Humber Yawl Club

About Humber Yawl Club

The Humber Yawl Club is made up of two yacht havens on the River Humber. one in Winteringham and the other in Brough.

Humber Yawl Club Description

Visitors are welcome however It is important that guest non-members are signed-in by a current member and complete an entry in the guest book.



Some photos from Saturdays race and the week before, taken by Peter Bending . (sorry about the dirty lens)


Some photographs of the regatta taken by David Deakin


Alan Inglis, of Associated British Ports, will be making a presentation at the Brough Club House on Thursday (tomorrow), 15th. March commencing at 2030.
It is intended to be an interesting and informative evening, designed to foster relationships between HYC and ABP.
Please do your best to come along if at all possible and make the evening a success.
... It is planned to organise a similar presentation at Winteringham in the near future, possibly during a weekend.
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Nice to see so many members out tonight enjoying the 1930s sailing movies


WhoŌĆÖs looking forward to trying this?


Join us for Bill's VHS Video Night.
Grab a drink from the bar and settle down for a night watching some very old sailing videos, and reminisce.


Happy New Year 2018 to all of our Members, their families and our friends. We hope the year brings you fair winds and following seas.


Merry Christmas to our our Members, their families and our friends.


A big thank you to everyone who came out last night to the Christmas quiz.
What an amazing selection of food, you treated us too! - thanks to everyone who brought something along.
Special thanks to Paul, Dorothy, Michelle and Karen for running the bar for us and many thanks to our quizmaster Les, for keeping us entertained.
... We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas, see you all next year.
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Don't forget that it's our Christmas Quiz night on Thursday Night, at the bar in Brough Haven. We look forward to seeing you there in your most tasteless Christmas Jumper! In time-honoured tradition, please bring some treats so we have a splendid buffet to enjoy. Ōøä­¤Äģ­¤żČ­¤Äü­¤Ää­¤ī©’ĖÅŌØä’ĖÅ­¤Ź┤­¤ŹĘ­ ¤ŹĖ­¤Ź╣­¤Ź║­¤Ź╗­¤źé­¤źż­¤źā­¤ŹŠŌśĢ­¤źø­¤ ŹĮ’ĖÅ


Dear Member, please remember that membership fees are now due and should be paid by 1st January 2018.
If you have wish to keep a boat at the club; berthing applications are also due on 1st January.
Please help the Membership / Berthing Secretary by being prompt with your paperwork and payments.
... Many thanks.
The 2018 Membership fees are:
Full Membership ┬Ż100 Full & Family ┬Ż125 Associate ┬Ż50 Associate Partner ┬Ż10 Cadet ┬Ż10 Junior Cadet ┬Ż1
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Has anyone got some photos from last nights Winteringham Christmas Bash that they can share?


We look forward to welcoming you all at 2pm today at Winteringham Village Hall for the annual AGM.
We also look forward to partying with you tonight too, at the Winteringham Christmas Bash.


Have you seen the amazing Marine Research that the University of Hull is promoting? r.aspx


Many thanks to Michelle Dearing and her team of volunteers; for all the hard work, organising such a fantastic evening of great food and fantastic company.
We are so proud to celebrate yet another successful year in the clubs history.


Club Awards 2017
We are pleased to announce the results to the Club Awards 2017:
The CaptainŌĆÖs Trophy this year is awarded to Colin Lidster. Colin is always willing to give his time and expertise to help and assist numerous members of the Club. In launching and recovery of boats, driving the tractor, operating the boat hoist, maintenance of Club equipment and the stepping and un-stepping of masts, Colin is the first to lend a hand. He is a man who can be relied upon and alway...
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JudgeŌĆÖs Report 2017
Following the Awards Night last Saturday, we are pleased to share the Judges report:
The McKendrick Cruising Cup... I award the McKendrick Cruising Cup for the most successful and instructive cruise to Mel Parish for his account of the cruise from New Zealand to the Austral Islands en-route to the Marquesas via the Roaring Forties with Colin Porteous on his Moody 54 ENDORPHIN. The Pacific is not mentioned often in the Club Year Book but when it is, with a good track chart and log notes (not to mention the Albatross) It makes excellent reading.
The McKendrick Cruising Cup Runner-Up Stephen Johnson is awarded the McKendrick Cruising Cup Runner-Up for his cruise from Brough to Shetland and Fair Isle with KARANA, his 25ft Hunter Delta. His log includes good instructive information on small, seldom visited harbours such as PaddyŌĆÖs Hole in the Tees, Fair Isle and Unst and useful notes about eating well after sailing. This cruise meshes in well with StephenŌĆÖs cruise of 2015 covering Brough to Cape Wrath, Kinlochbervie, Howth and Brixham amongst others.
The McKendrick Weekend Cup The McKendrick Weekend Cup is awarded to Louise and David Wright for their cruise to Wainfleet Haven and the Skegness Yacht Club with their Kelt 29 MIDNIGHT BLUE. Yes, I know IŌĆÖve knocked a day off the cruise to make it fit the rules but the first day was only down to Hull. Cruises to Wainfleet haven were commonplace many years ago but very seldom happen now. MIDNIGHT BLUE is perfect for the haven with a lifting keel though relief at actually getting there was commonplace as well, even without overhead cables. At least on the East Coast we still have endless creeks and havens to explore
The Bluebird Perpetual Challenge Trophy Andrew and Nicole How are awarded the Bluebird Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the log of their cruise with the 28ft. Dragonfly VEGA round the Brittany coast to the lie de Sein and the Chaussee. Most of us stand well off lighthouses and their history is not something that every skipper has on his bookshelf but every lighthouse has its own fascinating story to tell. Some took 20 years to build while Ar Men on the Chausee took between 18 and 34 hours per year for 6 years before the base was above tide level and the tower could be started. Something for us all to think about while sailing past a distant lighthouse.
Rodney Clapson
N.B. The above is a transcript of the Captain's speech at the Awards Night. If you missed it, you missed a splendid evening. Please ensure that you dont miss out at next years event.
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Dear Member, Please join us some Christmas cheer for our annual Christmas Quiz at the Brough Haven on Thursday 21st December 2017. Followed by some Christmas Carol singing for those who wish to join in.

More about Humber Yawl Club

Humber Yawl Club is located at Saltgrounds Road, HU151 Brough, East Riding of Yorkshire