality processed food
Simple changes can be made, for example the humble banana is quite filling
A banana can go into a nutri blend shake - mixed with skimmed milk and some honey to sweeten and you have a tasty shake which keeps you fuller, this is one example
Over the next few weeks I am going to reattempt creating an eating plan.
The one I created last year admittedly wasn't well presented (presentation isn't my strong point)…..however a plan like that would work.
So please bear with me while I create it.
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So another one of my slightly dodgy posts got the friend requests flying in, that time it was only 4 chocolate bars that I'd purchased earlier that day.
If 4 chocolate bars can fool people, then what impact would a photo of a professional model in a bikini have?
Anyway it's clear that people are desperate to lose weight.
... Even if that means eating highly nutritious protein mars bars.
But fear not as I have a genuine solution to your weight loss worries.
Here is someone who lost 109cm and around 2 and 1/2 stone in 10 weeks (one session per week)
If you can't afford the pt then cut back on the junk, processed food, booze and cook from fresh....this will save you a fortune
With the money saved you can then put this towards your weekly personal training session
Healthy eating combined with one session per week
End of your flabby problem
We would all like to eat highly nutritious chocolate bars but sadly they don't exist.
Many people are desperate to make changes to their body shape and it's clear that I could easily rip people off if I wanted to
Yesterday's post proves that.
Anyway.....109cm off in 10 weeks for person in pic
If you want similar results then you know what you need to do.
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Phil has helped me to loose inches that I thought I would never get rid of. After trying diets, gyms and fitness classes this training has given me the best results I have ever seen. The training is fun and gives you lots of energy and it has given me back my confidence and made me feel better about myself. Thank you Philip


Loved it deffo returning again. Feel brill might not do in few days lol. Thanks 4 the session x


Had my first session today with Phil, what an amazing trainer. Kept me motivated throughout and I lost 9cm in my first hr.

And for an exercise avoider I really can't wait until my next session.



Great varied circuit training session in Sheffield with a friendly group. Attending again after having a baby and already seeing results in just 3 sessions. Highly recommend


Fantastic workout amazing guy thanks ......


Becoming a group fitness instructor?
A little bit risky as I understand people are being replaced by computers with automated group classes (ran by a computer?) doesn't sound good for anyone starting out, sounds like 1000s of group instructors being made redundant by technology
So what about outdoor group classes?
... As I understand more and more of these seem to be struggling, or certainly not getting the numbers they got a few years ago
I also think running a business from council property (ie - a playing field) is a very risky thing to do, as I understand councils are introducing charges/or licences for instructors to be able to run businesses on playing fields
This has started in some parts of the country but is increasingly being rolled out to other parts of the country and it seems they are annual licences...….(ie 12 months)…...so not ideal between the months of September to April during dark wet nights when class numbers drop.
As I see it, as time goes by and these charges/licences become more widespread you can imagine councils charging more for parks in certain areas, and less for parks in other areas

I would imagine to run a group session in a leafy part of the city would cost far more than it would in other areas
Would people pay a premium to train in these nicer parks? The trainer would have to charge more to cover higher licence costs
Maybe the trainer could run his/her group sessions where the parks are cheaper? But would people be willing to go an train in those areas?
For any young person considering moving into this line of work I wouldn't advise considering becoming a group fitness instructor
Personal Training is the better option in my opinion.
I certainly think 15 years ago (perhaps even 5 years ago) group classes would have created a nice little earner, but I think the ship has well and truly sailed.
I am wanting to write about my thoughts of this job role especially when I am thinking more about offering courses in the future
Personal Training v Group Classes?
Personal Training is the safer bet for anyone starting out in this industry.
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Pregnancy and Fitness Training.
Best advice. ...concentrate on a safe pregnancy, your baby won't be overly concerned about you having a flabby tummy when it's in your tummy (it probably won't care that you got a flabby tummy even when it's 16 years old)
Having a flatter tummy while pregnant shouldn't be your number 1 priority
... And i would imagine exercises would cause problems.

So hardly worth wasting your time doing anyway
So concentrate on the important thing, giving birth to a healthy baby
A few months after the birth then you can then take steps to regaining your shape.
Perhaps focusing on your self confidence rather than an expanding tummy could be a greater priority?
I won't work with people who are pregnant,a few people have asked
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Phil has helped me to loose inches that I thought I would never get rid of. After trying diets, gyms and fitness classes this training has given me the best results I have ever seen. The training is fun and gives you lots of energy and it has given me back my confidence and made me feel better about myself. Thank you Philip


Loved it deffo returning again. Feel brill might not do in few days lol. Thanks 4 the session x


Had my first session today with Phil, what an amazing trainer. Kept me motivated throughout and I lost 9cm in my first hr.

And for an exercise avoider I really can't wait until my next session.



Great varied circuit training session in Sheffield with a friendly group. Attending again after having a baby and already seeing results in just 3 sessions. Highly recommend


Fantastic workout amazing guy thanks ......


Becoming a group fitness instructor?
A little bit risky as I understand people are being replaced by computers with automated group classes (ran by a computer?) doesn't sound good for anyone starting out, sounds like 1000s of group instructors being made redundant by technology
So what about outdoor group classes?
... As I understand more and more of these seem to be struggling, or certainly not getting the numbers they got a few years ago
I also think running a business from council property (ie - a playing field) is a very risky thing to do, as I understand councils are introducing charges/or licences for instructors to be able to run businesses on playing fields
This has started in some parts of the country but is increasingly being rolled out to other parts of the country and it seems they are annual licences...….(ie 12 months)…...so not ideal between the months of September to April during dark wet nights when class numbers drop.
As I see it, as time goes by and these charges/licences become more widespread you can imagine councils charging more for parks in certain areas, and less for parks in other areas

I would imagine to run a group session in a leafy part of the city would cost far more than it would in other areas
Would people pay a premium to train in these nicer parks? The trainer would have to charge more to cover higher licence costs
Maybe the trainer could run his/her group sessions where the parks are cheaper? But would people be willing to go an train in those areas?
For any young person considering moving into this line of work I wouldn't advise considering becoming a group fitness instructor
Personal Training is the better option in my opinion.
I certainly think 15 years ago (perhaps even 5 years ago) group classes would have created a nice little earner, but I think the ship has well and truly sailed.
I am wanting to write about my thoughts of this job role especially when I am thinking more about offering courses in the future
Personal Training v Group Classes?
Personal Training is the safer bet for anyone starting out in this industry.
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Pregnancy and Fitness Training.
Best advice. ...concentrate on a safe pregnancy, your baby won't be overly concerned about you having a flabby tummy when it's in your tummy (it probably won't care that you got a flabby tummy even when it's 16 years old)
Having a flatter tummy while pregnant shouldn't be your number 1 priority
... And i would imagine exercises would cause problems.

So hardly worth wasting your time doing anyway
So concentrate on the important thing, giving birth to a healthy baby
A few months after the birth then you can then take steps to regaining your shape.
Perhaps focusing on your self confidence rather than an expanding tummy could be a greater priority?
I won't work with people who are pregnant,a few people have asked
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Phil has helped me to loose inches that I thought I would never get rid of. After trying diets, gyms and fitness classes this training has given me the best results I have ever seen. The training is fun and gives you lots of energy and it has given me back my confidence and made me feel better about myself. Thank you Philip


Loved it deffo returning again. Feel brill might not do in few days lol. Thanks 4 the session x


Had my first session today with Phil, what an amazing trainer. Kept me motivated throughout and I lost 9cm in my first hr.

And for an exercise avoider I really can't wait until my next session.



Great varied circuit training session in Sheffield with a friendly group. Attending again after having a baby and already seeing results in just 3 sessions. Highly recommend


Fantastic workout amazing guy thanks ......


Becoming a group fitness instructor?
A little bit risky as I understand people are being replaced by computers with automated group classes (ran by a computer?) doesn't sound good for anyone starting out, sounds like 1000s of group instructors being made redundant by technology
So what about outdoor group classes?
... As I understand more and more of these seem to be struggling, or certainly not getting the numbers they got a few years ago
I also think running a business from council property (ie - a playing field) is a very risky thing to do, as I understand councils are introducing charges/or licences for instructors to be able to run businesses on playing fields
This has started in some parts of the country but is increasingly being rolled out to other parts of the country and it seems they are annual licences...….(ie 12 months)…...so not ideal between the months of September to April during dark wet nights when class numbers drop.
As I see it, as time goes by and these charges/licences become more widespread you can imagine councils charging more for parks in certain areas, and less for parks in other areas

I would imagine to run a group session in a leafy part of the city would cost far more than it would in other areas
Would people pay a premium to train in these nicer parks? The trainer would have to charge more to cover higher licence costs
Maybe the trainer could run his/her group sessions where the parks are cheaper? But would people be willing to go an train in those areas?
For any young person considering moving into this line of work I wouldn't advise considering becoming a group fitness instructor
Personal Training is the better option in my opinion.
I certainly think 15 years ago (perhaps even 5 years ago) group classes would have created a nice little earner, but I think the ship has well and truly sailed.
I am wanting to write about my thoughts of this job role especially when I am thinking more about offering courses in the future
Personal Training v Group Classes?
Personal Training is the safer bet for anyone starting out in this industry.
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Pregnancy and Fitness Training.
Best advice. ...concentrate on a safe pregnancy, your baby won't be overly concerned about you having a flabby tummy when it's in your tummy (it probably won't care that you got a flabby tummy even when it's 16 years old)
Having a flatter tummy while pregnant shouldn't be your number 1 priority
... And i would imagine exercises would cause problems.

So hardly worth wasting your time doing anyway
So concentrate on the important thing, giving birth to a healthy baby
A few months after the birth then you can then take steps to regaining your shape.
Perhaps focusing on your self confidence rather than an expanding tummy could be a greater priority?
I won't work with people who are pregnant,a few people have asked
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Phil has helped me to loose inches that I thought I would never get rid of. After trying diets, gyms and fitness classes this training has given me the best results I have ever seen. The training is fun and gives you lots of energy and it has given me back my confidence and made me feel better about myself. Thank you Philip


Loved it deffo returning again. Feel brill might not do in few days lol. Thanks 4 the session x


Had my first session today with Phil, what an amazing trainer. Kept me motivated throughout and I lost 9cm in my first hr.

And for an exercise avoider I really can't wait until my next session.



Great varied circuit training session in Sheffield with a friendly group. Attending again after having a baby and already seeing results in just 3 sessions. Highly recommend


Fantastic workout amazing guy thanks ......

More about Home Fitness Training

Home Fitness Training is located at Ecclesall Road, S118TL Sheffield
07400 572300